Exercising discipline and vigilance amid the coming flood of change

“Exercising discipline and vigilance amid the coming flood of change.” Calvin Mulligan, January 21, rev. Jan 22, 27, Feb 5, 2025 (c) All Rights Reserved

A spokesperson for the US patriot community told his listeners that when the leaders of earlier US administrations were asked how long it would take for the new administration to get up and running, the usual response might have been “a couple of weeks.” When Trump was asked, the response was: “A couple of hours.” So for people like you and I, the best general advice is to buckle up and in some instances, get out of the way. There’s a big change wave coming.

The changes coming to America and the world are likely to be bigger, bolder and more far-reaching than most would imagine. And in our tightly-networked globalized world some will impact us faster than we can anticipate or process them. There will be resistance of course and it shouldn’t be underestimated, but some of the predators and parasites are no doubt already feeling uncomfortable and leaving town. It’s not all attributable to Donald Trump. We’re witnessing something bigger unfolding. Some talk of a “Great Awakening.”

It’s not just populist sentiment manifesting globally, there are powerful spiritual and cosmic forces at play. We’re experiencing a convergence of influences and we’re likely going to feel like we’ve been caught in a tsunami. And the Trump administration itself will also to some degree be buoyed by that wave. Futurist, Clif High, describes the coming period as an era of hyper-novelty, something that could feel quite chaotic as the authority structures erode. (Consider how people actually regard governments that have tried to depopulate their numbers.)

The new Trump administration may be about to demonstrate that the popular models of organizational and institutional change are at worst ineffectual and at best outdated. One reason could be that figuratively and literally the stars are aligned. Another is that Trump has the support of people at home and around the world who see him as a beacon of hope, or in some cases, a kind of talisman. They are demanding change in no uncertain terms.

Many of Trump’s vast army of supporters, both here in the West and beyond have been abused under oppressive regimes for some time. They are the victims of state terrorism. It’s been the kind of Orwellian evil imposed by some of history’s darkest tyrants. So now, like a just-released, tightly-coiled spring, the snap-back pressure for change is enormous. You can feel the energy in the air. And the Trump signing of some one to two hundred executive orders in the first day is certainly suggestive of the pressure for change on many fronts, domestically and internationally.

To appreciate the tension in that coiled “spring”, one really needs to consider how tightly our oppressors had turned the screws that held us in place. They went for absolute control and tried it all — continuous surveillance, censorship of speech, criminalization of thought (even prayer outside an abortion clinic in some cases) cancellation of the right to participate in public life, coerced injections, propagandization by security agencies and their media whores, intimidation by police, wholesale abandonment of constitutional and natural rights by governments, non-stop lies and deception, sex-compromise operations, bribery, regular false flag attacks and theatre and language policing. And when all of that didn’t achieve the desired effect quickly enough, they resorted to assassination, starting wars and invoking demons to assist in their war against humanity. It’s been a nightmare!

The dark, destructive nature of totalitarian governance was unmistakeable and many didn’t survive it. Without even considering Covid casualties, the number of Canadians who suicided themselves with the assistance of MAID service has set off alarms around the world. (We have been living amid a death culture.) It goes without saying that any claim the government cares about our physical or mental health and well-being is pure fabrication — PR-coated bullsh*t. The governments of the world for the most part have been answering to the globalist depopulators. (See global Covid-vaxx injury and death estimates by Edward Dowd).

I’m not going to speculate concerning how far the Trump 2.0 administration is planning to go down a path toward greater transparency, truth, justice and liberty. But I’ll be watching closely and constantly asking these questions about its policies and actions.

  • Does it move us toward financial freedom or continued debt slavery?
  • Does it break the shackles of our Zionist managers and their Satanic overlords, or does it continue to pander and obsequiously serve them?
  • Does it elevate human lives and aspirations above technology or seek to consign us to the control of AI-driven tech and AI-managed social credit systems?
  • Does it make diplomacy great again, or continue to march in accordance with the war-mongers’ handbook of continuous bullying, bribery, economic hegemony and intimidation?
  • Does it honour the truth and its champions or try to stifle and discredit them (with smears like “anti-semitic”) when truth is inconvenient or favours another?
  • Will the “wins” America pursues, be genuine wins with widely cascading benefits, or just the wins of a classic school yard bully?

I am encouraged by some of the administration’s stances and early actions, but my “test” questions (above) for the Trump 2.0 administration will remain guiding principles for the long term. They are questions that must be asked every day and applied to every policy decision, not selectively in light of political popularity polls. Yes, I’d like to see America “great” again provided it’s an authentic and noble greatness. Right now, I’m praying that it’s greatness that implies “wholeness.” I’d like to see America (and its neighbours including my Canada), whole again (MAWA). Right now, we’re deeply damaged and traumatized nations.

Times of transition are dangerous times. So, it’s important to protect the liberty movement from the manipulation of those attempting to high-jack the momentum for reform and opportunists with a competing agenda. It’s equally important to steady yourself against the winds of propagandists presenting the next mirage as reality. Then there are the wily shape-shifters who would like to pretend they’ve been reformers all along when they simply changed the colour of their team jersey when it became convenient to do so.

We may also be experiencing some heady times down the road. “Winning” can be intoxicating — potentially blinding. That’s why being firmly anchored in our principles is critical. We begin to lose our independence and our soul when we compromise our principles just to continue basking in the approval of power-tripping members of the Party. What was the Glen Campbell lyric in his song, Rhinestone Cowboy? “There’s been a load of compromising on the road to my horizon, but I’m gonna be where the lights are shining on me.” It would be profoundly disturbing for most citizens if they knew the extent to which this lyric is descriptive of the conduct of their members of Congress or Parliament.

Genuine clear-eyed objectivity requires discipline. As an analyst, I’ve realized that to remain objective, I needed to avoid attachment to political parties and charismatic politicians backed by powerful reality-manufacturing machines. Then there’s the trap of the false dichotomy which has held the majority of people captivated and captive for decades. Assuming Canada’s Conservative leader, Pierre Poilievre isn’t an Establishment-controlled puppet as his Liberal counterpart is for example, is dangerously naive. The Establishment, not unlike Pepsico, operates many franchises. Default skepticism is an asset in the Age of Deception. As the skeptic says, only the paranoid survive.

Some of the disciplines I have adopted in order to avoid being captivated by the siren song of the political seductress are:.

  1. Put reason before reaction and consider evidence and long-term consequences before advocating for a policy.
  2. Put principle before personality and partisanship.
  3. Value actions over words and the historic track record over trust.
  4. Beware those that seek to divide us (whether as nations, communities, families or individuals) as they frequently seek to destroy.
  5. The end doesn’t justify the means.
  6. Demand truth and transparency as trademarks of authentic leadership.
  7. Think long term trends and implications; when viewed from that perspective, the contradictions become clearer. (It’s called exercising foresight)

I made an exception to my “keep-my-distance” rule when a new national political party was formed in Canada about seven years ago. But it was only after promising myself to never become a fan of the party or its leaders. This party’s guiding principles were as sound as I could possibly imagine, but I quickly discovered it had an almost infantile attachment to the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (aka NATO). So, I never renewed my membership. It’s continuing deafness to the suggested need for addressing it’s NATO attachment syndrome suggested the party suffers from a deeper malaise.

In a similar vein, I was asked by some attending a freedom community meeting in November how I felt about the Trump win. This gist of my response was that I was neither euphoric nor despondent. Anchored in our values, we must never go back. It’s up to us as patriotic, liberty-minded people to harness the energy unleashed by the Trump change wave to propel us toward the best possible future. And that’s irrespective of how the Trump administration performs. My feelings haven’t changed any since that conversation. Vigilance, as always, is the watchword. And if I might offer a tip in passing… It’s time to disinvest from D.E.I. The world is moving on.

– Calvin

Note: Here’s Newsweek’s list of Donald Trump Executive Orders signed thus far:


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