The daunting challenge of sense-making in the Trump 2.0 Era — Penetrating the fog of war (Part 2)

The daunting challenge of sense-making in the Trump 2.0 Era — Penetrating the fog of war (Part 2)

Calvin Mulligan March 3, 2025, (c)  All rights reserved

Some people may think Trump’s crazy. If he is, he’s crazy like a fox.” — Wilmer J. Leon, III

“People do not understand. Trump now realizes he is here for a purpose and is going full steam ahead. He now knows the real Deep State as I do. He is hitting the Cntrl-Alt-Delete and is rebooting the USA…” — Martin Armstrong

“Every day, we hit them with three things. They’ll bite on one, and we’ll get all of our stuff done, bang, bang, bang. These guys will never — will never be able to recover. But we’ve got to start with muzzle velocity” (Steve Bannon’s description of the Trump 2.0 Strategy) for overcoming opposition resistance)

Part 1 review

In Part 1, I proposed that at a time when it’s critically important to understand the direction the US administration is pushing the world, much of the official political analysts is failing us. It’s not simply the result of political bias, although that’s pervasive. Even the assessments coming from somewhat objective mainstream observers appear narrow and superficial.

The failure can be attributed in part to lack of attention to the larger context of a world war. And while it may be an unconventional war, it’s war nonetheless. And wars, by their very nature and this one in particular are waged by deception or more accurately, a blizzard of deceptions. Thus head fakes, propaganda, theatre, and coded communications are the order of the day.

A second consideration is that the rules governing normal life are suspended during times of war, particularly when there has been an attack on the United States by an external enemy. Among the rule changes, the President as Commander-in-Chief is granted expanded authority and is obliged to conduct the fight under prescribed rules. These understandings are integral features of the White Hat Patriot narrative outlined in Part 1.

Many critics consider this narrative to be a devious psy op. Since I’m not in a position to conclusively refute or validate it, I’m taking a utilitarian approach. I’m sharing some evidence supportive of this theory and inviting readers to test it. The test is very simple. Does this analytic lens better explain what we’re seeing and hearing daily in “the news” from mainstream sources? Does it offer any isights that mainstream analysis doesn’t? If so, it’s worth further consideration; if not, it should be discarded like last week’s junk mail.

Part 2

In pursuit of a Great Awakening

Central to the White Hat military cause is a mission to awaken the public to the Cabal’s historic coup and control over their lives and ignite a unifying society-wide Great Awakening. The White Hats have adopted two key strategies supporting this mission and worthy of discussion. One, as described by digital soldier Martin Geddes was to create a back-channel for communicating with the public that bypassed legacy media censorship and distortion. This initiative was launched in October of 2017.

That month, a military source believed to be connected to the president, began releasing coded intel referred to as “Q drops” to anonymous image board websites (“the Chans”). The Anons that frequented the boards decoded the Q drops for a wider audience of patriot “truthers”, who in turn shared the information with their followers. The Anons-truther alliance has grown into an army of keyboard soldiers engaged in the day to day struggle to expose Cabal darkness, reveal truth and anticipate the next development in the war. This stealth form of military communication with the public has effectively served to inform, unite and motivate the patriot community. That said, not all patriots are attuned to Q and not all so-called truther sites are serving the same team making discernment an imperative.

The other major strategy that the White Hats are using to awaken Normies captive of the Cabal matrix is presenting the public with a scripted media portrayal of events. In Part 2, I suggests how this tactic has engaged the attention of sleeping Normies while also adding another layer of potential confusion. The irony here is inescapable; The White Hats are using a media production (a portrayal) of real world events in order to get the attention of people held captive within a matrix of deception. Suffice to say, the fog associated with this information war is very dense.

The Greatest Show on Earth

Patriots are often told that that they are in fact watching “a movie” and, on occasion, they should sit back and “enjoy the show.” But why have the White Hats chosen to present the public with a scripted portrayal of events exposing the Cabal and its dark intent? Why instead, don’t they simply inform the world regarding the dirty business that’s been going on behind the curtain and encourage folks to break free of Cabal control? Why not just tell people directly that if it were not for the Trump win in 2016, Hilary Clinton would have taken America to war with Russia and into the dystopia of the WEF’s Great Reset?

The short answer given patriots is it wouldn’t have worked with a large segment of the population. The White Hat message would have been met with laughter and the usual “conspiracy theory” deflection. In fact, it likely would have reinforced the current gaping social-political divide. While the White Hats are committed to exposing Cabal depravity and darkness, they understand the psychological barriers that must be overcome.

Earlier generations told their children, You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Mark Twain said, It’s easier to fool an individual than convince the person that he or she had been fooled.” Consequently, the skeptical masses would have to be shown rather than told what’s has been going on. And to be clear, a lot of the Cabal’s dark deeds were conducted in plain sight, but it was beyond our comprehension. As Marshall McLuhan explained:

Only small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept safe by the public’s incredulity.” (via Martin Geddes)

There are other reasons for a carefully-managed release of dark truths once withheld from us by a dam of censorship and silence. Simply dumping a load of “heavy” disclosures regarding the the human sex-trafficking, baby farms and human experimentation worthy of the Nazi’s could put some people in the psyche ward. The gradual, controlled release via familiar news sources on the other hand, while shocking, stands a better chance of breaking through the trance. The scripted portrayals could also be used to embed coded messages to other members of the White Hat alliance and confuse their adversaries.

To clarify, the assumption here is that the term, “movie” does not imply the events being portrayed are purely fabrications. Presumably, the movie portrays particular situations and events that have occurred in the past or likely would befallen the nation in the future under the Cabal.

Believing is seeing (rather than “Seeing is believing”)

One can imagine that this is a massive production with a cast of thousands and worthy off the Greatest Show on Earth descriptor. This reality TV type of movie is playing to very different audiences of individuals at different stages in their awakening journey. The unaware perceive familiar faces on their screens, figures like Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Benjamin Netanyahu, King Charles, Kate Middleton, Vladimir Zelensky and others. And presumably, rapturous MAGA fans attending Trump’s pre-election rallies perceived their beloved Donald Trump. To this audience things have some semblance of familiarity and normalcy.

A much smaller audience consisting of Q-followers and patriots, however, observing the same footage perceives these same figures as avatars or stand-ins for the originals. The stand-ins may be body doubles/actors wearing high tech CIA-calibre masks, CGI-generated images or even clones playing their scripted roles. The Elon Musk character has, for example, been referred to by at least one truther as Elon Mask. (The original is said to have been removed by the White Hats because of his evil intentions.)

Patriot analysts have been distinguishing between the replacements and originals on the basis of differences in hairlines, ear attachment, height, eye colour, eyebrows, facial shape, teeth jaw lines and other physical features. On occasion, it appears that the cameras are helping them detect anomalies in the fakes by lingering on the exposed edge of a mask or an unnatural brow wrinkle in the surface of the Joe Biden mask for example. So, why can’t both audiences observe the same physical realities and agree on what’s “real”? It’s a good question. Robertson Davies answered it with a corollary of the Marshall McLuhan quote above: “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” Put another way, incredulous members of the public aren’t prepared to comprehend the White Hat Q narrative.

Winks to the Anons and clues for the sleeping

The Anons have been given other types of “winks” (beyond the exposed masks) on many occasions. Consider that on one occasion, a version of Hilary Clinton exited public view and returned about 30 minutes later looking significantly younger and in better health that the apparent original. More recently, a version of Joe Biden disappeared from public view and returned several days later standing about five or so inches taller than his predecessor. Some anomalies are more than little hints that we’re watching a movie; some are bold statements to those paying attention. For example, military observers informed truthers that Joe Biden’s 2020 inauguration ceremony was actually a funeral ceremony.

Seeming Freudian slips are another kind of “wink”. Do you think a suspected criminal member of Congress would actually hint at her own guilt as the Maxine Waters character did with this loaded statement: “The people of this country are being violated because all of our privacy is being taken by Elon Musk and Trump, and we don’t know what they have on us.”

The script writer was dropping a clue for dozy Dems with the “don’t know what they have on us”line.

“All the world’s a stage”

Consider just how confusing the picture has become for the observer trying to make sense of it all. There are/were reportedly four Biden characters operating out of a fake White House, and three or more Donald Trumps portraying the former candidate and the president. And to make things even more confusing, one alt media source has reported that the dark side operated it’s own version of Donald Trump in order to discredit the real one. I wonder if that’s the one that encouraged the satanic Netanyahu to “finish the job” in Gaza. Or, could it be the Trump that saluted the contribution of Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer to a chorus of boos?

It seems that the level of deception and complexity of the theatrics is greater than even some Q followers might suspect. A few months ago, White Hat ally, Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi of Australia, commented as follows:

“There is a world-wide conflict being fought — a coalition of just about every nation on the planet has been actively involved in this. The Black Hat leadership has been removed. Sometimes the Black Hats are being controlled by White Hats, believe it or not.”

If the latter statement is true, Shakespeare’s “All the world’s a stage” has never been more descriptive than it is now. It leads me to conclude that the most tyrannical extremes of some governments are a part of the movie script intended to show the world how bad things were about to become under globalist Cabal governance. I read of people being arrested in the UK for praying silently in proximity to abortion clinics for example. I’m now attributing such Orwellian measures to White Hat orchestration — an attempts to arouse and mobilize pussified and passive UK citizens.

A moving movie

As questionable as it may sound to skeptics, the movie method appears to be working, I regularly read first hand accounts of individuals jarred from their state of hypnosis by the abuses of their once-preferred political party. Some attribute their epiphanies to the attempted assassination of President Trump. I’m happy for them, even if it took a staged event to trigger their awakening. Will they be forgiving of the movie’s producers when they learn the truth? I don’t know.

I say this because the efforts made by the security staff to herd Trump off the stage a the Pennsylvania campaign rally were Keystone Cop grade. Clearly the emphasis was on capturing a dramatic moment. It generated a post-card perfect photo op. Somehow, Trump not only dodges the bullet, but he also manages to thrust his arm in the air triumphantly in defiance and shout “fight, “fight” Fight” with the US flag in the background. That said, I suspect the event was designed to represent a host of earlier attempts on Trump’s life. Again, it’s seemingly a case of the White Hats attempting to show, versus tell.

The continuing war is real however. Journalist, Robert Fulford has informed subscribers that, according to his sources, the recent helicopter crash was a Black Hat hit that took out a Trump double.)

And the Oscar goes to …

If I had to pick an obvious “movie” moment on Canadian turf, I’d nominate the standing ovation “Nazi” moment in Canadian parliament during a Zelensky visit. What Nazi-leaning government in the real world, including the Canadian Liberal government, would put its public image in such jeopardy? This was in my view a White Hat directed public humiliation ritual deigned to exposure the government’s true colours to sleeping Canadians.

It appears that a similar exercise, perhaps for the same purpose, was recently conducted in Denmark. See: “Danish politicians give standing ovation to member of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi unit” below. Really? What Danish politician would of his or her own free will would publicly applaud a Ukrainian Nazi soldier as Putin prepares to hold war crimes tribunals?

I suspect that the recent public row in the Oval Office between Trump and Vance with the harried Zelensky is a staged drama designed to further advance the plot. One reason for my suspicion is because a White Hat ally informed listeners that the original Zelensky was replaced with a mask-wearing actor. The second is that no politician with half a brain would expose him or herself to the public in such a negative light under normal circumstances. Thirdly, the set up was a classic bad-guy-good guys scenario. The public was presented with the “good guy” hosts looking dignified in suits and ties being harangued by a rude “bad guy” in his casual Friday khaki pants and sweater.

The scene is really a public statement to the effect: “The US is done with the war in Ukraine. and you, President Zelensky, so don’t let the door knob hit your butt on the way out. The scenesimultaneously elevates Tump and Vance to the lofty heights of humanitarian peace-seekers. Footnote: All three characters in this “skit” if is is that, were/are professional actors.

What about Canada’s glorious leader,, Justin Trudeau? Back in the days of the fake pandemic, Canadian patriots read in alt media sources that their PM — the original — had been fitted with an electronic ankle bracelet around the time he reportedly got Covid and replaced with a body double. One alt media journalist describes the current Trudeau considered to be the replacement as the “gap tooth” Trudeau.

It should be said in passing that the frequent references to public figures “testing positive for Covid” in the 2021-23 period was described to patriot audiences at the time as a coded message indicating that the individual in question had been arrested. In the case of the original “Trudeau the Terrible”, it appears that his political career may have ended between 2021 and 2022.

The last five years have taught us that the tools and technologies of deception are such that the Powers-the Be can not only manufacture news from nothing, but it can also control the level of truth content and the timing of its release. Thus, the general public often learns of significant events long after they have occurred. Why is the timing of information release controlled. There are multiple reasons. One reason may be to wait until the public would be more receptive to it (and not riot in the streets). Another reason for managing the timing of publication is to coordinate it it other developments central in a movie script intended to deceive either or both friends and enemies. For example, patriots have been informed that the original Pope and Prince Charles respectively, left this world some time ago and were replaced with actors. (The Charles replacement seriously falls short of a “look-alike”.)

This time lag between the hard “real” reality and the movie edition given to the public is a further source of confusion for observers. (more on that to follow).

If we are to believe the patriot narrative, we would have to agree it’s an epic world wide production encapsulating world-shaking and world-shaping events of enormous import. We may think it’s far-fetched. But the concept of using a show with actors to capture the attention of a subject isn’t new. Recall that Shakespeare’s Hamlet said:

The play’s the thing wherein I’ll capture the conscience of the King.” A White Hat paraphrase would be; “The play’s the thing wherein weI’ll awaken the consciousness of the public.” In which case, if successful, it likely would be considered the Greatest Show on Earth.

Next: Through the fog: Canada in the next world order


Zelensky leaves White House without signing minerals deals after Oval Office blow up: theorists were right about everything:

Meet a former CIA Chief of Disguise:

The neocon coup that has controlled the USA for 26 years is coming to an end:

We’ve seen this horror show before:}

Trump takes on the Deep State:

Danish politicians give standing ovation to member of Ukraine’s Neo Nazi unit:

Video shows moment of Trump Assassination attempt at rally:,vid:LAk6dXEzIUo,st:0

Standing ovation for a Ukrainian who fought with the Nazis sparks protest and an apology in Canada:

“Everything comes up against reflections of the truth sooner or late and falls short , but some are more truthful than others”:

Saruman: The Encyclopedia of ARDA:

Insights from a mass media corpus on “QAnon”:

Martin Geddes on Q:

For all the wrong reasons:

LTC Riccardo Bossi and Juan O Savin s/16/25:

Colonel Riccardo Bosi ‘the final phase. — Q Trust the plan:

The US government of Donald Trump is oligarchic, dysfunctional and disruptive of the local economy:

New White Hat and Musk Avatars continue revolution (Benjamin Fulford letter, Feb 17, 2025):

Captain Kyle and Kelly resume our biweekly Round Table w Australia Party’s leader LTC Bosi:

0Q Delta’s 2/14: A traitor’s justice. Panic in DC. No Mercy. PAIN Q February 15, 2024:

New White Hat and Musk Avatars continue revolution (Benjamin Fulford letter, Feb 17, 2025):

What the cognitive warrior sees,

The Five Donald Trumps: Which one is the real one?:

Fifth Generation Warfare

Open Your Mind to Change,

Roles in the Cognitive War,

4Chan and 8Chan (Britannica):

There never was a “New Corona Virus”, there never was a pandemic:

Chris Hedges: The Road to dictatorship:

The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People are dying all over the world. It’s a criminal undertaking. We call upon its immediate cancellation:

The daunting challenge of dot-connecting in the Trump 2.0 Era — Penetrating the fog of war (Part 1)

The daunting challenge of dot-connecting in the Trump 2.0 Era: Penetrating the fog of war (Part 1)

Calvin Mulligan, February 24, 2025 (c) rev. Feb 25, Mar 1, 2025 All rights reserved

“‘Understanding Trump’ is an exercise in futility for those who still choose to see the world through a prism of what passes for normalcy. Who believes in norms defined by standard practice? There is nothing normal about Trump.”— Scott Ritter, military analyst

“There is a world-wide conflict being fought — a coalition of just about every nation on the planet has been actively involved in this.— Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi

Much of what’s going on on the’s like a game of chess….And remember, this isn’t a game of chess in 2D or even 3D or 4D. It’s in 5D. There are multiple boards in play.” –Juan O. Savin, February 16, 2025.

In search of the real Donald Trump

During his first term in office, Donald Trump left America, mainstream media and much of the world confused as to his true character and political motivations and even the meaning of his words. There were a few patterns. One was that Trump would provide his take on a recent development, mainstream media would snicker and dismiss his claims as a sign of his perceived insanity, and within a few days evidence supporting his claims would appear. Or in other cases, Trump would leave them guessing. Remember his “the calm before the storm” tease triggering a reporter’s question, “What storm, Mr. President?” The response: “You’ll find out.” It was as if Trump inhabited a different space protected by well-guarded secrets.

Suffice to say, characterizations of the new president ranged widely — from anointed servant of God Almighty to an anti-Christ. Obviously, he couldn’t be both. In November of 2018, I parsed the perceived Trumps and sketched five of the most common personas. The key word here is perceived. The essay wasn’t based on in-depth analysis of the man at a personal or professional level. Rather, it was a summary of five Trump characterizations coming from largely US citizens, inclusive of political partisans from both sides. The five are:

  • Trump, the bumbling and dangerous politician;
  • Trump, the Deep State trojan horse leading the world into the new world order — an antiChrist;
  • Trump, the well-intended, but now defeated captive of the Deep State Cabal;
  • Trump the despicable criminal, and disgusting human being; and
  • Trump, the courageous champion fighting to restore America

More than five years later, it seems most partisans and pundits alike are still happy to consign Trump to one of these familiar categories. Even those committed to objective analysis are often baffled by what they see as policy inconsistencies, sudden reversals, head-scratching Israel First appointments and seeming double talk. And just when they think they can predict his next move, Trump throws them a curve.

One observer who claims to view Trump objectivity comments, “Sometimes he is right and sometimes he is not. Listening to him…sometimes… is like listening to Saruman.” (the White Wizard from the J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings). Interestingly, Trump may possess an ability similar to one of Saruman’s powers described in the on-line Encyclopedia of ARDA.

Beyond his deep intelligence, he was able to draw on an array of magical abilities; for example, it was said that he could change his form – or, at least, others’ perceptions of his form.

Is Trump able to change perceptions of him and his conduct as President? Is Trump a master of deception? From my perspective, Trump’s personage, thinking, communication and actions remain somewhere between opaque at the extreme and translucent at best and are routinely misread.

Delusional dictator, bold revolutionary or?

Here’s two assessments of Trump’s foreign policy illustrative of the Trump 2.0 Enigma. Military analyst, Scott Ritter upon observing Trump’s response to resolving the Ukraine conflict and pursuit of peace directly with Putin (absent Europe and Zelensky).

“And he (Trump) is breaking with established norms at a pace that belies convention. There is no more room for established practice. It’s a revolution, baby. And if you do not understand that, then nothing makes sense.” — Scott Ritter

Contrast that with the analysis Canadian Professor Rodrigues Tremblay recently offered in an interview and a paper entitled: “The US government of Donald Trump is oligarchic, disruptive and dysfunctional and disruptive to the global economy.”

Rodrigues further writes: “Something is definitively wrong and worrying about US President Donald Trump. His mental state is questionable considering his behaviour and his erratic, reckless and delusional statements.

He has made gratuitous insults, threats and attacks against many countries, including close allies, and would seem to have no hesitation in provoking an international trade war. Moreover, his rhetoric seems to get more and more violent as time goes by.” (Rodrigues adds that he would give Trump an F+ for his economic policy.)

It’s hard to believe these observers are describing the same person. One sees a wily political strategist deftly pursuing America’s interests, while the other sees a dangerous, mentally- impaired (“delusional”) dictator. In any given news day, one is likely to encounter dozens of equally divergent takes on the Trump 2.0 regime. It’s enough to give the average person a massive cognitive dissonance headache.

Is either of the above close to having a read on the real Donald Trump and his plans? And is there more at play behind the proverbial curtain? Given the precarious state of world affairs and the powerful mandate given Tump, one can argue that it’s never been more important to get it right. It follows that it’s difficult to hold the president and leader of the so-called “free world” accountable if people fail to understand the man, his mission and the social, political and economic environment he’s navigating.

An ambitious thought exercise

The purpose of this essay isn’t to sell you one or another version of Trump 2.0. Rather it’s to provide the reader with a more comprehensive analytic lens. This in turn should enable the diligent observer to penetrate some of the fog cloaking both Trump 2.0 and his administration and key events unfolding around him on the world stage. Simply stated, the goal is improved analysis and reducing distraction and noise.

My second objective is providing readers with an opportunity to apply my alternative lens on a test basis to a Canadian question. This is the matter of the Trump “51st State” references. The test question is: “Does this alternative lens provide some insight into the Trump 51st state reference?” Beyond that, can it help nudge Canadians beyond a heated hockey politics-infused debate about Canadian sovereignty?” And could this more nuanced view, help us to envision the footings of a new, preferred Canadian future? (Assuming a reasonable level of emotional intelligence prevails.)

Some amount of cognitive dissonances should be expected. The explanations and scenarios offered here will challenge conventional paradigms. Some readers may default to the standard “conspiracy theory” deflect, a subject I addressed elsewhere on this platform. On the other hand, some of my readers have been conditioning their minds to stretch beyond their comfort zones. Such individuals will be more able to don these new “glasses” metaphorically speaking, and engage in this thought exercise. And if after a couple of months, this more comprehensive paradigm fails to help penetrate the Trump 2.0 Enigma, they can discard it like yesterday’s junk mail.

An invisible information war

Warning: We are now leaving the realm of conventional thought and the official narrative and venturing into the realm of the often undiscussed and the undiscussable, Readers may experience cognitive dissonance from time to time and are encouraged to proceed slowly pausing periodically for breaks and some deep breathing. For veterans in the Truther community, this is a review.

Let’s begin by laying down some premises of an alternative reality and proposed context for all things Trump 2.0 .

  • We have been living in a post-truth era governed by post-truth politics where deep deception is the order of day.
  • While we have been living in a dark matrix of deception, we’ve more recently entered an era of disclosure and are now being bombarded by major, once-hidden truths on a weekly basis suggestive of tectonic shifts in human consciousness, politics and governance.
  • The reality of CIA narrative-shaping influence infecting mainstream media was revealed to the public in the 1970’s courtesy of the Church Commission. (The consolidation of news organizations since that time has further served to facilitate CIA narrative control. The “trusted news source” slogan is a joke.)
  • As USAID revelations have shown, Deep State powers have used citizens’ tax dollars to propagandize both domestic and foreign audiences and influence election results.
  • While the propagandized masses are awakening to their captive state, many remain enthralled and at odds with the awakened segment of the population. The cognitive dissonance experienced by “normies” when confronted with hard truths makes their “awakening” a painful process (note liberal left reactions to USAID revelations)
  • The tools and technologies available today and being used to create deceptions are far more powerful tools than most people imagine. The PTB are capable of fabricating entire alternative “realities” not unlike the matrix holding Truman captive in the movie, The Truman Show, starring Jim Carrey.
  • The so-called “Fact checkers” are mostly propaganda constructs installed to protect the establishment’s official narratives (e.g. “Safe and Effective”). They are in effect paid to suppress the truth and keep inquirers captives of the Establishment’s official narrative.

Note: We’re now moving further beyond the mainstream paradigm and into the realm of The Patriot White Hat Narrative. So, hang on.

The Patriot White Hat Narrative

Against the above backdrop, here are the key tenets of The White Hat Narrative which have been shared widely and discussed and debated among members of the freedom community over the last five years in particular.

  • The public assassination of JFK was a visible sign that a coup against the United States had been carried out by the dark Cabal of unelected powers JFK had warned Americans about.
  • JFK’s assassination inspired a group of patriotic generals in the US military (White Hats) to come together in secret to plot how they might take back America.
  • The White Hats decided that the most effective strategy for retaking America would be to infiltrate every realm of modern society (military, judiciary, policing, government, education academia, etc) grow their numbers, and move at an opportune moment.
  • Patriotic White Hat generals invited Donald Trump to lead their forces as Commander-in-Chief in their campaign to retake America and restore the Republic. Trump accepted their invitation and won the presidency in 2016, 2020 (not yet acknowledged) and 2024.
  • An intense information war/hybrid has been raging beneath the surface for several years employing fourth/ fifth generation warfare. While it has kinetic elements, it differs from conventional warfare in terms of its appropriation and weaponization of the assets and institutions of civil society. Infiltration and propagandization are central to its success and used by both sides. Other standard tactics include false flags, theatre, disinformation, psychological operations, weather manipulation, and other forms of subterfuge. (See Covid-Vaxx campaign)
  • In terms of its scope, the current struggle pitting the White Hat Alliance against the diabolical Black Hat Cabal is world-wide and inter-dimensional in scope. Ultimately, it’s regarded as a spiritual war between good and evil that involves off-planet entities assisting in the fight for the soul of humanity.
  • The two possible outcomes for humanity are: a) a life of permanent slavery under continuous surveillance under the Cabal in AI-managed digital prisons or b) a life of harmony, freedom amid unrivalled prosperity.
  • In October of 2017, an anonymous 4 Chan user named “Q” began posting a series of cryptic coded messages referred to as “Q drops”. While their source and veracity and importance has been widely debated, serious truther analysis suggests they are codified military intel. See Martin Geddes: “Martin Geddes on Q” below.
  • Since that date, keyboard warriors called “Anons” have been interpreting thousands of “Q drops” for a wider audience of “truther” allies and their social media audiences. The content of the Q drops concerns the progress of the war, identity and fate of American’s foreign and domestic traitors and forecasts regarding future developments. If Geddes has it right, this method of coded military communication with the public has broken new ground.
  • Both White Hats and Black Hats are using AI to assist in military analysis and decision- making. One hears frequent reference to the complex nature of this war and war strategies in terms of “5D chess”. The White Hat Alliance under Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump is reportedly conducting operations “by the book”, or in this case, The Law of War manual.
  • A White Hat ally describes the army as “a coalition of just about every nation on the planet”. He states that the war has been won by the White Hats and current operations are directed at taking out the lower level soldiers serving the Black Hats (director level). (Note recent announcements re leadership of FBI and ATF).
  • More aspects of this once-invisible are now regularly breaking into public view. Consider the number of unnatural “natural” disasters and unseasonal weather (eg. Lahaina, LA fires and unusual hurricanes), unexplained plane crashes, high profile illnesses, deaths and disappearances and bombings and attacks on civilians.
  • It is the intention of the While Hat military, currently conducting raids and making arrests, to first liberate America and then other captive nations around the world including Canada and other allied nations including Australia and New Zealand.
  • Almost all Trump communication conveys messages to two different audiences — members of the public and White Hats and their allies (often linked to Q drops). Members of the general public hear the usual political sparring while Anons scrutinize every word, gesture, flag, face, article of clothing and symbol for “comms.” For example the illuminated Super Bowl display saying “Stage One” and Game Over” meant nothing to most people, but was received as an important “comm” by Anons and truthers.

Books will likely be written for many years to come examining Trump and the current war — what some have called The Second American Revolution. In the meantime, any observer failing to take them, including the possibilities of the Patriot Narrative into account, is likely to misread both Trump 2.0 and the times. Professor Tremblay and the legacy media, with their assumption of normalcy and political bias respectively, are some of the many casualties of the fog of war.


For a better understanding of the nature of information war and Q, check out the work of Martin Geddes below, including: “Open Your Mind to Change,” “Roles in the Cognitive War,” and “Martin Geddes on Q.”

— Calvin

Coming in Part 2: “The Greatest Show on Earth”


“Everything comes up against reflections of the truth sooner or late and falls short , but some are more truthful than others”:

Saruman: The Encyclopedia of ARDA:

Insights from a mass media corpus on “QAnon”:

Martin Geddes on Q:

For all the wrong reasons:

LTC Riccardo Bossi and Juan O Savin s/16/25:

Colonel Riccardo Bosi ‘the final phase. — Q Trust the plan:

The US government of Donald Trump is oligarchic, dysfunctional and disruptive of the local economy:

New White Hat and Musk Avatars continue revolution (Benjamin Fulford letter, Feb 17, 2025):

Captain Kyle and Kelly resume our biweekly Round Table w Australia Party’s leader LTC Bosi:

0Q Delta’s 2/14: A traitor’s justice. Panic in DC. No Mercy. PAIN Q February 15, 2024:

New White Hat and Musk Avatars continue revolution (Benjamin Fulford letter, Feb 17, 2025):

What the cognitive warrior sees,

The Five Donald Trumps — Which is the real one?

Fifth-Generation Warfare

Open Your Mind to Change,

Roles in the Cognitive War,

4Chan and 8Chan (Britannica):

There never was a “New Corona Virus”, there never was a pandemic:

The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People are dying all over the world. It’s a criminal undertaking. We call upon its immediate cancellation:


Exercising discipline and vigilance amid the coming flood of change

“Exercising discipline and vigilance amid the coming flood of change.” Calvin Mulligan, January 21, rev. Jan 22, 27, Feb 5, 2025 (c) All Rights Reserved

A spokesperson for the US patriot community told his listeners that when the leaders of earlier US administrations were asked how long it would take for the new administration to get up and running, the usual response might have been “a couple of weeks.” When Trump was asked, the response was: “A couple of hours.” So for people like you and I, the best general advice is to buckle up and in some instances, get out of the way. There’s a big change wave coming.

The changes coming to America and the world are likely to be bigger, bolder and more far-reaching than most would imagine. And in our tightly-networked globalized world some will impact us faster than we can anticipate or process them. There will be resistance of course and it shouldn’t be underestimated, but some of the predators and parasites are no doubt already feeling uncomfortable and leaving town. It’s not all attributable to Donald Trump. We’re witnessing something bigger unfolding. Some talk of a “Great Awakening.”

It’s not just populist sentiment manifesting globally, there are powerful spiritual and cosmic forces at play. We’re experiencing a convergence of influences and we’re likely going to feel like we’ve been caught in a tsunami. And the Trump administration itself will also to some degree be buoyed by that wave. Futurist, Clif High, describes the coming period as an era of hyper-novelty, something that could feel quite chaotic as the authority structures erode. (Consider how people actually regard governments that have tried to depopulate their numbers.)

The new Trump administration may be about to demonstrate that the popular models of organizational and institutional change are at worst ineffectual and at best outdated. One reason could be that figuratively and literally the stars are aligned. Another is that Trump has the support of people at home and around the world who see him as a beacon of hope, or in some cases, a kind of talisman. They are demanding change in no uncertain terms.

Many of Trump’s vast army of supporters, both here in the West and beyond have been abused under oppressive regimes for some time. They are the victims of state terrorism. It’s been the kind of Orwellian evil imposed by some of history’s darkest tyrants. So now, like a just-released, tightly-coiled spring, the snap-back pressure for change is enormous. You can feel the energy in the air. And the Trump signing of some one to two hundred executive orders in the first day is certainly suggestive of the pressure for change on many fronts, domestically and internationally.

To appreciate the tension in that coiled “spring”, one really needs to consider how tightly our oppressors had turned the screws that held us in place. They went for absolute control and tried it all — continuous surveillance, censorship of speech, criminalization of thought (even prayer outside an abortion clinic in some cases) cancellation of the right to participate in public life, coerced injections, propagandization by security agencies and their media whores, intimidation by police, wholesale abandonment of constitutional and natural rights by governments, non-stop lies and deception, sex-compromise operations, bribery, regular false flag attacks and theatre and language policing. And when all of that didn’t achieve the desired effect quickly enough, they resorted to assassination, starting wars and invoking demons to assist in their war against humanity. It’s been a nightmare!

The dark, destructive nature of totalitarian governance was unmistakeable and many didn’t survive it. Without even considering Covid casualties, the number of Canadians who suicided themselves with the assistance of MAID service has set off alarms around the world. (We have been living amid a death culture.) It goes without saying that any claim the government cares about our physical or mental health and well-being is pure fabrication — PR-coated bullsh*t. The governments of the world for the most part have been answering to the globalist depopulators. (See global Covid-vaxx injury and death estimates by Edward Dowd).

I’m not going to speculate concerning how far the Trump 2.0 administration is planning to go down a path toward greater transparency, truth, justice and liberty. But I’ll be watching closely and constantly asking these questions about its policies and actions.

  • Does it move us toward financial freedom or continued debt slavery?
  • Does it break the shackles of our Zionist managers and their Satanic overlords, or does it continue to pander and obsequiously serve them?
  • Does it elevate human lives and aspirations above technology or seek to consign us to the control of AI-driven tech and AI-managed social credit systems?
  • Does it make diplomacy great again, or continue to march in accordance with the war-mongers’ handbook of continuous bullying, bribery, economic hegemony and intimidation?
  • Does it honour the truth and its champions or try to stifle and discredit them (with smears like “anti-semitic”) when truth is inconvenient or favours another?
  • Will the “wins” America pursues, be genuine wins with widely cascading benefits, or just the wins of a classic school yard bully?

I am encouraged by some of the administration’s stances and early actions, but my “test” questions (above) for the Trump 2.0 administration will remain guiding principles for the long term. They are questions that must be asked every day and applied to every policy decision, not selectively in light of political popularity polls. Yes, I’d like to see America “great” again provided it’s an authentic and noble greatness. Right now, I’m praying that it’s greatness that implies “wholeness.” I’d like to see America (and its neighbours including my Canada), whole again (MAWA). Right now, we’re deeply damaged and traumatized nations.

Times of transition are dangerous times. So, it’s important to protect the liberty movement from the manipulation of those attempting to high-jack the momentum for reform and opportunists with a competing agenda. It’s equally important to steady yourself against the winds of propagandists presenting the next mirage as reality. Then there are the wily shape-shifters who would like to pretend they’ve been reformers all along when they simply changed the colour of their team jersey when it became convenient to do so.

We may also be experiencing some heady times down the road. “Winning” can be intoxicating — potentially blinding. That’s why being firmly anchored in our principles is critical. We begin to lose our independence and our soul when we compromise our principles just to continue basking in the approval of power-tripping members of the Party. What was the Glen Campbell lyric in his song, Rhinestone Cowboy? “There’s been a load of compromising on the road to my horizon, but I’m gonna be where the lights are shining on me.” It would be profoundly disturbing for most citizens if they knew the extent to which this lyric is descriptive of the conduct of their members of Congress or Parliament.

Genuine clear-eyed objectivity requires discipline. As an analyst, I’ve realized that to remain objective, I needed to avoid attachment to political parties and charismatic politicians backed by powerful reality-manufacturing machines. Then there’s the trap of the false dichotomy which has held the majority of people captivated and captive for decades. Assuming Canada’s Conservative leader, Pierre Poilievre isn’t an Establishment-controlled puppet as his Liberal counterpart is for example, is dangerously naive. The Establishment, not unlike Pepsico, operates many franchises. Default skepticism is an asset in the Age of Deception. As the skeptic says, only the paranoid survive.

Some of the disciplines I have adopted in order to avoid being captivated by the siren song of the political seductress are:.

  1. Put reason before reaction and consider evidence and long-term consequences before advocating for a policy.
  2. Put principle before personality and partisanship.
  3. Value actions over words and the historic track record over trust.
  4. Beware those that seek to divide us (whether as nations, communities, families or individuals) as they frequently seek to destroy.
  5. The end doesn’t justify the means.
  6. Demand truth and transparency as trademarks of authentic leadership.
  7. Think long term trends and implications; when viewed from that perspective, the contradictions become clearer. (It’s called exercising foresight)

I made an exception to my “keep-my-distance” rule when a new national political party was formed in Canada about seven years ago. But it was only after promising myself to never become a fan of the party or its leaders. This party’s guiding principles were as sound as I could possibly imagine, but I quickly discovered it had an almost infantile attachment to the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (aka NATO). So, I never renewed my membership. It’s continuing deafness to the suggested need for addressing it’s NATO attachment syndrome suggested the party suffers from a deeper malaise.

In a similar vein, I was asked by some attending a freedom community meeting in November how I felt about the Trump win. This gist of my response was that I was neither euphoric nor despondent. Anchored in our values, we must never go back. It’s up to us as patriotic, liberty-minded people to harness the energy unleashed by the Trump change wave to propel us toward the best possible future. And that’s irrespective of how the Trump administration performs. My feelings haven’t changed any since that conversation. Vigilance, as always, is the watchword. And if I might offer a tip in passing… It’s time to disinvest from D.E.I. The world is moving on.

– Calvin

Note: Here’s Newsweek’s list of Donald Trump Executive Orders signed thus far:

The woke-feminist war against reality isn’t going well

Calvin Mulligan, January 18, 2025 (c) All rights reserved

“To live a lie leads to destruction.” — Darrow Miller

Imagine the kind of world we could live in if we insisted, individually and collectively, on telling ourselves the truth. We’ve been consuming lies as a society for so long that many people are now incapable of discerning between the truth and socially-approved lies. In fact some are prepared to defend a lie to their death. It’s a tribute to the effectiveness of propaganda. You may have read, for example, of zealous vaxx advocates who chronicled their journey from excellent health through a succession of vaxx injections to hospitalization from adverse effects, continuing decline and ultimately to their death. That tragedy aside, one of the most reliable suppliers of deadly and destructive lies over the past four to five decades is feminism in one iteration or another.

Here’s a roughly translated oldie: “Women can do anything men can do.”Oh there are always exceptions out there on the tail end of the curve, but in general it’s not true. And we should know better. The differences and the evidence to the contrary have been on display daily for hundreds of years. It’s a simple matter of genetics and biology. Men and women are made differently — physically, mentally and emotionally. And it follows therefore that men, by nature are better suited for some occupations and women for others. But don’t try to tell a group of “strong, independent” women that. Solidarity within the feminist sisterhood requires unquestioning acceptance of its official doctrine aided by a big doses of denial and delusion.

I recall a former boss telling me in the late nineties that his wife had been accepted into our town’s fire fighting service. He unenthusiastically explained one of the trade-offs associated with the recruitment of women into the profession. Rather than being hoisted aloft into the fireman’s carry position and carried out of a burning building, for example, fire victims rescued by female fire fighters would more likely be dragged by their boots. This was one reason he’d rather be rescued by a man. In that case, his head would be spared the bumpity, bump, bump treatment on the staircase of a burning building. That image has never left my head.

Fire rescue training videos comparing the speed with which male and female fire fighters can breach a locked door tell the same story of lesser female strength and speed with unnerving implications. But a quarter century later, we’re still pretending there’s equivalence. And much to our collective detriment, those who question the lie are ridiculed and cancelled.

I was freshly reminded of the dangers inherent in this self-imposed delusion in the wake of the LA fires. While the story is multi-dimensional, there’s a clear feminism-DEI-woke politics thread to it. Here’s how the Deputy Chief of the LA fire department and head of DEI responded to the assertion that female fire fighters aren’t strong enough to carry a man out of a burning building. Her response: “He got himself in the wrong place if I have to carry him out of a fire.” (I wonder if this would also apply to a large woman?)

Oh, is that the problem? I thought DEI was all about enhancing organizational performance and problem-solving. You know — “diversity is our strength”and all that. The Deputy’s self-righteous, DEI-inspired defence takes victim-blaming and deflection to glorious new heights. I’m sure that it’s also an enormous embarrassment to those in the profession who value logic over ideology and performance over pretence.

I suspect the human, social and economic costs of assuming female-male equivalence in fire-fighting, policing and military combat, as just three examples, are enormous. Moreover, it’s logical that male subsidizationof female performance in such roles as fire fighter, police officer and soldier is a significant factor. But I’ll leave that for others to explore. I can only hope and pray that the record-setting devastation of the LA fires will open eyes to the problem of mass acceptance of politically-correct delusions. Even the limits of the Peter principle in terms of ideologically-infused professional incompetence may have been exceeded here.

The social-political context has changed. The recent rapid decline of DEI is a hopeful sign. (See: LinkedIn article: “Message to senior management: ‘Get woke. go broke is no joke'”). Perhaps, as a society, we’re ready to be more objective and more truthful about gender differences and their relationship to human performance. Unless or until we are, the quest for improved organizational effectiveness and the related social and economic benefits will be hamstrung. The results, like LA’s empty fire hydrants, will be dangerously disappointing. As one observer of the culture war has wisely noted, the war against reality cannot be won. How much more proof do we need?

End Notes

LAFD’s $300,000 per-year diversity chief sparks fury for defending DEI by blaming the victim: ‘He got himself into the wrong place’

Message to senior management: ‘”Get woke, go broke,” is no joke’

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px Arial; color: #4787ff; -webkit-text-stroke: #4787ff} span.s1 {text-decoration: underline ; font-kerning: none} Feminism is a lie — so is Post-Modern Feminism

We’ve awakened from wokeness

Peak cognitive dissonance and the end of innocence Part 2

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes.caOctober 23, rev. Oct 28, 30, 2024 (c) All rights reserved

“…society can only absorb paradigm change at a certain rate without breaking down.” (Martin Geddes)

When the news comes out…you will feel untethered like there is no gravity any more and you’ve got nothing to hold on to any more and you’re just spinning in space.. That’s when you…pray.” (Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi)


There’s a famous saying attributed to Edmond Burke that’s being cited with some regularity these days. It’s: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing.” I wish an understanding of this wisdom had been impressed on my generation of Baby Boomers. If it had been, perhaps our country and the world at large wouldn’t find themselves in the precarious position they now find themselves. The more important question however, is “Why? Why do good men and women do nothing in the face of rampant evil?”

Part 1. of this article suggests that cognitive dissonance (CD) — the mental discomfort associated with confronting unpleasant or “painful” truths, is one reason why evil goes unchecked. I’ve attempted to illustrate the constraining influence of CD, likening its effect to an encounter with an electric fence. The fact that we tend to retreat from the shock of “the fence” to the familiarity of our worldview, gives the dark forces operating beyond its boundaries a tremendous advantage.

Essentially, our stay-at-home timidity and respect for fences allows evil-doers to do their dirty business unchallenged. My question: Isn’t it time that good men and women learned to manage their psychology and confront the greatest existential threat to humanity?

Part 2

My general response to the question posted in Part 1 is that good men and women are unprepared and ill-equipped, mentally emotionally and spiritually to address the great evils of our time. I’ve focused in particular on the inhibiting effect of the cognitive dissonance that results when we venture beyond our comfort zone. Consider how Mr. X., my mall acquaintance, struggled to accept the reality that the world-stopping pandemic was really a propagandemic (c).

So, how would he react to the possibility that many other features of the world he thought he inhabited were also fabrications? Would the truth trauma trigger a mental breakdown? And if this is a real possibility for people like Mr. X, how large a segment of our population is at risk given the possibility we’re about to be hit with a flood of dark truths? Finally, what can be done to mitigate the impact of this flood on ordinary people not wanting to be pulled into the vortex?

Weighty disclosures incoming

My read of what coming is an intense period of “heavy” disclosures. The promise of this era is that if we can weather this storm of revelations, we also get to create something far better. As my grandmother used to say, “Forewarned is forearmed” (prepared). The onus was on me, or course, to take the necessary precautions. Toward the goal of a more prepared public, I’m providing a starter list of establishment narratives, beliefs and paradigms that are unravelling or exhibiting clear signs of decay. Some are in earlier stages of decay and some are eroding more slowly than others. Five years from now, many will be recalled as “the way it used to be”. Our world — our reality is shifting beneath our feet.

I have a few disclaimers regarding the items on the list. While it came together in a few minutes, I’ve had an eye on some for decades. My feelings about any of these is a different matter and not the subject of this mental conditioning exercise. Those who habitually ignore developments in the margins and rely on mainstream media for their “news” may regard many of these developments as remote or unlikely. They may be triggered. And that’s precisely the issue at hand. The spell of narratives reinforced by officialdom since childhood can be very powerful, and that’s precisely what the dark magicians intended. So to these folks, I say today’s so-called conspiracy theories have a track record of becoming tomorrow’s conventional wisdom (the stuff “everyone knows.”)

The following prevailing narratives, paradigms and related systems are being increasingly exposed to the “sunlight” of new information and eroding, or in other cases approaching expiry.

  • The conventional wisdom regarding the identity of “the Jews” and their history, biblical “Israel” and “semites”;
  • The “anti-semite” trick;
  • The official Covid Pandemic narrative;
  • The era of Zionist-Jewish supremacy;
  • The Zionist-Nazi-Khazarian control of US Congress and management of the American Empire;
  • Zionist influence on Christian doctrine;
  • The governing influence of the Vatican on its constituent churches and the world;
  • The Rockefeller big pharma-medical complex and allopathic medical model;
  • The current version of the earth’s history;
  • The current version of World War II and the Hitler narrative;
  • The “wag the dog” control the State of Israel currently exercises over America and the American mind;
  • The NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) Alliance;
  • FEMA;
  • The heavily promoted “climate crisis” narrative (spoiler alert: there isn’t one);
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
  • The popular understanding of “climate” and “weather” (as climate geo-engineering and weather warfare become common knowledge);
  • The current Illuminati-run wealth extraction system that keeps both the “developed” and “developing” countries in a perpetual state of debt slavery (See Confessions of an Economic Hitman);
  • The official narrative concerning the role of intel agencies (as their complicity in drug, child trafficking and other dark enterprises become known);
  • The censorship industrial complex, including the means whereby big telecoms manipulate election outcomes;
  • The sex compromise control complex that governs the political and entertainment establishment;
  • the Russian “invasion” story as Nazi-controlled Ukraine’s role in world wide human trafficking, child farming, money laundering, organ trafficking and bioweapons development is revealed;
  • Our current understanding of the causes of conflict and war;
  • The “Holocaust Industry” (as Norm Finkelstein calls it) and the deceptions of the “Six Million Jews” Holocaust narrative;
  • The official silence regarding the history of government-alien interactions and influence of non-humans and hybrids in world affairs;
  • Corporate government and its “ownership” and monetization of human life; and
  • The current view of the bible as “intact” as documents from Vatican archives are unearthed revealing edits.

There are numerous other prevailing paradigms which could be added to the list of eroding Establishment “givens.” The shorthand summation is the matrix of lies that we’ve mistaken for reality is collapsing.

The most painful of revelations?

One of the biggest migraine-inducing revelations is developing just beyond the awareness of the mainstream. It’s the emerging reality of global child trafficking, satanic ritual child abuse and adrenochrome harvesting. A meme circulating in the freedom community reads, “When the truth about child sex trafficking and Satanic pedos reaches the masses, it’s over.”

Why haven’t these dark secrets already penetrated mainstream consciousness? Apart from the repelling effect of our CD, the the walls of censorship, corruption and public denial are thick. And, at least some members of the pretorian guard protecting the perpetrators remain on duty. That aside, the stories and gut-wrenching personal testimonies are now leaking into mainstream media (See End Notes. Comment).

First there was Jeffrey Epstein, then Harvey Weinstein and now P. Diddy Combs’ recent arrest. These industries are globally networked, so we’re just glimpsing the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Watch the dot-connection unfold as the ripples extend to the UK and beyond. It will become impossible to contain all the whistleblower testimony, victim statements and hard evidence. This Humpty Dumpty will have a great fall.

Beware falling icons

We’ve all been shaken at times by painful truths. Remember when you learned that the charming politician you repeatedly voted for had been found guilty of criminal activity? Or, perhaps you were among those who discovered a US megachurch pastor your spouse generously supported was a slobbering fan of the genocidal Benjamin Netanyahu (real story). Or your CD headache might have followed the discovery that your trusted family doctor was more committed to vaxx peddling for profit than you health. It hurt and you felt betrayed, right? Coming revelations will induce truth shocks several orders more powerful than the above. And given that many are likely to bombard us simultaneously, you could liken it to an avalanche. Trusted icons — people and organizations that you admired, loved, supported and celebrated will fall.

Epstein compromise operations exploiting honey pots and children have reduced many elected politicians to mindless puppets. While I have read that as many as 60% of US Congress members are compromised, it could be higher. The sexual compromise-blackmail control system explains a lot of mysteries. Have you ever wondered why Israel can do no wrong in the eyes of the US Congress — genocide included? Have you ever wondered why US Congressman, Lindsay Graham so predictably encourages the US war machine to bomb Russian, Iran or some other favourite enemy of Washington’s neocons?

There’s a reason big names in the entertainment industry, politics, the clergy, major league sports and the corporate world are nervous these days. Didn’t Edward Snowden tell us the NSA has a record of all our communication (every phone call, text message, email etc). And if it doesn’t, Wikileaks and disenchanted insiders can fill in the blanks. Now we know why powerful people are censoring us and manufacturing “shock and awe” level distractions. The truth will end careers, destroy reputations, deplete fortunes and unleash a sh*t storm of public outrage and law suits.

The accused in turn will deny, threaten, bargain, play the victim, plead and blame others. And finally, those that are able, will run to their private hidey holes prepared for such occasions. Ultimately, despite the corruption in the policing and justice systems, all the elite’s high-paid publicists, press agents, fixers and other professional deniers won’t be able to plug all the holes in the dam. A world of painful truth is coming. But no one is exempt from the material and emotional chaos that will follow.

Becoming “untethered”

How will ordinary people, so-called “normies”, react to the collapse of their worldview in the wake of coming revelations? Logically, those most deeply attached to our fake reality will be most traumatized by its collapse. And those who have become increasingly wary will be more resilient. That said, even those who have seen a truth train coming will be impacted. There’s likely to be a general sense of lostness compounded by inner emotional turmoil.

Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi (Australia) describes how many are likely to feel adrift in the wake of coming revelations.

When the news comes out…you will feel untethered like there is no gravity any more and you’ve got nothing to hold on to any more and you’re just spinning in space…”

English author and information war analyst, Martin Geddes warns there’s “heartbreak” ahead. Geddes says:

“My own sense is that the heartbreak ahead, as the truth of corruption is completely exposed, will test the spirit of everyone…”

Perhaps the most challenging thing we will face post-disclosures will be coming to terms with our complicity in the current degraded state of affairs we find ourselves in. How many times did we ridicule those who pointed to cracks in the matrix or suggested that the goods that the Establishment was selling us weren’t “as advertised”? How many time did we remain comatose on the couch when others tried to rouse us to action? And how many times did we pander and posture because we wanted to appear “tolerant” when we should defended a critical line in the sand?

Personal conditioning for chaotic times

I’ve made a list of some personal prescriptions I’ve applied over the years in order to come to terms with challenging truths and manage the CD headaches they can bring. It’s not too late to begin applying this conditioning process. It may help you develop greater clarity and resilience for a time when many will become “untethered.”

  1. Venture outside your comfort zone on a regular basis in an effort to develop a more expansive and flexible worldview.
  2. Take personal inventory and confirm that your moral and relational anchors are grounded in reality.
  3. Recognize the “zap” of cognitive dissonance as a sign your mind may need to breathe. It may be time to take a break or a walk outdoors, play with a pet, speak with a friend or play some relaxing background music to ease the headache.
  4. Critically reflect on those ideas and claims at the edgeon a regular basis absent any pressure to decide their merit or veracity in the moment.
  5. Practice default skepticism regarding the output of the propaganda machine. Disconnect from MSM and replace its with independent sources of information.
  6. Pray, seeking protection from evil and the courage to confront it.
  7. Accept your humanity and that of others as a fact of life and practice forgiveness for failures (yours and others).
  8. Adopt an overarching God-view of the world and humanity; it’s a means to becoming more compassionate.
  9. Practice self-care in an era of what English author, Martin Geddes calls “moral insanity” (This includes getting enough sleep and eating well).
  10. Hold the moral line as best you can discern it (the distinction between dark and light is becoming clearer).
In conclusion…

It should be clear by now that the “bliss” that comes with ignorance — self-imposed or otherwise — is temporary at best. Ultimately, a “see-no-evil”, “eyes-wide-shut” protective disposition regarding harsh realities fails to protect us as individuals or our fellow human beings. Paradoxically, it protects the very forces we fear from the sunlight of public exposure. And that darkness enables our adversaries to advance their evil agenda relatively unhindered. Thus, our delicacy — our fear of the dark has made us complicit in bringing about our own captivity.

Our liberation requires a mass awakening. Implicitly, to be awake is to know the darkness, not just the light. The veil is lifting. Ready or not, big disclosures are flooding our way. And for the first time in a long time, we must face deeply disturbing truths regarding how our world really works. If there ever was a time to shine a light in the darkness, this is it!

Inspiration: Go Light Your World (Kathy Trocolli, Youtube),vid:CVqR6kTu8lE,st:0

End notes

Google still stacking deck: buries right-leaning news on presidential coverage three weeks before election

Vaxxed versus unvaxed study done by pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas whose license was taken away after releasing this study

Turbo cancer to Covid vaccines DNA fragments; Australia local government voted jab’s suspension

New paper shows staff Covid vaccination was associated with increased mortality in nursing home residents!

Pfizer CEO facing life in prison for lying to billions about Covid vaccines

Slovak government report calls for ban of ‘dangerous mRNA vac

The Pfizer papers; Pfizer’s crimes against humanity

Slovak government report calls for ban of ‘dangerous mRNA vaccines

Canadian doctors reveal regret over euthanizing patients who were simply obese or poor

The true lesson of October 7 is that Israel cannot be reformed

More on Israel atrocities

How Israel killed hundreds of hits own people on Oct 7

Bibi starts Christian massacre in Lebanon after Muslim ones in Gaza

“Netanyahu, you’re a modern King David!” US Baptist preacher said

The missing “parasite” piece falls into place in the big picture puzzle

You cannot win a ministry of reconciliation

Confessions of an Economic Hitman (3rd ed)

P. Diddy and the Elite’s satanic ritual sex and pedophile ring

Survivor of occult ritual abuse accuses Hillary Clinton, alleges Tom Hanks is a pedophile

Diddygate explodes: FBI seizes snuff tape showing JZ and Beyonce ‘sacrificing children’

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs accused of raping 13 year old with two other celebrities at VMA’s after party: ‘Crazed look in his eyes’

A covert weather war explodes across America

The matrix is collapsing as pedophile blackmail and weather warfare become mainstream

Kanye West sued by former assistant, accused or drugging and raping her at a studio session with Sean “Diddy” combs

Abercrombie and Fitch Ex-CEO arrested in Florida on Sex Trafficking charges

Hollywood scandal: Three A-list celebrities allegedly featured in sex tapes with Diddy, claims attorney

Hollywood scandal: Three A-list celebrities allegedly featured in sex tapes with Diddy, claims attorney

Billionaire music manager finally jailed on sex trafficking and racketeering indictment

A covert weather war explodes across America

Manmade superstorm Helene: How UN Agendas 21 and 2030 facilitate disaster capitalism land grabs

More proof Milton geoengineered and weaponized

Getting Dybbuked can ruin your day

Kay Griggs (Wikispooks)

Moral insanity is exhausting

Live press conference Assistant Police Chief Shawn Taylor, YouTube, October 15, 2024–oct-15-2024-juan-o-savin-w-jmc-time-to-strap-in-and-expect-chaos.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

Peak Cognitive Dissonance and the end of innocence Part 1

Calvin Mulligan, October 18, rev Oct 26, Nov 4, 6, 15, 2024 (c) All rights reserved

“You can’t handle the truth.” Jack Nicholson, (from “A Few Good Men”)

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain

Why “good” men and women give evil a free pass

There’s a famous saying attributed to Edmond Burke that’s being cited with some regularity these days. It’s: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing.” I wish an understanding of this wisdom had been impressed on my generation of Baby Boomers. If it had been, perhaps our country and the world at large wouldn’t be in the precarious position it now finds itself. The more important question however is, “Why? Why do those good men and women do nothing in the face of rampant evil?”

There are some obvious explanations. Moral fortitude is defined as having the wisdom and strength to do the right thing even if no one will ever know (Quora). It’s been in short supply of late. Perhaps it was ever so. Mark Twain observed, “It is curious that physical courage should be so common and moral courage so rare.” Add the fact that Evil’s relentless assault over the decades has left many people tired and jaded or inured. Their moral compasses are damaged or too rusty from lack of use to provide a useful reference point. In retreat against the relentless forces of evil, they resort to constantly redrawing the proverbial line in the sand as they surrender ground.

Another explanation for evil’s untrammelled advance in Western societies is that well-intended good men and women are untrained regarding the tactics of the Dark Side — specifically its rhetorical trickery and sleights of hand. Consider the example of the deceptively described gender affirming care for children. The Dark Side has cleverly packaged the systematic mutilation of children’s genitals and hormonal castration as “care” simultaneously wrapping itself in the cloak of moral superiority.

Think of it as a kind of rhetorical jiu jitsu. Pro gender transitioning radicals attempt to position those attempting to protect young children from a decision that’s often regretted down the road as uncaring and irresponsible. It takes good men and women some experience in word warfare to acquire the skill to counter the assault of the trans army. While it’s another story for another time, the Sabbatean inversion of reality no longer works. Today, battle-hardened children’s advocates are turning back the gender transitioning madness, a vile form of child abuse and Big Pharma strategy best described as creating customers-for-life.

Still others have convinced themselves that evil doesn’t exist. It’s consigned in their minds to an earlier, less-sophisticated era when blood-letting was a common medical practice. I’m reminded of the saying, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn’t exist. But non-believers can’t be expected to take up arms against something they have concluded doesn’t exist.

Beyond these explanations, there’s a subtle psychological phenomenon at work. And to some degree, it impairs all of us when it comes to our willingness to confront evil. It’s called cognitive dissonance (CD) Failure to understand its inhibiting role and manage our minds accordingly leaves us mentally and emotionally fragile, easily triggered and potentially immobile in the face of evil. Let’s start with a definition and an explanation of how CD can compromise us to the advantage of the enemy.

Cognitive Dissonance and the painful truth

I define CD as the discomfort one experiences when confronted by new knowledge that could threaten one’s current beliefs or worldview. I describe this uncomfortable clash (dissonance) concerning competing perceptions of reality as the “CD headache” (and potential “heartache”). It’s important to keep in mind that typically only oneof these contesting perceptions of reality can be true. Even the mere prospect of abandoning a cherished belief or assumption in favour of an alternative can induce considerable mental angst. (Without judging her analysis or conclusion, one individual told me she was in anguish for days before rejecting her model of a spherical planet earth in favour of a “flat earth” or flatter earth model.)

It’s as if there’s an electrical force field surrounding and protecting our world view. If or when we venture outside its boundaries, (our “comfort zone”) and encounter a challenging new possibility, it’s as if we’re shocked by contact with an electrified fence. This shock is often sufficient to cause the individual to retreat to the safe familiarity of his/her existing worldview. Thus, these “electric fences” installed around the boundaries of our worldview restrict us like domesticated livestock from venturing into the unexplored reality beyond.

Our controllers do an excellent job of posting the “No Trespassing” signs, and if some anomaly should catch our attention, are quick to divert us with the usual “move along, nothing to see here” directive. It reminds me of the “there be dragons” advisory ancient cartographers inscribed on unmapped territories. Suffice to say, these largely unexplored territories outside our paradigms thus become safe zones for Satan and his minions to operate in secret and engage in unimaginable evil.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle once said: “The Truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.” This is the misery of the CD headache/heartache which, in effect keeps the masses in a debilitating state of ignorance, captives of a matrix of deception and lies. (The Truman Show, 1998 is an excellent allegorical movie portraying this kind of captivity.) Thus, as the old the saying goes, ignorance is (temporary) bliss. Who in his or her right mind wants to exchange bliss for misery? What rational person wants to trade the comfort of blissful ignorance for painful truths which could demand messy and potentially costly involvement on his/her part?

CD — a protective mental mechanism or dangerous impairment?

It can be argued that cognitive dissonance is an essential psychological mechanism that protects our minds from traumatic exposure to things we’re not equipped to deal with. Fair enough. There are stories of cops who, in the course of conducting criminal investigations, have encountered unimaginable evil and been traumatized for the rest of their lives. So there are reasons for caution. And it’s entirely possible that the shock associated with the coming flood of revelations will lead to the greatest mental health crisis in history.

At the same time, it’s not difficult to see how clinging to blissful ignorance and living in fear of the ancient cartographer’s “dragons” works to the advantage of our mortal enemies. Consider the impairment of the easily-triggered Gen Z university “snowflake” needing the comfort of colouring books, puppies and safe spaces. Given their fragile emotional state, it’s unlikely such individuals are prepared to wage war with the wily forces of darkness. Given the critical state of our world, it’s time for each of us to ask the person in the mirror: “If not now, when and if not me, who?” Given the stark revelations that have emerged in 2024, it appears time has just about run out. It’s now a case of “coming ready or not” and no amount of playing dumb, demure or disinterested will protect us from on-coming painful realities.

The 2020-2024 Covid Propagandemic(c) is illustrative of the human tendency toward avoidance. Non-complying resisters wondered how it was possible that so many members of their families and so many friends failed to question the pandemic narrative. Evidence that the experimental vaxx was neither safe nor effective surfaced relatively early in the demonic, world-wide pressure campaign. Wasn’t the coercive “get-vaxxed-or-else” militancy in itself a suspicious sign?

My conclusion is that the reason family, friends and acquaintances often opted to blindly trust authority figures was because the alternative was unthinkable. Essentially, it was too much for these folks to believe that their family doctors, government, political leaders, favourite mainstream media personalities, and high profile members of their church community, along with the entire medical-pharma complex were misleading them. If this were true, it meant their entire worldview was at risk of collapsing. The resulting mental and emotional chaos and the personal sense of “lostness” that would result was too much to contemplate.

So millions, despite stacks of damning evidence to the contrary, clung to the presumed safety in trusting “authorities”. Millions of “believers” ignored the proverbial “elephant in the room” and sought safety within the herd, wrapping themselves in a thick blanket of denial. Four and a half years later, some still remain ensconced in that blanket. This was brought home to me in a recent conversation in a local mall here in Ottawa.

A CD episode at the mall

About two months ago, I casually asked a fellow sharing a bench with me why he thought some people in the mall were still wearing face masks. He promptly replied it was because of their concerns about getting Covid, adding with obvious concern that he had recently heard it was returning. I was impressed — not by his understanding of the sick state of medical-pharma complex of course, but by the sustained influence of his programming.

Four and a half years later, even the pharma companies have admitted their vaxx wasn’t/isn’t effective. And court ordered access to their records now reveals dozens of pages of adverse side effects. (Thus the satirical meme, “Ask your doctor if a drug treatment with 15 pages of side effects is right for you.”) Beyond that, hundreds of journal articles cite demonstrated evidence of vaxx harms. Yet this fellow (Mr. X) remained committed to the deceptive narrative and a captive of the establishment matrix.

I gently informed him that after more than one thousand hours of research, I had concluded the Covid narrative was likely the biggest scam in medical history. He was undeterred, “But millions of people died,” he countered. I explained that the reported Covid mortality figures were largely fabricated, combining death stats from a wide array of respiratory conditions including influenza, pneumonia and other maladies. Moreover, the PCR test was predisposed to generate false positives conveniently inflating the fearful Covid boogey man. (I didn’t mention that people were actually being killed by hospitals incentivized to employ deadly protocols employing ventilators and Remdesivir). I offered to share a link to my website where I had posted my research on the subject.

The man became increasingly agitated. “I don’t need a website when there are facts,” he declared hotly. But his “facts” required evidence. I hadn’t intended to alarm the man, but by this point, he had stood up and was walking away as if he were in danger of my infecting him with a deadly disease. He looked back at me as he walked away with a disturbed look on his face. “You’re one of those….” (his voice trailing off) ” Clearly, Mr. “X” was having a CD episode.

Reflecting on the incident later, I wondered if I could I have been gentler in sharing hard truth with him. Or have we reached the expiry date on the deadly deception? The truth truly can set us free, but first we must be able to endure the pain of tearing off the bandage.

Next: Peak Cognitive dissonance and the end of innocence (Part 2) “Big CD Headaches on the horizon”

Message to Senior Management: “Get woke, go broke” is no joke

Message to senior management: “Get woke, go broke” is no joke 

Calvin Mulligan, July 4, 2024 All rights reserved

“They don’t realize that this is the start of something, not the end of something.” (Robby Starbuck)

I’ve long considered the ability to learn from the experiences of others, good or bad, an important measure of intelligence. I’ll illustrate with the classic “hot stove” analogy. Five year old Johnny’s friend, Charlie, puts his finger on a hot element of a stove and screams in pain. Johnny wisely concludes that touching a hot stove is painful and should be avoided. But another of Johnny’s friends, Shawn, who also watched Charlie burn his finger, decides that he needs to find out for himself and promptly sticks his finger on the hot stove with the same painful result. Which of the boys is the most intelligent? Clearly, the stove experience was instructive for Johnny who learned the lesson without the pain.

Both business and non-profit organizations, like people, can learn valuable lessons from the experiences of their peers and thus avoid similar pain. Not all are so inclined however. Other, less observant or intelligent organizations must experience the burn themselves in order to grasp the lesson and integrate it into corporate policy and practice. Recently, Tractor Supply Company (TSC) has provided the corporate world with a graphic illustration of the importance of attending to your business and your customers rather than globalist-approved social-engineering projects. The question of how many other corporations are capable of learning from the experience of TSC remains to be seen.

Tractor Supply Company (TSC), a Fortune 300 company based in Tennessee with over 2,200 stores, was recently boycotted by its conservative customers. The latter were thoroughly offended by the company’s zealous embrace of DEI (“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”) initiatives and related financial support for woke political causes. Figuratively speaking, it looks like TSC didn’t just stick it’s toe in the DEI “water”, but rather jumped in at the deep end and went all out to capture the DEI Olympic gold. And then someone found out what TSC was spending some of their hard-earned customer dollars on.

As Greg Ritchie of the on-line publication, Messenger, tells the story: “One online commentator, in a post which went viral and was seen by millions, called the company out for: “LGBTQIA+ training for employees, funding pride/drag events, having a DEI Council, funding sex changes, climate change activism, pride month decorations in the office, DEI hiring practices and LGBTQIA+ events at work.

The commentator had been tipped off by a TSC employee who noticed just how far the company had wondered from the core values of its farm and rural customers. (It’s interesting that it was an employee, not the CEO or the Board) The social media commentator was Robbie Starbuck, the X user who exposed the company’s split personality. In a subsequent interview, Starbuck commented: “The company is absolutely stupid for doing this.

Yes, returning to the hot stove analogy, it was exceedingly stupid. It’s not like the Bud Light and Target stories had faded into the annals of business history. And, it’s not like “Get woke, go broke” (the obvious overstatement aside) had been disproven, particularly among organizations with a conservative customer base. But TSC had to put it’s hand on the stove and then lean on it and boy did it burn. The customer boycott produced a drop of more than $200 in share value in one week and a $2 billion decline in market capitalization.

The customer reaction was enough of a whack on the side of the corporate head to prompt TSC to regain its senses and repent of its woke ways. Last week, it issued a statement which reads in part: “We work hard to live up to our Mission and Values every day and represent the values of the communities and customers we serve. We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them. We have taken this feedback to heart.” The corporation pledged, “Going forward, we will ensure our activities and giving tie directly to our business. For instance, this means we will:

1. No longer submit data to the Human Rights Campaign

2. Refocus our Team Member Engagement Groups on mentoring, networking and supporting the business

3. Further focus on rural America priorities including ag education, animal welfare, veteran causes and being a good neighbor and stop sponsoring nonbusiness activities like pride festivals and voting campaigns

4. Eliminate DEI roles and retire our current DEI goals while still ensuring a respectful environment

5. Withdraw our carbon emission goals and focus on our land and water conservation efforts”

I’m not sure what it was that convinced senior management that there was gold in those DEI virtue-signalling endeavours. Perhaps TSC leadership was counting on the historic leaning of conservatives toward a live and let live philosophy. The problem with that of course is that conservatives were forced to abandon that some time ago by militant leftist antagonists. Leftist activism taught us that continuing to pursue peaceful coexistence in the 21st century was a ticket to oblivion. Yes, it took us some time to figure that out, but we’ve learned that leftist ideologues aren’t interested in civil conversation, “tolerance,” sharing the platform or, diversity of thought despite the pretence to the contrary. We’ve discovered that the radical left have no respect for boundaries. From their perspective, this is a winner-take-all fight to the death and the goal is complete domination.

So, admittedly it took us a some time to figure out how to confront the activist left’s massive propaganda machine. But at some point, we realized the smears, deceptions, sleights of hand, red herring distractions and straw man tactics were all it had — an assortment of rhetorical fallacies. Its arguments are essentially devoid of substance. We tried to bring reason, objective truth and time-tested principles to the debate and the wokesters replied with insults, lies de-platforming campaigns, intimidation and false claims to the moral high ground. And let’s not overlook their all-time favourite tactic — playing that well-worn victim card.

We took a lot of beatings, but we learned to defend ourselves. Remember when Hillary Clinton tried to smear all those disinclined to vote for her “a basket of deplorables”? Conservatives didn’t run; they fashioned the insult into a badge of honour and it boomeranged back. It’s a text book example of what I call “rhetorical jiu-jitsu”. We also learned that memes can be the equivalent of missiles in information wars. Consequently, we’ve developed an army of rapid response digital warriors capable of delivering devastating meme strikes on leftist points of vulnerability.

So yes, we conservatives have learned how to fight. Bud Light, Target and now Tractor Supply can attest to that. And we’re still improving our ability to target and take down activist woke positions. This struggle in the larger arena is far from over, however. As Robbie Starbuck, recently put it: “They don’t realize that this is the start of something, not the end of something.” The Tractor Supply win aside, my career experience tells me that big organizations in particular are seriously hearing-impaired. Part of the problem is that senior management relies too heavily on PR and communications specialists to objectively interpret incoming signals from from customers and members of the public. And then, after the damage is done, senior management again relies on these same blind-in-one-eye specialists, to make the problem go away.

PR spinmeisters, famous for their non-apology apologies like “mistakes were made” are all about advocacy and fixate on the messaging. Confronting the issue or point of contention head-on is an entirely different matter. So, for those fervent adherents of the DEI cult, here’s few candid pieces of advice from your friendly futurist.

  • Don’t rely on your PR department to either read the writing on the proverbial wall or save your butt after you’ve taken a hit. I haven’t met a PR practitioner yet that isn’t infected with the delusion that it’s inevitably a matter of getting the messaging right. Nope! Ultimately, no amount of spin closes the divide between differences in core values and principles. Try spinning the carving up of teens genitals and hormonal castration as “gender-affirming care” to conservatives and see how far that gets you. And after that, try spinning pedophilia as “love.” Conservatives aren’t buying it. They’re naming names and in some jurisdictions legislating the death penalty (See Tennessee reference below).
  • DEI is yesterday’s management virtue scorecard and it’s past its best-before-date. It’s unduly narrow, divisive and often discriminatory (anti-white). If there’s concrete evidence that DEI commitments produced significant gains in organizational productivity or performance over the longer term, I’d love to see it. Most of the measuring appears to centre on DEI scores. Logic tells us that this kind of motivation could perversely lead to actual declines in corporate IQ and performance. It’s a pretty safe bet that Intersectionality-skewed thinking has penetrated HR departments and it’s not exactly a merit or performance-oriented philosophy. What do you think it does to employee morale when employees are subjected to HR’s shaming harangues and indoctrination? The Covid Propagandemic was a major test of an organization’s real values. Those that mandated get vaxxed-or-get lost failed that test big time. They can now explain to employees that were ostracized and unemployment or coerced into getting an often-injurious or fatal concoction how important diversity, equity and inclusion is to their company.
  • The over-reach of the LGBT+ XYZ movement is apparent — even to many members of the gay community. Have you ever noticed how the voice of political lobbies that perennially play the victim card eventually starts to sound like noise? This is particularly true when they have already been granted the coveted “Protected Class” status by their governments. No, LGBT+ activists didn’t manage to get their flag planted on the moon yet, but that’s okay. Now, it’s roll back time. Organizations could demonstrate some foresight by “de-rainbowing” their organizations in light of the fact that their actual mandate probably has nothing to do with the social engineering campaigns they routinely adopt by proxy on behalf of the radical left. And importantly, the reputational risk is growing with each new letter and sexual kink added to the gender alphabet.
  • Children are out of bounds. Conservatives are no longer going to ask politely. Your company would be wise to disassociate itself from any activist group or activity that a) targets legislation that protects children from sexual exploitation or b) supports the sexual indoctrination of children, trans grooming (e.g. tranny story time with kids), gender transitioning of children or tilts toward pedophilia under some other label. Such activities are against the law in some jurisdictions.

My final comment to senior management is simply that the tide has already turned in favour of de-globalizaiton and decentralization. We’ve entered an era of globalist deprogramming. And that means it’s time to declare your independence from your (globalist) management influencers (McKinsey, Deloitte, KPMG, Bain, BCG, etc) and their juniors in the DEI consulting ecosystem. Tractor Supply appears, in effect, to have done that. The hive-minded globalist Borg does’t care about you or your company’s well-being. It’s time to focus on minding your own business. Ultimately, your customers, your employees and your bottom line will be the better for it

– Calvin

End Notes:

Meet the man who saved Tractor Supply by defeating Woke activists

Tractor Supply loses billions in stock collapse as woke left activism exposed

Tractor Supply turns back on going woke

Tractor Supply ends DEI initiatives after customer backlash ‘It’s time to expose Tractor Supply’

How Tractor Supply decided to end DEI and fast

Khazarians using DEI to destroy airline industry  (Two Jet Blue airlines collide in Boston)

The quiet desperation of woke fanatics

D.E.I. goes quiet

The DEI roll back

How scientific materialism begot woke ideology

The recognition of reality destroys the dystopian dreams of the Borg

Dr. Jordan Peterson calls out PRIDE month as a celebration of hedonism

The woke movement is actually cultural enslavement. The culture war is a fight to stop it

In Europe, people are saying “no” to war and woke culture

Tennessee law allowing death penalty for pedophiles goes into effect; only democrats oppose it

Detrans: True stories of escaping the gender ideology cult

Young detransitioners lead the charge agains the corrupt medical and educational establishment

Most gender-confused kids ‘grow out of it’, according to landmark study

Texas supreme court upholds ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minor,to%20taper%20off%20their%20use.

A history of DEI,beginning%20of%20workplace%20diversity%20training.

Blessed are the Weird

Blessed are the “Weird”, the independent, untethered ones who see what others blissfully overlook (C)

Calvin Mulligan Aug 1, 2020 All rights reserved

The word, “weird” was injected into the lexicon of mainstream political pundits this week by Kamala Harris who reportedly described the Trump-Vance ticket for the 2024 presidential election as “weird.” While I didn’t bother to dig into what Harris meant, the word is often used to describe unusual occurrences or the behaviour or personality of those seen as odd or strange.

The online Cambridge dictionary suggests that social awkwardness is commonly what causes individuals to be perceived as weird something which can contribute to their being ostracized from the group. For the purposes of this essay, we can think of those perceived as weird, as people who are often more comfortable observing and operating at the “edge” of society or a group. I can assure you that they deserve more respect than they are given.

Over the course of my career, much of it serving the agriculture industry, I’ve come to appreciate several of the attributes of this type of individual, particularly those in the innovator category. My acquaintance with these folks has led to a better understanding of their personal attributes and the challenges they inevitably face attempting to bring their inventions to market. Developing, producing and marketing their creations is typically marked by failure and rejection. And they don’t expect to be welcomed into the market place by incumbents. I recall one innovator likening his product’s perilous journey to market to “tip-toeing through the corn fields so as not to awaken the sleeping giants.”

As a result of my encounters with such adventurous individuals in the ag industry, I came to appreciate the character and perspective that many of them shared. Perceptiveness, persistence and perseverance were absolute necessities apart from their natural curiosity and creativity. Too often, in my subsequent organizational life, it seemed that divergent-thinkers tended to be undervalued by a consensus-minded culture and the relentless quest for organizational efficiency.

Innovators and their innovations tend to have a disruptive influence, something that’s often too much to ask of managers seeking to meet or exceed their quarterly objectives. So, those minority report ideas may be limited to a footnote as the bottom of the back page of a report or ignored completely. Suffice to say, it’s often our collective loss as a society when prophets crying in the figurative desert or pointing to the writing on the wall are ignored and potentially game-changing plans are squelched by vested interests. History is replete with examples if we care to read them.

Nothing brought the differences between the compliant consensus-minded herd and lonely, critical thinkers into sharper contrast than the Covid-vaxx propagandemic. In true STASI fashion, the propagandemic’s architects exploited the tensions between the two to the max. There were times their minions demonstrated the same capacity for reason that one would expect of a lynch mob. They weren’t all shouting “hang ’em high” but some were pretty much calling for the equivalent — job termination, imprisonment, forced vaccination and wishing death upon those who said “no thanks” to the experimental vaxx. It was an historic low point for humanity.

Paradoxically, the greater the hostility, the greater the resolve of those who actually did pay attention to the research evidence and reject what’s now referred to as a “bioweapon” by those in the know. I would venture that the majority of the vilified weird ones stood firm. And yet, their contribution to society remains undiscussable in the light of day and volumes of evidence supporting their stance. Let’s be clear. When the Deep State and it’s globalist management declared a vaxx war on humanity, the resistant non-conforming “weird” rose to the challenge.

It was the members of this much-derided minority who:

  • smelled the corporatocracy’s propaganda campaign pretty much from the outset;
  • taught us what diversity (of thought) really means;
  • resisted the mesmerizing drum beat of Satan’s magicians seeking to lure them with their “safe and effective” lie;
  • pointed out the numerous anti-health, anti-human anomalies in the Big Pharma-Medical -Banking-MSM-Military industrial complex’s official narrative;
  • called out traitorous Zombie politicians, fake doctors, lying media shills and paid social media “influencers”;
  • kept truth and hope alive amid a time of intense spiritual darkness;
  • proposed alternatives therapies and medical treatments for Covid-19 and vaxx injuries;
  • entertained us with their satirical memes exposing the naked emperors;
  • provided us with the hard evidence of vaxx injuries and death based on real science and honest medical research;
  • extended their fellowship to the outcasts who had been summarily de-licenced, de-employed and ostracized; and
  • motivated us by elevating our fight to that of the spiritual battle of the ages.

We must never forget these brave warriors. The global army of the weird continues to hold the banner of truth high throughout our long dark night of the soul. We know that the fight isn’t over yet and some big battles likely lie ahead. There is no surrendering. Defeating the globalist idiocracy pursuing A.I.-based thought and behaviour management of the population is foremost among them. But in the meantime, I salute all of you with Jacob Nordby’s “The Beatitudes of the Weird”.

“Beatitudes for The Weird “

“Blessed are the weird people –

Poets , misfits , writers , mystics ,

heretics , painters , and troubadours …

For they teach us to see the world through

different eyes. “

“Blessed are those who embrace the intensity of life’s pain and pleasure –

For they shall be rewarded with uncommon ecstasy.”

“Blessed are ye who see beauty in ugliness-

For you shall transform our vision of how the world might be .”

“Blessed are the bold and whimsical –

For there imagination shatters ancient boundaries of fear for us all .”

“Blessed are ye who are mocked for unbridled expression of love in all it’s forms –

Because your kind of crazy is exactly that freedom for which the world is unconsciously begging . “

“Blessed are those who have endured breaking by life –

For they are the resplendent cracks through which the light shines. “

— Jacob Nordby

The Party’s Over, Now What?

Calvin Mulligan, June 4, 2024 (c) All rights reserved

The Party’s Over, Now what?

Synchrony and me

I am intrigued with the phenomenon of synchrony. For example, a friend that you haven’t spoken to in months calls you at the very moment you’re pushing the “send” button on a long overdue email to him or her. Or, perhaps you encounter a old proverb three times in the span of 24 hours. Some folks may call these highly improbable, unexpected intersections of people, ideas and actions in time, coincidences. I no longer do. A friend tells me that synchrony is one way that God speaks to us. So, now I’m paying more attention to its occurrence in my life lately. It seems to me that if there ever was a time to attune my mind to a divine frequency, it’s now in the midst of our apocalypse.

I experienced a kind of rhetorical synchrony about three weeks ago. A friend invited me to attend a forum hosting an Alberta politician eager to tell his audience about his new and improved federal political party. My rhetorical response was, “Doesn’t Mr. New and Improved realize we’re in the midst of a war with the Powers-that-Be? Doesn’t he realize we’re intent on dissembling our country’s entire corrupt political apparatus, including the current system of political parties? Hasn’t he read that history can provide no example of a nation that voted it’s way out of tyranny?” I followed up with a more succinct summation of my assessment of politics-as-usual. “The party’s over”! (referring specifically to conventional party politics.)

About a week later, while I was eating lunch on the patio of a local grocery store, a jocular “street person” stopped in front of my table holding a can of beer in the air.  “I guess the party’s over” he declared. He gave the phrase some flair….. “I guess the partaay is over.” Seemingly, someone at the other end of the strip mall had determined this fellow wasn’t gong to be getting any more beer. The former me would have dismissed this echo of my take on the future of party politics. The “new” me didn’t. I began reflecting on the broader possible meaning of the phrase, the chaotic state of the world and the prospects of those running the Big Show. Based on what I’d been reading in alternative media in recent years, the cracks in the foundations of the global Establishment were widening. Could its party coming to an end?

War and counter revolution

The history books of 2030, if honestly written, will describe this period, 2020-2025 in particular, as “the war years.” Depending upon your frame of reference, one can see the outlines of a fifty or sixty year war, or even a “forever war” on humanity. A more nuanced look at the timeline however, suggests this Dark versus Light covert war broke into public view with the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy and has now reached a climax in 2024.

Our adversaries, reportedly the Khazarian-Rothschild-Zionist globalists, have used every conceivable dirty tactic and form of deception imaginable to achieve their ends — the complete enslavement of humanity. It includes: non-stop propaganda, psychological projection, lawfare, physical aggression and intimidation, digital and physical assassination, fake terrorism, psy ops, identity theft, extreme surveillance, censorship, wholesale smearing and demonization of critics, blackmail, sexual compromise operations, biological warfare, financial pressure and coercion, false flags and a long list of others. This all-encompassing approach is characteristic of what is described as “fifth generation” warfare.

Those who are attuned to alternative social media will be familiar with what I call the US patriot narrative which is disseminated to members of the freedom community. It contends that following the assassination of president JFK, a patriotic core of certain branches of the US military realized a slow motion coup was in play. This contingent of patriots joined forces with loyal factions of the militaries of other countries and positive off-planet beings to form a world-wide army committed to taking back the earth for humanity. Supposedly, this Alliance has been covertly waging an all-out counter revolution against the Dark Side for decades. One of the Alliance’s strategies is engaging patriotic citizens in the struggle for their freedom.

One of the tasks assigned to the civilian resistance army was/is “waking up” their fellow citizens to the critical threat facing their country and the importance of prevailing in this struggle of the ages. While the members of the Resistance weren’t particularly effective four or five years ago, it seems to me they have now learned a good deal about the enemy and how to wage information warfare. Their use of powerful memes ridiculing the absurdities of the latest propaganda campaign and ability to identify crisis actors in the false flag du mois are indicative of the growing capabilities of the resistance. So how goes the war? In his May newsletter, Dr. Jim Willie, a financial advisor, echoed the analysis of Ben Fulford, a journalist with a focus on covert geopolitics, reporting:

“The globalist cabal has been defeated, their surrender in progress, the culmination of months of the highest level negotiations. The Fraudulent Banksters have turned against the Satanic Globalists, in order to win a seat at the table. The Globalist organizations will be destroyed, while their members will scatter for safe havens.” (Your discernment is required.)

The Interregnum

While Fulford, Willie and others have told us the head of the satanic Cabal-snake has been removed, they uniformly add that the remnant of the Cabal and its minions aren’t going quietly into the night. Fulford describes the current period as the interregnum. It’s defined as “the time during which a throne is vacant between two successive reigns or regimes.” (Merriam Webster). Obviously, such times of transition, if that is indeed what we are experiencing, can be highly unstable and extremely dangerous. So one would expect constant crises, fear-mongering, false flags and unfortunately the possibility of mass casualty events in the months ahead. This makes continued resistance and vigilance the order of the day. Besides, we haven’t met the new boss, so despite the assurances, we really don’t know if we’ll like him any better than the old boss.

Clearly, the carefully-coordinated “lock step” Vaxx project was a central campaign in the larger, multi-faceted war on humanity. (The dark side includes dedicated eugenicists.) The toll in human, social and economic terms is incalculable and continues to mount. One doesn’t have to look far to see the damage to families, communities and nations. That said, it appears from this vantage point that the eventual outcome will favour the forces of light. The Cabal and its vaxx pushers and collaborators have lost for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is their blatant violation of the laws of nature and laws of God. Going to war with the Creator and targeting, among others, pregnant women and children was never a good idea.

Some of those who collaborated in this crime against humanity remain holed up inside the vaxx cult bubble and may not be aware their party is over. But the fear-inducing trance has lost its effect, and the world is waking up to what appears to be a genocide or a democide. The evidence of a global conspiracy with the backing of dark-side aligned military is mounting by the minute and the censorship dam erected by corporate media is rupturing. One indication of the latter is a front page story by the UK Telegraph. See: Breaking: UK’s Telegraph comes clean — Front page headline reads: “Covid jabs may be to blame for excess deaths.

Failing foundations

It seems like every domain of Western civilization without exception was infiltrated and corrupted over the centuries by the Cabal’s dark forces. And it appears that every positive impulse and inspired endeavour of humanity has been overtaken and its purpose perverted by parasitic forces. The good news is that this hasn’t gone completely unnoticed. (although much of the civilian population went to sleep.) And it’s likely that much more than the Big Pharma-medical-mass media-security complex is going to fall in the counter revolution. I’ve been documenting developments in the war for some time now and the entries in the “wins” column are increasing as a massive truth-avalanche builds and gains momentum. Leaving Canada’s fortunes aside for the moment, here’s a rough and somewhat random list of some other enterprises, institutions, and ideological constructs destined for radical reform, dissembling or destruction. Some of them, like the gyrating headless chicken; are already dead whether they know it or not. I leave it to you to decide how much wishful thinking has influenced my list of candidates.

  • Globalist institutions like the UN, World Bank, WEF, CDC, WHO
  • The NATO alliance (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization)
  • The Khazarian-Rothchild-Sabbatean-Frankist Jew political control matrix
  • The International Rothschild-Rockefeller central banking system
  • The “Holohoax Industry”
  • The four “swamps”: the Vatican, City of London, Washington DC and Tel Aviv
  • The child-human trafficking industrial complex
  • Ukraine as we know it, Zelensky and his Nazi regime
  • Zionist Israel
  • Jewish supremacy (“God’s chosen people”)
  • The weaponized “anti-semitism” club used to subjugate and manage the goyim
  • Benjamin “Nut ’n Yahoo” and his satanic administration
  • The US Corporation and its reserve currency hegemony
  • The gender-bending trans propagandists, practitioners and Big Pharma-medical profiteers
  • Credulous “see-no-evil”, humans eagerly awaiting their next vaxx booster. (the deadly level of denial in these cases is both sad and self-limiting)
  • Large segments of the Zombie bureaucracy working at cross purposes with the publics they are employed to serve
  • The woke (weaponized) language gestapo
  • Colleges and universities peddling “woke” cultural Marxist ideology
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) multiculturalism, and mass immigration
  • The hate -manufacturing industry including grifters like the Anti-Defamation League
  • The captive majority of Hollywood players collectively serving as the propaganda arm of the Deep State
  • The Satanic adrenochrome and human sacrifice network serving the elite
  • The CIA, FBI and traitors in the military serving the banksters
  • Ukraine’s baby farms and organ and human trafficking industries
  • The George Soros Open Society non-profit political influence machine
  • Left-learning liberal churches and pastors peddling progressive “wokism” as gospel
  • Conservative Christian denominations and churches serving up religious Zionism as gospel

Letting sunlight in

Some readers may still be unconvinced. So, I’ve listed below a small sample of the articles that have come across my radar just in the last week or so. (The exception is my essays on the American Empire written in 2018.) Each is a cleansing ray of sunlight exposing the machinations of the death cult seeking to enslave us.

  • The American Empire, (obviously so corrupt, compromised and controlled it can’t continue in its current state) See my articles: Exposing the Empire of Lies Part A and Part B
  • Zionist Israel and “Nut ’n Yahoo: (See: Zionist Israel is being dismantled step by step, as we know. The world has definitely had enough of their satanic genocide. It’s time for a global cleansing,” Mossad source quoted by Benjamin Fulford. Also see: Israel, meanwhile, is about to be taken over by Egypt and Turkey. Ben Fulford)
  • Fauci and friends: As Fauci entered the Capitol building to testify before Congress, he was greeted with: “Hey Tony, are you sad that you’re in the number three spot as it applies to murdering people throughout the entire world after Stalin and Hitler.” See, Is it all unravelling? Following his testimony, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene told the media Fauci should be charged with crimes against humanity for his Plandemic promotion, brutal lockdowns, mask policy etc.
  • Covaxx conspirators and collaborators: (See Closing in on the Covid conspirators, by Elizabeth Nixon)
  • Vaxx peddling churches, and nurses (See: Deathvax blowback: Pastors, nurses and other “vaccine” pushers receiving death threats)
  • International child-trafficking network: (See: Celebrities named in the sex trafficking lawsuit against Diddy, Ghislaine Maxwell’s list became unsealed yesterday — look at the Democrats and Republicans connected to Jeffrey Epstein)
  • Gender-bending BS and trans butchering industry: (See: Wokism is killing America, Learned their lesson? Companies to scale back LGBT campaigns for Pride after Bud Light Target boycotts last year ) At least two US states have legislation banning gender-altering surgery on children.)
  • Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (See: The turning of the DEI tide)

For more signs the darkness is being exposed, see the complete list of references cited in my End Notes at the end of this article. Again, this is only a tiny fraction of the amount of evidence indicting the players, ideologies and institutions on my starter list.

What’s next?

So if the music has stopped and the global Establishment’s party is over, what’s next? The case of the Covid vaxx assault on humanity may be moving front and centre and could predispose how the struggle against the dark side unfolds from here. Covid crimes, like the figurative nail that snares the wool sweater, could cause the Cabal’s entire suit to unravel, exposing both the naked emperors and their catalogue of crimes to the world.

Author and digital information warrior, Martin Geddes, describes the atmosphere in his native England of late.

A sense of the surreal infuses the urban landscape. It cannot stay like it is; there are inevitable shifts in play from what’s already happened. Genocide, treason, war crimes — they aren’t just “elite pastimes” as there are real consequences that cannot be evaded.

That veneer of normalcy will not withstand the force when a trickle of truth escaping MSM censorship turns into a flood. And the light of that truth will reveal the awful devastation. Individual pain, now contained somewhat by official, albeit eroding denial, will coalesce into collective anger and grief. Righteous outrage will fuel calls for justice — what Geddes calls “real consequences”. It now appears that Klaus Schwab (Rothschild) and his satanic allies may not get the Global Reset they were seeking. It’s looking more like a Great Reckoning is next. Stay tuned.

End Notes

CDC has quietly admitted to Covid policy failures

UN, WHO and WEF have just been declared terrorist organizations by a Republican county assembly in Florida

Tragic: An  Australian politician who pushed the Covid injection and the result

Big Pharma paid $690 million in royalties to Fauci’s agency during pandemic

Gaza: The end of the Jewish joy ride?

Israel is a “lunatic state.” Zionist nation is “certifiably crazy.”

Holohoax exposed again! Even Jewish scholars admit there’s no evidence of holocaust

Prominent pro-vaccoine doctor (Annette Bosworth) blows whistle: ‘Biggest crime in the history of medicine’

ADL brags about controlling all major tech platforms, determining what speech is allowed in America

Keep Smiling: the end of corruption in Britain (Martin Geddes)

Deep state capitulation continues

Donald Trump and Alex Soros fight to the death as US corporation and Israel implode

Top WHO official testifies vaccine passports were a scam to push fake Covid shots

Are the Powers that Be preparing to cut Israel loose?

Is it all unravelling?

Martin Geddes takes a careful look at the “Calculus of Consequences” for anti-human actions and its vital importance to our future

The end of ‘Israel’ and the death of Zionism

The turning of the DEI tide

Khazarian Mafia murder spree triggers bounties for top Satanists

American opinions on food and medical freedom

UK: The Cass review into children’s gender care should shame us all

Learned their lesson? Companies to scale back LGBT campaigns for Pride after Bud Light, Target boycotts last year”

Joachim Hagopian: Transgender Wokism is killing America

Top Japanese professor issues global warning: pandemic was a hoax to `drive vaccinations’

Ghislaine Maxwell’s list became unsealed yesterday — look at the Democrats and Republicans connected to Jeffrey Epstein

This is how the ADL hate group was originally created

Lawyers promise Nuremberg trials against all behind Covid Scam

A Covid vaccine reckoning is coming for the DOJ over federal mandates

Covid crimes and amnesty, accountability and justice

Prominent Swiss banker calls for arrest of entire World Economic Forum

Lawyers worldwide sue govts at International Criminal Court for COVID crimes

Closing in on the Covid conspirators, Elizabeth Nixon

Deathvax blowback: Pastors, nurses and other “vaccine” pushers receiving death threats

Celebrities named in the sex trafficking lawsuit against Diddy

Well whaddya know! The real White Hats (you, me and other angry patriots) are finally flexing their muscles

What was it really like before the crash?

Coleman June 1, 2020 Old Man in a Chair: The Startling Truth Behind the Planned World Takeover, The scripts of Vernon Coleman’s ‘Old Man in a Chair’ videos for YouTube together with articles from on  year 2020 Dokumen.Pub


Photo of Calvin Mulligan

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Easter Reflections on the Inspiration of Boody Hills, Higher Love and the Contrarian Spirit of Defiant Truthers and Patriots

Easter Reflections on the Inspiration of Bloody Hills, Higher Love and the Contrarian Spirit of Defiant Truthers and Patriots

Calvin Mulligan (c), Futurescapes21C, March 30, 2024 rev April 4, 2024. All rights reserved

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. — Thomas Jefferson

At one point in a forty years career serving the agriculture industry, I took a brief side tour, joining the Strategy unit of a provincial department of Highways and Transportation. It was an interesting departure from the ag industry that offered an insider view of department policy and operations. Perhaps one of the most intriguing incidental learnings at the time concerned how highway intersections were prioritized for safety redesigns and upgrades given the constraints of limited department budgets. I recall a veteran employee telling me that the Department maintained a “Top Ten” list of problematic intersections based on the number (and perhaps severity) of the accidents that had occurred in a given period at particular locations.

My rough translation was simply the “bloodier” the accident record of a particular intersection, the higher it would be prioritized for an upgrade in the near future. It was, I suppose, a logical means of prioritizing needed design improvements in the interest of traffic safety. But it nonetheless struck me as representative of a different kind of “economy”. I began wondering about other instances where positive changes had to be purchased in the currency of human life. I subsequently returned to my natural home and employment in the ag industry, but I continued to ponder the significance of the “blood-for-change” economy operating in parallel with our material money-for-things” economy.

As a long-time Christian, I am familiar of course, with the transactional element of the Easter story being celebrated this weekend. Put simply, it’s that Christ’s sacrificial death was the one-time price required to free human souls from spiritual darkness. (No, nothing to do with chocolate eggs and bunnies). But I didn’t fully appreciate the extent to which transactions of this nature shaped history and contributed to our lives in the 21st century.

History is replete of course with stories of bloody revolutions fought in the name of freedom from from tyranny. In fact, Thomas Jefferson, in the opening quote, conveys the idea that blood-for-liberty exchanges are a “given” — a necessary price to pay. It’s often said that “freedom isn’t free.” No, it seems to me that in terms of the expenditure of human life, our freedoms are pretty high priced. And yet, so many of those same cherished freedoms have been squandered in recent years by traitorous politicians. The loss is incalculable.

Jefferson couldn’t have foreseen the specific nature of the current globalist war on humanity, but he would have recognized the life-for-liberty equation in it. Today, I have a much better grasp of the truth behind Jefferson’s sentiment as a result of my being enmeshed in this struggle. The last four years have been particularly instructive, giving me a deeper appreciation of the true value of liberty. They have  clarified the foundational nature of truth for a nation or a society. Once truth is extinguished, a plunge into darkness and captivity is inevitable.

The last four years have also helped me grasp the magnitude of what younger generations risk losing. Among the priceless things at stake is the freedom or space to think and express one’s thoughts freely in the exchange of ideas in the public square. In introducing the Online Harms Act bill in the House of Common in February, the current government has demonstrated its distain for this essential freedom. John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, describes Bill C-63 as “the worst assault on free speech in modern Canadian history.”

The fascist flavour of the current government administration aside, the willingness of individual’s to engage in the struggle and put life and liberty on the line tells us something. It may one of the best measures of human greatness, and implicitly, love for humanity. Christian scripture says: “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13). This theme echoes in the plot of Charles Dickens’, A Tale of Two Cities” (1859) set against the backdrop of the French revolution.

The most gripping thread in the story concerns the decision by a somewhat jaded lawyer, Sydney Carton, to trade places with his doppelganger and friend, Charles Darnay. Darnay was about to be executed by the French regime, so Carton’s ploy, while resulting in his execution, would enable his friend to live out a full life with his wife and child. At the end of the story, Carton has a prophetic vision in which he affirms: “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”

Simply reflecting on acts of selflessness, those of Christ or even that of the fictional Sydney Carton, can be spiritually up-lifting and re-energizing. It’s a vital therapy for people enduring suffocating tyranny as we are. I was inspired by this same kind of selflessness when I met other grandparents at my first freedom rally on Parliament Hill in 2017. Many Baby Boomers attending freedom rallies explain their presence by saying they are “here” for their kids, grandkids and their successors.

It was probably that same year that I watched an  interview with a senior Australian citizen who was to be arrested by the Australian Stazi. Before his arrest, “Mr. Aussie”, a Christian, had wondered how he should respond to the petty thugs that would be coming to arrest him for the fabricated crime of protesting grotesque government lockdown measures. He concluded that he would provide civil, straightforward answers to their questioners. His gentle demeanour aside, this patriot’s commitment to the cause of human freedoms was uncompromising. This was the proverbial “hill” Mr. Aussie was prepared to die on if it came to that. Immediately, I knew that I’d found found a kindred spirit in the man, a timely encouragement in a very dark chapter of our history.

Mr. Aussie is not alone. More than one courageous national leader paid the ultimate price for defending his people and revealing the Covid-vaxx truth (including at least three African presidents). Tens of thousands of honest doctors and scientists around the world have put objective scientific truth and medical integrity above status, high paying jobs and cash bonuses. Thousands of employees have said “no thanks” to the frequently injurious and in far too many cases debilitating jab. Mainstream media is suppressing the news, but millions of ordinary people have already confronted, and continue to confront national, provincial and municipal politicians and state-compliant employers with the message: “enough — we will not comply”! 

Our numbers have been growing even as the tyranny intensified. Millions of people world-wide refuse to bow to the Satanic Khazarian gods or defer to their minions at the WEF, the UN, the World Bank, the WHO, the CDC and other globalist-run institutions. The latest battlefront is agriculture and food. Thousands of farmers across Europe are in open revolt against their governments’ ag and food policies as I write. And this past week, a young employee in the US State Department, Annelle Sheline, determined that her “hill” was the US government’s continued enabling of war atrocities in Gaza and resigned from her job. She subsequently gave a CNN interview on her decision at the behest of her former colleagues feeling similar pangs of conscience, but wary of the risks asscoaited with speaking up.

Today, 165 years after the book’s publication, the opening lines of Dickens’, A Tale of Two Cities, are remarkably descriptive of the dissonant polarities of our time. Dickens wrote:

“It was the best of time, it was the worst of time, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair….”

I never would have thought it possible until now, but this era simultaneously embodies all of the above. Which of these duelling realities is our reality in 2024? To a large extent, it may be a matter of our own choosing. I’m inspireed by the example of a young Belgian politician named Dries Van Langenhove, a patriot who was recently sentenced to a year in jail. According to his Pharisaical  accusers, his crime was being a member of a group chat that indiulged in “racist” and “denialist” memes. And while Dries didn’t send them, he was judged to have not done enough to stop them. Yes, that’s about as Orwellian as it gets. But Van Langenhove is far from despairing. He may even see some type of victory in his situation.

American Renaissance reports concerning Van Langenhove: “Despite government persecution, financial penalties, threats from antifa, and furious media hatred, he gave a speech at the last American Renaissance conference called: ‘This is the Greatest Time to Be Alive.’ He said ‘Our ancestors are watching us, and I want to make my ancestors proud.’ ‘I want to continue their legacy. I am just like they were, prepared to give my life for our people and our future.’

Inevitably, some of our compatriots have become weary and disheartened as the Globalists’ intensifying war on humanity continues. I trust they will find fresh hope in Easter’s theme of spiritual liberation and new encouragement in the example of Mr. Aussie, Annelle Sheline and Dries Van Langenhove. Van Langenhove’s declaration bears repeating: This is The Greatest Time to be Alive. I agree. I can’t think of a better time to do, in Sydney Carton’s terms, that far far better thing than we have ever done. So help me God.

— Calvin

End notes

The Jefferson Monticello

A Tale of Two Cities

The worst assault on free speech in modern Canadian history, John Carpay, Western Standard, March 1, 2014

Belgium should be ashamed

Opinion: Why I’m resigning from the State Department (by Annelle Sheline)