Connecting the dots: Proxy Jihadi Wars, Mass Migration and Cultural Clashes in Europe



Home page post, October 2018
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I suspect that a lot of folks are feeing rather disoriented these days. Major developments in the geopolitical, technological and cultural realms of late have been sending tremors through our world as it seemingly stumbles from one crisis to the next. It’s left the average person without sufficient breathing space to process the latest happenings and their implications. And collectively the picture is distorted and incoherent, so sense-making is exhausting. So, I can understand why many have given up on making sense of their world and adopted a “whatever” attitude. At times like this, when things are blurring past us,  it’s important to step back, confirm essential landmarks, and try to grasp how the pieces fit together. With a better understanding of what is really transpiring, we’re in a position to make sounder, longer term decisions including which policies we should support. This is urgently needed when it comes to the matters of proxy jihaidi armies, regime change wars in Middle East, mass migration to Europe and cultures clashes in the West. We need to figure out what’s really going on. 

People struggle to see the big picture
A capacity for big picture thinking doesn’t come naturally. It’s a bit like that image of the six blind men, each with their hand on a different part of an elephant’s anatomy from trunk to tail and each describing what they perceive an elephant looks like. None of them has the full picture. None could describe an elephant. And that’s often the way the mainstream media presents the news to us. We are bombarded with bits and pieces — the “issues” du jour, but few sources provide a meaningful analysis of how the pieces intersect and their overall significance. This is one reason so many of the proverbial “elephants in the room” or in our society are left undisturbed. It also explains why so many people and organizations are caught off-base, tilting at windmills (symptoms of a problem) and others, unawares and easily blindsided by new developments. Do we really want to be concerned with paving our driveway if an earthquake is building under our feet or our local Mount Vesuvius is about to erupt.  

Big picture blindness is often self-imposed
Why don’t we get better at grasping big picture stuff and anticipating what’s coming?  Often the constraints are self-imposed. For starters, it often involves the unfamiliar and that in itself can cause discomfort.  And then, those who pride themselves on being “practical,” often have a distaste for anything that seems like a distant abstraction.  A former colleague responded that big picture stuff was the responsibility of his managers — the folks being “paid the big bucks.” He was, in effect saying,”it’s none of my business.” The problem is that sometimes those very senior managers are insulated from the tremors which folks with their feet on the ground have already sensed. And, let’s be honest, there’s another category of people that simply don’t care and still another that wishes to preserve its innocence. So, the  cognitive dissonance associated with potentially unpleasant subjects quickly repels them. Who, for example, wants to believe that the reason some things don’t add up is because their government regularly lies to them? 

Crisis reactions inhibit clear thinking
Let’s take a real world example of some major activities recently dominating the news. I’m thinking of global terrorism, a succession of regime change wars in the Middle East, and disruptive mass migration into Europe. Those with a narrow “issues” mindset will likely see these as distinctly separate developments, producing different sets of problems and warranting particular responses or solutions. Thus when our national government presents us with a “refugee crisis,” we react to “the problem” as presented in the moment, rather than ask what’s behind the so called crisis or probe what the underlying problem is. Besides, many people  are eager to prove to their political masters that they are capable of rising to the challenge just handed to them by their government. (Isn’t that how Europeans reacted to the migrant wave and how Canadian’s responded to the Trudeau-McCallum challenge of accommodating 30,000 or so immigrants.). Thus the emotional urgency of “crises” presented by governments, can suppress critical thinking and reasoning. 

The puzzle pieces fit together 
Former US diplomat and author, Michael Springmann, peered behind the curtain. Springmann connected a lot of dots and assembled the pieces of a big puzzle in his two books, Visas for Al Qaeda (2014) and Goodbye Europe?, Hello Chaos,? Merkel’s Migrant Bomb (2017). The former diplomat demonstrates there are links between US-backed jihadi activity and proxy wars, destruction of Arab countries, displacement of native populations, the migration of millions to non-Arab countries, the covert role of migrant enablers, the disruptive impacts felt by  host countries, and the destructive influence on the cultures of both host countries and migrants. Springmann examines the divisive effect that mass immigration has on the population of the host country. This is pretty much a given considering that host western countries tend  to fracture y into two camps — those supporting large scale immigration and those concerned with  protecting the native culture. Springmann believes that those behind this kind of daisy chain of destruction and disruption are aware of the consequences. 

One conclusion then is that the “bomb” of mass immigration was deployed as a deliberate part of a larger plan. Another conclusion that’s even easier to reach is that “The best way to avoid a refugee crisis is to not create one in the first place. So, no more regime change wars.” It’s something I’ve been saying  for some time. Now, I’m wondering if anyone is listening or looking at the big picture. In retrospect, it all makes sense from a Machiavellian globalist perspective.

Those wanting to expand their capacity for big picture dot connection may wish to read Springmann’s interview or put his book on their suggested Christmas gift list. See: Weapon’s of mass migration: Interview with Michael Springmann on Europe’s migrant crisis (SOTT, Aug 13, 2017) in the Society and Demographics section below. 

​In peace,
— Rod (October, 2018) 

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