What is unfolding in our town, our country and our world right now is not just a battle between truth and lies that make up our reality, but a higher-level spiritual battle between good and evil, light and darkness.
— Rebecca Carnes, journalist, Connecticut
Every institution down to public education and the nature of work itself is being challenged, revised and callously savaged. Our history, our icons, our heroes, our customs and our traditions are all under fire.
— Mike Whitney
Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
— Ephesians 6:11-12
- The daunting challenge of sense-making in the Trump 2.0 Era — Penetrating the fog of war (Part 2)
- The daunting challenge of dot-connecting in the Trump 2.0 Era — Penetrating the fog of war (Part 1)
- Exercising discipline and vigilance amid the coming flood of change
- The woke-feminist war against reality isn’t going well
- Peak cognitive dissonance and the end of innocence Part 2
- Peak Cognitive Dissonance and the end of innocence Part 1
- Message to Senior Management: “Get woke, go broke” is no joke
- Blessed are the Weird
- The Party’s Over, Now What?
- Easter Reflections on the Inspiration of Boody Hills, Higher Love and the Contrarian Spirit of Defiant Truthers and Patriots
- Waging Peace: Combatting War Propaganda and Propagandists (Part Three)
- Waging Peace: Combating War Propaganda and Propagandists (Part Two)
- Waging Peace: Combatting War Propaganda and Propagandists (Part One)
- When Conscience Calls…
- Tumbling toward the abyss: An observer’s notes from July of 2015 on the precipitous decline of democracy
- Could we see a righteous student rebellion against indoctrination by a captive public education system?
- “Isaiah work”: What are the Returns on Labours of Love?
- The Stealth and Subtlety of Propagandists: Beware the band wagon or “inevitability” con
- The Art of War Revisited: Unleashing a “right brain” strategy to breach the matrix
- No Surrender! Finding serenity, freedom and meaning amid tyranny
- What’s Going on with the Church? Is the “Wheat” Being Sorted from the “Chaff”?
- Deconstructing and Countering the “Conspiracy Theorist” Smear
- The Missing “Parasite” Piece Falls into Place in the Big Picture Puzzle
- Was an inflection point in the war just reached? (May 29, 2023)
- Breaking the Vaccine Industry Bubble
- Avoiding the monkey trap: the pain and the possibilities in letting go
- Propaganda — Ultimate weapon of mass destruction?
- Breaking the Grip of Mass Formation Psychosis and Defeating Technocratic Totalitarianism: A look at the “how” and a quick assessment
- Which Long-Running Trends Are Likely to Reach Tipping Points in 2023?
- Bridging the Politically-Manufactured Covid Divide with Differing Family Members and Friends at Christmas
- The Covaxx Test — The Gift That Keeps on Giving?
- Bless You Scamdemic: Considering the Spiritual Alchemy that Transmutes Pain into Wisdom
- Savouring Those Uplifting Breaths of Fresh Air
- The “Why” and “How” of Engaging Our Children and Youth in the Current Struggle
- The Journey to Freedom Begins with Destroying the Globalists’ War Narratives — Past and Present
- Developing Decentralized Value Chains — the Re-invention Doesn’t Have to Start from Zero
- You’re Gonna Have to Serve Somebody
- The Use of Weaponized Science Against Natural Health Advocates — Goliath Versus David
- Beauty and Truth — Essential “Dietary Ingredients” as We Stumble Toward the Kingdom of God
- Mining the Great Deception: Extracting the Lessons Learned, Seizing the Teachable Moment and Equipping Kids for the Future
- Fighting the Information War: Defeating the Power of Propaganda Means Disarming Weaponized Words
- The Dark Side Exposed: Understanding, Confronting and Countering Evil
- Gatekeeping and Holding the Line
- Elephant Blindness (EB), the Most Dangerous and Debilitating Malady of Our Time? (Satire)
- On Lie Detection and Penetrating Official “No Go” Zones
- It’s for the Kids
- The World Liars’ Association (WLA) Celebrates a Banner Year (Satirical fiction)
- Truth — The Counter to Tyranny and Enslavement
- Young Child Saves Community from Mass Delusion (Allegory)
- The Crisis of Shattered Trust and the End of “Business as Usual” PR
- The Politician, the Elephant and the Covid “Plandemic” as a Political Proving Ground
- 11 Tactics for Staying Healthy and Whole while Living under Political Oppression
- Some of the legislation being violated by the so-called Covid control measures
- 10 Reasons to say “No” to the Vaxx
- An investigation of the Covid-19 (SARS Cov 2.) Narrative (draft paper)
- A Look at How the New World Order/Cabal/Illuminati pulled off the Covid Coup
- The Five Donald Trumps — Which is the Real One?
- Truman Burbank and Christof Syndrome
- 2018: Deception, Disclosure and Disruption
- 10 Disciplines of a Freedom Fighter (Part A)
- 10 Disciplines of a Freedom Fighter (Part B)
- Why Can’t Sam Learn? (Political allegory)
- Connecting the dots: Proxy Jihadi Wars, Mass Migration and Cultural Clashes in Europe
- Prayers for Canada’s Pogo Moment in 2017
- Oh Canada, Just Who is Standing on Guard for Thee?
- NATO is Psycho — A Preliminary, Unofficial Diagnosis
- Gaslighting — Psychological Manipulation that Breaks Your Will to Resist
- Exposing the Empire of Lies (Part A)
- Exposing the Empire of Lies (Part B)
- Truth-tellers, Court Jesters and an Emperor’s Wardrobe Malfunction (Part B)
- Truth-tellers, Court Jesters and an Emperor’s Wardrobe Malfunction (Part A)
- Confronting Godzilla (The Corporatocracy) (Part B)
- Confronting Godzilla (Part A)
- Our Dizzying Descent into a Post-Truth World
- Storm Preparation
- Conversations with a Dangerous Man