Developing Decentralized Value Chains — the Re-invention Doesn’t Have to Start from Zero

Developing decentralized value chains — the re-invention doesn’t have to start from zero

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C Sept 2022 (c) 

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” — “Socrates”, from Way of the Peaceful Warrior

In an earlier commentary, I referenced the writing of Vaclav Havel and the notion that the way to defeat the current tyranny is by creating parallel structures. The advice echoes a quote from Socrates emphasizing a focus on “building the new” versus expending all our energy on defeating the old (above). It can be an overwhelming thought, however. Many in the ranks are tired from battling the campaign of lies, coercion and intimidation that the fascist technocracy unleashed two and a half years ago.

Surveying the devastation and knowing the extent of the collapse yet to come, one is struck by the enormity of what “building the new” might mean. Where does one begin? What new business models can be envisioned in education, health care and agriculture and food production for example, that won’t simply produce more of the same a decade from now. 

The encouraging answer is we don’t necessarily have to start from scratch. The seeds of the new have already sprouted and are taking hold in more than one sector. Parent-managed home schooling arrangements of various types are operating as we speak. A member of a freedom group that I’m part of reported that a highly respected MD has shifted his practice from that of administering treatments for illness to that of a “health coach” dedicated to maintaining health. And the interview with Texas Slim (link below) reveals the progress of The Beef Initiative.

The participants have developed a decentralized beef producer-to-consumer model that addresses many of the quality concerns attached to international value chains. The role of the “micro-processor” is integral to the system. Many of us have likely observed the disappearance of small, local beef processors with some dismay, wondering where they can find replacements. I can’t tell you at this point if the Beef Initiative model (based on the US) is being replicated as such in Canada. But Canadian beef producers are very aware of what their American brethren are up to and vice versa, so they talk and swap ideas. And the need is likely going to grow as bugs and artificial meat aren’t for everyone. Also, not everyone buys into the villianizing of the beef industry as the climate change scapegoat.

In fact, I can make the case that the optimum model of beef production requires an integration of plant and animal agriculture. This was achieved on a small scale in “mixed” farms of the fifties before “sustainable ag” was part of the lexicon. (In the interests of full disclosure, I am an animal science major, but that has never prevented me from critiquing industry practices that aren’t in the best interests of consumers, cattle or the industry itself in the long term.)

This time round, the restoration of services and replacement of broken value chains demands re-invention versus repair. My career observation however, is that despite high flown management rhetoric regarding its commitment to “organization change,” given the opportunity to do something truly new and different, most tend to opt for more of the same. The reflexive habit of seeking more of the same, presumably because its familiar, is self-defeating.

Those who suggest the priority for our medical system is more money for example, haven’t been paying attention. The footings are rotten, foundational ethics have been abandoned, and the business model makes perpetual illness profitable. Realistically, it will remain predisposed to managing (or fabricating and fostering) illness as long as it is profitable. Yes, I said “fabricating and fostering” illness — just look at the Covid pandemic-vaxx fakery. It’s bullsh*t voodoo medicine worthy of B grade sci-fi horror movie treatment. How does, “Long Night of the Zombie Doctors,” sound? But I digress.

Returning to the matter of creating robust decentralized beef value chains, what can we do? It seems it’s time to turn up the Freedom Movement dialogue with independent agri-food producers. It’s time to put our money where our mouth is. Local independent producers don’t necessarily know the consumer demand we represent. Ultimately, we are allies in the war against Big Global and its bully regime. Consumers can be co-inventors with producers and the models we might borrow from or replicate are, to some degree, “out there” or emerging. Perhaps while you’re preparing dinner today, you could listen to the Mark Moss interview with Texas Slim. (link below). Beyond that, what about intentionally connecting and integrating like-minded sustainable beef producers into our communication networks? When like- minded producers and consumers talk, good things can happen. 


Mark Moss (interview with Texas Slim):

Organic and sustainable farms network:

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