The World Liars’ Association (WLA) Celebrates a Banner Year (Satirical fiction)

The World Liars Association (WLA) Celebrates a Banner Year (satirical fiction)

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C, (c) July 6,2022

Some people have visions and prophetic dreams. While I may not be one of them, I periodically unleash my imagination and it fabricates scenarios and stories — some of a satirical nature. This is one of these fictitious stories.” The premise is that I receive an unexpected invitation to the World Liars Association’s Annual Conference. This is consistent with the oft-referenced law of the universe requiring the dark side to reveal it’s plans to the world in some form or another. So I accepted the invitation as a form of “in-plain-sight” disclosure. My motive for attending was purely a matter of my commitment to learning and sharing the truth about our adversaries, their thinking and their plans. It was a research opportunity I couldn’t pass up. 

The annual conference, like many others I’ve attended over the years, was an extravaganza of workshops, seminars, and trade show offerings with the weekend concluding with an awards night banquet. It’s sponsors included the Who’s Who of the NWO Great Reset crowd. Platinum level contributors included the Gates Foundation, Oxford University Johns Hopkins University, The World Economic Forum, World Bank, NIH, WHO, CDC, the major international banks, The Bank of International Settlements, along with numerous other donors from the medical establishment and financial sector.    

Albert Bourla, The CEO of Pfizer kicked off the Conference with a Friday evening plenary address entitled:  “Covid-19: Problem-Reaction-Solution — the three step strategy that changed the world.” A wine and cheese mixer followed. Given my limited tolerance for dark side inversion, I limited my exposure to Saturday’s schedule of events. By the time I arrived at the Yale University Campus for the conference, the WLA board of directors had held it’s annual meeting and approved a resolution to change the organization’s name to the the World Association of Perception Management Professionals (WAPMP). The Board also approved adoption of a new slogan: “A better you, a better future and a better world through Reality Management.” (Skillful liars can make anything, no matter how dark, sound as beneficent as motherhood and apple pie.) 

Notes from my attendance at the fictitious WLA conference, July 1-3, 2022 

First impressions: 

My first impression upon arriving at the venue was that I was about to experience a darkly colourful fusion of Circus (midway- plus freak shows), Hollywood glitz and Hallowe’en Gothic. The patterns, colours, attendee attire and symbology left no doubt as to the freemason influence on the big show. The sheer size of the venue, the expected attendance and the lavish extremes prompted a silent, Wow, I guess there’s  no business like the deception business. And yet, I merely glimpsed the tip of a flourishing growth industry. A large banner arching the entrance welcomed attendees to the forum: Celebrating the Biggest and Best in Perception Management in 2021-22. 

The registration area was decorated with portraits of exalted members from the past. I recognized the portraits of Alister Crowley, Albert Pike and Aton Le Vey, former head of the Church of Satan. Upon registering, guests were encouraged to vote for their choice of a 2021-22 inductee to the Liars Hall of Fame. George Soros was the run away winner. The youth hosting the registration embodied the inversion, presenting as the opposite of their biological sex. A corps of unisex “ambassadors” answered guests’ questions and helped them navigate the venue. I detoured to take a look at the arena sized dining area set for the evening banquet and awards ceremony to follow. Hundreds of round tables were arched in a semi-circle facing a massive stage backed by three jumbo-trons projecting highlights from past awards nights. The table clusters were reserved for delegates and guests from a wide variety of professional categories with each identified by large serpentine banners hanging from the ceiling. 

Invitees, participants

“Professionals” involved in the deception business from every sector of society and beyond were invited. This included representation from: Pharma-Medical, Military/Security, Media/entertainment, Government, Public service, Public Relations/communication, Finance, Religious, Non Profit, Legal, Education, the Arts, Science and tech and International/Global commerce. The participation extended to delegates and guests from Secret Societies, and the transhumanist and transgender communities. Representatives identifying as cyborgs and human-animal chimeras were also expected. Apparently, the WLA is committed to the Woke Progressives’ notions of diversity and inclusivity. 


I attended four seminars of particular interest from a lengthy list of concurrent sessions on offer Saturday morning: 

Constructing a compelling false narrative: Moloch Roomwith Hill and Knowlton, International PR agency 

Notes:  Never underestimate the importance of snaring the emotions of your audience by integrating various good guy- bad guy subplots into your overall narrative. (That nugget dates back to their concocted story that elicited US citizen support for the first Iraq war.)

False flag fails and wins — a post mortem of three staged events, Baal Room with James Comey, former director FBI 

Notes: The presenter clearly knew that mass and alternative media-scrutinizing truther-analysts were blunting the impact of their false flag attacks by deconstructing them within as little as 48 hours. Credibility was declining. Expect bigger “shock and awe” attacks in the future and possibly a higher standard in terms of crisis actor performances.  

Sheeple Herding made easy: Leveraging fear, false narratives, and fatuitous data: Beelzebub Room with Neil Ferguson, Imperial College, UK

Notes: Nothing new from Ferguson — just some bragging about how a false appeal to “expert” authority can give instant credence to hyperbolic projections put forward by mathematical modellers regarding the impact of pandemics. Add the fear factor and you have a winning combination with the unguarded masses.

Crushing political dissent: How we took down the Canadian Trucker convoy: Lucifer Room with Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa and Acting Police Chief, Stephen Bell

Notes: Bell comes across in person as the same flexing “bully-in-a-uniform” as he does on TV. An audience member’s question was a good one. Specifically, “How do you know that the targeting and smearing of protest leaders like Tamara Lich by law enforcement isn’t elevating such individuals to martyr status?” Bullsh*t Bell had no answer. The other good question was directed to Watson. Do you have any concerns that the hyperbolic smearing of your political opponents will leave some mud on your image and the reputation of the City? Don’t you think many Canadian are aware that conflating peaceful citizen protest and military occupation is bogus? 

Winning the war with words: Subtle persuasion via neurolinguistic programming and cognitive inversion: Jezebel Room with Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC  

Notes: This workshop revealed the sophistication of the Deception Game. The average citizen has little idea how he/she is being moved and manipulated in the most subtle ways. The vax pitch “eligible” for example, really means you have the privilege of being injected with a toxic concoction, so don’t miss the opportunity. Strategically chosen words seduce the subconscious. This is a war of  words and a war fought with words.

Trade Show

I toured the trade show arena where hundreds of exhibitors pitched their wares to those doing business in the fields of truth suppression and deception. Their darker product offerings aside, it was in several respects the perfect parallel to our more secular version of a trade show. This version featured the latest in psy-ops, versus floor mops and the means of fracturing of the mind versus kitchen aids for slicing and dicing fruit and vegetables. The high level themes were: Perception management/mass mind control;covert surveillance; post-human enhancement (physical and psychological) and transformation; alternative realities and the metaverse; and deep fake tech. T

he more esoteric subject matter touched on soul-scalping, shape-shifting and clone management. An entire row of exhibitors offered their latest products and services to the bourgeoning transgender industry. Their offerings included transgender simulations — essentially “try it on for size” opposite sex experiences along with a professional debriefing at the conclusion of one’s trial run concerning the candidates readiness to take the leap. For those who already had undergone transition, pharma reps were offering subscriptions to a life time supply of hormones at fixed rates and a limited number of counselling sessions for those who had regrets and/or mental breakdowns. 

Exhibiter displays were loaded with motivational and instructional books, videos, training course materials, and promotional material for university degrees in the arts and sciences of deception. There were lessons in lying and master class level lectures for the novice to the veteran respectively. Offerings ranged from introductory courses in perception management and persuasion to the sophisticated use of weaponized PR, and training in the use of electronic and sonar means of mind manipulation. Yuval Noah Harari was hawking a course in transhumanist thought with a teaser weekend retreat at a Galilee, Israel health spa. Alternatively, you could sign up for real world and nether world tours and vacations featuring accommodations in exotic settings and locations like Dracula Castle in Transylvania, Romania. The romantically inclined registered their profiles on dating sites for the chance to meet others with a “perverse penchant for prevarication.” 

One could purchase professionally-designed disguise kits, fashion accessories, Diabolical Brand clothing and costumers, and a variety of games and toys. One could hire a consultant to assist him/her/other develop a fake persona and “disappear”. Guests could get a tattoo, a cap or a T shirt with captions like “Pinocchio for President” and “Fake it until you make it.” Decades ago, a cynical boss had declared, “If you can fake sincerity, you have it made.” That T shirt must have been out of stock. Farther down the row, I encountered stacks of Satanic bibles and books of spells at half price and innumerable kitschy novelties for the home and office. 

Perhaps the most popular of the books was one entitled: “The Greatest Deceptions of ALL Time: From the Eden to the Covid Epidemic, published by the WEF. Another popular title, “Ten Steps to Improved Lying in 72 hours” for $14.95 came with a promise of satisfaction guaranteed. A ghost written autobiography of Satan entitled, A Life of Deceit was about to be published with the possibility of a movie to follow. Gen Y’s and Gen Z’s honed in on the recently published, “Bliss: Living a Blue Pill Lifestyle”. And an annual subscription to “Learning to Lie Like the Masters” magazine sold at a conference price of $99.00. Each issue featured articles from high profile liars. The June issue featured “Learning to lie with a Goofy Ass Grin and a Lot of Hand Waving” by Bill Gates. The feature article in the July issue was entitled, “Bafflegab and Bullsh*t for Beginners: Learning to lie while sounding like a scientist” by Dr. Anthony Fauci.   

The CIA, FBI and MI6 co-sponsored a crisis actor recruitment centre. The hosts invited interested individuals to take a “suitability” test. The hosts explained that a shortage of crisis actors had resulted because of spiralling demand associated with the need to run near- simultaneous false flags in the US, Ukraine and other parts of Europe. I completed the on-line survey and learned that I lacked the suitable profile. Good news.

WLA entrepreneurs apparently saw the the kids market as a high growth category as a large number of exhibitors were targeting children and their parents. “The ABC’s of Lying for Kids” drew a lot of parents, as did “Pronouns for PreSchoolers” and “Gender Bending 101: A Parents’ Handbook”. Disney and Sesame Street products met with strong demand. There was a full line up transgender dolls with removable parts and LGBTQ++ characters from the past and present. I learned I was somewhat out of touch with trans zeitgeist. Apparently, Elmer Fudd had transitioned to Eleanor Dud and beloved Kermit the Frog had bravely endured bottom surgery leaving his vocal range a couple octaves higher, all of which was described in poignant detail for young readers, viewers and fans. 

Parents could register their kids for summer camps where they could learn introductory spells and black magic. And a specialist camp for candidate boy to girl transitioners would teach them how to compete to win in girls’ sports competitions. The younger ones could register for two months of weekly story hours with local trannies. This was offered absolutely free, courtesy of the Pharmaceutical industry awakened to the profit potential in developing customers-for life. This would starting with sale of puberty blockers and eventually graduate to supplying maintenance doses of hormones. There would be a related demand of course for tranquilizers to numb the psychological pain that could follow among transitioned adults with regrets. 


On Saturday evening following the banquet, the WLA honoured best performances in various aspects of subterfuge, propaganda and deception. Nominees from every sector of society competed in several categories building up to Liar of the Year honours. The award itself is a hollow, misshapen cast metal globe encircled (perhaps strangled) with dozens of writhing snakes affectionately known as “The Madoff”. The award’s name honours Bernie Madoff, the mastermind of the biggest fraud in US history. His con supposedly defrauded 37,000 people in 136 countries over four decades for $65 billion. Actor, Jim Carrey, and star of the movie, Liar handed out the metal. Some notable wins were: 

Best fact deflector checker: David Mikkelson the plagiarist and Snopes operative

Most misleading MSM news broadcaster: Again CNN takes the metal, Runner up Canada’s own CBC. 

Consistently misleading journalism: American journo, Nicolle Wallace, (known as the Typhoid Mary of Disinfo),

Criminal suppression of truth and journalism: Israel for attempting to dismiss the murder of Palestinian Al Jazeera journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh by an Israeli soldier as “an accident.” Taking out a journalist and seeking to cover it up earns candidate a double point score. 

Most incendiary lying from a government official:  Former Ukraine Parliamentary Commission for Human Rights, Lyudmila Denisova for her lies about Russian soldiers committing mass rape in the Ukraine conflict.

Best weaponized PR sloganeering: Jointly awarded to Big Pharma for it’s “safe and effective” slogan and the WEF for it’s “You will own nothing and be happy.” 

Best fake science: University of Toronto’s fake epidemiologist, David Fisman for his paper purporting to show that the unvaccinated represented an infectious threat to those vaccinated for Covid. (University of Guelph professor Dr. Byram Bridle described it as “Fiction disguised as science to promote hatred.” )\

Fake medical journal: The New England Journal of Medicine for publishing a paper claiming “babies are at ‘high risk’ from Covid-19 to justify vaccinating pregnant women.”

Best medical obfuscation: The Pharma-Medical profession for its concocted Sudden Adult Death syndrome ruse to a cover for its deadly injection-linked biowarfare. 

Best staging of war crimes false flag: Illusions Unlimited, for its staging of fake Russian war crime murder scene, Mariupol, Ukraine.

There were other awards for advancements in the fields of perception management and artificial reality. The creative team that created the Joe Biden, Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth constructs picked up awards in this category. 

Liar of the Year (drum roll): This was a close contest between the Joe Biden character/construct, (US), Justin Castro (Canada) Jucinda Ardern (New Zealand), Emmanuel Macron (France) and Scott Morrison (Australia). Castro walked away with the metal on the strength of his long-running fake Covid control measures and hyperbolic smear campaign and lies about the Canadian trucker convoy. 

The award ceremony ended with the awarding of certificates to the 2021-22 graduates of The WLA’s School of Young Liars instructed by Klaus Schwab. At that point, I realized that after 12 hours immersed in the WLA’s diabolical inversion, I had reached my limit. So I grabbed my notes and purchases and headed for the nearest exit. As I went out the door I could hear the band launching into its cover version of Jonny Lang’s “Lie to Me.”

Wrap up

I paused to regain my balance outside the exit in the parking lot. A few minutes of fresh air cleared my head as processed what I had just learned. It was obvious. Apart from the fact Canada has outdone itself, it was clear that our adversaries are 100% percent committed to their cause and deeply convinced of its rightness. The conference bore that out in dozens of ways. Why should those of us committed to restoring the truth and all the good that derives from it expect success with anything less? In a perverse way, the dedication of the dark side should stoke the fire in the soul of every freedom movement truther. 

I found a sign from an afternoon protest staged by a truther group lying face down on the parking lot pavement. I turned it over to read the message: There is nothing hidden that won’t be revealed, and there is nothing secret that won’t become known and come to light. – Luke 8:17. Before leaving, I planted the sign in a decorative landscape planter facing the WLA venue exit so that the message would confront guests as they exited the building. Perhaps it would remind some that their lies and deceits have a limited shelf life. Even now, they are coming undone.  

Calvin Mulligan @unicornivorous1

Truth — The Counter to Tyranny and Enslavement

Truth — the Counter to Tyranny and Enslavement

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C, (c) June 13, 2022 All rights reserved

Stand, therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist, righteousness like armor on your chest, (Ephesians 6:14) 

I admit that until fairly recently, my view of our societal commitment to truth was unduly idealistic. At one time I believed we were engaged in a collective pursuit of truth, the sacred essential quest of a civilized society. I considered our shared commitment to truth a defining feature of Western culture and explanation in large measure for the vitality of our society and our lead in knowledge. I’ve had to revise my thinking. Aussie, journalist, Caitlin Johnstone, dispelled my illusions with her candid assessment on the subject. In an article entitled, “How to become a mentally sovereign human”, she presents a much less flattering picture of our propensity. 

“Most people are content to sit in various degrees of untruth, accepting unexamined assumptions as true because it is much easier and more comfortable than confronting reality on reality’s own terms. They’re happy to let the lies that have been put in their head by other people to rule their experience of this world.” 

My recent personal experience confirmed her analysis. Human resistance to hard facts and verifiable evidence was and remains on full display relative to the Co-vaxx campaign. My mission was sharing the results of my investigation into the matter (a massive fraud with injurious and deadly outcomes) with family members, friends and acquaintances. To my surprise .. shock really, a significant number of recipients chose to ignore the findings outlined in my heavily referenced draft paper. Some stated outright that they wouldn’t be reading it. The tendency of those in the medical profession to avert their eyes was the most troubling.  

Honest truth seekers don’t share the preference of the credulous, the cowardly and the complicit for lies and false consensus. Ole Damgaard is one of the former. He’s perhaps best known for uncovering how false flags are orchestrated and conducted by a team of more than 100 operatives and crisis actors. This dark force travels the world and stages terror attacks at strategic times and places in order to drive a political agenda. (An example of the latter would be government confiscation of US guns for example).

Damgaard’s researching and publicizing likely locations targeted for upcoming false flags in Europe has seemingly disrupted their scheduling and possibly saved many lives. I heard Damgaard interviewed several months ago and was struck by his explanation for his work. He unapologetically declares: “I am really in love with the truth.” He didn’t blandly say, “I think the truth is really important” or “some truth interests me.” His statement conveys a passionate wholesale commitment to truth-seeking and telling and implies a love for potential victims of state-approved terror.  

I can’t help but wonder, “What if?” What if more of us were moved by Damgaard’s love of truth and determination to understand developments on the world stage?” What if more of us refused to settle for the second hand truths, half truths and lies planted in our heads by those that wish to control us? And what if we valued truth like a rare precious metal and encouraged its life long pursuit?  Would people of Western nations be in their current state of captivity? 

We’re not just lazy and selective when it comes to searching out truth and testing for authenticity as Johnstone suggests. We’re complicit in our own deception at many levels. How often do we virtue-signal our open-mindedness by taking a live-and-let-live attitude toward the tricksters from the dark side? For how many decades have we proudly insisted that tolerance rank top in our hierarchy of liberal values? Does diversity and inclusiveness equally apply to liars and lies? In going along to get along, we’ve now fractured truth into pieces of his or her and my truth. How such narrow shards can be glued together to form the basis of shared understanding and shared action is a mystery to me.

It’s given the dark side the purchase it needed to argue that Satan is entitled to equal air time and even prime time access to impressionable young minds. But on what basis exactly, did we decide that tranny performances made a positive contribution to the lives of young children? (Florida said “no more” this month) In whose interest exactly is sexually grooming children? Why the hesitation in drawing the line? Have we no appetite for painful truths, ugly truths and disruptive truths? 

Future generations may marvel at how easily psychopathic Powers-that-be (PTB), wielding an inflatable fake pandemic boogey man, were able to take the world captive without firing a shot. They may be equally hard-pressed to understand how millions of well-educated people were persuaded to eagerly line up to get injected with a toxic experimental concoction, even as hundreds of thousands of others worldwide fell victim to its injurious effects. Sure, there was a devious master plan, research and practice exercises, big money pay-offs to buy compliance and brutally-coercive threats. But still, the widespread citizen/victim applause for the latest edition of the Emperor’s new clothes was eye-opening to say the least for those who observed from outside the matrix. 

The landscape of our larger reality, the circus in the Big Tent, resembles an Apocalyptic Netflix series. It’s a tribute to the success of a Dark Side Alchemy that turns lies into truth and fiction into reality. The 360 degree inversion is nearly complete. It’s left many disoriented and wondering about in a wasteland of ignorance and metaverse fantasy. The terrain has been stripped of moral and intellectual guideposts and reliable signage. A thick fog of propaganda clouds the surface, providing cover for terrorizing false flags and psy ops. And New World Order vultures circle menacingly overhead. An air drop of compasses clearly indicating True North is urgently needed.

In this surreality, insanity rules, debilitating delusions abound and controlling media narratives govern behaviour. Much of our spiritual and physical reality has been hastily painted over by leftist activists serving their Deep State masters. An entire strata of society, the  woke progressives, live in a land of make-believe, many of them proud graduates with degrees in intellectualized nonsense. The far left are incapable of defining what a woman is. Some Oregon School divisions are institutionalizing gender blurring by installing tampon dispensers in boys’ washrooms. The Times of London reports that “the main NHS web pages on ovarian, womb, and cervical cancers no longer refer to women on some of the main pages.” Pharmafia shills advocate injecting young children with an experimental, often-injurious serum in the name of protecting them from an illness not yet proven to exist. And two British mercenaries accused of crimes in the Donbass ponder their respective paths of ignorance and lies that led each to his death sentence. One confessed he was persuaded to join the cause by CNN, BBC and Fox propaganda, and the other only recently learned that some people really do want to be part of Russia. 

So, again, I wonder, “What if?” What if parents had nurtured an understanding of the sacred importance of defiant truth-seeking, hard evidence and real knowledge from infancy? What if truth were a focal point of formal education? What if we studiously cultivated moral discernment at every age? What if we taught everyone a set of intellectual survival skills that included how to discern between truth and lies and how to spot deceptions? What if we believed to our core that our grip on eternal truths was critical to sustaining our nation? What if we set our vanity aside and called out the daily assaults on truth, unleashing a holy and healthy intolerance for lies? What if more of us, like Damgaard, were moved by our love for one another to expose PTB-orchestrated evil? Life or death? A clear-eyed grip on reality or delusion? The truth could have made the critical difference. 

In short, an awakening to the vital importance of truth and its relationships to liberty is urgently needed across the West. Truth and tyranny have an inverse relationship; Loss of truth leads to growth of tyranny. Maajid Nawaz puts the figurative ball in the pocket by describing how power invades and colonizes a truth vacuum, thus setting the stage for captivity by Powers-That-Be. 

“When there’s no such thing as truth, you can’t define reality. And when you can’t define reality, the only thing that matters is power … because power gets to define reality. Power steps into that void when reason no longer exists.”  

 Political analyst, Paul Craig Roberts similarly underlines the vital link between free speech, debate, truth and liberty.

“A population that does not respect and defend free speech, debate, and truth will not long have the liberty that results from free speech, debate, and truth.” (He subsequently adds that nowhere is truth less respected less now than in his native U.S.) 

We have experienced the wholesale destruction of truth, the rise of global totalitarianism and the loss of freedom first hand. We’re now witnessing a Truther-Freedom Movement insurgency worldwide. Truth can be the difference-maker, an essential counter to the fakery, corruption and propaganda. It’s visibly making inroads with the help of citizen journalists, whistleblowers and ordinary people. Only massive inflows of truth can reverse the moral inversion and restore reason, sanity and hope. It’s no wonder the PTB work so hard to suppress and criminalize it (as the new “hate speech”). For many of us, however, it’s the cause that gets us out of bed in the morning. The truth can set us free.


How to be a mentally sovereign human:

British health authority says “sex matters” after NHS removes “women” from cancer guidance:

Leftist Groomers: Keep your gender fluids away from children:

British men who fought in Ukraine sentenced to death:

Young Child Saves Community from Mass Delusion (Allegory)

Young Child Saves Community from Mass Delusion

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C, © May 25, 2022 All rights reserved

I’m often unexpectedly overtaken by a wave of gratitude for my parents — the people they were and their innumerable “investments” in the development of their children. Among other things, Dad taught me to comfortably question conventional wisdom. And mom, like so many other mothers, “feathered” the family nest with warm, loving touches. One of those comforts in our childhood was our bedtime story ritual. And one of our more memorable stories was Hans Christian Anderson’s “The Emperors’s New Clothes.” I can’t recall exactly how it struck me at the time, but I can tell you I’ve drawn on its lessons to this day. In fact, their application to the Covid saga is remarkable.

It’s the tale of a vain Emperor whose preoccupation was publicly parading in the most expensive, fashionable attire. One day, some devious con artists posing as talented weavers rode into town on a wave of publicity regarding their luxurious and unique line of clothing. Their product supposedly was invisible to all but the incompetent and stupid. (Conversely, only competent, intelligent people could see it.) The emperor was intrigued. Perhaps he could use the garments to expose deficient performers in his administration. So despite the exorbitant price, he placed an order with the weavers who ordered the finest silks and best gold threads. When they arrived, the con artist-weavers seized the materials for their personal profit and pretended to be weaving their magnificent fabric on empty looms.  

A curious but cautious Emperor sent an old, honest minister to check on their progress. The minister faced a dilemma. Unable to reconcile the empty looms with his own need to be perceived as competent and intelligent, he decided to play along. Yes, it was beautiful material. He would be sure to share his delight with the Emperor. Later, the Emperor, accompanied by two trusted ministers, went to inspect his suit in the making. Like the first rather insecure minister, neither of these two nor the Emperor himself dared acknowledge the fact they saw nothing. All silently submitted to the trickery of the false premise and the fabric fakery. So the con artists were lauded for their outstanding work and seized the opportunity to demand an additional payment for their services. 

The swindlers made a show of hurrying to finish up the suit for the scheduled public promenade, assuring the naked Emperor how splendid he looked in his new attire. The townsfolk had heard of the unique properties of the Emperor’s new suit, and none of them it seemed, were prepared to risk being publicly exposed as incompetent or stupid. So as he walked down the street, the Emperor’s new attire was lauded with shouts of “magnificent”, “amazing” and “excellent.” This continued unabated until the procession passed in front of a young child (I call “Hans”), who protested aloud to his mother, “but he hasn’t got anything on.” His nervous father quickly dismissed the remark as childish patter, but it was too late. The comment echoed through the crowd as one onlooker told another “a kid says the Emperor is naked.” Soon the entire crowd was voicing the same conclusion. The Emperor sensed the crowd’s assessment and recoiled at the thought they were right. But as with all entertainers — the show must go on. So, he injected new pride and vigour into his step as he paraded down the street stark naked. 

The parallels between the Andersen story and our 21st century Covid saga are remarkable as both feature: 

  • Narcissistic self-interested leaders lacking a genuine interest in serving their citizenry;
  • Predatory and avaricious con artists intent on milking their host for all they can;
  • Collaborating, insecure government ministers prepared to sacrifice the truth in order to retain their jobs and status; 
  • Compliant, credulous (and thus easily herded) citizens;  
  • Subconscious hive mind adoption of a delusion as reality by the masses; and
  • A minority of truth tellers whose factual observations are discounted by nervous, entranced fellow citizens. 

I am also struck by the fact that the hook that anchored the entire scam was rooted in human psychology; specifically human insecurity. It’s the eternal need to meet the approval of authorities and align with the consensus view. The townsfolk in the Andersen fable needed to be perceived as competent and intelligent by their leader and neighbours. The populace captivated by the Covid delusion surrendered to their need to be seen as smart (“following the science”) and virtuous translated as community-minded, caring and concerned citizens.

I’ve wondered what might have happened had not Andersen’s “Hans” spoken out. What if he’d heeded the oft-repeated parental advice to be respectful of leaders and his elders when in public? My guess is that if he not disrupted the spell with his “rude” comment, the con artists presumably, wouldn’t have been imprisoned or driven from town. Emboldened by their success, their next con could have been a plan to construct a textile factory. Just imagine the market demand for such a remarkable and luxurious line of clothing! The Emperor and his ministers would no doubt have supported the project as good for the local economy and a needed source of job creation. And the fraudulent drain on public coffers would have increased. It’s the tyranny of corporatocracy at its finest. That’s certainly the outlook in our case. If the globalist elite behind the plandemic-vaxx fraud get away with this, even more oppressive medical fascism will follow in the form of the WEF’s Great Reset. 

But “Hans” has aired the truth, and now large numbers of townsfolk have awakened to the con. They are mocking their dictatorial and deluded Emperor with new, more biting memes each day. Their mockery and their outrage will only increase as their understanding of the scope of the crime grows. The headline of a recent article made me smile in that the “Hans” plain-speak was refreshing. It reads: “Biggest lie in world history: There never was a pandemic. The database is flawed. The Covid mandates including the vaccine are invalid”. Indeed! And the biggest lie in world history is being perpetrated by our shameless naked Emperor. Spread the word. 


The emperor’s new clothes:

Biggest lie in world history: The database is flawed. There never was a pandemic. The Covid mandates including the vaccines are invalid:

The Crisis of Shattered Trust and the End of “Business as Usual” PR

The crisis of Shattered Trust and the End of “Business-as-Usual” Public Relations

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes2C © June 3, 2022, All rights reserved

“Yeah that’s how you solve Ukraine’s Nazi problem. A logo change.” — Caitlin Johnston

Nine years ago, I was working as resident futurist for a federal commercial crown corporation. My job was identifying relevant trends and developments taking shape on the horizon. Then it was a matter of teasing out the implication of those macro trends for our sector and our business future. The final step was, as an organization, developing appropriate responses or strategies. One of the most troubling trends to emerge at the time was a growing disregard for truth and truth-telling across society. I recall listening to an American analyst comment that truth was being used by some political operatives in election campaigns as merely one ingredient in larger mix of message content. To me, this was both unconscionable and incomprehensible. 

My thought experiment began with the premise that truth and trust are inextricably intertwined and foundational to our society. They are precious, intangible assets factoring into every relationship and interaction. Trust is integral to business-customer relationships and government-citizen relationships. A distancing of both customers and constituents due to growing cynicism and distrust would, at a minimum, imply increased communications costs and increased transaction costs. Operational efficiency would decline as bureaucratic friction between the moving parts and parties in business interactions would increase. (See Stephen Covey’s 2006 book, The Speed of Trust: The one thing that changes everything

Eroding public and shareholder trust would imply a corresponding decline in reputational capital and share value. And that’s not even touching on the interpersonal impacts. So, even if it were a slow decline — a figurative death of a thousand cuts over a period of years, declining trust would inevitably translate into negative outcomes for our society. And yet, at the time, in my professional circles at least, no one seemed to sense a problem or care. Ironically, perhaps the least concerned were the members of the PR profession who continued merrily about their business. If ignorance is bliss, denial must run a close second.  

So, here we are almost a decade later amid the devastation of the Covaxx propaganda war. Truth is banned, truth-tellers are persecuted and public trust in corporations, government and other key institutions and their leadership has fallen to catastrophic lows. Among members and adherents of the freedom movement it is a stone cold “zero.” To fully appreciate the scope of the trust crisis, I took a quick personal inventory of my relationships starting with my family. The members of my immediate family no long trust me or at least my perception of reality. Three of them recommended that I seek mental health counselling upon hearing that I planned to share the results of my investigation into the Covid fraud with others. It follows that they no longer trust any information or advice I have shared or may yet share with them on the subject of the vaxx-a-demic. Interestingly, they do trust others, strangers actually, more than me. This includes international and Canadian health agencies like the WHO and CDC, Ontario Health and Health Canada. Perversely, these are the very entities have lied to them daily for more than two years. 

The truth-trust divide runs both ways and expands outward from there. I no longer have confidence in the judgment of my family members regarding the credence they give the Covid narrative and related control measures. Consequently, I wonder if they will protect or surrender my grandkids to further abuse at the hands of medical fascists. There’s a long list of others whose professional advice and practices I must approach with skepticism. In general, it includes: the above-named international, national and local health authorities, the mainstream media, my family physician, hospitals pharmacists, and others serving Big Pharma.

Default skepticism is the rule of the day. As things stand today, the list of those I can no longer wholly trust includes: my local church; the mayor of Ottawa and every other city who played the pandemic game; complicit teachers, school principals and school boards; the RCMP, Ottawa Police service and especially its Chief; mainstream media; woke universities and colleges; technocrats who violated their oaths and commitments to clients, complicit colleagues in the public service; “bought” celebrities; Hollywood and social media influencers; transnational corporations on the Covid train; Canadian banks; the PM, the Government of Canada and every province; establishment aligned politicians at every level of politics who promoted or by their silence was complicit in the Great Covid Deception; international public figures like Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and their allies; the US government; security agencies and most of the governments of Western nations. 

As many as 25% – 30% or more of my fellow Canadians may feel the same way. And 20% or so on the other side of the divide distrust if not loathe fellow citizens who merely exercised their right to say “no” to an often injurious and deadly injection. The remaining 50% or so, may be somewhere between unquestioning confidence and out and out distrust. This are the rough dimensions of our nation’s trust crisis. Figuratively speaking, the thread in the fabric of our society is badly frayed and there are a lot of holes.  

Judgment Day for the dark ones that brought us to this sorry state, the elite Powers-that-Be, along with those who have violated oaths of office and abused the trust of patients, children, customers, constituents, clients and supporters, has yet to arrive. But be assured that it’s coming. 2023 has been described in freedom seeker circles as the Year of the Whistleblower. Recent disclosures and court decisions in Europe, the US and Canada offer some hope that the long arch of justice is slowly bending in the right direction. Undoubtedly, some of the culprits and their minions see the proverbial writing on the wall.

Some of those complicit in the diabolical schemes playing out are likely to opt for suicide, while others will pre-emptively resign in order to, according to their press releases and official spokespersons, “spend more time with his/her family”. And some leaders and organizations will try to head off expected reputational and financial disasters with early attempts at reconciliation. So, in order to repair the trust bridges they themselves bombed short months ago, they will turn to the masters of manufactured sincerity and good will, their trusted public relations (PR) consultants.  

Ironically, it was weaponized PR (formerly known as propaganda) that was used to drive and sustain the frenetic injection campaign and more than three years of medical fascism. The result was the wholesale destruction of precious reserves of public trust in all sectors of our society. The PR industry will only discredit itself further if it tries to paper over what objective observers now describe as “biowarfare” and “crimes against humanity”. PR may have its own image problem. It’s time the industry took a hard look at its members and their respective track records. How many of its big league members have turned down lucrative contracts because it would mean dressing up an evil dictator or crafting a war-igniting or war-fuelling narrative? Any? How many hired gun agencies were permanently expelled from their professional associations after doing so (thinking of you, Hill and Knowlton…or is it Whore and Knowlton?)

The satirical comment by journalist Caitlin Johnstone at the top of the page hints at the distain some of us have for the glib, sleight of hand fixes that too often characterize PR “solutions.” The profession’s enduring principle of sizzle over substance, and in this case, logo change over Nazi philosophy and conduct is simultaneously cringe-worthy and cartoon-worthy. Will those ensconced inside their professional bubble see the problem or does “Elephant Blindness” impair them?

It’s useful to look ahead in anticipation of a coming day of accountability for Covid-vaxxidemic atrocities. Be warned, business-as-usual PR gestures at that point will only serve to enrage victims of one of the world’s biggest crimes. I’m talking about the day the world pauses long enough to listen to the heart-wrenching testimonies from maimed individuals and bereaved families — stories of sudden deaths and debilitating injuries and diseases claiming perfectly healthy family members, friends and colleagues. The latest estimate as of August 2023 is 20 million deaths and 2.2 billion vaxx-linked injuries worldwide, courtesy of the “safe and effective” lie. As we mourn those losses, our society will perhaps subconsciously be grieving the broken societal trust that once defined Western Society. We will be haunted by lingering questions about the collapse of logic in the face of lies, the abandonment of moral leadership and integrity in high places, the abrogation of responsibility by complicit public officials and the pervasiveness of corruption across multiple sectors of society.

I must caution my former colleagues in the profession now that anything resembling the old PR bromide “Mistakes were made” would be perceived as simply more gas lighting. The current formulaic, “we take (genocide?) very seriously” would only add to the frustration felt by victims of the Biggest Lie and what may approach the Biggest Crime in human history. The Bank of Nova Scotia recently extended an apology for freezing some protestors bank accounts at the climax of the PM/Mayor’s war against the trucker protest. You can decide how much credence it warrants. Keep in mind that the most fundamental element of the banker-depositor relationship (the security of depositors’ assets) was violated.

I also have a caution for those who have been discriminated against, ostracized and demonized, stripped of their jobs, and denied services, travel and basic freedoms, It’s simply this: Do not be in a hurry to kiss and make up at the sight of the first PR gesture. First, it would distract from the gravity of the crimes and prosecution of the guilty. I say this fully expecting the scale of the Covid-vaxx crimes and medical malfeasance to be historic — off the charts. So once the investigations are complete and the perpetrators tried and sentenced, it will be time to turn our attention to other matters. This includes the need to comfort the grieving, heal the wokeness-generated divides and reverse the damaging effects of the vaxx. It will also be time to consider how to ensure such a horrendous mass mind control operation and political-medical assault on humanity can never be repeated in the future.

Second, premature reconciliation with the establishment would short- change the resolve of freedom seekers to build anew on uncorrupted foundations with principles aligned with the best interests of humanity. The need extends to the realms of public health, education, government, media, finance, law and beyond. The gospel of wokeness is toxic and must be purged. No amount of PR nice-making should precede the rethinking of our relationships with those who govern and purport to serve us. Much of the past and its dependency- fostering institutions must be abandoned. There’s no point trying to repair or reconcile with the old given the promises of integrity and transparency have been completely violated. There are societal scars with good reason.

Consider medicine and health care. One isn’t going to suddenly say “we’re good” to doctors who violated their oath en masse and blithely tell us they are sorry, it won’t happen again. We’re are going to need to know the old model of medical care has been abandoned and the era of Big pharma captivity has ended. We will need to know the demons have been exorcised and the era of the gods-in-white coats-know-best is over. And to the schools issuing standard mea culpas, many will simply say, “It’s not enough.” Parents will need to know that a shift in the balance of power has been embedded in a new covenant giving priority to parental rights and responsibilities. We must embark on a new journey confident that UN dictats have no standing and media monopolies are completely smashed.  

Fundamental change in other sectors will also be critical. This includes dismantling the current political system and system of governance. The balance of power must be shifted toward a decentralized humanity-and-God-centric model. The very roots of the current totalitarian globalist model must be torn out. Until key relationships within the existing pyramid of global power are reoriented and re-conceptualized and transhumanism repudiated, trust isn’t even a remote possibility. After a debilitating Age of Deception, there’s a rising premium on trustworthiness, transparency and truth, the antidote to the malaise of cultural Marxism and woke politics.

I’ve attempted to explain why the collapse of trust means that it’s the end of “business-as-usual” PR. As a matter of habit, many leaders and mangers are likely nonetheless, to call in their consultants to develop PR patches. These are likely to fail when subjected to new stressors because they will merely serve to mask flaws in the premises or structure of key societal relationships. As illustrated earlier, this can be a matter of power imbalances between the two parties or corrupting influences like Big Pharma’s dominance in medicine and health care. Management will discover that as in the case of Humpty Dumpty’s fall, all the kings horses and all the kings PR magicians won’t be able to put many of those former relationships back together again. And in that lies the seeds of the PR profession’s very own crisis and a rethinking of its place, its ethic and guiding principles. 


Empire solves Ukraine’s Nazi problem with logo change:

What the destruction of the Hippocratic Oath means for society:

The Politician, the Elephant and the Covid “Plandemic” as a Political Proving Ground

The Politician, the Elephant and the Covid Plandemic as a Political Proving Ground

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C © April 22, 2022

I’ve responded on occasion to some of those politicians’ emails seeking my support in the upcoming provincial election and the contest for leadership of the Conservative Party. Most of these are “nice” people and theoretically should be on my side as a conservative. But sometimes the pitch is less than inspiring. But before we get to that, I invite Ontario candidates to tell me why they expect the ruling dictatorship to call a time out in order to conduct an honest, democratic election. That aside, let’s consider an oldie-goldie. One politician vaguely suggested that he would pursue better health outcomes for citizens by injecting more money into a particular health care category. I responded to his pitch to the effect he was striking at the branches versus the roots of the metaphoric health care tree. But had I had more time I might have said what I really thought. 

“Let’s be serious. We have just experienced the most diabolical anti-human health campaign in human history. It was delivered by the very medical system that you are proposing be rewarded with more funding. The denial of informed consent and coercive vaxx campaign has been described by critics as “biowarfare” and by legal experts as likely “crimes against humanity.”  The Covid pandemic operation was a wrecking ball that terrorized, injured and killed. Over the course of the last two years, “the system” denied access to those with serious health conditions access, and it denied those with corona virus infections access to timely treatment with suitable non-intrusive therapies. Medical malfeasance, systemic corruption and far-reaching conflicts of interest throughout the system are suspected. As it stands, public trust has been crushed along with the reputations of administrators, doctors and nurses serving the system under the management of the WEF, Big Pharma and the College of Physicians and Surgeons.”  Why give transfusions to a corpse?

The point is that any politician who first fails to confront the “elephant” and second, fails to integrate the lessons of two years of (medical) tyranny into his or her thinking and proposals isn’t ready to lead. It’s time to investigate a (predatory) failed medical model and health care system. It’s criminality must be exposed and those responsible held accountable. Out of a public investigation of the current system, we might reconsider what “human health” really means in holistic terms and the essential contributors to it. The insidious nature and advance of transhumanist technocracy must be understood and transformed into a human-centric impulse. There is zero chance that a new vision informed by the foregoing will align with the Big Pharma-dominated Rockefeller disease management model. This kind of big picture assessment and visioning is likely beyond the capacity of politicos mired in “BC” (before Covid) thinking or guided by a narrow “issues” view of the world. The Covid Plandemic is the proving ground for a new generation of politicians. 

Physician, heal thyself: When I read that 1 out of 10 surveyed practicing US physicians consider the injections dangerous, I am reminded of the expression, “Physician, heal thyself. It’s an exhortation to medical practitioners (individuals in the biblical context), to first attend to their own infirmities (or sins) before addressing those of others. If the survey has any credence, it seems a lot of US MD’s suffer from the debilitating condition I call “Elephant Blindness” — an inability to see the elephant staring them in the face. Physicians who don’t quickly awaken to what VAERS data is telling them and the rest of the world won’t have much credence in the next chapter of human medicine and health care. Those suffering from elephant blindness need not apply.

11 Tactics for Staying Healthy and Whole while Living under Political Oppression

Eleven Tactics for Staying Healthy and Whole While Living Under Political Oppression (Originally drafted in 2019 with some post-covid coup tweaking)

Calvin Mulligan, Futursescapes21C, November 2022 rev. ©

1. Shut off the state propaganda; only allow the voices (media influences) into your space that uplift and strengthen you with truth (rather than deluge you with fear porn) 

2. Protect your soul and nurture your spirit with prayer and meditation, gratitude journaling and so forth, daily.

3. Inhale the wonders of nature deeply — its spectacles, its miracles and its mysteries. You have a free pass to the greatest show on earth.

4. Nurture your creative capacity; You were designed by a creative God to imagine, invent and create.

5. Savour fresh air, daily exercise and good meals for health and well-being. 

6. Connect regularly with friends and family and form alliances of like-minded people. 

7. Increase the amount of beauty in your life (music, art etc) 

8. Set goals and maintain daily routines – they bring order, focus and direction to your life and thinking. 

9. Cultivate humour and laughter (political satire can be especially rewarding in such times and we’re seeing some of the best ever now) 

10. Ponder your life purpose in this crazy “crucible” moment, and while doing so, inspire and lift up others who may be feeling oppressed. Consider the distinct possibility that you were born for such a time as this.

11. Engage in daily acts of defiance countering the tyranny of the powers-that-be (Extra bonus points)

Some of the legislation being violated by the so-called Covid control measures

Legislation being Violated by Covid controls including vaxx “mandates”

The constitution

Constitution Act (1982) The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

“Whereas Canada is founded upon the principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:..”

This includes:

a) fundamental freedoms, (including conscience and religion thought and belief, peaceful assembly and association.)

b) democratic rights:

c) mobility rights (citizens are accorded the right to “enter, remain in and leave Canada.” Plus right to reside and work in any province)

d) legal rights: including right to life, liberty and security of person…, to be secure against unreasonable search and seizure, and not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned. Other rights pertain to arrest, detention and charges with an offence, right o not be subject to any cruel or unusual treatment or punishment.

e) equality rights: everyone equal before the law and possessing the right to equal benefit of the law without discrimination

The criminal code

See Government violation of law – Extortion, torture, criminal harassment, terrorist activity,

The Non-Discrimination Genetic Testing Act


This enactment prohibits any person from requiring an individual to undergo a genetic test or disclose the results of a genetic test as a condition of providing goods or services to, entering into or continuing a contract or agreement with, or offering specific conditions in a contract or agreement with, the individual. Exceptions are provided for health care practitioners and researchers. The enactment provides individuals with other protections related to genetic testing and test results.

The enactment amends the Canada Labour Code to protect employees from being required to undergo or to disclose the results of a genetic test, and provides employees with other protections related to genetic testing and test results. It also amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to prohibit discrimination on the ground of genetic characteristics.

Genetic Test

Section 3

3 (1) It is prohibited for any person to require an individual to undergo a genetic test as a condition of

  • (a) providing goods or services to that individual;
  • (b) entering into or continuing a contract or agreement with that individual; or
  • (c) offering or continuing specific terms or conditions in a contract or agreement with that individual.

The Food and Drugs Act (1985) (An Act respecting food, drugs, cosmetics and therapeutic devices)


This is an “act of the Parliament of Canada regarding the production, importexport, transport across provinces and sale of fooddrugscontraceptive devices and cosmetics (including personal cleaning products such as soap and toothpaste). It was first passed in 1920 and most recently revised in 1985. It attempts to ensure that these products are safe, that their ingredients are disclosed and that drugs are effective and are not sold as food or cosmetics. It also states that cures for disease listed in Schedule A[1] (including cancerobesityanxietyasthmadepressionappendicitis, and sexually transmitted diseases), cannot be advertised to the general public.”


Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics and Devices


Marginal note:Prohibited advertising

  • 3 (1) No person shall advertise any food, drug, cosmetic or device to the general public as a treatment, preventative or cure for any of the diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states referred to in Schedule A.1.
  • Marginal note: Prohibited sales

(2) No person shall sell any food, drug, cosmetic or device if

  • (a) it is represented by label as a treatment, preventative or cure for any of the diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states referred to in Schedule A.1; or
    • (b) the person advertises it to the general public as a treatment, preventative or cure for any of the diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states referred to in Schedule A.1.

Marginal note: Deception, etc., regarding drugs

  • 9 (1) No person shall label, package, treat, process, sell or advertise any drug in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character, value, quantity, composition, merit or safety.
  • Marginal note:Drugs labelled or packaged in contravention of regulations

(2) A drug that is not labelled or packaged as required by, or is labelled or packaged contrary to, the regulations shall be deemed to be labelled or packaged contrary to subsection (1).

Nuremberg Code (1947) (Wikipedia)

The Declaration of Helsinki (1964)

The Belmont Report (1978)

10 Reasons to say “No” to the Vaxx

Ten Good Reasons to Say “No” to the Vaxx

Calvin Mulligan, Futurscapes21C September 16, 2021 draft

Calvin Mulligan is a retired analyst and strategic planner with a specialization in foresight. He has worked in the provincial and federal civil service and private sector in a wide variety of roles. He first began researching and writing on the decline of democracy and rise of corporatocracy in the West in 2016.

Summary at a glance: The “vaccine”/injections:

  1.  were released under false pretenses
  2.  are not what we normally call “vaccines”
  3.  are injuring and killing at record rates
  4.  are damaging the body’s immune system
  5.  don’t work (prevent infection, illness or transmission)
  6.  are completely unnecessary
  7.  contain material derived from aborted fetal tissue
  8.  are compounding covid-related health problems
  9.  may confer property rights to the manufacturer
  10.  are part of a larger system of pervasive surveillance and control

1. The injections were (unlawfully) released under false premises

The granting of emergency authorization to the experimental injections occurred under false premises. There was in fact no pandemic emergency and alternative treatments were available to treat SARS – CoV-2. I assume a similar condition would apply to emergency drug authorizations grated in Canada.

Former Pfizer VP, Dr. Mike Yeadon asks: “Why are Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) given to experimental vaccines when there is no health emergency, especially when there are other very safe early treatment medicinal interventions available?”

Dr. Joseph Mercola reinforces this perspective. “The FDA can only grant emergency use authorization for a pandemic drug or vaccine if there’s no safe and effective preexisting treatment or alternative. Since there are several such alternatives, the FDA is legally required to revoke the emergency authorization for these shots.”

2. The injections aren’t what we normally call “vaccines”

When many people hear the word “vaccine,” they assume the Covid jabs are in the same category as the season flu shots. They aren’t. The mRNA technology is a new and unproven technology. Moderna, a company that has never produced a vaccine in its history, refers to its product as an “operating system.”

The mRNA injections are more accurately described as genetic treatments. Calling them “vaccines is deceptive marketing designed to exploit the familiarity of the term with consumers. Consumes who accept this term at face value have clearly not done their research.

3. The injections are injuring and killing people at record rates

The manufacturers would like us to believe that adverse reactions to their injections are very rare. They aren’t. I currently estimate the total number of adverse reactions in the UK, EU and US alone at 60,760,000 including about 1,000,000 deaths. (See: Scientists sound alarm). The number of adverse reactions to Cov injections that has been reported to the US CDC (VAERS) database exceeds the total number of vaccine injuries reported over the previous 30 years of vaccine use.

Some of the more common are Bell’s Palsy, full body muscle spasms, blood clots, heart attacks, numbness, paralysis, loss of hearing, brain aneurisms and many more. Some are temporary, some permanently disabling and some are terminal.

Many of the adverse reactions reported to date could be classed as short term in that they occur anywhere from immediately following injection to within two weeks to two or three months. But adverse reactions to various components of the injections are also expected to occur at later intervals with the more subtle effects experienced over the course of a lifetime.

Leading medical practitioners are concerned the next major wave of adverse impacts is likely to come with the advent of the fall-winter flu season. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (Mercola) explains:

So, the people who are getting vaccinated now have to be fearful of the next wave of genuine infections, whether it’s [SARS-CoV-2 variants] or any other coronaviruses, because they’re all related and they will all be subject to immune dependent enhancement, obviously.”

Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), or paradoxical immune enhancement (PIE) refers to a condition where the vaccination results in the complete opposite of what you’re looking for. Rather than protect against the infection, the vaccine augments and worsens the infection. (Dr. Joseph Mercola)

An unknown, but nonetheless legitimate concern expressed by some medical practitioners like Dr. Carrie Madej is that there’s potential for a 5G interaction with the graphene oxide in the injections. This could hold the potential for the kind of mass casualties first seen on the streets of Wuhan, China coincident with the advent of SARS-CoV-2.

Some of the anticipated long term impacts of injections include infertility in both males and females and reduced life expectancies due to cancers. The number of injection-linked injuries and deaths is such that literally hundreds, if not thousands of medical practitioners and researchers, are now calling for an immediate halt to the injections. The words “bioweapon”, “genocide”, and “crimes against humanity” have now entered the lexicon of concerned critics in this camp.

When weighing the concern of potential injury, it’s important to keep in mind that pharmaceutical manufacturers have divested themselves of liability for injuries arising from use of their products. Thus, if one is injured by an injection, the burden for treatment, therapy and long term care would fall on shoulders of the affected individuals and their families. Multiple reports from people with post injection injuries indicate that their physicians have been dismissive and manufacturers of no help whatsoever. (This sounds like Buyer beware writ large.)

4. The injections are damaging the body’s immune system

Research has demonstrated that those receiving Cov injections are more, not less susceptible to corona virus infection. Specifically, the injections reduce the ability of the body to meet infectious challenges. This is turn sets up a demand for repeated booster shots.

This isn’t a minor issue because natural immunity has been proven to be superior. Research has demonstrated that natural immunity is both longer lasting and more robust than anything acquired a needle. Dr. Joseph Mercola put it this way:

“The reality is that natural immunity is infinitely more superior to the vaccine-induced protection you get from these shots, which is both narrow and temporary.”

Merck apparently agrees. It reportedly decided to end its Cov injection development project acknowledging that it would be unable to develop anything providing better protection than natural immunity.

So the question is, “Why would anyone want to reduce the capability of their body’s immune system, given its proven superiority?

5. The “vaccines” (injections) don’t work (and don’t prevent infection, illness or transmission)

Deceptive marketing by the manufacturers have led many people to believe the injections provide substantial protection against infection. They don’t. They don’t prevent infection, illness or transmission. They may provide some moderation of some symptoms and that’s about it

The manufacturers have published and promoted their products based on relative risk reduction (reportedly in the 90’s). Absolute risk reduction is closer to 1%). If these calculations relay on use of the PCR test, they must be rejected out of hand. Even the CDC has now acknowledged the PCR test is unreliable given its predisposition to yield false positives and sensitivity to number of amplification cycles.

A realistic assessment of vaccine performance is they are an obvious failure. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi reaches this conclusion.

“They showed absolutely zero [benefit in the clinical trials],” he says. “This is the ridiculousness. People don’t understand that they’re being fooled and have been fooled all along.  – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Bhakdi’s assessment is based on a look at the clinical trials. Dr. Joseph Mercola reaches the same conclusion based on a comparison of the “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” in Israel. 

Data from Israel, where the vast majority of the population has been injected with the Pfizer mRNA concoction, show those “vaccinated” against Covid-19 and unvaccinated have the same infection rate regardless of age. Empirical data from other countries also reveal injections have no effect on transmission.” (Joseph Mercola. August 22, 2021) 

The harsh truth is that there’s no evidence that the injections are either “safe” or “effective”, despite the industry’s claims to the contrary. 

6. The injections are completely unnecessary

As suggested earlier, the “vaccines” are completely unnecessary. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zn, Azithromycin, Vitamins D and C, Ivermectin and other products have been used to great success in the prevention and treatment of thousands of cases of what’s being described as “Covid-19.” Research papers attesting to the efficacy of both HCQ and Ivermectin have been published in popular research journals.

The problem for the profit-driven vaccine industry is that these products are inexpensive and readily available. Consequently, the pharma-medical complex has resorted to sabotaging, demonizing and restricting these products to the point of denying medical doctors access.

One source reports that England’s Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, ordered the HHS (National Health System) to give alleged Covid-19 patients lethal doses of Hydroyxchloroquine (HCQ), thus sabotaging its reputation as a safe and effective treatment. (And contributing to unnecessary deaths.)

The machinations went so far as to included publishing a fake study in the Lancet and a finding that HCQ was dangerous to patient health and therefore wasn’t a suitable treatment. Also see: “CDC is blocking doctors from writing prescriptions for Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.” Denying patients effective treatments amounts to medical malfeasance.

Ivermectin has been so effectively used in treating SARS –CoV-2 that its has become the target of two demonizing campaigns. The first was run during 2020 prior to introduction of the vaccines and the second is running at the time of writing. Health Canada has joined in the Ivermectin fear mongering campaign. Contrary to the Ivermectin scaremongering, one individual injured by the Cov injection has reported that Ivermectin has made his life tolerable.

Most ethical doctors will tell you that a holistic approach to our health maintenance is best. This would include a focus on a healthy life style, sound diet, appropriate supplementation and treatment when necessary with non-invasive therapeutics. The Covid vaccine sales seem reluctant however to adopt this approach.

To get some idea of just how criminally misguided and wasteful the entire frenetic “needles in arms” project is, see: “Sources: “Israeli scientist says Covid-19 could be treated for under a $1/day.”

7. The injections contain material derived from aborted fetal tissue

In my earlier investigation of the Covid-19 narrative, I note the following. “Some Christians have long been concerned that some vaccines contain material from a fetus. …An anonymous individual, allegedly a nurse according to the title of the piece, examined the packaging of the AstraZeneca vaccine in an online video and does a search to determine what one of the contents listed on the package (MRC-5) really is.

Wikipedia states: “originally developed from research deriving lung tissue of a 14 week old aborted Caucasian male fetus.” 

The colleague of the anonymous nurse can be heard in the in the background of the recording adding, “it’s been replicated over and over and over again for a long time.” (Calvin Mulligan, For such a time as this, 2020..)

There are other reasons why Christians or other religious faiths may consider it immoral or unethical to have the experimental technology injected (or installed) in their bodies. Some organizations like Liberty Coalition have countered with a statement declaring that Christians have a right to refrain from “mandated” injections.

Article 1. Of A Christian Declaration on Freedom from Vaccination Coercion

That Christians shall remain free to decide for themselves whether to be vaccinated or unvaccinated, and shall maintain their bodily integrity by asserting their God-given freedom to decline participation in any medical experiment or vaccination program that violates their convictions and conscience before God.” (Liberty Coalition Canada)

8. The injections are compounding Covid related public health problems

One basis for granting emergency authorization to a experimental medical treatment or drug is that the treatment isn’t worse than the disease or illness it’s being used to treat. That condition clearly hasn’t been met by the Covid injections as they are compounding the SARS CoV-2 problem at multiple levels and unnecessarily adding to the burden on the public and private health care systems.

First, as discussed above, they are leaving in their wake a record number of injured and dead victims. And it’s the injected, not the un-injected, that are now accounting for the majority of hospital admissions in the countries with the highest rates of injection. (See Gibraltar, Israel, Iceland, Singapore) (The public meanwhile is being told it’s the unvaxxed succumbing to the “Delta” variant. Nice try.

There are also reports of unvaccinated women and men who have been in close proximity to injected individuals, experiencing a variety of symptoms. These include headaches, blood clots, bleeding swelling, bruising and stillbirths (women).

While the mechanism of transmission remains unclear, some doctors are attempting to segregate their office traffic in such a way as to keep the two populations separate. 

In short, from a public health point of view, the “needles in arms” campaign is a disaster compounding the very problem it presumably set out to address. But then again, critics suggest it never was about protecting human health, it was really about selling an injection with strings attached.  

9. The mRNA injection may confer property rights to my body to the manufacturer

There’s a concern that those individuals who accept the injection of the mRNA technology into their bodies may be subject to “license.” The underlying logic is that the individuals are now in effect trans-humans as a consequence of accepting the gene-altering injection.

The related concern is that as transhumans under license, these individuals will lose all rights as human beings and by definition, become the property of those who hold the license. This thesis derives in part it appears from a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that found on behalf of Myriad Genetics. See sources: “If you take the jab, you are no longer recognized as human being…

See Sources. While it will likely remain a subject of on-going debate, the matter nonetheless warrants consideration.

10. The injections are bringing more constraints, surveillance and control (not more freedoms)

Many, perhaps a majority of those who lined up for the jab, did so in the hope it would allow them to return to their old lives. These were people who wished to travel, see loved ones, send kids back to school, interact freely with friends and neighbours, open their businesses and live their lives free of Covid restrictions. It was, after all, what political leaders and health authorities promised them. But that promise remains unfulfilled.

It’s not simply that those who are injected as being asked to continue with various other control measures like social distancing and mask wearing. Tragically, because of injection related health injuries or risks, they must live with new constraints. A number of pilots who accepted the injections, for example, are either dead or unable to resume their duties. Israeli citizens (one of the most highly injected population in the world) are now banned from travelling to Sweden or Portugal. This is a country where being fully vaccinated means having 3 jabs while their health minster refers to a coming need for a fourth.

Those on the covid injection path are likely to encounter more unfulfilled promises accompanied with a requirement for demands for regular booster shots in order to maintain certified vaccine pass status. Implicit in the system is an entirely new level of bureaucratic surveillance and supervision. What’s the destination? Some analysts believe this is the path to full integration of the population into a version of China’s A.I-managed social credit system.

In fairness, many of those in the health freedom movement anticipated at least some of these developments. This was the very reason they declined the injections in the first place. Foresight is a rare commodity, but for those about to change their minds regarding the trajectory of the jabs, this is as good a time as any to get off the train. 


Covid boosters trigger metastasis :

Why did so many doctors become Nazis?:

Scientists sound alarm: Vaccines will kill millions:

Mayo Clinic-trained pathologist explains how Covid “spike protein” are killing people:

The personal story of 1,000 Covid deaths:

Do COVID vaccines cause menstrual changes?:

Dr. Charles Hoffe: Spike protein put holes in your smallest capillaries (August 2, 2021):

CDC: 11,940 dead, 681,648 injuries and 1,175 unborn babies DEAD following Covid-19 shots (August 1, 2021):

Stew Peters with Karen Kingston bombshell – former Pfizer employee confirms poison in Covid ‘kill shot’ (July 29-21):

Vaxxed patients blood exposed, horrific findings revealed by German physicians:

Unusual formations in vaccinated blood:

57 top doctors release shocking study on Covid vaccines and demand an immediate stop to all vaccinations:

More than 100 Ontario youth sent to hospital for vaccine-related heart problems, report \

Covid-19 vaccine program director admits injection destroys immune system (August 2, 2021):

Dr. Zelenko discussed Covid-19 outpatient management:

Massive death wave coming amidst vaccine mandates:

Covid outbreak hits Carnival Cruise Despite every guest and staff member being ‘vaccinated’:

Chief medical officer for England ordered the NHS to give alleged Covid-19 patients lethal doses of Hydroxychloroquine:

Summary of the evidence for Ivermectin in Covid-19:

Is Ivermectin being discredited to pave the way for Big Pharma’s new version of the same drug?:

Israeli scientist says Covid-19 could be treated for under 1$/day:

Vaccine Ingredients: Components of Covid-19 vaccines authorized by Health Canada:

How to resist vaccine coercion: (A Christian Declaration of Freedom…):

mRNA vaccine investor: Covid-19 vaccines may make viruses more dangerous (July 30, 2021):

Humans become toxin factories with COVID injection, warns Dr. Kaufman (August 3, 2021):

Innocent bystanders hit with spike proteins after contact with vaxxed people – How many have already died? (August 3, 2021):

Humans become toxin factories with COVID injection, warns Dr. Kaufman (August 3, 2021):

CDC says vaccinated may be as likely to spread COVID as unvaxxed, as reports of serious injuries after vaccines surge:

Passing out at Vax center: How many red flags at jab sites until people wake? (video) (Touches on vehicle accidents involving the vaxxed):

Whistleblower: Nurse destroys Delta narrative, vaccinated patients fill hospital:

An open letter to the unvaccinated from the Ontario Civil Liberties Association:

An investigation of the Covid-19 (SARS Cov 2.) Narrative (draft paper)



​For such a time as this: An investigation of Covid-19 and the war against humanity (c) Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C, Ottawa, Canada, All rights reserved
​Posted December 29, 2020, rev’d January 3,5,7,9,18, 2021
I am a retired strategist with a specialization in foresight. I began researching and calling attention to the decline of democracy in the West in 2017 after it became apparent to me that it was crashing, or more accurately, actively being destroyed. When Covid-19 was announced, I focused my research on the subject and related developments as they appeared to be a continuation of troubling trends that I had observed earlier. Much of what I have uncovered in terms of a fairly complex picture puzzle, follows.

I know this isn’t an easy read, so you might want to digest it in bite-sized pieces, sitting in a sunny spot, perhaps with uplifting music playing in the background. Cognitive dissonance can cause quite a headache and the content is pure “red pill.” And while this research exposes a dark reality, it also sets the stage for a turn toward the light and what some call a Great Awakening. It’s a reference to a long hoped for collective awakening of humanity to things that have been hidden behind the curtain for centuries and are now being revealed. 

This has been a “crucible” experience for me. I suspect we will be mining the hard lessons of 2020 for decades to come. What we’ve been given in return is the opportunity to come to terms with a harsh hidden reality. Those that honestly engage in this struggle, among other things, are likely to more profoundly appreciate both the depths of evil and the oxygenating effects of virtue. They may learn to discern between dark and light, truth and lies and good and evil like never before. And, they may arrive an a new understanding of their life’s purpose. Along the way, there are important discoveries to be made regarding how deeply we care — about truth, about each other and about the future of humanity. It’s the stuff of epiphanies. 

One outcome may be some clarity as to what that proverbial “hill” is that one is prepared to die on (metaphorically or otherwise). I’ve found mine in the war being waged against humanity by the dark forces of a global transhumanist technocracy. Covid is just one battle front, albeit a pivotal one in a larger struggle.  We have been under constant bombardment from their propaganda machine for years, and there’s been a lot of casualties. But I didn’t sign up believing victory was assured in my lifetime or that it would come easily — only that humanity is worth fighting for. Perhaps you, like me, will discover you were born for this struggle and such a time as this.

Next: Part Three: How we got here and where we may be headed, putting some missing puzzle pieces together

Part 2.0 Adventures in Upside Down Land 
I have been studying the Covid-19 phenomenon since “the pandemic” was announced. It’s not as if I experienced a vague impression that something was amiss — akin to Hamlet’s “Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark.” No, the incongruities in the official Covid narrative were many, distinct and  obvious — at least to some of us. Certainly, I’m not the only one who found things suspicious.
Billionaire Elon Musk, while experiencing the symptoms of a typical cold, took a series of antigen tests in quick succession. The results were two positive and two negative results. Musk commented:   “Something extremely bogus is going on.” Musk’s alarm bells were ringing even before his little experiment, as earlier he had reportedly questioned the virality of the disease and  the accuracy of official fatality rates.
One doesn’t have to be much of a forensic investigator to spot the inconsistencies in the official Covid narrative. I’ve described six categories of anomalies, and that’s far from a complete list. So there is an abundance of things that should have people asking “what’s wrong with this picture?” And as readers will soon discover, there’s a whole lot wrong with the picture our leaders have presented.
2.1 The “Covid Pandemic” wasn’t a spontaneous development; it was a planned operation
One of the most obvious inconsistencies in the Covid story is the pretence the so called pandemic is the result of a spontaneous natural or biological occurrence. In reality there’s a lot of evidence of foreknowledge and planning by powerful people and institutions. Any one of them should be enough to to set off alarm bells. Collectively, they constitute convincing proof thatt powerful people and institutions joined forces to plan, orchestrate and ‘enforce” the Covid “pandemic” and its control measures, respectively. 
One of the first clues regarding its planning was the public comment by former US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo that “we’re in ‘live exercise’ here, to get this right.” It’s an interesting choice of words. And it struck many observers as the kind of language military people use to describe a planned operation. (“Mike Pompeo admits…”, Global Research, August 14-2020) 

Then there was the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation paper published in cooperation with Peter Schwartz’s Global Business Network entitled: “Scenarios for the future of technology and International Development.” “The first scenario, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership and a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic faded. It’s now December and Covid events including the so-called “second wave” are playing out in accordance with the scenario outlined in the paper.
Critics of the official Covid narrative also point to the Event 201 simulation held in New York on October 18, 2019 by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The event was further described as a 3.5-hour multimedia pandemic simulation involving 16 leaders of global businesses, governments and public health…” The participants included A former board member of a national bank, a former senior director of health from the World Bank Group, a former deputy director of the CIA, a Vice President of NBC Universal Media, a vice president from Johnson and Johnson and the Director General of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (Media Advisory, Event 201) These attendees are representative of many of the stakeholder groups with vested interests in the current Covid-19 operation.

Astute researchers have uncovered a World Bank document entitled: Covid-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program. This document refers to a project approval date of April 2, 2020 and an expected project closing date of March 31, 2025. (“World Bank document…March 2025”) (I will henceforth use the language of the World Bank and refer to the Covid-19 “Project” or “operation.”)

Another (reportedly recently-edited) World Bank Document, entitled Covid-19 Diagnostic Test Instruments and Apparatus (902780) exports by country in 2018 is noteworthy” The document lists the top exporters of Covid-19 diagnostic test instruments and apparatus. So what am I missing? In 2018, there’s already a robust international trade in kits for diagnosing a condition that only appeared on the scene in late 2019. (World Integrated Trade Solution, Web Archive)
Joe and Jill Public likely aren’t aware of the fact that The World Economic Forum published a white paper entitled: Outbreak Readiness and Business Impact: Protecting lives and livelihoods across the Global Economy in January of 2019. Looking back it seems that it’s a very timely foreshadowing of the Covid events to follow.
But the evidence of foreknowledge and planning doesn’t end with these ominous harbingers. Ron Unz (Unz Review) states that in August of 2020, an ABC news story reported that as far back as November, “a medical intelligence unit within our Defense Intelligence Agency had produced a report warning that an out-of-control disease epidemic was occurring in the Wuhan area of China…” This report was widely distributed within the top ranks of the US government.
Patent filings can be helpful indicators of anticipated trends and developments. In 2015, Richard Rothschild patented a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ with a Dutch government organisation.” (That’s four years before the illness existed.) A second filing occurred in 2017. Both were scheduled to be made public in September 2020. (Half a Pulitzer to the Wall Street Journal).
Moderna, one of the pharmaceutical companies participating in the vaccine sweepstakes, filed a patent amendment in March of 2019. The amendment reportedly reflected the company’s concern there could be a re-emergence or a “deliberate release” of coronavirus. I wonder what the folks at Moderna knew that members of the public didn’t.
In March of 2020, four US Senators sold millions of dollars of stocks on what could be called a “timely” basis. They subsequently faced calls to resign for engaging in the illegal practice of  “insider trading.” One of the four, Mr. Richard Burr, is Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. The coincidences never end. (Coronavirus: US senators face calls…”)
True Pundit reported that two investigators allege that Bill Gates negotiated $100 billion contact tracing deal with a particular Democratic Congressman. Nine month later, this Illinois congressman, Bobby L. Rush, introduced the $100 BILLION H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act. It’s been denied, but any challenges to the most powerful members of the oligarchy are denied.
There are other indicators of foreknowledge including rather ominous “predictions” by Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci to the effect that a pandemic was coming our way. There is a saying in futurist circles that the surest way to predict the future is to shape it, or in other words, make it happen. As this paper will demonstrate, Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci and their friends in Big Pharma have the power to have created our pandemic future.

There’s another category of clues that could be called foreshadowings. Conspiracy analysts  researching the machinations of the PTB/Cabal believe that they follow a longstanding practice of signalling future intentions. It does so by hiding its messages or clues regarding future events ‘in plain sight. This may take the form of what’s called “predictive programming.” Movies or ceremonies at large public events are ideal platforms for planting a conception of things to come in the public’s subconscious. Some consider the opening ceremonies for the 2012 Olympics in London a first class example of predictive programming. (“Opening ceremony of 2012 was predictive programming….” YouTube) These analysts point to the disconcerting scenes of rows upon rows of hospital beds and attending doctors and nurses. Movies such as Amazon’s “Utopia” series could fit into the predictive programming category. (Amazon’s “Utopia” series foreshadowed the current Covid dystopia). The movie, Contagion and Dead Plague would be other candidates in this category.
You can find other examples suggesting foreknowledge regarding the Covid-19 “pandemic” in the Sources section of this paper. (See: Ultimate Proof Covid-19 was planned.) Calling something a “pandemic” implies it has a spontaneously natural origin. Because the evidence suggests otherwise, Covid-19 has been appropriately labeled a “Plandemic” by numerous citizen analysts.
2.2 There’s no justification for the suspension of our democratic rights and freedoms and the imposition of police state style lockdowns 
In November, I learned that Halifax, Nova Scotia residents have been informed, “households with more than five people cannot go outside together and instead must go outside in separate groups.” About the same time, my sister, a resident of Manitoba, informed me that only her and her husband and service workers were allowed to go in and out of their home. Really?
A few minutes after encountering the Halifax story, I read an account of cops descending on Melbourne, Australia beachgoers and arresting a woman allegedly breaking Covid rules. One of the rules apparently being enforced by Victoria law enforcement was one prohibiting citizens from venturing beyond a five kilometre radius from their homes. It appears from here that the Victoria government’s need to micromanage citizens’ lives is insatiable. These aren’t isolated occurrences. Stories of this nature, including some of a more brutal nature, have been surfacing on a regular basis around the world since the outset of the Covid saga.
Totalitarian regimes infantilize their citizens. They treat adults like children. In November, citizens of Greece were informed they would have to text the government for permission to leave their homes for one of six permissible reasons under a new lockdown. Imagine the hypocritical outbursts we would have heard in the West if we’d learned China was imposing such demands on citizens.
There was nothing that could have prepared us for the devastating effect the Covid regime would have on our constitutional rights and freedoms. We were citizens of democracies were we not, blessed with freedoms envied by the rest of the world? But the enforcement of pandemic control measures throughout the West and beyond resembled what one would expect from a former  former Soviet block regime. The tactics may have varied by jurisdiction, but were uniformly intrusive and disproportionately harsh in relation to the purported threat.
In the UK, Derbyshire cops employed drone surveillance and on-line publication of videos in order to shame those who dared go for walks in rural areas.
Australia’s Covid controls enforcement sounds like something out of George Orwell’s novel, 1984. In September, a pregnant Melbourne woman was arrested in her home for making anti-lockdown posts on-line. And ABC News subsequently reported that three other Aussies were also arrested for this same “crime.”
Apparently, it’s not just ordinary citizens that consider Victoria’s restrictions over the top. Some health officials have described new mask requirements as “mad.” In September, Premier Daniel Andrews announced an indefinite crackdown on masks that banned face shields, scarves and bandanas and required a fitted mask that covered the nose and mouth. The requirement was expected to remain in place over summer.
Covid control measures enacted in New Zealand are also extreme. According to one report, “the state has already decided to remove people from their homes and place them in quarantine facilities (detention centres controlled by the military.)” It’s been pointed out that these measures bear no resemblance to the size of the country’s Covid problem. New Zealand has reported an alleged 22 deaths for its population of 5 million. This translates into a population mortality risk of just 0.0004%, and no deaths at all for nearly three months.
(Covid-19 Scamdemic, Part 1). 
The citizens of France and Spain have witnessed the same kind of police state surveillance and heavy-handed enforcement activities. In France, riot police were photographed invading a bar and violently removing patrons.  Spanish authorities meanwhile, used helicopter patrols to monitor the populace for violations of Covid directives. Again, such measures bear no resemblance to the size of the threat exceeding the recommendations of both epidemiologists and the World Heath Organization.
I wish it were so, but Canada wasn’t exempted from unreasonable state-enforced Covid control measures. The police state tone and heavy penalties for violations are described in a Global News Release.  
“The RCMP said it had been asked by the Public Health Agency of Canada to help with national coordination and enforcement of the March 25 Quarantine Act Order that requires everyone arriving in Canada to stay home for 14 days.”….The maximum fine for failing to comply with the quarantine is $750,000 and up to six months in prison, but those who put others at risk could face harsher penalties: up to a $1-million levy and three years imprisonment. (5)
These abuses haven’t gone unnoticed and folks at many  levels of society are speaking out regarding the abuse of constitutional and natural rights. The prospect that Covid restrictions could impinge on family Christmas celebrations prompted Lord Sumption to voice his outrage in the UK parliament.
“Our lives belong to us, not the state. It’s morally wrong for government control freaks to tell us what we can do at Christmas.” (Mail On-line)
And what are all the tortuous requirements for? The CDC has told us that those between the ages of 20 and 49 years have a .0002% risk of dying from a SARS-Cov-2 infection. 
The lack of proportion, perspective and reason uniformly characterizing government policies is stark and upsetting. The worldwide abuse of human rights and freedoms is like nothing we’ve seen before. We’re victims of a cruel joke. Veteran Canadian pathologist and entrepreneur, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, describes what has transpired as: “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public in human history.”  
The World Doctors Alliance would agree. It described the situation this way: “There has been a catalogue of unscientific, non-sensical policies enacted which infringe our inalienable rights, such as – freedom of movement, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. These draconian totalitarian measures must never be repeated.” German lawyer. Reiner Fuellmich describes the Covid operation as: “Probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. In time, objective observers will come to regard the Covid project as both.  

2.3 The “treatment” for the Covid problem (mass lockdowns) is ineffectual and doing immensely more harm than good
Locking down the world, purportedly to control a pandemic, is unprecedented. It wasn’t attempted in wartime or during any other disease outbreak including small pox and Ebola outbreaks. Anyone who has looked beyond the 24/7 mainstream news vortex will soon realize that the “cure” for Covid is having devastating consequences worldwide. Ironically, the greatest threat to our well-being isn’t the virus, it’s the state-approved prescriptions for controlling and treating it. 
One would assume then, that before embarking on this extreme course of action, the matter would be diligently researched, the medical community and general public consulted, the issues weighted and a cost-benefit analysis generated. I don’t recall any such preliminaries, do you? That’s probably because there’s no evidence it ever was done.
When the lockdowns were imposed on March 11, it immediately stuck me as dangerous overkill. I had learned before the Covid-19 announcement that the 2009 financial crisis led to 10,000 suicides worldwide. So, it wasn’t difficult to imagine that farther-reaching and longer Covid control measures would have far more devastating human impacts. But reports of rising numbers of suicides and declining public mental health fell on deaf ears.  They were routinely treated as unfortunate but unavoidable collateral damage.
How much greater would the impact of the Covid lockdowns be than the impact of the virus itself?  One Alberta epidemiologist, Dr. Ari Joffe of the Stollery Children’s Hospital and the University of Alberta, estimated the impact of lockdowns in human lives in Canada and worldwide.
The cost of lockdowns in Canada is at least 10 times higher than the benefit in terms of population health and well-being, he estimates, at least if you account for numerous variables such as economic recession, social isolation and impacts on life expectancy, education and the full gamut of health-care priorities.

If you look at the issue worldwide, lockdowns will cause at least five times and, more likely, as much as 50 times more harm than benefit. 
Dr. Joffe, initially a supporter of the lockdowns, explains why he changed his mind after the predicted high mortality rate didn’t materialize. (His paper is entitled: Covid-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink.) On the subject of cost-benefit analysis, Joffe states what should by now be apparent to all:

Medical and Public Health experts are not expert in this type of analysis. To compare outcomes of policies, we need a common single metric of measurement to weigh the trade offs and to make rational decisions.
Researchers conducting a Revolver News study adopted the metric of “life years” to assess the cost-benefit of lockdowns. Their conclusion: Covid control measures would cost ten times more life years than they would save. And yet, nine months into lockdowns, the deadly control measures remain in place. And by this point in time, even the fear-mongering WHO had publicly stated lockdowns should not be adopted as a central feature of a control strategy.
Governments, in some instances have now (December) imposed even stricter lockdowns than those in place over the summer. As someone who has served as a strategist for much of his career, I can assure readers there is absolutely nothing strategic about the lockdown policies. A genuinely strategic public policy would give top priority to protecting the vulnerable and aged. This would be: a)  those with existing health conditions and b) those in nursing or retirement homes.  
Dr. Zoë Harcombe Ph.D. describes a study that measured the impact of lockdown measures on people and businesses in 131 countries and makes the following observations.
The harms of the eight NPIs (non pharmaceutical interventions) examined are substantial – from children’s education and mental health… to suicide, loneliness and people with dementia feeling unloved and abandoned… to destruction of family businesses and livelihoods… to national and individual debt and poverty. 
Importantly, he concludes, “no medical intervention – pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical – should be undertaken without a harm-benefit analysis.” He adds the troubling fact that this analysis has not yet been conducted.
Here’s a brief list of some impacts of mass lockdowns gleaned from my reading. They should be viewed as a non-random sample, merely illustrative of many forms of damage caused by lockdowns.

  • US lockdowns cost and estimated 18.7 million “life years” while saving from one to three quarters of a million life years. As noted earlier, lockdowns are approx ten times more deadly than the virus. (Revolver News commissioned study)
  • (US) Federal debt tops $27 trillion for first time (Blacklisted News, Oct 4, 2020)
  • One in seven Canadians is experiencing food insecurity during COVID-19, and its toll is heavier than hunger: report (National Post, October 16, 2020)
  • Over a third of UK employees planning to make staff redundant, BOE predicts unemployment rate to double
  • Under the most positive of the UN’s World Tourism Organization scenarios, international tourist arrivals are expected to drop by 58 percent this year compared to 2019. (Activist Post, October 3, 2020)
  • Developing countries could see loses in excess of $220 billion according to United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
  • Without help, low income developing countries risk a lost decade (IMF Blog, August 27, 2020)
  • The Director of the CDC has … stated that there have been far more deaths from suicides and drug overdoses than from COVID-19 (Armstrong Economics, Blacklisted News, September 7, 2020)      
  • Opioid deaths skyrocket, mental health suffers due to pandemic restrictions, new federal report says (Yahoo News, October 28, 2020)
  • Suicide claimed more lives in October than ten months of Covid in Japan;
  • Pandemic disruptions indirectly killed 75,000 more Americans than reported, study says (20% increase for March to July 2020 period over previous years) (Miami Herald, SOTT, October 15, 2020)
  • UK’s lockdowns could cause 35,000 extra cancer deaths due to delayed diagnosis and treatment (BBC, SOTT, July 6, 2020)
  • Covid-19: Impact could cause equivalent of 195 million job losses…(UN New, April 8, 2020)
  • Job losses ramp up again as millions of Americans continue to slide into poverty (almost 8 million since May according to one study) (The Economic Collapse, October 15, 2020)
  • South Africa lost a decade of job growth in four months (while expanding its grants by the equivalent of a decade.) (Financial Mail, September 30, 2020)
  • 2085 preventable deaths in England and Wales have been caused by heart attacks, disease and stroke during the Covide-19 pandemic.
  • The cost of lockdowns in Canada is at least 10 times higher than the benefit in terms of population health and well-being, (considering the economic recession, social isolation and impacts on life expectancy, education and the full gamut of health-care priorities) and at least 5 times and probably closer to 50 times more harm than benefit world wide.

The prospects looking forward are grim.

  • World Bank: Lockdown’s may push 150 million people into extreme poverty (Reuters, SOTT, October 7, 2020)
  • It is being projected that there could be an “eight billion meal shortage” at America’s Food Banks over the next 12 months. (Michael Snyder, SOTT)
  • Children’s long-term mental health at risk from Covid-19-related stress, experts warn (Children’s Health Defense, The Defender, October 16, 2020)
  • Food shortage simulation predicts 400% increase in food prices by 2030 (Robert Wheeler, Activist Post, October 12, 2020)
  • 55 million people face famine as Covid-ravaged economies fail to meet funding goals (according to Oxfam report, Mint Press, Blacklisted News, October 15, 2020)

There are ecological impacts to consider, also. It’s estimated that half a million sharks could be killed to make vaccine (Robert F. Kennedy, Children’s Health Defense, October 1, 2020)
There’s a brutal irony that lockdown advocates claiming they are “following the science” should ponder. It’s that no lockdown, even one enforced by the military, can stop the virus. We read that studies by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) show no gain in virus management from lockdowns. The largest global study of lockdowns compared with deaths (published in The Lancet) found no association between coercive stringencies and deaths per million. The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai conducted a study in cooperation with the Naval Medical Research Center. It found that despite a strict lockdown “the virus still spread, though 90% of those who tested positive were without symptoms.” 
Dr. Michael Chossudovsky (Economics) has provided a summary of the devastating human and economic consequences arising from Covid management measures. See: “The Covid “pandemic”: destroying people’s lives. Engineered economic depression. Global “coup d’Etat.” (Global Research, November 12, 2020)
Freelance writer, Zachery Yost, in an article entitled: Lockdowns destroy what makes us human makes an interesting point about the differences between how materialists versus those with a traditional spiritual outlook may assess the cost of lockdowns to humanity. In contrast to the materialist who see ours as a temporal existence: “…those who retain a more traditional conception of human nature, no matter the specific religion or creed to which they belong, can easily see an entire world of costs to lockdowns that those with a purely materialist perspective are not even capable of understanding. (State of the Nation)
This arises from the fact that we are social beings and spiritual beings. Importantly, our identities and our existence is, to a large degree, defined in group settings. Consider for a moment how the various Covid control measures imposed around the world serve to thwart our instinctive social impulses in the big and small moments of our lives. This instinct plays out every day in myriad ways. It could be informal encounters with strangers or acquaintance in a grocery store or our celebrations of life and its milestones in family gatherings and large groups. Now we attend no more concerts or theatrical productions, church services and family reunions. In some cases, large families are prohibited from exercising outdoors together. And it’s destroying us. The elevated suicide numbers make that clear.  
To learn more about the devastation resulting from Covid control measures being employed worldwide, visit The Price of Panic website. A poignant quote from Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables on its home page reads: Those who do not weep, do not see. Unfortunately, too many in positions of leadership are averting their eyes so as not to see. I certainly don’t see them weeping.
To sum it up in the words of epidemiologist and infectious disease specialist, Professor Mark Woolhouse: “…lockdown was a monumental disaster on a global scale. The cure was far worse than the disease.” 
As of this date, our political leaders appear unmoved by the obvious devastation caused by their lockdown policies. None speak of the need to address the skewed lockdown cost-benefit equation. They have chosen instead to ride herd on a worldwide disaster of unprecedented proportions. Calling the conduct criminal is a serious understatement.
2.4 The Covid management model is neither based on “science” nor aligned with recommended medical or epidemiological practices. It’s anti-medicine and anti-health. 
I have an easy question for you.
“Would governments and health officials genuinely committed to our health be intent on shutting down gymnasiums and fining their owners?” Would they confine people seeking exercise and fresh air to their homes and back yards and curtail access to parks and beaches?” Would they ignore the many ways people can bolster their immunity and health with supplements, social interaction and other naturopathic means?  
Answer: “No,” “no” and “no.” A sound public health policy would be supportive of the operation of health facilities and encourage people to get outdoors and engage in daily exercise in fresh air and sunshine. It would encourage social interaction as a means of spreading natural immunity. It would recommend use of supplements and naturopathic health boosters. And it would encourage social activities as it is widely accepted that social interaction is a natural immune booster. People confined to nursing homes are dying of loneliness. 
You see, it doesn’t take a medical degree or years of training to realize that the official government Covid control policy runs counter to both the preservation of human health and sound science. It is anti-health. It takes only a modicum of common sense to see the perversity of current policy.
Let’s consider the definition of “health” advanced by the WHO in 1948 as a reference point. 
‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or other physical impairment’.”…”Health, therefore, is a broad concept that goes beyond the physical and also relates to the emotional and social well-being of the individual.”
With this holistic definition in mind, I have outlined a list of prescribed Covid measures which, in my assessment, run counter to sound health practices and basic standards of professional medical conduct.

  • imposing health emergency lockdowns around the world after the pandemic peaked thwarting the development of herd immunity;  


  • engaging in expensive and invasive contact tracing campaigns when it’s been demonstrated such efforts don’t contain an infection;
  • quarantining individuals and families at significant personal cost on the basis of a positive test using a lab process (RT-PCR) “test” incapable of establishing if an individual is sick or infectious or not; 

  • subjecting the public to what amounts to an on-going fear campaign undermining the mental health of the population and contributing to depression and suicides:
  • fixating on a single “microbe” to the exclusion of myriad other health conditions of a more serious nature; 
  • inappropriately installing ventilators in situations where their use was not indicated  contributing to needless deaths in the process; (New York)
  • transferring Covid-infected hospital patients to nursing homes and thus spreading infections throughout the latter; (reported in Italy and four US states)
  • confining healthy people wanting and needing fresh air and exercise to their homes, yards or within fixed hours of the day thus weakening immune systems and increasing risk of infection; (Dr. Zoë Harcombe Ph.D states that there’s evidence that “we knew as early as mid-March that locking people in their homes would increase the risk of virus transmission.” (Dr. Zoë Harcombe Ph.D., The Untold Impact of Lockdowns, (SOTT)
  • ignoring the lessons and learnings from other jurisdictions where people were alternative strategies and treatments were used thus allowing needless deaths. (see Sources: Effective treatment and prevention is available for Covid-19)
  • requiring quarantining, social distancing and face masks in spite of a body of research showing that none of these measure work (and in the case of face masks predisposed wearers to rashes, bacterial pneumonia, hypoxia and permanent neurological damage);  
  • denying doctors access to HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) even as their patients were dying of Covid; (and falsifying information regarding its effectiveness);
  • threatening to suspend the licenses of doctors who spoke out about and used alternative therapies found to be effective in treating Covid-19 (like Zn, Azithromycin, HCQ and Ivermectin); 
  • conducting and publishing in major journals fake medical trials aimed at discrediting alternative (non-vaccine) therapies; (One study has found for example that over 80 per cent of Covid patients have a vitamin D deficiency);
  • perversely generalizing the Covid control strategy to an entire population, when it was clear it should have been focused on the vulnerable — residents of nursing homes and those with underlying medical conditions. The waste of medical resources is criminal. 

For some time now, courageous medical professionals have been calling out dysfunctional Covid control measures. Martin Kulldorff, epidemiologist and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, said this about the current Covid quarantine model:
“It’s a unique experiment, and it’s a terrible experiment. I’m amazed – as are many of my colleagues – at the total focus on this disease. In a short time, we are throwing all the principles of public health out the window. Most countries in Europe had a pandemic-preparedness plan which did not recommend lockdowns, but instead proposed a risk-based strategy to protect those at high risk.
The media suggests there is a scientific consensus in favour of lockdown, but that is not the case.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, former head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene in Germany sent an open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, describing the impact of government Covid control measures as “grotesque, absurd and very dangerous.” He explained:
The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society. (Open letter from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, March 26, 2020)
Recently, a WHO doctor, experiencing an apparent change of mind stated:
Historically, standard epidemiological practice including instances involving much more serious epidemiological threats is to quarantine the sick, not the healthy. So what is so different about Covid-19 that it justified a lockdown of the healthy population? Given that Covid posed the greatest threat to the elderly and those in particular with existing health conditions, why wouldn’t the logical approach be to protect the vulnerable and allow the healthy to go about their lives? Why impose what has amounted to house arrest on so many? 
Dr. Kulldoff also challenges the lack of medical logic in the singular narrow fixation on Covid.
One of the basic principles of public health is that you do not just look at one disease – you have to look at health as a whole, including all kinds of diseases, over a long period. That is not what has been done with Covid-19. As a public-health scientist, it is stunning to see how focused people are on this one disease and on the short term. The collateral damage is very tragic: cardiovascular disease outcomes are worse, cancer screenings are down, and there are mental-health issues, for example…
The key to minimising mortality in the long term is to do what we, in the declaration, call ‘focused protection’: focusing efforts on high-risk individuals, and letting young people live their lives normally.”  
The mass lockdowns of course are the opposite of a strategic policy of focused protection for vulnerable groups while allowing other to go about their business.
The problem honest medicine faces is the triad of Government, Big Pharma and corporate media has been censoring and undermining their message. Dissent is not allowed it would seem, even when lives are at stake. Could it be because the dark Covid triad has a pact to sell the world a “vaccine solution”? The dirty information war being conducted against honest medicine goes further. The MSM, in collaboration with Big Pharma has engaged in smearing and demonizing critics. The consequences are enormous.
Independent media and citizen journalists have provided the platform for honest medicine and its practitioners to reach the public. The World Doctors Alliance is an independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the dysfunctional Covid-19 response. Its mission is to:
“…share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.”
Its website further states:
The WDA has attempted to set the record straight regarding the faulty PCR test fiasco and basis of pandemic “cases.” It has published an open letter to citizens and governments of the world on its website regarding the flaws in the RT-PCR and antigen tests. Two important facts regarding the test:

  •  a positive PCR test does not mean that an individual is infected nor infective  
  •   ..approximately 90% of the PCR positive ‘cases’ are false positives. We therefore have no second wave and no pandemic.   

Note: The WHO has finally acknowledged this fatal flaw in the PCR test. (See: Who finally admits PCR tests create false positives, Blacklisted News)

  • The government’s report estimates a false positive rate of between 0.8 to 4.0 % using data from other viral infections – not from Covid.  

Can you see the incoherence in public health policy? The WHO recommended governments “test,” “test,” “test,” and most jurisdictions obediently got on the test bandwagon. Given the PCR test’s propensity for generating false positives, however, the exhortation to “test” “test” “test” makes no sense. It only serves to amplify an erroneous measure of Covid infection and threat level. This in turn forms the deeply flawed basis for costly management policies. It makes absolutely no scientific or epidemiological sense.

The WDA spells out the absurd bottom line: The crisis will never end if we are waiting for zero positive tests. Everyone has probably had a cold caused by a coronavirus and will likely have a few viral fragments matching those of the cousin SARS-CoV-2 virus. 
So, what the WHO and our glorious political leaders have imposed is a perverse  medical perpetual motion machine. The cycle consists of more tests, resulting in more inaccurate  test outcomes, driving stricter lockdowns and producing more real negative health problems, including suicides and infections from confinement. If the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome, then certainly our political leaders and health authorities are insane. And, they appear intent on infecting the rest of us with their condition.
Some of those in charge of managing the Covid response may plead incompetence (insanity would be more credible). But it won’t stand in the face of the evidence. The fact is their anti-health, anti-science and anti-people measures were imposed in spite of countervailing knowledge. This takes their behaviour to the level of criminal conduct. Ethical medical practice begins with First, do no harm. The prolonged lockdowns of 2020 equal genocide.
Note: For more on what the professionals in the field of science and medicine have to say about upside down medicine, see the list of Sources at the back of the paper.
2.5 There’s little reason to trust the narrative or the prescriptions being pushed by Big Pharma and friends; the industry is riddled with corruption and conflicts of interest
Quick question: What’s one good reason for ordinary citizens to believe that Big Pharma has their best health interests at heart and will prioritize their health and safety over profits?
Hmmmm…. I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of one. Long before the advent of Covid, the CDC and Big Pharma sector had well-established reputations for corruption. In February of 2018, I wrote and published on my website a brief analysis of the dysfunctional influences animating Corporatocracy. It’s entitled: Confronting Godzilla Part B. Let’s start with my definition of Corporatocracy. I see it as:
An illegitimate hybrid organism resulting from an unsanctioned marriage of the interests of government and big business rendering both incapable of serving the interests of the public and consumers, respectively.
Readers with a bit of background in political science will recognize that this is the defining relationship at the heart of fascism. Corporatocracy is the foundation of fascism.
I dedicated part of my earlier-mentioned research paper to “nominations” to a fictitious Corporate Wall of Shame. Guess who earned one of the more prominent spots on the wall? (Big Pharma) The dubious honour was well earned, and the Covid-19 project confirms the distinction. Years earlier, the CDC’s own researchers, united under the acronym SPIDER, published an open letter protesting the CDC’s sell out to political and corporate interests. Appropriately, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Head of Children’s Health Defense has described the CDC as a vaccine manufacturer.
My paper cited a lengthy list of the charges leveled by former clinical psychologist and mental health therapist, Joachim Hagopian. (Look for parallels in the conduct of Big PHarma and friends relative to the Covid saga.) Hagopian finds Big Pharma guilty of the following:

  • suppressing promising cures for cancer, AIDS and other terminal illnesses;
  • squelching knowledge regarding low cost natural treatments or medications;
  • marketing of medications with severe side effects that injure and kill;
  • turning millions of its customers/patients into addicted hard core drug users;
  • making medical errors that kill nearly a quarter million annually;
  • recklessly endangering children and pregnant women with toxic levels of mercury contributing to brain damage and death;
  • dictating what is being taught in North American medical schools (several years ago, medical students and faculty at Harvard revolted.)
  • buying off US politicians;
  • targeting vulnerable segments of the population with “invented” health conditions (“disease mongering”);
  • repackaging and rebranding old meds at higher prices (e.g rebranding Prozac as Serafem);
  • taking over the FDA.

My 2018 paper merely skimmed the surface of the problem. In reality, the scope and depth of industry corruption and conflicts of interest is far greater. It’s here that the old Latin dictum of “Qui bono?” and the tactic “Follow the money” are useful forensic tools in helping us illuminate the motives and methods of powerful Covid string pullers. Let’s be clear about just how big the prize money is. Vaccine manufacturers will make trillions (yes, trillions with a “T”). The track and trace manufacturers and pharmaceutical industry will be similarly well-rewarded from Covid testing (World Doctors Alliance).
Their motives aren’t limited to money; it’s also a matter of control. And Big Pharma appears to be pursuing “full spectrum” control, extending even to the science itself. Moreover, its corrupting influence extends far beyond the industry’s border. Kamran Abassi, a doctor, journalist and broadcaster describes the reality in a November 25 issue of The Defender, a publication of Children’s Health Defense. Brace for cognitive dissonance.
“Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. COVID-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health. Politicians and industry are responsible for this opportunistic embezzlement.” 
There could hardly be a better example of suppression than the aggressive campaign waged by Big Pharma and its collaborators in government and the media to demonize and suppress access to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Clearly, the industry cabal was determined to not let the public discover that an effective, low cost treatment and prophylactic medication was readily available. It would of course undercut the entire vaccine imperative being sold to the public. How criminally desperate does an industry have to be to deny doctors access to a lifesaving medications and treatment?
Big Pharma’s instinct for corruption was on display again as recently as November 2020. The US government felt it necessary to issue what was described by one source as a “rare” fraud alert. It was issued in response to the industry’s alleged practice of rewarding particular doctors with generous “speaking fees”. The fees were attached in some cases, to an agreement that the signatory would write a minimum number of prescriptions for the company’s products in a year. Something’s rotten in the world of Big Pharma.
It’s time to peel back the covers and investigate the conflicts of interest characterizing the industry. The World Doctor’s Alliance describes some existing and potential Covid conflicts of interest inherent in SAGE. The acronym stands for Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies and it’s an advisory committee to the UK government regarding Covid strategy.

Chief Scientific Officer Sir Patrick Vallance has £600,000 worth of shares in GSK Glaxo Smith Klein. He has in recent years sold £5 million of shares in GSK which he ‘earned’ whilst chief of GSK 

  • Sir Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer UK, accepted over £30 million in funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to study malaria vaccines.
  • It has become clear that members of SAGE, Public Health England (PHE), World Health Organisation (WHO), Centre for Disease Control (CDC), National institute for Health (NIH) etc have many conflicts of interests. They all accept very large ‘donations’ from the pharmaceutical and vaccine industry. These conflicts of interests may well have effectively corrupted their integrity. 
  • It is also clear that governments are heavily lobbied by the pharmaceutical industry and the vaccine industry, again this may have compromised their integrity. (WDA website)

Dr Zoë Harcombe probes the interests of SAGE’s key influencers further. She points out that 11 out of 20 work for the government. And twelve of 20 key influencers work for or have received funding from organizations involved with the Covid-19 vaccine. That should set off alarm bells.
Harcombe also offered some insights into the thrust of SAGE recommendations and work. She makes the ominous observation that the number of modeler/statisticians and experts in behaviour manipulation on the committee is four times greater than the number of virologists. Also, there are no immunologists. What then is SAGE’s real role? Is it making sound scientific recommendations or engaging in public persuasion? Or is it both with an emphasis weighted in favour of the latter? It’s also less than reassuring to know that Neil Ferguson, the author of the now infamous Imperial College paper predicting half a million UK Covid deaths, once sat on this committee. Footnote: Ferguson resigned after breaking his own Covid quarantine rules.
Update: he’s back leading the Covid fear-mongering again in the UK.
Dr. James Todaro, a member of America’s Front Line Doctors, contends that Covid-19 has exposed an abundance of corruption and conflicts of interest in the health sciences and medical fields. Todaro points out that it’s not just key players in the medical/pharma game that are corrupt. It’s also the gatekeepers or “referees”, a role played by the academic journals.
The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine have already been exposed for publishing what Todaro described as “openly fraudulent studies” in order to benefit Big Pharma. Specifically: The Lancet did their study that dismissed hydroxychloroquine as dangerous which was retracted just two weeks later. The New England Journal of Medicine put out a study that benefitted cardiovascular drugs, pharmaceuticals. That was also retracted.”
Dr. Todara describes the revolving door career paths of health industry career opportunists. Such individuals may be serving for example in positions of authority in major health agencies like the CDC while strategically planning a move to lucrative positions on boards or in consultancy roles with major pharmaceutical companies. Clearly, such individuals have an opportunity to cultivate favour with their prospective employers by making decisions benefitting potential future employers. History reveals that some yield to the temptation.
The case of Dr. Scott Gottlieb may be illustrative. Todaro points out that within months of leaving his position as an FDA commissioner as recently as 2019, he had landed board seats with four or five pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer. The question is, “Would any of Mr. Gottlieb’s decisions during his term with the FDA have been influenced by the prospect of future employment with impacted pharma companies”?
Dr. Todaro explains that too often, the WHO pushes the non-science of fear and panic – “a new normal” as it did with Swine Flu. As recently as “last week” (October 4-10, 2020) they announced that 10% of the world was infected by COVID quoting a .6% death rate when it’s really a .13% infection mortality rate. And you thought sex sells. You haven’t seen anything until you see what fear sells.
Todaro went on to discuss the NIH Covid-19 Task force panel – something he examined during peak Remdesivor hype. This is the panel that decides on and recommends medications for treatment of Covid-19. He found that at the time, 20% of the panel members had a conflict of interest in relation to Gilead.
“So you literally had the people making the decisions, making the recommendations for these therapies, that have a direct incentive for these to get passed ‘cause they’re going to profit off those medications”  (Corruption of the Scientific Process, White Coat Summit II, YouTube, October 16, 2020)

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases,  (NIAID) exerts an outsized influence on national and international Covid policies and thus our lives and health futures. Political analyst, F. William Engdahl, examined Fauci’s career record and found he rode to acclaim on the basis of his fraudulent claims regarding the cause, transmission and treatment of AIDS. As head of NIAID, Fauci received millions from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation and “tens of billions from US taxpayers for his bogus research.”  

Dr. Kary Mullis won the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR test. He offered this assessment of the competence and the character of Dr. Anthony Fauci and his colleagues at NIAID. It’s not exactly a ringing endorsement.

“…guys like Fauci get up there and start talking …and he doesn’t know anything about anything, and I’d say that to his face. …Nothing!…He doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand anything about medicine. And he shouldn’t be in the position that he’s in.  
Most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people and they don’t know anything about what’s going on the bottom…..Those guys have got an agenda… which is not what we would like them to have, being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. 

They’ve got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go, they change them when they want to, and they smugly…like Tony Fauci doe not mind going on television in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.  (“PCR test creator…”, State of the Nation) 

Fauci used his high profile position to amplify Covid fears by significantly overstating the projected mortalities and severity of an infection. He was asked at one point how long the shutdown of the US economy should last. His response was logic free and demonstrated no appreciation of the cost-benefit equation. His answer: only when there is zero new covid19 positive tested cases. Engdahl points out that this is impossible given the defective testing/diagnostic procedure. It seems that Fauci would thus condemned us to a permanent test-lockdown prison. His response also exposes him as a complicit criminal behind the Covid fraud. (Fort-Russ)

It’s not difficult to make out the dirty fingerprints of the pharmaceutical industry on public policy. The Children’s Health Defense outlined five major concerns regarding corruption and conflicts of interest at the CDC, the WHO and the NIH and in some instances, the enabling role of government. They further reinforce my assessment of the dangers of corporatocracy.
1.   Big pharma has influence and power over the interpretation of the outcomes/science and the related safety of vaccines. 
2.   Specific vaccines are unequivocally not safe. Yet government officials – with well-documented conflicts of interest with the $50 billion vaccine industry – systematically obscure the risks while exaggerating the benefits of vaccines.
3.   The government has quietly admitted culpability by paying out over $4 billion for thousands of injuries and deaths caused by vaccines underscoring that vaccine injuries can and do happen, including autism. And, an HHS-funded study concluded that fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries are even reported.
4.   Big Pharma is exerting influence over WHO, FDA and CDC to fast track and short cut safety studies in order to gain more profits faster. Big Pharma has zero financial risk when children get vaccine injured because the government prevents victims from suing big pharma.
5.   State initiatives mandating vaccines regardless of family pre-conditions and/or religious beliefs, if left unchecked, will mentally impair an even greater percentage of our child population resulting in one of the greatest human biological experiments in modern history.
The Children’s Health Defense describes the nature of the health agency – Big Pharma relationship and the latter’s grip on the agencies. Again the “follow the money” tactic is revealing.
“The pharmaceutical industry enforces policy discipline through agency budgets. The World Health Organization (WHO) gets roughly half its budget from private sources, including Pharma and its allied foundations.  
And CDC, frankly, is a vaccine company; it owns 56 vaccine patents and buys and distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines annually through the Vaccines for Children program, which is over 40% of its total budget. Further, Pharma directly funds, populates and controls dozens of CDC programs through the CDC foundation.” (Children’s Health Defense)
One of the more troubling aspects of Big Pharma corruption is the control it’s acquired over the policing of and approval of its trials. One would expect the board overseeing vaccine clinical trials to be independent of pharmaceutical companies. ICAN has investigated the composition of these boards and found conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies.
Lance D. Johnson of Corruption News takes a cursory look at the WHO’s relationship with Big Pharma and reaches a sobering conclusion. Understanding the pro-pharma bent of the organization explains much regarding the WHO’s conduct throughout the so called Covid pandemic including its role as one of many “crisis amplifiers.” (Fear sells.)
An agency that was intended to safeguard public health has been weaponized into a totalitarian dictatorship that not only promotes Big Pharma, but also seeks to eliminate any information or health solutions not patented and profited on by Big Pharma. The WHO has been weaponized and is involved in crimes against humanity. 
Crimes against humanity is a serious charge — about as bad as it gets.
Covid ca$h
But it’s not just the central agencies and the vaccine manufacturers that have dirty hands. Corrupting influences run through the US health care system. And Covid money is being used to enrich and enforce the Covid narrative and the lockdowns. Some call it bribery. And there are a lot of beneficiaries of the Covid gravy train. Here are just a few examples:
National Governments
National governments may be under the influence of the Global Powers That Be when it comes to their response to Covid. Belarus’s president, Alexandr Lukashenko claims the World Bank and IMF offered him $940 million USD in “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange, Lukashenko would have to:
• impose an “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force citizens to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
• impose a police state
• crash the economy
Lukashenko states he refused the offer as it would amount to putting the needs of Belarus’s citizens beneath those of the World Bank and IMF.
More recently, the leader of the largest political party in Curaçao announced that The Netherlands was forcing his government to take “far-reaching” measures regarding corona policy. This member of the Partido Alternative Real said he had no choice but to vote for an unpopular emergency law. Coercion anyone?
“Otherwise we will get code orange or red. Then there will be no more tourists and we will lose the financial support from the Netherlands. That leaves a hole in the budget of one billion euros. The treasury has been empty since the first shutdown. We have no more strength and are in an impossible situation. We are forced to compromise the living conditions of our population. We are being blackmailed by the world and the Netherlands”.
Under the new law, the administration could restrict or suspend:

  • freedom of movement;
  • freedom of expression
  • the right of association;
  • the right to demonstrate, and it could expropriate both

movable and immovable property.
I wonder how many other countries are being coerced by offers of carrots or threats of the stick” into imposing oppressive Covid control measures on the citizens. (2020 News)
US States and hospitals
Individual US states are eligible to receive emergency hospital grants under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES ) Act.
US hospitals are paid $13,000 for every Covid diagnosis and $39,000 for every Covid patient placed on a respirator
US Hospitals getting paid more to label cause of death as “Coronavirus.” (Global Research, Aug 14-20)

For a look at how Covid cash is being used to buy the complicity of hospital administrators, doctors and nurses in the US health care system, see this interview with Dr. Annie Buracek: Covid-19 Hush Money: $2.2 trillion CARES Act coercion. (Our Greater Destiny, State of the Nation.) 

Vaccine Manufacturers
Matt Taibbi’s article “Big Pharma’s Covid-19 profiteers” (August 2020) describes Covid-19 as an “unprecedented profiteering opportunity,” something he described in August as in the “larval stage.” The article describes how pharmaceutical manufacturers are the beneficiaries of government development grants, billions of dollars in upfront purchase commitments and massive margins on drugs and vaccines of unknown efficacy.
Between March 30 and end of July, the US government announced the following expenditures toward vaccine development programs and vaccine purchases benefitting a handful of companies participating in Trump’s Operation Warp Speed:
Johnson and Johnson vaccine program: $456 million
Moderna:  (a company that has never successfully brought a drug to market): $483 million
AstraZeneca: vaccine program: $1.2 billion for its vaccine program
Emergent BioSolutions: $628 million to provide manufacturing for vaccines.
Novavax : $1.6 billion for vaccine development.
Pfizer and BioNTech: $2 billion on 100 million doses of a vaccine.
The Swine Flu fiasco is illustrative of Big Pharma’s ability to shift the burden of risk to the public while privatizing profit.
Ultimately, the swine flu vaccine was a fiasco, resulting in a number of horrible side effects, including as many as 450 cases of the degenerative nerve disease Guillain-Barré. The taxpayer ended up paying for the swine flu vaccine coming and going, through guaranteed profits at the front and outlays for piles of lawsuits from victims on the other side.
Unfortunately, the same public-private distribution of the cost and risk burden applies in the case of Covid. Covid-19 could require generations of vaccines and booster shots and thus the promise of the “ultimate cash cow” for pharmaceutical manufacturers. Can any one suggest why a long drawn out pandemic might be of interest?
One could add to the list of corporate Covid beneficiaries a host of companies manufacturing disinfectants and disinfectant wipes, face masks, face shields and an array of other products.
Vaccine peddlers
It appears that the nurses hired to give the vaccines are making big money for their services. The New York Post is reporting that travel nurses hired on a temp basis are being paid as much as $11,000 a week. A local RN said she was being paid $70 an hour for a 40-hour week plus a stipend of $2,200 for a total of $5,000 a week. She added that she had met other nurses at an orientation session who said they would be earning $11,000 a week. (Melissa Klein, New York Post, State of the Nation)
Big Pharma’s best friend, Bill Gates
If there’s one person at the centre of the Covid saga, it’s Bill Gates. While he travels under the flag of “Philanthropist,” his motives aren’t as altruistic as they may appear. Gates is an investor. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. describes the Gate’s approach as one of  ‘strategic philanthropy’ that feeds his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.” 
Philanthropy is a powerful persuader. Critics accuse Gates of using it to control agencies like WHO, UNISEF, GAVI and PATH. The Gate’s touch extends to private vaccine manufacturers and a “massive network of pharmaceutical front groups.” (Coronavirus Impacts, April 29, 2020)
The Gates’ have developed a powerful media strategy for crushing criticism and burnishing their image. Dr. Joseph Mercola points out that The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds and influences mainstream media companies.
Through its grants to the Leo Burnett Company, an ad agency owned by Publicis, the Gates Foundation is also financially linked to NewsGuard and HealthGuard, as both of these “fact-checking” sites are funded by Publicis. As such, Gates already has the power to pull strings and censor content he doesn’t like.
The Gates Foundation also has a history of funding disreputable and flawed projects to the point of being fraudulent science. What they call “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories” are to a large extent merely information exposing the Gates Foundation’s own disinformation campaigns.
The recipients Gates “gold” include MCR, “a leading organization advising world governments and the CDC a the leading body advising world governments and the World Health Organization about infectious disease outbreaks.” (the Co-founder of MCR is Neil Ferguson, the man famous for his track record of hyperbolic infectious disease projections that don’t materialize.)
Dr. Mercola describes the Gates worldview and the approach that derives from it. It sounds like the classic dialectical: Problem-Reaction-Solution employed by the Deep State actors intent on guiding national health policies.
“Gates has created global alliances to impose top-down analysis and prescriptions for health problems.

He gives money to define the problems, and then he uses his influence and money to impose the solutions. And in the process, he gets richer. His ‘funding’ results in an erasure of democracy and biodiversity, of nature and culture. His ‘philanthropy’ is not just philanthrocapitalism. It is philanthroimperialism (Mercola, SOTT, September 29, 2020)
Gates’ influence over journalism is described in an August 2020 article in Columbia Journalism Review that highlights the connections between the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation and a number of newsrooms including NPR. Time Schwab, the author reviewed the recipients of nearly 20,000 Gates Foundation grants. He found more than $250 million had been awarded to a list of major media companies. The recipients include: BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde, PBS NewsHour and the Center for Investigative Reporting.
There’s solid evidence that corruption and conflicts of interest are endemic within the medical-pharma- research complex. The Covid-19 bonanza will highlight this pathology. This is the real pandemic, the one that should be the focus of the concern of regulators, lawmakers and every citizen.
2.6 The precautionary principle has been abandoned with regard to the development, approval and marketing of vaccines, including Covid-19 vaccines in particular. This leaves unsuspecting members of the public at grave risk
The precautionary principle asserts that the burden of proof for potentially harmful actions by industry or government rests on the assurance of safety and that when there are threats of serious damage, scientific uncertainty must be resolved in favour of prevention.” (Pubmed)
In a September, 2001 article in the American Journal of Public Health, Bernard D. Goldstein (MD) states that while the principle applies to public health, “we in public health are sometimes guilty of not adhering to this principle.” I would argue that the “sometimes” referenced by Dr. Goldstein applies to the development and approval of vaccines in general and the Covd-19 vaccines in particular. The consequences, as past failures to adhere to the precautionary principle demonstrate, could be disastrous. 
All the clever advertising and powerful PR messaging Big Pharma can muster cannot paper over vaccine risks. Big Pharma would have us think that vaccinations are somewhere on par with motherhood and apple pie – that accepting vaccines prescribed by the state, is the “normal,” necessary and safe course of action. And to ensure the impression is maintained, it spends hundreds of millions of dollars annually on PR campaigns and on lobbying government decision-makers. (Reportedly, the industry is the biggest lobbyist in terms of dollar expenditures on Capital Hill.) But, It’s not all about slick advertising and political glad-handing however. 
There’s a dark side to this industry. It also invests a good deal in suppressing inquiry, competing product information and critique perceived to threaten profits. The suppression tactic can take the form of outright censorship by pharma and friends. For a recent example, see: “Twitter to remove ‘harmful, misleading or false information’ on Covid-19 vaccinations.” Thanks Big Brother. It’s just that in this case, “harmful, misleading or false” is likely to be information or analysis that challenges the official industry narrative. (Covid bad, vaccines good.)
In an era of citizen journalism, there’s always a chance however that minority views and voices will reach a segment of the public. And that’s where pharma’s smear machine kicks in. The next time you encounter a citizen activist, scientist or independent journalist working in this field who has been branded a “conspiracy theorist,” “nut case,” “anti-vaxxer,” or “quack” via a “debunking” site or a so-called “fact-checker,” you can be fairly certain the critic has hit a nerve. Consider for a moment that fact that something called, “vaccine hesitancy” has been conveniently been labeled a serious threat to public health. This is how dissent is criminalized. The smearing ploy takes various forms. One of the more repugnant is loudly claiming that critics are “endangering lives.” It’s a strategic “double” play. First, the industry accuser gets virtue points for presumably being concerned about public health. Second, the accuser manages to smear and thus ostracize an opponent while turning triggered members of the public on the dissenter. Machiavelli would be proud.
The expression, “If you’re taking flak, it’s a sign you are over the target” is seldom more apropos. Those demonized and smeared by Big Pharma are often the people with something pertinent to say and worthy of our attention. Whistleblowers and truth-tellers that challenge the pharmaceutical status quo do so at great risk to their careers, their reputations and, as history suggests, their lives. This individual clearly understood her life was in danger and went so far as to write in late 2019: If something were to happen to me, it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why.’ (“Founder of vaccine Safety website, ex pharma insider found dead,”) Emily Mangiaracina, LifeSite News, December 15, 2020)
The industry has adopted an intimidating take-no-prisoners policy that leaves many afraid to speak up and ask the pointed questions. It’s a predatory policy that denies the industry and the public the benefit of timely research and honest scientific debate – the very thing we’re told is essential to scientific and medical progress. 
The average person is largely unaware of the track record of vaccine use around the world. How many people know for example, that the WHO has admitted that “a new polio outbreak in the Sudan is linked to an on-going vaccine sparked epidemic in Chad – a week after the UN Health agency declared the African continent free of the wild polio virus.”  (UN says new polio outbreak in Sudan caused by oral vaccine, AP, September 2, 2020)
This isn’t the first time a vaccination project in Africa has resulted in injuries or lingering suspicion that a vaccination program had a covert sinister objective. See: HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World (on-line OALibJ Volume 4, No. 10 journal article, October 2017). The authors conclude: “our opinion is that the Kenya “anti-tetanus” campaign was reasonably called into question by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association as a front for population growth reduction.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., head of the Children’s Health Defense describes multiple instances in which Gates Foundation funded projects in Africa left vaccine injuries and deaths in their wake. One case concerned tests of an HPV vaccine and another concerned a trial involving an experimental malarial vaccine. (Martin Berger, Global Research, Blacklisted News)
We tend to assume that vaccines are subject to lengthy rigorous safety trials before they are put on the market. John F. Kennedy Jr. won a court case that established they are not. Vaccines are exempt from the standards that apply to other medications because they are considered biologicals.
It’s becoming clearer that Big Pharma’s simplistic vaccines equal health and more vaccines equals better health paradigm is threatened.  A recent US study conducted by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler and Dr. Paul Thomas (Pediatrician, Oregon) comparing the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children could shake Big Pharma’s empire. Within a week of the study’s publication in The Journal of Environment Research and Public Health (November 22, 2020), Dr. Thomas’s license was suspended. Were the researchers “over the target”? Among other things, results indicate that in general for Dr. Thomas’ practice, children that had more vaccinations have to make more visits to the doctor. In short they aren’t as healthy as those who had fewer or no vaccinations. See: Vaccinated versus unvaccinated: The Study the CDA refused to do – Interview with Doctor Weiler, Activist Post, December 13, 2020)
We now have now characterized some key features of the PR -marketing game as it’s played in the Big Pharma league, providing a suitable background for weighing Covid vaccine concerns. 
The Covid-19 Vaccine – Reasons for concern
Members of the public have several good reasons to be concerned with the Covid narrative and specifically, the proposed “vaccine solution” being pushed by Gates and Big Pharma, national governments and corporate media. Some of them are related to the history and reputation of the industry. And others are specific to vaccine development, approval and marketing, particularly as it relates to Covid-19 vaccines. Here’s a brief summary of the more obvious concerns.
1. (As described in Section 2.5) the pharmaceutical industry and its allies are untrustworthy. I have previously referenced the industry’s corruption and many conflicts of interest. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. describes US vaccine producers Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer and Merck as “serial felons “. In just the last decade these companies have paid $35 billion in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.” Martin Berger, Blacklisted News, via Global Research)
2. (As described in Section 2.5) Covid-19 vaccination test boards are not independent of the vaccine industry. Del Bigtree’s Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) investigated and found that at least two persons sitting on the test boards were industry “friendlies.” Yet, Fauci disingenuously insists board members are beholden to no one. (Paul Craig Roberts, October 12, 2020)
3. The vaccine trials were rushed. (Operation Warp Speed).
It’s impossible to reconcile accelerated vaccine development of the nature of Operation Warp Speed with the precautionary principal. There’s an old expression to the effect that haste makes waste. The race to get Covid-19 vaccines to market has already confirmed the maxim.  Australia has abruptly halted clinical trials being conducted on a candidate coronavirus vaccine after trial participants began producing false positive test results for HIV (WIO News, December 11, 2020). In this case the cost of the rush to produce a vaccine is economic in nature. The cost of the rush in the larger schemed of things however, is likely to involve injury to human health and lives.
To develop the average vaccine from the preclinical stage it normally requires 10.71 years and the probability of market entry is 6%. (PMC, US National Laboratory of Medicine) The previous record was four years for mumps. The Covid vaccines were developed in a period of 7-8 months. And in the cases of Moderna, a first time vaccine producer, animal trails were skipped altogether, prompting Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to issue are warning to Americans in July of this year.
On December 3, 2020 Dr. Anthony Fauci was reported as telling Fox News that UK regulators hadn’t scrutinized the Pfizer trial data as “carefully” as the FDA has.
“I love the Brits, they’re great, they’re good scientists, but they just took the data from the Pfizer company and instead of scrutinizing it really, really carefully, they said, ‘OK, let’s approve it, that’s it.’ And they went with it.”
A Zero Hedge headline states: The American public has a right to be skeptical and a large majority of them areTwo thirds of Americans say they won’t get COVID-19 vaccine when it’s first available, USA Today/Suffolk poll shows (USA Today, September 4, 2020)
For some insights into how Operation Warp Speed operated and who the Big Tech companies participating in the project are, see: From T-Map to Warp Speed: How Big Pharma algorithms Fast Track unapproved drugs and vaccines. The article explains how Big Pharma is collaborating with Big Tech companies (IBM, Amazon, Dell, Google, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, and Intel) to accelerate vaccine development. (John Klyzcek, NaturalBlaze, State of the Nation, December 12, 2020). Can you recall who stands astride these two powerful behemoths? His name starts with “Bill Gates.” Gates’ influence in itself is immense; Imagine the combined lobby power of these Big Pharma and Big Tech and friends in high places.
4. An array of serious “adverse reactions,” including death, have been reported in the trial phase with many more possible with public uptake. The vaccines carry with them the risk of several serious side effects including death. The deaths of volunteer trial participants have been reported. Some of the side effects reported by volunteer participants in “Phase II” vaccine trials conducted by Pfizer, Moderna and others are “fevers, sweats, migraines and muscle aches that last for days.” (See: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation)
As recently as December 5, two participants in the Pfizer trials were reported dead as a result of “serious adverse events.” The Jerusalem Post reports: “[O]ne experienced a cardiac arrest 62 days after vaccination #2 and died 3 days later, and the other died from arteriosclerosis 3 days after vaccination #1.” The Post’s sister publication reported that on Tuesday, December 8, the FDA announced that there currently is “not enough research to guarantee the vaccine’s safety for immunocompromised groups, pregnant women and children.”
The Post adds: “The FDA’s own public discussion and documents about the COVID-19 vaccines acknowledge that deaths and 21 other conditions, many of which are life-threatening, may result as adverse outcomes from these vaccines.”  The Daily Mail has reported that four volunteers of Pfizer’s experimental coronavirus vaccine have developed Bell’s palsy. Regulators have warned those with allergies not to take it. (State of the Nation/Jerusalem Post, December 8, 2020) Imagine how many people have allergies and the extent to which allergies are undiagnosed.
Next day post-vaccine reactions aren’t minor. Dr. Sandra Fryhofer of the American Medical Association is concerned that the next day impact are such that they might deter many of her patients from returning for the follow-up shot. To quote a Zero Hedge headline: “Doctors warn Covid-19 vaccine ‘won’t be a walk in the park.’” (November 25, 2020). First person accounts of some trial volunteers confirm the warning.
James Lyons Weiler and Robert Kennedy Jr., have raised further concerns regarding Pfizer’s Covid vaccine trials. They cite a briefing document on the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine from the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, which suggests the possibility of pathogenic priming, especially in older adults. The term “enhanced immune response” is misleading as it’s really “disease enhancement.” The net result is that vaccinated people still develop the disease, get sicker and die. (The Defender, December 10, 2020)
Today (December 15, 2020), I read, “FDA analysis of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine finds it effective and safe.” This finding supports the authorization of Moderna’s vaccine for emergency use. According to the analysis, serious reactions were rare and the most common side effects are fever, headaches and muscle and joint pain. The FDA found an efficacy rate of 94.1%. It sounds reassuring doesn’t it. On the other hand, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., reported that when the Moderna vaccine was given to high, medium and low dose groups of 15 people each, one member of the low dose group became so sick, the individual had to be hospitalized. Three people (20%) of the high dose group had to be hospitalized. An additional concern is that vaccine is only tested on a selected group of healthy people and not people suffering from certain conditions. I recall it has been reported that a 70 year-old Philadelphia priest participating in Phase 3 Moderna trials died. The cause of death had not been determined.  
One unreported potential side effect of the Moderna Covid vaccine is a disease called Monsterism. This is an extremely rare and potentially lethal degenerative disease resulting in physical and mental deformities. An anonymous Moderna whistleblower has reported that “3 of the 30,000 trial candidates began showing symptoms ….after receiving the second dose of the two-part vaccination.” It seems Moderna was concerned that if this information became public, stock prices could take a big hit, so it has hid this information from both the FDA and volunteers awaiting their second inoculation. (“Moderna Covid-19 vaccine causes ‘monsterism,’” RealRawNews, December 30, 2020) 

A vaccine launch PR campaign in Tennessee featured a testimonial by a Chattanooga hospital’s head nurse. The nurse, Tiffany Dover had just received the vaccine 17 minutes before appearing on for a TV interview.  It didn’t go as planned. Dover became unconsciousness in mid-speech and there’s speculation she may have died due to her lack of a public appearances and oddities in her social media activity. Some theorize that the adjuvant may have been responsible for her obvious distress. (See: Nurse collapses minutes after receiving Covid vaccine, December 21, 2020.) Right now, it’s a case of stay tuned until it can be confirmed if it’s a case of theatre or vaccine injury. 
Elsewhere, a significant percentage of hospital workers are taking a pass on the vaccine. At Howard University in Washington DC, reportedly only about 600 out of a total of 1,900 hospital employees had signed up for the shots as of December 18, 2020) (Hospital Workers Turn down COVID vaccine: “There too much mistrust.” Zero Hedge, State of the Nation)
As of December 18, 2020, the CDC is reporting more than 3,000 vaccine recipients are in the category of “unable to perform daily activities, unable to work or required care from doctor or health care professional.” (CDC: 3000 struck down by vaccine, unable to do daily duties, State of the Nation, December 21, 2020) This has prompted the CDC to issue new vaccine guidelines and launch a probe into the matter. (CDC issues new guidelines…following Covid-19 vaccination, Zero Hedge, State of the Nation, December 20, 2020)
Coronavirus vaccine history could prove instructive. Kennedy’s historical assessment of coronavirus vaccine performance in general, is noteworthy:
“What we know about coronavirus from 30 years of experience is that a coronavirus has a unique peculiarity, which is any attempt at making the vaccine has resulted in the creation of a class of antibodies that actually make vaccinated people sicker when they ultimately suffer exposure to the wild virus.” (The Unz Review).
The World Doctors Alliance reports that Dr. Michael Yeadon (ex-Pfizer head of research) and the Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (German physician) have requested an immediate suspension of all SARS-Cov 2 vaccine studies with the European Medical Agency. The agency is responsible for EU- wide drug approval. The request relates in particular to BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162B (EudraCT no. 2020-002641-42). The two are demanding the halt in order to protect life and health of volunteers until a study can address a number of concerns regarding the vaccine and the study design. This Facebook page provides some insight into the experiences of vaccine trial participants.
The marketing hype flies in the face of the Precautionary Principle. The UK Medical Freedom Alliance took up the issue of marketing hype versus risk in a letter to the joint committee on vaccination and immunization stating:
It is worrying that recent Parliamentary discussions seem to not attach proper weight to any concern about vaccine risks and the right to informed consent, while focusing solely on strategies to increase the uptake of vaccines in the general population. 
The letter cited some possible risks that could follow from a vaccine rush to market absent thorough and adequate safety and efficacy testing:
“Adverse effects like Subacute Sclerosing Pan Encephalitis, Ascending Polyneuritis, Myopathies, Autoimmune Diseases, and rarer chance of triggering development of malignancies are most dreaded possibilities.“…(See letter for more symptoms) Open Letter From: UK Medical Freedom Alliance To: The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization… for COVID-19 in the UK.”
“Even though the media and politicians are currently trivializing the problem and even foolishly calling for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, but also in terms of genetic damage,” (Distributed New, December 10-2020)
Another risk has been identified for those in particular who get the flu vaccine. While correlation does not equal causation, Niall McCrae and David Kurten have described what they call “a curious and emphatic correlation” between the flu jab and Covid-19 mortality”. Comparing data from across Europe, the pair found that countries with high influenza vaccination coverage among the elderly also reported the highest mortalities from the coronavirus pandemic.
Christian Wehenkel has also reported this phenomenon, in the journal PeerJ (1 October 2020). The two postulate that the flu jab may reduce immunity to other respiratory tract infections, as suggested by pediatrician Alan Cunningham. (Study: flu vaccine raises risk of COVID death – correlation confirmed by scientific analysis, State of the Nation)
The government-industry-media hype surrounding Covid vaccines and their trivializing vaccine safety concerns is irresponsible at best and highly dangerous at worst. Some may argue that pushing what are essentially experimental vaccines to an under-informed public is actually criminal conduct. The guiding principle of informed consent warrants much more attention.
More sources:
Norwegian nursing home patients dead after receiving first dose of Pfizer Covid vaccine (Zero Hedge, January 7, 2021)

Miami doctor dies after Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine from autoimmune disorder (TLB Staff, The Liberty Beacon, State of the Nation, January 8, 2021)

Hundreds sent to emergency room after getting Covid-19 vaccines (Rumour Mill News Reading Room, January 5, 2021)

Portuguese nurse dies suddenly after receiving Covid-19 vaccine (Zero Hedge, State of the Nation, January 5, 2021)

Nursing home with zero COVID death reports residents dying after new outbreak, vaccine (Life Site News, January 14, 2021) 

Why people will start dying a few months after the first MRNA “vaccinations” (explains “cytokine storm”) (Professor Delores Cahill, Ireland YouTube, 2020) 

Look what happened to a 33 year old male nurse in excellent health who took the Covid-19 vaccine, develops a severe reaction (video) (JI, Sayer, GreenMedInfo,, State of the Nation, January 18, 2021)

A cautionary note regarding Covid-19 test kit swabs 
Some critics, including medical personnel have cautioned the unwary regarding that Covid test kit sampling swabs. The gist of their caution is that the swabs may be impregnated with nano particles capable of penetrating the blood brain barrier and their use may amount to a vaccination. The home saliva kit does not require use of swabs. See Sources for further information. 

A must watch Covid test living and moves (Destiny of the Divine, Instagram, January 5, 2021.)

Covid test swabs used to vaccinate us, target the brain (The Contrail, State of the Nation, January 19, 2021)

6.The injection of mRNA technology means this is not a vaccine 
Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, a GP in England’s National Health Service, is the author of Doctoring Data – How to Sort Out Medical Advice from Medical Nonsense’. He states that the type of vaccine under development against Covid-19 has never been used before apart from Ebola. He explains the difference.
Traditional vaccine
Up until now, a vaccination involves the injection of a dead virus (or bacteria), or a weakened one that can only poorly replicate. Then the immune system spots this ‘alien’ material, and creates a response against it, ideally one that remains for years.
Covid “vaccine” (a medical devise)
The Covid-19 vaccine employs something called a messenger RNA vaccine (mRNA). RNA is, effectively, a single strand of DNA – the double helix that sits within our cells and makes up our genetic code. Many viruses are comprised of a single strand of RNA, surrounded by a protein sphere. They enter the cell, take over the replication systems, make thousands of copies of themselves, then exit the cell. Sometimes killing the cell as they do so, sometimes exiting more gently. Covid19 (Sars-Cov2) is an RNA virus.
This approach was adopted given that the traditional process of developing a weakened virus (a fragile process that can take years), vaccine researchers opted to “use Sars-Cov2’s RNA against itself.” 
Kendrick says the vaccine could be safe, but at this point, no one knows what could go wrong and it could (for example) trigger an immune cascade. He notes the time lines are short amounting to weeks versus a traditional process of many years. And the human safety trials are sequenced very tightly together.
Kendrick recommends healthy individuals under 60 wait until the safety risks are more clearly known. He isn’t alone in urging caution. Fast-tracked track development was cited by 67 of the healthcare workers surveyed in the Los Angeles metropolitan area as the reason they plan to take a wait and see approach before getting the vaccine.

In this video, two scientists (Dr. Dave Morton and Dr.  Judy Mikovits Ph.D.) explain to Canadian constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati why the injection of mRNA technology makes it a “chemical pathogen device,” or a “medical device” and not a “vaccine.” The manufacturers have deliberately (and illegally) adopted the misnomer in order by pass definitional implications that would apply to “treatments” and gain the acceptance of public health officials and presumably members of the public.  (“If you say this is a vaccine, you have already lost the battle” Before It’s News)

The hurried vaccine drive doesn’t sit right with Pfizer’s former VP and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory Disease, Dr. Mike YeadonYeadon says: ”You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.” (The Unz Review)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s advice with respect to the Covid19 vaccine in particular is straightforward: Don’t take it under any circumstances as it alters your genetics.
7. The manufacturers’ claim of 70-95% effective for the Covid-19 vaccine isn’t credible in light of the history of flu vaccines. 
Manufacturers would have us believe that the Covid-19 vaccine is 94% effective. According to the CDC, historically, the flu vaccine has an effective protection rate of 40-60% annually. (CDC, Influenza (Flu)) There’s also the likelihood of rapid and regular mutation, which raises the question of how long the vaccine benefit will be sustained. Mike Whitney touches on the matter of what the efficacy claim really means below in number 11, pages 60-61. 
Whitney’s comments align with those of the WHO’s chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan. The latter has been reported on line as saying: “At the moment, I don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from getting the infection and passing it on.” Thus vaccinated people will still be expected to wear masks and practice social distancing. (WHO Chief scientist warns…)
The question that haunts the matter of vaccine efficacy and entire vaccine project is: “How can a vaccine be developed to combat a virus that hasn’t yet been isolated?”

8. There’s evidence some Covid vaccines have been augmented to covertly inject: a) chemicals  b) electronic tracking devices/chips or c) both into the bodies of unsuspecting people. (Again for this reason, serious critics contend that such injections should no longer be described as “vaccines.”)
In short, some suspect the vaccine will contain chemical compounds that promote sterility or predispose long-term illnesses while others suspect it will insert an electronic technology designed to interact with 5G telecommunicationsNeither suspicion comes out of the blue. Bill Gates Jr., the super salesman of vaccines, appears to have inherited his father’s interest in population control. Thus, Mike Whitney asks: “Is the goal immunity or depopulation?” 

Regarding the possibility that the vaccine campaign has ulterior motives associated with the desire of the Powers-That-Be to surveil, track and control the population, Moderna’s own website may offer a clue. It reads in part: 
“Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.” 

One blogger has raised an intriguing question regarding the injection of what some might consider a pharmaceutical company’s technology into a person. Specifically, does accepting the vaccine confer on Moderna in this case, a future legal “property” right claim on the individual?

Two on-line whistleblowers at Moderna, may have spilled the beans in terms of unauthorized vaccine contents and their intended effects. The two, one an industrial engineer and the other a process development engineer, describe the highly secretive nature of vaccine production and what they believe is the intended action and outcome. They add that they are certain the same thing is happening with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. 
In their analysis, the liver and the gonads are the destinations of the two proteins (?) created and the resulting outcomes are: “mildly oncogenic effects” (showing up many years later in vaccine recipients) and next generation ovarian failure in females, respectively. The two whistleblowers suggest how such a vaccine is consistent with a transhumanist future where AI and robotics will replace many humans. They also acknowledge that they fear for their safety. (State of the Nation, December 10, 2020)
Kerry Lynn Cassidy of Project Camelot reports:
“I am told by a deep source that they (Globalists?) need people to accept (and even request) a vaccine, which will inject them with the nano AI particles piercing their sovereign bodies by permission in a series of jabs…”  (Project Camelot)
Bill Gates is more than simply promoting vaccinations. And he’s more than a promoter of population reduction via vaccination. He promotes the tracking of vaccinations. 
See: Bill Gates Funds invisible quantum tattoo hidden in coronavirus vaccine for storing vaccination history. (Great Game India)
“This technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated.”
As to the origin of such a vaccine, The Public Intelligence Blog (former CIA officer, Robert David Steele) reports:
“The vaccine created by the Institut Pasteur called Chadox1-nCov-19 was manufactured in 2019. It included nanoparticles or chips patented by Bill Gates and had to work with 5G. This vaccine has been sold to several countries for billions of dollars. 
Steele adds: Scientists, who are suing the Institut Pasteur for crimes against humanity, have all the evidence.” (Public Intelligence Blog, December 6, 2020)

9. The illness that appears be causing problems doesn’t resemble a coronavirus. So, the actual illness is likely being mis-diagnosed and the wrong treatment (a vaccine) is being applied.
Dr. Zach Bush has been telling the world that the symptoms that he has been seeing aren’t indicative of a respiratory illness. He described his patients’ bloodstreams as resembling those of people suffering from altitude sickness. They were breathing freely but starving for oxygen. 
Dr Bush explains how the medical profession is misdiagnosing the condition and based on faulty diagnosis contributing, in some instances, to unnecessary deaths. This is not a condition involving respiratory failure event. This is a hypoxic injury, not a viral infection and it must be treated accordingly. We need to treat this as an hypoxic injury similar to cyanide poisoning, something the profession knows how to do. People aren’t dying of Covid. They are not dying of a virus, they are dying of bacterial pneumonias that are secondary in nature, and some are dying of hypoxic organ failure. 

And, it should be noted, inappropriately placing Covid patients on ventilators has actually contributed to the deaths of hospital patients as the experience of New York hospitals demonstrates. (Dr. Zach Bush)

Dr. Larry Palevsky theorizes that Covid-19 may be a parasite/ bacteria combination. This would explain why he and others report immediate positive patient responses to treatments comprised of HCQ plus Zinc plus azithromycin or alternatively, Ivermectin. It would also explain why globalist plotters intent on selling governments a “vaccine solution” for billions have done everything they could to suppress knowledge of the effectiveness of these treatments. (State of the Nation, December 11, 2020). 
When Covid erupted in France for example, its minister of health signed a decree banning over-the-counter sales of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in France in January 2020. It turns out the minister’s husband is Yves Lévy, co-president of the steering committee that oversaw French participation in helping China built its Wuhan P4 lab. (There’s more to this story. See “Acclaimed pharma professor thrown in psychiatric hospital for questioning official Covid narrative, Jeanne Smits, Life Site News, SOTT, December 11, 2020)
The obstacles aside, courtesy of independent or alternative media, the story of the effectiveness of these treatments is being shared and discussed ever more widely. For example, see: Ivermectin saved lives in Toronto nursing home after Covid outbreak (Video) State of the Nation, December 14, 2020) 
10. Some claim that the vaccine cell lines used in the vaccines were derived from the tissue of aborted fetuses, creating an ethical issue.
Some Christians have long been concerned that some vaccines contain material from a fetus. (And it’s often been denied by manufacturers via their ‘debunkers.”) An anonymous individual, allegedly a nurse according to the title of piece, examined the packaging of the AstraZeneca vaccine in an online video and does a search to determine what one of the contents listed on the package (MRC-5) really is.

Wikipedia states: “originally developed from research deriving lung tissue of a 14 week old aborted Caucasian male fetus.” Her colleague can be heard in the background adding, “it’s been replicated over and over and over again for a long time.”

11. Coercion and intimidation are being used to get people to accept the Covid vaccine
There is no raging pandemic. Public health officials have inappropriately conflated any number of health conditions with Covid including the flu. (See: the flu has become Covid so we can have a pandemic and a lockdown) The majority of people have a survivability rate of 99% plus from the so-called “novel” coronavirus. And there are effective low cost treatments like Ivermectin, HCQ and naturopathic methods of boosting resistance to the coronavirus including Vitamin D. Add the fact that the vaccine coming on stream is experimental, presenting serious risks to those who take it. 
And yet, governments, public health officials and the mainstream media and more recently large corporation have joined the campaign to hype the vaccines and shame and coerce those who hesitate. Consider how inappropriate and meaningless this vaccine “solution” is given: a) the survival rate from Covid (99% plus for most of the population), b) the likely misdiagnosis of the condition described above; c) the fact the vaccine is probably only capable of ameliorating symptoms (see Whitney below), and d) the historic rates at which coronaviruses mutate at the best of times. 
And why the bullying? Why are some suggesting the vaccine should become a requirement in order to travel or work? You can find a list of countries and airlines that have indicated they will adopt “vaccine passports.”  (Barrage of countries and airlines to adopt vaccine passports, State of the Nation, January 20, 2021) The coercive tactics sound like something from Orwell’s 1984. Coerced compliance is unethical at best, apart from any consideration of one’s rights under natural law. Forced vaccination would be a violation of the Nuremberg Code, which holds that medical treatments require the voluntary consent of the subject. (Nuremburg Code, Wikipedia) Cognizant of these unethical pressures on citizens, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. signed a timely appeal to government leaders this past May.
“We also ask government leaders to ensure that forms of control over people, whether through tracking systems or any other form of location-finding, are rigorously avoided. The fight against Covid-19, however serious, must not be the pretext for supporting the hidden intentions of supranational bodies that have very strong commercial and political interests in this plan. 
In particular, citizens must be given the opportunity to refuse these restrictions on personal freedom, without any penalty whatsoever being imposed on those who do not wish to use vaccines, contact tracking or any other similar tool.”
At times when unprincipled actors threaten the sovereignty of mind and body, we would be well advised to ponder the wisdom of Nikola Tesla.
“Everyone should consider his body as a priceless gift from one whom he loves above all, a marvelous work of art, of indescribable beauty, and mystery beyond human conception, and so delicate that a word, a breath, a look, nay, a thought may injure it.” 
Vaccine manufacturers would have us believe that their products have passed the safety trials that other medications are subject to. They have never been.  (It took a lawsuit by Robert F. Kenney Jr. , head of Children’s Health Defense, to make this little known fact clear to the public.)  If manufacturers were confident of the safety of their products one wonders if they would be so quick to shift the risk to government and members of the public by securing exemptions from liability.
Mike Whitney explains why people may have false (inflated) expectations for the Covid-19 vaccine. Peter Doshi is the Associate editor of the British Medical Journal and assistant professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. Doshi warns that the vaccine trials might not answer the questions we think they will.
Here’s what the much-lauded vaccines won’t do according to Whitney’s article:
1.   The vaccines will not cure Covid 
2.   The vaccines will not prevent people from contracting Covid
3.   The vaccines will not prevent Covid-related hospitalizations
4.   The vaccines will not prevent Covid-caused deaths
So what does it mean when a vaccine manufacturer claims that its product is “95% effective”? Whitney explains:
“All it means is that the vaccine reduced the symptoms of some of the people in the trials who tested positive.”
So considering the foregoing list of risks and concerns – all for a potential moderation of symptoms Mike Whitney’s question looms larger than ever: Why get the vaccine? As he says, don’t – it makes no sense. Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s warning is even more pointed: Don’t get the vaccine under any circumstances. I second the motion.
I’ll wrap up section 2.6 by saying that we are not Big Phama’s guinea pigs. Nor are we the property of globalists intent on ushering in their totalitarian technocracy under the rubric of The Great Reset*. We are human beings, divinely endowed by our Creator with personal and bodily sovereignty. As such, we expect governments and the medical/scientific community, including Big Pharma to conform to the Precautionary Principle and uphold the principles of Informed Consent and natural law.

 Part II…in conclusion 
I have described in some detail six major anomalies in the official Covid narrative, or more correctly, the Covid Project and its implementation. The list is far from complete. Collectively they characterize an upside down reality —  a “surreality.” The inconsistencies are staggering, and they should be more than enough to tip citizens off to the fact that Covid-19 isn’t “as advertised.” And it should be sufficient to awaken the skeptics to the fact that Covid-19 is a massive fraud.

Those who have spotted the many holes in the pandemic narrative now refer to it variously as a “Plandemic,” a “Panic-demic,” a “Case-demic,” a “The Fear-demic” and a “Scam-demic.”  It’s all of the above and more. By whichever term you choose to describe it, Covid-19 will certainly achieve Guinness Book history-making status. Veteran pathologist, Dr. Roger Hodkinson describes it as, “The greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public in human history.” Citizens then, have every right to be equally outraged at their betrayal and demand transparency, truth and accountability from their leaders. 

Too few people realize they are captives of a massive deception. They painstakingly contort their daily activities in order to conform to “the rules” at untold expense and in some instances, danger to themselves and their families. There are several reasons for this which I explain in Part III. One very basic reason is vanity.  Mark Twain points out that it’s easier to fool people than convince them they are being fooled. We all have been conned of course at one time or another, so let’s admit it. British computer scientist, Martin Geddes took the lesson in humility farther:

“In a maze of deception, you also need to be able to unlearn, and recognise you have been fooled. This is an emotional skill, as it means dealing with a hurt ego and the loss of the ‘feeling of knowing'”.

There’s more to it of course, much of it having to do with the weaponizing of psychology. Our minds have been hacked and we’ve been enmeshed in a maze of deception for a long time. Escaping that maze means cultivating and exercising a default skepticism. It means we will need to become more observant and better at spotting sleazy scam artists and propagandists. It’s especially challenging when the scam is perpetrated by an entire industry, complicit government leaders and corporate media. Until we do develop the ability to decode their propaganda however, we are destined to play the unbecoming role of admirers of the Emperor’s New Clothes (as in the Hans Christian Anderson fable.) 

On the other hand, a brave minority are rebelling against Covid regimes around the world and their numbers are growing. They have become skilled at decoding disinformation and exposing the magician’s tricks. These folks see things in the Covid story that others don’t — apart from the lies and the devastation. They see a larger dystopian agenda being advanced by the World Economic Forum, World Bank and their allies as described in The Great Reset*. I’ll describe this Resistance in Part III and why its members have rejected The Great Reset. I’ll also examine the prospects for a different, freer and more uplifting future within the possibilities a Great Awakening. Finally, I’ll explain how awakening readers can join the struggle of the centuries for a more hopeful future. 

Stay with me; as many of my colleagues are suggesting, “things are about to get biblical.”
* Examined in Part Three
2.0 Adventures in Upside Down Land
Elon Musk tests positive for Covid-19…and negative (Stephan Nicola and Tim Loh, Bloomberg News, National Post, November 13, 2020)
2.1 The Covid-19 pandemic wasn’t a spontaneous development; it was planned 
Mike Pompeo Admits COVID-19 Is a “Live Exercise,” Trump Retorts “I Wish You Would Have Told Us” (Shepherd Ambellas, Global Research via Intellihub, August 14, 2020)

Rockefeller Foundation paper published in 2010 predicted how a pandemic can be used as an excuse to establish a global authoritarian power (William Engdahl, Need to know News, March 16, 2020) 
Media Advisory, Event 201 (Carol Miller, Center for Health Security)

World Bank documents lists Covid-19 program ending March 2025 (Patrick Howley, National File, September 6, 2020)

Covid-19 diagnostic test instruments and apparatus by country in 2018 (902780) (World Integrated Trade Solution, Web archive)
Outbreak readiness and business impact: Protecting lives and livelihoods across the global economy in collaboration with Harvard Global Health Institute (World Economic Forum White Paper, January 2019)
Half a Pulitzer Prize to the Wall Street Journal (Ron Unz, Unz Review, August 23, 2020)
Atomic Bombshell: Richard Rothschild patented
Covid-19 Biometric tests in 2015. And in 2017 (Silviu “Silview” Constinescu, State of the Nation, October 29, 2020)
Exclusive: Covid vaccine patent warned of “Deliberate Coronavirus release” nine months before Covid-19 (ISE. Media, YouTube, September 7, 2020)

Coronavirus: US senators face calls to resign over ‘insider trading’ (BBC News, March 20, 2020)

Bill Gates negotiated $100 billion contact tracing deal with Democratic Congressman sponsor of bill six months before coronavirus pandemic (True Pundit, SOTT, June 16, 2020)

Opening ceremony of 2012 was predictive programming for Coronavirus (Risk Heskey, YouTube, April 19, 2020)
Amazon’s “Utopia” series foreshadowed the current COVID dystopia (JediShaman, The Rumor Mill Reading Room, November 8, 2020)
Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 was planned to usher in the New World Order (Humans are Free, State of the Nation, October 1, 2020)
2.2 There is no justifiable basis for the suspension of constitutional rights and freedom and imposition of police state style lockdowns
New restrictions to reduce spread of Covid-19 (Province of (Nova Scotia website, Health and Wellness, Covid-19, November 20, 2020)

Australian mask crackdown “mad”, health experts warn (Patrick Durken and Natasha Boddy, Australian Financial Review, SOTT, Sept 28-20)
Greece will require people to text government for permission to leave their homes under new lockdown (The Activist Post, November 13, 2020)
Covid-19 — Scamdemic Part 1 (Iain, In This Together, August 25, 2020)
Fed up police will take more extreme measures to ensure the public follow lockdown rules (The Telegraph, March 26, 2020)
More Melbourne insanity: Mom arrested at beach for traveling ‘Outside her permitted 5 km radius’ (Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, October 5, 2020)
Three more Australians arrested for making anti-lockdown posts (John Vibes, Activist Post, September 6, 2020)
Anti-riot police storm Paris bar during Champions league final (YouTube, August 23, 2020)
Airborne Spanish police berate beachgoers over Covid-19 triggering bleak comparisons online: “Hitler would be proud.”
(RT, SOTT, September 7, 2020)
Coronavirus: Police to verify Canadians complying with quarantine order, RCMP says (Stewart Bell land Andrew Russell, Global News, April 14, 2020)
Lord Sumption: Our lives belong to us, not the state. It’s morally wrong for government control freaks to tell us what we can do at Christmas (Lord Sumption, The Mail On-line, November 21, 2020)
The CDC estimates that people between 20 and 49 years have a .0002% of dying from a SARS-Cov-2 infection (ERBN, November 21, 2020)
Dr. Roger Hodkinson on how governments responded to Covid (YouTube, November 19, 2020)
World Doctors Alliance: Open Letter to UK Government, World governments and citizens of the world (Global Research, October 23, 2020)
“Probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed,” Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (YouTube, October 8, 2020)
2.3 The treatment for the Covid problem (mass lockdowns) is ineffectual and doing immensely more harm than good (at least ten times more)
Lockdowns will cause ten times more harm to human health than Covid-19 itself (David Staples, Edmonton Journal, SOTT, October 21, 2020)
Covid-19: Rethinking the lockdown groupthink, Reprints (October 15, 2020)
(US) Federal debt tops $27 trillion for first time (Blacklisted News, Oct 4, 2020)
One in seven Canadians is experiencing food insecurity during COVID-19, and its toll is heavier than hunger: report (National Post, October 16, 2020)
Over a third of UK employees planning to make staff redundant, BOE predicts unemployment rate to double (The Guardian, October 1, 2020)
Mapping Covid-19’s crushing impact on International Tourism (Activist Post, October 3, 2020)
Covid-19: The impact on developing economies (Business Because, June 25, 2020)

Covid-19: Without help, low-income developing countries risk a lost decade (IMF Blog, August 27, 2020)
CDC said there have been more suicides than death by Covid-19 (Blacklisted News, September 11, 2020)
Suicide claimed more lives in October than ten months of Covid in Japan, report shows (Blacklisted News, November 24, 2020)
Opioid deaths skyrocket, mental health suffers due to pandemic restrictions, new federal report says (Yahoo News, October 28, 2020)
Pandemic disruptions indirectly killed 75,000 more Americans than reported, study says (20% increase for March to July 2020 period over previous years) (Miami Herald, SOTT, October 15, 2020)
UK’s lockdowns could cause 35,000 extra cancer deaths due to delayed diagnosis and treatment (BBC, SOTT, July 6, 2020)

Study identifies thousands of preventable deaths caused by heart attack and stroke during Covid-19 pandemic (Emily Henderson, News Medical, SOTT, September 29, 2020)
Covid-19: Impact could cause equivalent of 195 million job losses…(UN New, April 8, 2020)
Job losses ramp up again as millions of Americans continue to slide into poverty (almost 8 million since May according to one study) (The Economic Collapse, October 15, 2020)
How South Africa lost a decade of job growth in four months  (Financial Mail, September 30, 2020)
World Bank: Lockdowns may push 150 million people into extreme poverty (Reuters, SOTT, October 7, 2020
It is being projected that there could be an “eight billion meal shortage” at America’s Food Banks over the next 12 months (Michael Snyder, SOTT)
Children’s long-term mental health at risk from Covid-19-related stress, experts warn (Children’s Health Defense, The Defender, October 16, 2020)
Charity demands tougher laws as on-line child grooming and child abuse in Scotland soars during lockdown (The Herald, SOTT, November 12, 2020)
Food shortage simulation predicts 400% increase in food prices by 2030 (Robert Wheeler, Activist Post, October 12, 2020)
55 million people face famine as Covid-ravaged economies fail to meet funding goals (according to Oxfam report) (Mint Press, Blacklisted News, October 15-2020)
Half a million sharks could be killed to make vaccine (Robert F. Kennedy, Children’s Health Defense, October 1, 2020)
The untold impact of lockdowns (Dr. Zoë Harcombe Ph.D., SOTT, November 2, 2020)
The Covid “pandemic”: Destroying people’s lives. Engineered economic depression. Global “coup d’Etat”? (Dr. Michael Chossudovsky, Global Research, November 12, 2020)
Lockdowns destroy what makes us human: This is how the lockdowns are destroying humanity (Zachary Yost, November 27, 2020)
The price of panic (Website)
Even a military enforced quarantine can’t stop the virus, study reveals (Zero Hedge, November 16, 2020)
Open letter to all citizens of the world and all governments of the world (World Doctors Alliance website)
Kids have regressed due to Covid-19 with some potty- trained kids going back to diapers, experts say (CBS News, November 10, 2020)
Death by lockdown, Jeffrey A. Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research, SOTT, Nov 2, 2020)
The hidden Covid-19 health crisis: Elderly people are dying from isolation (NBC News, October 27, 2020)/
Elderly woman euthanized to avoid anguish of lockdown loneliness (Wesley J. Smith, National Review, November 26, 2020)
2.4 The Covid-19 Public Health management model is neither based on “science” nor is it aligned with recommended medical or epidemiological practices
Firearms officers descend on gym for staying open despite lockdown orders in Merseyyside, UK (LADbible, SOTT, October 15, 2020)
Effective treatment and prevention is available for Covid-19 (Paul Craig Roberts, November 23, 2020)
Michigan State Rep: Impeach ‘mean Karen’ Gretchen Whitmer for nursing home coronavirus policy (Breitbart, November 22, 2020)
Science is conclusive: Masks and respirators do not prevent transmission of viruses (Dr. Denis G. Rancourt, Global Research, January 3, 2021)

Masks are neither effective nor safe: A summery of the evidence (Carol Huber, NMD, PrimaryDoctor.Org, July 6, 2020)
German neurologists warns against wearing face masks
Masks:  The science and myths (Dr. Lee Merritt, America’s Front Line Doctors
Four year old almost dies due to infection caused by prolonged mask wearing –doctor rants ‘how many children must die?’ (Brian Shilhavy, Health impact News, SOTT, November 20, 2020)
Women in France recount trauma of wearing a masks during childbirth (RFI France, October 17, 2020)
Masks, false safety and real dangers, Part 2 Microbial challenges from masks
Group of doctors: Masks are ‘completely irrelevant’ to blocking Covid-10 (Patrick Delaney,, October 29, 20202)
These 12 graphs show masks mandates do nothing to stop covid, Yinon Weiss, The Federalist, October 29, 2020)
This mom has had enough (Strong language warning) (Youtube, November 8, 2020)
The untold impact of lockdowns, Dr. Zoë Harcombe Ph.D. (SOTT, November 2, 2020)

‘Lockdown is a terrible experiment’, (Interview with Dr. Martin Kulldorff) (Spiked, October 9, 2020)
Death by lockdown, American Institute for Economic Research, November 2, 2020)
Dr. Sucharit Bahdti (Selected Quote, Facebook page)
Open letter from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, March 26, 2020, (Sucharit Bhakdi, SWPRS)
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Fauci versus Frontline Doctors and science: Pandemic malpractice (The Unz Review, November 6, 2020)
Practicing medicine upside down, Dr. Geoff Mitchell,  America’s Front Line Doctors,
Over 80 percent of Covid patients had vitamin D deficiency (Newsmax, October 27, 2020)
Hydroxychloroquine: A summary of the evidence, Dr. Richard Urso, America’s Front Line Doctors,
PCR “test”
A must watch Covid test living and moves (Destiny of the Divine, Instagram, January 5, 2021.)

Austrian lawmaker tests Coca Cola for Covid infection before his colleagues and drink tests positive (Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, December 28, 2020)

Coronavirus PCR test primer sequence is found in all human DNA (Derek Coons, Deplorable Inc, August 23, 2020)
International experts suggest that up to 90% of Covid cases could be false positives – Updated (references Canada) (Marie Oakes, Westphalian Times, September 25, 2020)
Former Pfizer science officer expose Covid Scam
Ten major scientific flaws of the PCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 (Pieter Borger, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, and et al., Global Research, Corman-Drosten Review Report, State of the Nation, December 2, 2020)

The COVID-19 RT-PCR test: How to mislead all humanity using a “test” to lockdown society (Dr. Pascal Sacré, Global Research, November 5, 2020)
Testing- False positives, Open letter to all citizens of the world and all governments of the world (World Doctors Alliance website)
Correlation between 3790 quantitative polymerase Chain reaction – positive samples and positive cell cultures, including 1941 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Islolates, (Rita Jaafar, Sarah Aherfi, Nathalie Wurtz, Clio Grimaldier, Thuan Van Hoang, Phillipe Colson, Didier Raoult, Bernard La Scola, Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciaa 1491, Oxford Academic, September 28, 2020)
‘The scientific evidence does not exist for a second lockdown’ (Matthew Bell, Mattbell, September 22, 2020)
“Dead” virus cells frequently trigger false positives in most common Covid test, new study finds (Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, September 5, 2020)
Landmark ruling finds Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what does MSM do? They ignore it (Peter Andrews,, State of the Nation, November 27, 2020)
Lies, damned lies and health statistics – the deadly danger of false positives (Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Science Officer, Pfizer (Lockdown Sceptics, September 20, 2020)
Fauci states Covid test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert or experts (Jon Rappoport’s Blog, November 6, 2020)
We are being lied to. Here is how…(PCR test) (Spiro Skouras, Activist Post, October 3, 2020)
Crimes against humanity: Fraudulent PCR tests taken to court – Interview with Reiner Fuellmich (video) (Humans are Free, November 15, 2020)
Covid testing: We’ve been duped (Zero Hedge, November 4, 2020)
In newly surfaced July interview, Fauci warns that widely used COVID tests may pick up “dead” virus (Just the News, November 8, 2020)
CDC report: Officials knew coronavirus test was flawed but released it anyway (NPR, November 6, 2020)
Elon Musk tests positive for COVID-19…and negative (National Post, November 13, 2020)
Was the COVID-19 test meant to detect a virus? (Celia Farber DCUndercover, SOTT)
Could most positive Covid-19 tests be wrong? (David Mackie, Lockdown Skeptics, SOTT, October 19-20)
Your coronavirus test is positive. Maybe it shouldn’t be (New York Times, August 30, 2020)
James Fetzer
COVID diagnostic test: worst test every devised? (Jon Rappoport’s Blog, September 10, 2020)
The Corona virus panic is just that, an irrational panic, based on an unproven RNA test (David Crowe, State of the Nation, October 7, 2020)
The PCR test for Covid-19 is highly inaccurate as is the antibody test (Makia Freeman, Global Research, State of the Nation, October 7, 2020)
Covid-19 PCR tests are scientifically meaningless (Bulgarian Pathology Association, July 1-20)
The Covid-19 RT-PCR test: How to mislead all humanity. using a “test” to lock down society (Dr. Pascal Sacre, Global Research, November 5, 2020)
The WHO (finally) admits the PCR test creates false positives (Off-Guardian, December 18, 2020)
Vaccine development and use
Former Pfizer and Chief Scientist Claims Covid-19 pandemic effectively over, no need for any vaccine (Preshasti Awasthi, Business Line, November 28, 2020)
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sold millions in stock on the same day of vaccine reveal (New York Post, November 11, 2020)
A British doctor speaks candidly about the dangers and risks associated with the Covid-19 vaccine (Malcolm Kendrick MD., State of the Nation, November 24, 2020)
Operation Warp Speed – A technocratic chess piece? (Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola, November 1, 2020)
Ben Swann interviews RFK, Jr. on what we know — and what we don’t know – about Covid vaccine safety (The Defender, Children’s Health Defense, November 24, 2020)
Covid vaccine hesitancy widespread, even among medical professionals (Jeremy Loffredo. The Defender, November 25, 2020)
Two thirds of Americans say they won’t get COVID-19 vaccine when it’s first available, USA Today/Suffolk poll shows (USA Today, September 4, 2020)
2.5 There’s little reason to trust the narrative or the prescriptions being pushed by Big Pharma and friends; the industry is riddled with corruption and conflicts of interest
The CDC is being influenced by corporate and political interests, (Carey Gillam, The Hill October 17, 2016)

Confronting Godzilla: Corporatocracy Part B, (Futurescapes21C, February 5, 2018)http://www.futurescapes21c, com/blog/confronting-godzilla-corporatocracy-part-b

Docs for sale: US government issues rare fraud alert as Big Pharma spends billions bribing medics to prescribe their drugs (RT., November 20, 2020)

SAGE Conflicts of interest (Dr Zoë Harcombe, SOTT, November 9, 2020)

(UK) Vaccine taskforce chief may benefit from £49m UK investment, (The Guardian, SOTT, November 10, 2020)
So this is their plan to vaccinate as many Americans as possible (Melissa Klein, New York Post, State of the Nation, December 20, 2020)
Corruption of scientific process, (Dr. James Todaro MD, White Coat Summit II. America’s Front Line Doctors, YouTube, October 16, 2020)
Also: Dr. James Todaro, White Coat Summit II. America’s Front Line Doctors, (YouTube October 16, 2020)
PCR test creator reveals raw truth about its testing deficiency and Fauci’s corruption at NIAID (Undated video interview, State of the Nation, November 11, 2020)
Pandemic exposes how science is suppressed for political, financial gain (Dr. Kamran Abassi, The Defender, November 25, 2020)
Shedding light on the dishonorable record of Dr. Fauci —  a real Dr. Mengele (F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, Fort Russ, April 23, 2020) 
DOJ charges hundreds of doctors and nurses in massive $6 billion ‘Healthcare fraud’ bust (The Free Thought Project, October 3, 2020)
Big Pharma is policing approval of is own vaccines (Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (Economics) Institute for Political Economy, October 12, 2020)
CDC and Who Corrupt financial entanglements with the vaccine industry (Children’s Health Defense, September?, 2019)

The World Health Organization has morphed into a drug-pushing pimp (Lance D. Johnson, Corruption. News, State of the Nation, October 11, 2020)
US hospitals getting paid more to label cause of death as “Coronavirus”  (Senator Scott Jensen and Wayne  Dupree, Subterranean Homesick News, Global Research, December 30, 2020)

Covid-19 Hush Money: $2.2 trillion CARES Act Coercion (Our Greater Destiny, State of the Nation, January 3, 2021)

Belarusian president claims IMF and World Bank offered him a bribe to impose Covid restrictions (Armstrong Economics, Blacklisted News, Sept 7-20)–world-bank-offered-him-a-bribe-to-impose-covid.html

Politician from Curaçao blows the whistle (2020 News, December 5, 2020)
(UK) Vaccine taskforce chief may benefit from £49m UK investment, (The Guardian, SOTT, November 10, 2020)
State by State breakdown of federal aid per Covid-19 case
(Ayla Ellison (twitter) Beckers Hospital Review, April 14, 2020)
US hospitals getting paid more to label cause of death as ‘Coronavirus’ (Senator Scott Jensen and Wayne Dupree, Global Research December 2, 2020, via Subterranean Homesick News, April 10, 2020)
Bill Gates gave hundreds of millions in bribes to MSN newspapers, TV news companies to bury negative stories about Gates Foundation
Bill Gates controls the message by buying media for spreading ‘disinfo’
Press in his pocket: Bill Gates buys media to control the messaging (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Children’s Health Defence, September 3, 2020)
Gates’ keepers: Bill Gates’ control over journalism (Dr. Joseph Mercola, SOTT, September 7, 2020)
CDC has over 50 vaccine patents, earns $5 billion annually, one side effect is death (Video) (DR TommyJohn, IGTV, State of the Nation, September 20, 2020)
Big Pharma’s Covid-19 profiteers (Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, Aug 13-20)
Melinda Gates slams social media (, SOTT, September 29, 2020)
Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (From Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s post on Instagram, Coronavirus Impacts, April 29, 2020)
Bill Gates negotiated $100 billion contact tracing deal with Democratic Congressman (True Pundit, SOTT, June 16, 2020)
2.6 When it comes to vaccine development, approval and marketing, regulators have abandoned the precautionary principle, putting the public at grave risk  
The precautionary principle applies to public health actions, (Bernard D. Goldstein, MD, American Journal of Public Health, 2001, September 91 (9) 1358-1361)
Twitter to remove ‘harmful, misleading or false information’ on Covid-19 vaccinations (Zero Hedge, Blacklisted News, December 16, 2020)
Founder of vaccine Safety website, ex pharma insider found dead (Emily Mangiaracina, LifeSite News, December 15, 2020)
UN says new polio outbreak in Sudan caused by oral vaccine (Maria Cheng, AP, September 2, 2020)
HCG found in WHO tetanus vaccine in Kenya raises concern in the developing world, John W. OllerChristopher A. ShawLucija TomljenovicStephen K. Karanja, Wahome Ngare, Felicia M. ClementJamie Ryan Pillette,
OALibJ Vol 4, No., 10, October 2017, Scientific Research,
Vaccinated versus unvaccinatedThe Study the CDA refused to do – Interview with Doctor Weiler (Spiro Skouras Activist Post, December 13, 2020)
Australia ends Covid-19 vaccine trials after participants develop antibodies for HIV (WIO News Melbourne, December 11, 2020)
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation (FDA government media)
Four volunteers of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine developed Bell’s palsy. Regulators warn those with allergies not to take it (Natalie Rahhal, Daily Mail, SOTT, December 8, 2020)
Pfizer vaccine Covid trial shows alarming evidence of pathogenic priming in order adults (Dr. James Lyons Wieler, PhD, Robert F. Kennedy Junior, The Defender, December 10, 2020)
mRNA Platform: Enabling Drug Discovery and Development (Moderna website)

Robert Kennedy Jr. warns parents about danger of using largely-untested vaccines on kids (Martin Berger, Global Research, Blacklisted News, July 29-2020)
Yes, Bill Gates said that. Here’s the proof (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Lifesite News, December 12, 2020)
The vaccines have trackers (Bitchute, December 3, 2020)
Philadelphia priest dies after participating in Moderna Covid vaccine trial 
(Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, December 3, 2020)
Moderna Covid-19 vaccine causes “Monsterism” (RealRawNews, December 30, 2020)

A British doctor speaks candidly about the dangers and risks associated with the Covid-19 vaccine (State of the Nation, November 24, 2020)
Study: flu vaccine raises risk of COVID death – correlation confirmed by scientific analysis (Niall McCrae and David Kurten, State of the Nation, December 18, 2020))

WHO chief scientist warns “no evidence Covid Vaccine prevents viral transmission” (Zero Hedge, State of the Nation, December 29, 2020)

Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (From Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s post on Instagram, Coronavirus Impacts, April 29, 2020)
Risk in vaccine research and development quantified (Esther S. Pronker, Tamar C. Weenen, Harry Commandeur, Eric H.J. H.M. Claassen, Albertus D. M.E. Osterhaus,
PLoS One. 2013; 8(3): e57755., 2013 Mar 20. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057755) 
Vaccine effectiveness: How well do the flu vaccines work? (Influenze (flu), Centers for disease control and prevention CDC)
Exclusive: Two-thirds of Americans say they won’t get Covid-19, when it’s first available, USA/Suffolk poll shows (Sarah Elbeshbishi, Ledyard King, USA Today, September 4, 2020)
Dr. Fauci walks back claim UK “rushed” covid vaccine approval, citing “misunderstanding” (Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, December 4, 2020)
From TMAP to Warp Speed: How Big Pharma Algorithms Fast-Track Unapproved Drugs and Vaccines (John Klyzcek, NaturalBlaze, State of the Nation, December 12, 2020)
“If you say this is a vaccine, you have already lost the battle” (Before It’s News, January 14, 2021)

Here’s why you should skip the Covid vaccine (Mike Whitney, Unz Review, SOTT, November 28, 2020)
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine volunteer ‘develops grievous sores on both her feet’, (State of the Nation, November 23, 2020)
Did nurse Tiffany Dover who fainted live on TV after her Covid vaccine really die? (video) (State of the Nation, December 21, 2020)
Nurse collapses on TV minutes after receiving Covid vaccine (Video) (State of the Nation, December 21, 2020)
Hospital workers turn down the COVID vaccine: “There’s too much mistrust” (Zero Hedge, State of the Nation, December 22, 2020)
CDC: 3000 struck down by vaccine, unable to do daily duties (V-Safe active surveillance for Covid-19 Vaccines, State of the Nation, December 21, 2020)
Hundreds sent to emergency room after getting Covid-19 vaccines (Zachary Stieber, Rumour Mill News Reading Room, Januar 5, 2021)

Portuguese nurse dies suddenly after receiving Covid-19 vaccine (Zero Hedge, State of the Nation, January 5, 2021)

CDC issues new guidelines, launches probe after 1000s negatively-affected following Covid-19 vaccination (Zero Hedge, State of the Nation, December 20, 2020)
Norwegian nursing home patients dead after receiving first dose of Pfizer Covid vaccine (Zero Hedge, State of the Nation, January 7, 2021)

Miami doctor dies after Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine from autoimmune disorder (TLB Staff, The Liberty Beacon, State of the Nation, January 8, 2021)

Why people will start dying a few months after the first MRNA “vaccinations” (explains “cytokine storm”) (Professor Delores Cahill, Ireland YouTube, 2020)

Look what happened to a 33 year old male nurse in excellent health who took the Covid-19 vaccine, develops a severe reaction (video) (JI, Sayer, GreenMedInfo,, State of the Nation, January 18, 2021)

Jim Stone #2: BioNTechs Covid Vax files were hacked, revealing that this shot contains two ingredients never approved for human use (Jim Stone, Natural Wisdom, Rumour Mill News Reading Room, January 13, 2021)

Nursing home with zero COVID death reports residents dying after new outbreak, vaccine (Life Site News, January 14, 2021)

Covid test swabs used to vaccinate us, target the brain (The Contrail, State of the Nation, January 19, 2021)

​Breaking: FDA announces two deaths of Pfizer vaccine trial participants from “serious adverse events.” (The Jerusalem Post, State of the Nation, December 8, 2020)
Nurse shows AstraZeneca ‘Vaccine’ contents (Republic Broadcasting, December 10, 2020)
At least three shipments of Covid vaccine have spoiled on their way to Texas (Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, December 30, 2020)

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies Call to Sign Petition (World Doctors Alliance, December 3, 2020.)
John F. Kennedy Jr. warns: Don’t take a Covid-19 vaccine under any circumstances (Ethanh, Distributed News, December 10, 20202)
Vaccines are inserting nanobots in your DNA, (“may be inserting..?”) (Interview with Celeste Solum, State of the Nation, December 11, 2020)
Dr. Zach Bush (interview with Del Bigtree)  (Vimeo, December?, 2020)

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky: Covid-19 gain in function “parasite infection” (State of the Nation, December 11, 2020)
“Acclaimed pharma professor thrown in psychiatric hospital for questioning official Covid narrative, Jeanne Smits, Life Site News, SOTT, December 11, 2020)
Yoda: Covid-19 Plus is a crime against humanity (Public Intelligence Blog, December 6, 2020)
AstraZeneca trial participant had serious neurological symptoms, but could be discharged today, AstraZeneca CEO says (Adam Feuerstein, STAT, State of the Nation, September 10, 2020)
The vaccines are worse than Dr. Mikovits thought (Horse237, Video Rebel’s Blog, November 19, 2020)
Virginians must ask: Is it ethical to mandate a vaccine that promises only to suppress symptoms (Virginians for CHD, The Defender, December 3, 2020)
Nuremberg Code (Wikipedia)
Objective: Health — The Nuremberg Code and Mandatory Vaccinations (State of the Nation, November 29, 2020)
The faulty PCR test and flawed Covid vaccine approval process (State of the Nation, November 29, 2020)
Doctors warn of side effects from Covid-19 “Vaccine won’t be a walk in the Park” (Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, SOTT, November 25, 2020)
Ben Swann interviews RFK, Jr. on what we know — and what we don’t know – about Covid vaccine safety (The Defender, Children’s Health Defense, November 24, 2020)
Edelstein confirms: Coronavirus ‘green passports’ are on their way (Hannah Brown, The Jerusalem Post, SOTT, December 18, 2020)
Barrage of countries and airlines to adopt vaccine passports (Steve Summit News, State of the Nation, January 20, 2020)

Actual headline: “Covid-19 vaccine may have unpleasant side effects: That will mean it’s working” (Blacklisted News, November 13, 2020)
Safety, effectiveness, transparency: What we still don’t know about Pfizer vaccine (SOTT, November 10, 2020) 
#Occupy Pfizer: Immediate action required to interrupt production and distribution of potentially dangerous ‘COVID-19’ vaccine (ERBN Online, November 12-2020)
Bill Gates says that AstraZeneca, Johnson and Johnson, Novavax Covid Vaccines all likely to prove ‘very efficacious and safe’ by February (Shivdeep Dhaliwal, Yahoo Finance News, November 23, 2020)
Bill Gates Funds invisible quantum tattoo hidden in coronavirus vaccine for storing vaccination history (Great Game India, Blacklisted News, September 7, 2020)
Whitehouse petition to investigate Bill Gates for crimes against humanity to hit half a million signatures – 5 times the number to qualify (Joaquin Flores, Fort Russ, SOTT, April 20, 2020)
The flu has become a pandemic so we call can have a pandemic and a lockdown (Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy, December 28, 2020)

A guide to the Ronovax — understanding the experimental coronavirus vaccines (Activist Post, Sept 26-20)–understanding-the-experimental-coronavirus-vaccines–activist.html
Here’s why you should skip the Covid vaccine (Mike Whitney, Principia Scientific International, December 4, 2020)
Why are we listening to Bill Gates? (Children’s Health Defense, The Defender, November 25, 2020)
Covid-19 vaccines pave the way for a new frontier in surveillance (Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, December 2, 2020)
The Covid-19 vaccine: Is the goal immunity or depopulation? (Mike Whitney, The Unz Review, December 4, 2020)
Vax Bombshell: Moderna Whistleblowers confirm Covid jab is oncogenic and causes infertility (Anonymous, December 10, 2020)
Transhumanist agenda: Next stage vaxes (Kerry Lynn, Kassidy, December 3, 2020)
Epidemiologist: ‘No fundamental difference’ between influenza and COVID-19 (Dr. Dan Erickson, Principia Scientific, December 3, 2020)
Covid vaccine hesitancy widespread, even among medical professionals (Jeremy Loffredo. The Defender, November 25, 2020)
Nurses suffer ‘extreme reaction’ to Pfizer Covid vaccine despite no history of allergic reactions (Magda Ibrahim, Vanessa Chalmers, The Sun Co UK, December 17, 2020)
Covid Trial Participants (Facebook)

Big Pharma is policing approval of its own vaccines
Ivermectin saved lives in Toronto nursing home after Covid outbreak (Video) State of the Nation, December 14, 2020)

A Look at How the New World Order/Cabal/Illuminati pulled off the Covid Coup

Another Piece in the Covid Puzzle and the War Against Humanity– Information Warfare

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C Posted January 26, 2021, Rev. Feb 2,3. All rights reserved. 2021
PART Three: Putting the Covid puzzle together
It’s information warfare. Covid-19 is a sophisticated and highly successful psy op designed to bring about our acceptance of the “vaccine solution” sales pitch in preparation for the next phase of the globalists’ plan
“I was told in 1993 that there would be an information war in 2020, and I wondered, ‘an information war…what would that be?’ But we’re in the middle of that now.” – Dr. Elke F. De Klerk
A veteran pathologist and medical entrepreneur describes the Covid-19 project as the “biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public in human history.” One of the questions analysts and historians will be asking  for years to come regarding the Covid campaign is: “How”? How were the Powers That Be able to pull off a massive worldwide deception without alerting the public to its plans? 
A blogger who goes by the name Shoshoni put the question this way:
“How did the mainstream media, the intelligence agencies, the petty tyrants of State and local governments, the medical establishment and the elites turn the population of the of the planet into “obsessive compulsive neurotics” and create the “Mass Hysteria” that is now the world that we live in?”
The short answer is that they used a combination of powerful propaganda methods and tools to achieve mass mind control. Covid-19 is a sophisticated psychological operation. The majority of people are unknowing casualties of a powerful 24/7 propaganda machine. It’s world-inverting mind-warping assaults can leave you disoriented and doubting your sanity. Propaganda was the original term for the more euphemistic label, public relations. The man widely regarded as the founding father of the discipline is Edward L. Bernays. Bernays was quite  candid regarding the role of propaganda/PR in shaping human behaviour and modern society.
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. 
…….In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” (Propaganda)
Thus, “the news” is not what it appears to be. James F. Tracy, writing in Global Research in January of 2018 says: “Since the end of World War Two, the Central Intelligence Agency has been a major force in US and foreign news media exerting considerable influence over what the public sees, hears and reads on a regular basis.” That’s an understatement. A friend and long time student of deep politics asserts that by the end of the WWII, the Deep State (includes CIA) had pretty much finessed the art and science of mass mind control. If so, one can only try to imagine how much more advanced its tools and capabilities are today. UK MP, Lord Sumption flagged the overwhelming influence of PR in shaping policy regarding coronavirus management in his country stating: “PR has taken over from serious policy making.” Indeed and we are all paying the price..
The weaponizing of fear
Fear, as one sage described it, is the great “mind killer.” Its use is integral to modern politics where it’s applied in liberal quantities to manage the masses. Former Baltimore Sun editor, H. L. Mencken put it this way:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” (Goodreads) 

​Okay, but did you know that fear is also an acceptable marketing tool in the health care industry? Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, has analyzed the science of pandemic fear mongering. He prefaces his analysis by pointing out that there’s “an entire school of research within the public health sector on how to frighten people known as the ‘fear appeal’.” Isn’t that inspiring? (sarcasm).
Briefly, here’s how unsuspecting citizens are reduced to a state of dependent desperation using the “fear appeal” tactic:

  • “Fear appeal is based on the premise that to successfully implement a public health measure, you must first highlight a threat. And, to work, the threat must be made personal, so that people fear for their personal safety.
  • Next, you give people something immediate to do that will set them on the path of cooperating with the plan in its entirety. Examples during the COVID-19 pandemic include not leaving your house, wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart, closing certain businesses and keeping children home from school. In the future, we can expect to be told we must get vaccinated and digitally tracked before we can resume life as normal.
  • By adding confusion to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety — a state of confusion in which you can no longer think logically. In this state, you are more easily manipulated.
  • Eventually, when the fear and anxiety are great enough, desperation sets in, at which point people are willing to do just about anything to get relief.” (my italic)

It sounds like an apt description of what citizens have experienced over the past year. Trusting citizens have been assaulted non-stop with hyperbolic projections of mortality rates, distorted statistics, theatre and lies from the outset. The fear-making factories have been working overtime.
Professional fear mongers don’t hesitate to use dark imagery and theatrics to gain control of their subjects’ minds. My guess is that we’ve only begun to plumb the depths of the  deceptions that have undergird the official Covid narrative. One of the more emotionally   charged deceptions is that of the media interviews with nurses solemnly telling the public their hospitals are overflowing with Covid patients. Unsuspecting citizens were supposed to believe that a fall Covid surge, if unchecked, would push hospital capacity to the breaking point. The rationale for a December UK lockdown was based in part on such a premise.
Well, it wasn’t really the case. A December 20, 2020 Daily Mail article reports that the new Nightingale Hospitals, presumably built for this purpose, remained empty as of that date. The article states that Nightingale hospitals built in London, Manchester, Exeter and Harrogate “are largely deserted.” (Daily Mail, December 20, 2020). For a citizen video tour of empty wings of Gloucestershire Royal Hospital see: Here’s the video that got the British Woman arrested for simply filming…hospital” (State of the Nation). Here’s a tour of the parking lot of another one of those allegedly overwhelmed hospital. This one is located in my home province in Steinbach, Manitoba. (CBC says this Manitoba Hospital is overwhelmed, Rebel News, November 20, 2020)
And, here’s a citizen video tour of the empty emergency wing entrance of E.R. Sibley Hospital in  Washington D.C., another of the supposedly “overflowing” Covid hospitals. 

Lies, damned lies and statistical BS
The overflowing hospitals stories are just a taste of the Covid lies. Now, let’s consider the statistics. Professor Neil Ferguson framed the hyperbolic threat of the Covid monster with his  now infamous March 16, 2020 Imperial College paper. The paper projected over 500,000 deaths in the UK and 2.2 million in the US if suppression measures were not introduced. Panic would become the order of the day and it went viral. 
Fraudulent statistics were then, and remain an essential feature of the Covid psy op. Ross Clark of The Daily Mail scrutinized some key UK Covid metrics in a November 20/20 Daily Mail article. In pretty much every case, the official numbers Covid fuelling public panic was overstated, sometimes by several orders of magnitude.
Some examples:
How accurate was the government’s grim prediction?
Answer: “Not very.” A July report commissioned by Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance, estimated that there could be 119,000 deaths if a second spike coincided with a peak of winter flu. As of November 19, 2020, the actual figure was less than one half that.
What about…prophecies on death?
Answer: “Its warnings simply don’t bear any relation to reality.”
Are hospitals close to capacity?
Answer: ‘no’ – “contrary to what the Government experts would have you think after they last month published a chart that gave the impression that hospitals were close to overflowing, when at least half didn’t have a single Covid-19 patient.

Currently, only 13 per cent of NHS beds are occupied by patients with Covid-19.”
How does it compare with last year?
Answer: Remarkably, as the graph shows, the number of NHS England beds currently occupied is lower than last year’s average.
So who is Covid killing?
Answer: To put it simply, the victims are overwhelmingly the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.

Of the 37,470 Covid-19 deaths recorded by NHS England up to November 18, 53.7 percent were of people aged over 80.

In comparison, there have been just 275 deaths (only 0.7 per cent of the total) in people under 40. And crucially, those who have died from Covid-19 are overwhelmingly likely to have suffered from a pre-existing condition.

Of those who have died from coronavirus, 35,806 people (95.6 per cent of the total) had at least one pre-existing serious medical condition.

In fact, there have been just 42 deaths of people aged under 40 without a pre-existing condition.
Question: Are more dying now that last year?
Answer: Despite what the fear-mongers would have you think, deaths are not far above average for this time of year as the graph above shows. 
See: Covid UK: Plain facts about the risks, the death rate, and the NHS capacity: You’ve been had
US Covid metrics don’t stand up to scrutiny either. Corey Diggs investigated the hospital and death numbers fuelling panic. As of November 17, the total cumulative Covid-positive hospitalizations in the US stood at 517,471
Then he added some perspective and filled in the gaps left by the MSM.
– Over 70% of that number recovered.
– The CDC has clarified that only 6% of death certificates indicate that people died from Covid and the remaining 94% had on average 2.6 co-morbidities, (49.49% of all Covid-related deaths included pneumonia)
– 40% of all Covid-related deaths took place in hospice, long-term care facilities and nursing homes due to other causes.
As the UK prepared to go into a second lockdown, Professor Carl Henneghan, director of Oxford University’s Center for Evidence-Based Medicine voiced his concern regarding the hyperbole. He publicly stated that out of date data was being used as justification for the decision. Henneghan claimed that the data being used could overstate the death rate by 400%.
Fellow Brit, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Chief Science Officer, offers an explanation for the slightly elevated death numbers in the UK. It’s not because of the coronavirus in any direct sense. It’s because the access to timely hospital care for those with heart conditions, cancer and other serious illnesses has been limited because of the top prioritization given Covid. So, perversely these are Covid deaths, but not in the sense one might think.
Johns Hopkins University, the organization that was Covid data central throughout the so-called pandemic, revealed the manipulated death figures (now scrubbed from its website). Dr. Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master’s degree program at Hopkins, critically analyzed the effect of COVID-19 on U.S. deaths using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in her webinar titled “COVID-19 Deaths: A Look at U.S. Data.”
Briand’s key findings are best understood in light of the fact that the CDC classified all deaths that are related to COVID-19 simply as COVID-19 deaths. Patients dying from other underlying diseases but infected with COVID-19 were counted as COVID-19 deaths. Briand found:

  • COVID-19 had no effect on the percentage of deaths of older people, nor did it increase the total number of deaths. Covid has had relatively no effect on deaths in the United States.
  • the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19,  suggesting the COVID-19 death toll is misleading. (deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia were instead recategorized as being due to COVID-19.)
  • there’s no evidence Covid-19 created any excess deaths. Total deaths aren’t above normal death numbers.
  • the over-exaggeration of the COVID-19 death number may be due to the constant emphasis on COVID-19-related deaths and the habitual overlooking of deaths by other natural causes in society. (Yanni Gu, Johns Hopkins University, SOTT)

Independent journalist, Celia Farber examines the Democrat Party talking point/accusation that Donald Trump is responsible for 400,000 American Covid deaths. Her research demonstrates that the number is an extreme amplification of questionable statistics. She concludes the entire Covid narrative is a masterful psy op. One of her sources is doctor Kevin Corbett (Ph. D), one of the doctors who has challenged the Cormen-Drosten PCR test paper. Dr. Corbett states:

“This paper joins the ranks of academic works around the world, all pointing to the same conclusion: They’re lying. They’re doing it very deliberately, and we all know statistics are a convenient tool of the Big Lie. At this point, the actual statistical and epidemiological case for Covid-19 being a real pandemic is closed. To honest people, it’s closed. We’re done.”

Farber’s description of a psy op is equally important if we are to understand what’s really been going on. It’s unlikely that the standard dictionary definition of one captures its diabolical  ability to crush dissent, divide people and destroy relationships. 

“A PSYOP is a most dangerous thing—a fusion of reality, simulation, and projection. A form of a storm—monsoon or typhoon—that moves in fast, breaks and soaks, changes everything, and kills in a variety of ways.

Its guilt grip is so powerful, you will also be stripped of the right to reject or even resent it.  Powerful and merciless, it splits people, weaponizes our thoughts and feelings about one another, tears apart families, old friendships, gets people fired, and above all, makes everybody miserable.” ​(Have 400,000 Americans died of Covid-19?

In the midst of a psy  op such as this one is left wondering where exactly the ethical boundaries of communication are and when the referees (if there are any) will call a vaccine marketing campaign and its architects “out of bounds.” Dr. Anthony Fauci, Head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, certainly isn’t the one to help uninformed citizens in this regard. Fauci treats the facts as pliable — like putty capable of being shaped to fit the occasion. Famous for his flip-flopping on recommended protective Covid practices, Fauci has been called out for lying regarding the threshold required to achieve herd or community immunity. The issue is the percentage of the population that must acquire resistance to the coronavirus (either through infection or vaccination) in order for the disease to disappear.
Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge quotes Fauci: “When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” he said, adding “Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85.” (Did Fauci just admit…”, December 25, 2020).
It sounds like a case of tailoring the “facts” to suit the political messaging. Powerful people in influential positions typically justify such deception on the basis of their commitment to noble ends. (“the end justifies the means” rationale) Fauci’s use of the tactic exposes his commitment not to human health and well-being but to selling Covid vaccines. What was that Kary Mullis said about Fauci’s ability to lie?
The magician’s left hand
The statistical sleights of hand continue. We have now learned that the CDC has cancelled flu data collection for the coming flu season. No explanation was provided for the change.
“Due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, this system will suspend data collection for the 2020-21 Influenza season.”
In response, Dr. David Samadi tweeted:
“Last year, in the fortieth week of the year, there were 1, 251 cases of the flu. This year, in the same week of the year there were only 61 reported cases of the flu.
This is from the CDC. Draw your own conclusions.” 6:03 am Oct 24, 2020.
It’s January 2021 and I am reading that the seasonal flu has all but disappeared. You could call it a miracle, but there’s a more likely explanation? While we’re allegedly in the midst of a Covid-19 pandemic, seasonal flu numbers have fallen to near zero in cities like Denver, San Diego and elsewhere. (The Flu has disappeared, Political Psychology Series, YouTube)
This isn’t a coincidence. It’s time for serious investigation of covid data. A requirement for standardization of testing procedures and data management and analysis and public  across  transparency in reporting should be givens. And after that, there must demand accountability on the part of those that have abused public trust. My first candidate is California’s governor, Gavin Newsom who has retreated on his promise to provide data transparency. The state’s health department is now claiming the data would be too complicated for citizens to understand.
Time tested torture methods
The non-stop Covid fear mongering and repetitive “be safe,” harangues have worked marvelously from the perspective of  Covid Project managers. Perversely, the impact of the campaign on social cohesiveness and mental health has been devastating. There is however, an even darker element to the psychological manipulation being used to reduce people to desperation. One citizen journalist has found a parallel in the methods used by torturers. They commonly include:
Isolation techniques: Quarantines, social distancing, isolation from loved ones and solitary confinement
Monopolization of perception: Monopolizing the 24/7 news cycle, censoring dissenting views and creating barren environments by closing bars, gyms and restaurants
Degradation techniques:  Berating, shaming people (or even physically attacking) those who refuse to wear masks or social distance, or generally choose freedom over fear.
Induced debility: Being forced to stay at home and not be able to exercise or socialize.
Threats: Threatening with the removal of your children, prolonged quarantine, closing of your business, fines for noncompliance with mask and social distancing rules, forced vaccination and so on.
Demonstrating omnipotence/omniscience: Shutting down the whole world, claiming scientific and medical authority.
Enforcing trivial demands: Examples include family members being forced to stand 6 feet apart at the bank even though they arrived together in the same car, having to wear a mask when you walk into a restaurant, even though you can remove it as soon as you sit down, or having to wear a mask when walking alone on the beach.
Occasional trivial indulgence: Reopening some stores and restaurants but only at a certain capacity, for example. Part of the coercion plan is that indulgences are always taken away again, though, and they’re already saying we may have to shut down the world again this fall. (“The Plandemic and the medical tyranny…”)
As big and powerful as the Big Pharma propaganda machine already is, some people in high places see a need to bolster its capacity even more.  I recently learned the UN and the World Economic Forum plan to enlist 110,000 volunteers to promote a new campaign to control Covid-19 related discussion on social media. The UN’s  “#PledgetoPause” initiative is billed as “the first global behaviour-change campaign on misinformation.” It’s part of a larger initiative called Verified which “which recruits participants to spread ‘verified content optimized for social sharing” produced by the UN communications department.’ Translation: to push the official Covid narrative and discount and deflect critical thought and dissent.
Let’s decode the message: The UN will employ a small army to protect the official establishment pro-vaccine narrative and censor competing views and information. Remember, for the Powers That Be, All is fair in love and in information war.  

The tragic  outcome of endless Covid propaganda
The implications of this relentless propaganda campaign are playing out with devastating consequences in our communities. Los Angelos psychiatrist, Dr. Mark McDonald, says America is at risk because so many of its citizens suffer from a delusional psychosis. It’s grown out of entrenched fear to the point fear has become “a new virtue.” Thus people now believe that they are doing good by turning against and turning in each other.
“We don’t need a police force. We don’t need a secret Stasi to go after the neighbor that isn’t wearing his mask on a park bench. We have families who are willing to do that.” 
McDonald adds:
Most disturbingly, the pandemic “hysteria” has reached the stage of “going beyond fear, going beyond the crazy itself, to what I would call group control”.
As in communist China, the government has turned citizens into a “de facto police force.” (State of the Nation)
Again, from the standpoint of the Powers that Be, this would be considered a measure of the success of the psy op. Remarkably, even well educated professionals, including members of the medical profession have succumbed.
A Missouri doctor told colleagues in an on-line discussion group, that he viewed those who don’t wear masks as equivalent to “enemy combatants” confirms McDonald’s analysis. The fact that several other doctors in the on-line discussion group joined in the demeaning of those who exercise their right to choose. The author of the article, the wife of one of doctors who retained his balance concludes:
The difference between a patriot and an “enemy combatant” has now been defined for us by a piece of paper attached to our ears by stretchy string.
“Dear Lord,” she asks, “what has happened to us?”
Self-appointed political pundit, C.J. Hopkin would likely answer her question by saying the masses have been inducted the “Covidian Cult” as he calls it. He makes a good case.
Their initiation into the Covidian Cult began in January, when the medical authorities turned on The Fear with projections of hundreds of millions of deaths and fake photos of people dropping dead in the streets. The psychological conditioning has continued for months.
The global masses have been subjected to a constant stream of propaganda, manufactured hysteria, wild speculation, conflicting directives, exaggerations, lies and tawdry theatrical effects. Lockdowns. Emergency field hospitals and morgues. The singing-dancing NHS staff. Death trucks. Overflowing ICUs. Dead Covid babies. Manipulated statistics. Goon squads. Masks. And all the rest of it.” (The Covidian Cult, OpEd, October 17, 2020)
The ultimate forms of human control to which all tyrannies aspire is a system that is invisible and undetectable. Barbara Marciniak describes such a system in her Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings of the Pleiadians. Haven’t the authors of the Covid Project by this measure largely achieved the “ultimate tyranny”?
“The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist. You have been controlled like sheep in a pen by those who think they own you – from the government to the World Management Team to those in space.”
There appears to be an element Stockholm Syndrome at work. The latter is described as: “a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them.”  What is more perverse that diverting the energies of captives into support for their captors? 
This devious kind of identification with one’s captors would explain the phenomenon of Covid vigilantism. You may have seen, for example, masked individuals angrily confronting maskless shoppers or passers-by because the aggressors believe the unmasked are endangering others’ lives. These unofficial Covid enforcers are convinced that governments pushing inhumane lockdowns and social distancing constraints are only doing so because it is somehow for the greater good. This is despite the fact that scientific research, epidemiological bast practices and even the WHO say otherwise. 
Shoshoni sees the same factors at work in the case of Covid hysteria as those causing other psychological disorders including OCD, anorexia and bulimia and dissociative identity disorder. The conclusion: 
“Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis is a direct result of psychological torture and betrayal by someone with more power who is trusted and looked up to for protection by their victim.” (“Covid is a MK ultra psychological operation…
So a combination of fear, lies, theatre, intimidation and common torture tactics applied non-stop for months have taken a heavy toll. Many of our fellow citizens are now psychologically damaged by the diabolical Covid psy op. They are fearful, suspicious and dependent on “authorities” to lead them to an elusive state of “safety.” Some strongly align themselves with their captors’ agenda. They may find perverse gratification in demonizing and persecuting fellow citizens who reject the official narrative, ironically, in the interests of their health. They may also obsessively cling to the rules to the point of imposing damaging control or “protective” measures like masking on their family members including seniors and dependent children. The physical, psychological and social damage is incalculable.
As the late night infomercial huckster would say, “But there’s more.” Yes, the globalists have much more in mind for us, having invested heavily in the information war psy op. They are determined that the masses accept their DNA altering “vaccine” as a precursor to the next phase of their grand plan. Only “certificate of vaccination I.D.’d (COVID) citizens can be welcomed into their Great Reset fascist Utopia, the next subject of my investigation.
Note: 1. For more insights into the deceptions: the double counting, the conflating of various causes of death, twisted statistics, definitional sleights of hand and outright lies that have bombarded us, see Sources provided at the end of the paper. 

Note 2. Warfare, once limited to the cyber and physical dimensions, has now expanded its reach to include cognitive warfare. The newest battlefront or “operational dimension,” Cognitive Warfare, is discussed at NATO’s Innovation Hub website;

A psychiatrist exposes naked Covid scare-mongering, (Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, State of the Nation, November 29, 2020)
H.L. Mencken quotes (
A scientist finds something shocking in CDC statistics

Propaganda (book) (Wikipedia)

Off the mark: Whitty and Vallance’s doomsday 4K daily Covid deaths versus what actually happened revealed (Mark Hodge, The Sun, December 1, 2020)
SAGE Conflicts of Interest (Zoë Harcombe,, SOTT, November 9, 2020)
Covid-19 Pt.1 – Hospitalizations – reality check (Corey’s Digs, November 24, 2020)
Covid UK: Plain facts about the risks, the death rate, and the NHS capacity: You’ve been had
Here’s the video that got a British woman arrested for simply filming inside of a Covid ‘overrun’ hospital (Simon Dolan #KBF, State of the Nation, December 31, 2020)
The Flu has disappeared, Political Psychology Series (YouTube November 24, 2020)
Mysterious disappearance of the flu in San Diego prompted call for audit of Covid records (21st Century Wire via Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge December 29, 2020)
‘No evidence’ that asymptomatic Covid-19 cases were infectious, analysis of post-lockdown Wuhan concludes (RT, SOTT, November 21, 2020)
Britain’s deserted Nightingale hospitals. Doctors and Nurses at Facilities build to relieve strain on the NHS wait for patients to arrive as they still lie empty despite rising Covid cases amid new mutant strain (Henry Martin, Daily Mail, December 20, 2020)
Did Fauci just admit he lied about herd immunity to trick Americans into vaccine? (Tyler Durden, December 25, 2020)
UN enlists 110,000 volunteers to push ‘approved’ Covid-19 information online (Raymond Wolfe, Lifesite News, November 30, 2020)
A delusional psychosis is descending upon the American people (Leanne Laurence, State of the Nation, November 29, 2020)
The Covidian Cult (C.J. Hopkins, OpEd News, October 17, 2020)
Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings of the Pleiadians (Barbara Marciniak,, December 1, 1992)
The American people have the worst case of Stockholm Syndrome (State of the Nation, December 31, 2020)
Corruption of scientific process, Dr. James Todaro MD, White Coat Summit 2., America’s Front Line Doctors,
We had the treatment from Day One (Dr. Richard Orso MD, America’s Front Line Doctors, White Coat Seminar 2.)
Covid testing: We’ve been duped (A. Castilito, American Thinker, November 4, 20202)
Dr. Mike Yeadon: Three Coronavirus facts No. 10’s experts got wrong, (The Daily Mail, SOTT, October 31-20)
Fear-mongering: UK’ lockdown is based on old and stodgy data (SOTT, November 2, 2019
How Covid deaths are over-counted (SOTT, Oct 27-20)
John Hopkins University reveals manipulated Covid death figures (Yanni Gu, John Hopkins University, November 22, 2020)
A Covid vaccine is not needed and is probably not possible (Paul Craig Roberts, November 2, 2020)
Covid case number scam reaches new heights; on eve of election, Trump is the target (the Rumour Mill News Reading Room, November 2, 2020)
Shady CDC cancels flu data collection for coming flu season, State of the Nation, October 31, 2020
California refuses to disclose Covid-19 data used to drive lockdowns (Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, SOTT, January 23, 2021)
Edward L. Bernays Quotes from “Propaganda” (Goodreads)
They call it “Number theatre” (Elon Musk, Robert Kyosaki, Donald Trump, YouTube, November 24, 2020)
British army spies wage ‘information war’ against anti-vaxx content on-line (RT, SOTT, November 29, 2020)
World Economic Forum: Digit Davos 2021 to reveal ‘Great Reset Initiative’ (Simon Kent, Breitbart, December 21, 2020)
Whitty and Vallance’s doomsday 4K daily Covid deaths winter scenario versus what actually happened revealed (Mark Hodge, The Sun UK, December 1, 2020)
Covid-19 Pt.1 Hospitalizations — reality check (Corey’s Digs, November 24, 2020)
CBC says this Manitoba Hospital is overwhelmed by Covid – is it really? (Keean Bexte, Rebel News, November 20, 2020)
Have 400,000 Americans died of Covid? (Celia Farber, Uncover DC, January 25, 2021)

The plandemic and the medical tyranny that (is) overseeing it (Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, State of the Nation November 6, 2020)
See how Pfizer exploits children to sell us its coronavirus vaccine (Original tweet scrubbed, but responses remain)
The CIA and the Media: 50 facts the world needs to know (Professor James F. Tracy, Global Research, January 20, 2018)
Missouri doctor says people who don’t mask are like ‘enemy combatants” (Laura Martin,, The Federalist, November 30, 2020)  
We are being lied to – here is how (Spiro Skouras, Activist Post, October 3, 2020)

The coronavirus pandemic is pushing America into a mental-health crisis (William Wan Washington Post, May 4-20)

Covid is a MK-Ultra psychological operation being instigated against the people of Planet Earth (Shoshoni, State of the Nation, January 5, 2021)
We’ve been plunged into a world of persistent fear by scheming elites who are committed to remaking society (Rumour Mill, Aug 19-20)
COVID: The invention of a false reality, the hypnotic persuader (Rumour Mill News, Aug 19-20)