You’re Gonna Have to Serve Somebody

You’re Gonna Have to Serve Somebody

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C ©

May 16, 2022 All rights reserved

“Let each of us make a choice: Whether consciously, to remain a servant of falsehood … or to shrug off the lies and become an honest man worthy of respect …” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 

Individuals and societies with a chronic imbalance between their inventive and technological capabilities on the one hand and moral development on the other have a serious problem. The imbalance is unhealthy at best and devastating… perhaps terminal at worst. A predictable result is the leveraging of human ingenuity for evil purposes, including humanity’s enslavement. Weaponizing human talent and technologies is a big business whether its participants admit it or not. You may recall the story of an entrepreneur who received some publicity in 2020 for his work on a wearable alarm system that would sound an alert if another worker breached his safe distance (Covid) bubble. I recall lamenting ah yes, just what the world needs — a  tech application based on fake science and the lie of a viral pandemic. Did it not occur to the entrepreneur that he may be inventing another link in the chain of human enslavement? Livestock are accorded a comparable level of dignity.  

A recruitment video distributed by the marketing department of the US army’s psychological warfare division raises similar questions about the character and aspirations of applicants and the ethics of the employer. The US army is recruiting new talent, presumably for specialist roles in designing and conducting psychological operations — even as the Great Pandemic psy op grinds on. What’s wrong with this picture? The devastating impacts of the pandemic psyop have yet to be assessed, millions have yet to be freed from its spell, and no one has yet accepted responsibility for its harms. And some appear to be planning for more of the same. 

I understand there are righteous uses of strategic deception in the defence of individuals and nations. But does anyone in the current tension-filled social-political context, really believe that a larger workforce is needed to fill roles as Deep State magicians and mass mind manipulators? One could hardly construe the staging of fake war crimes and attributing them to Russia as God’s work given the effects will be prolonging the conflict and adding to the brutality and overall death toll? Does helping security agencies stage false flag attacks like those recently featured in the US contribute to improved societal coherence and the mental health of the public or their fragmentation? Is expanding the talent pool of Deep State crisis actors value-adding in the bigger scheme of things?

Your personal beliefs and values as a job seeker, matter. Do you believe it’s acceptable to covertly manipulate the emotions, thoughts and behaviour of others in accordance with the agenda of a powerful elite? Is it appropriate to treat other human beings as unwitting research subjects, guineau pigs and pawns to be moved on a social-political chess board as directed? One could argue that the day you sign on for such work you have already succumbed to the distorting influence of the “end-justifies-the-means” thinking. An anonymous biochemist whistleblower tells of being directed by his employer one day to formulate a chemical concoction for aerial dispersal that would have the  effect of mellowing the mood of the population below. As the Bob Dylan lyric says, “You’re gonna have to serve somebody…”Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.” I assume that it was clear to the anonymous whistleblower at that point which one of the two he was serving. 

The Covid Deception demonstrated that the Powers-The-Be are using weapons of mass mind control on domestic populations. Ordinary citizens are the target. You, me, mothers, fathers, spouses, sisters and brothers, nieces, nephews and friends and neighbours were/are subjected to the kind of bombardment by propaganda once reserved for foreign enemies. Even the young are not exempt. In the UK, BBC ads featuring a Santa supposedly infected with Covid were shamelessly used to ensnare the emotions of children. It’s hard to imagine what satisfaction there is in knowing one’s craft crushes spirits, shatters minds, destroys lives and divides families and communities. Such is the nature of Satan’s work. Shadows and darkness must be manufactured continuously in order to provide necessary cover for his treachery. 

I’d encourage every young professional with shiny new degrees seeking work to take a principled pass on working for the “deception industry.” I’d encourage instead that her or she seek more meaningful, spiritually-uplifting work. Search out employers with a higher view of humanity and the best use of employee talents and training. Consider only those respectful of personal sovereignty and individual choice. Avoid those incentivizing cult-like followership and group think decision-making. Learn to read between the lines of pretty vision statements and discern the employer’s underlying beliefs regarding the ideal human-machine relationship. Does the employer believe we’re obliged as good technocrats to submit and serve the A.I. god, or alternatively that AI/tech advances must be tamed and harnessed in service to humanity? Who and what great cause are you going to serve?  

You’re gonna have to serve somebody: (Bob Dylan, Slow Train Coming):

All the world’s a psy op:

Calvin Mulligan 


The Use of Weaponized Science Against Natural Health Advocates — Goliath Versus David

The use of weaponized science against natural health advocates  — Goliath vs David

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C © May9, 2022 All rights reserved

“He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.” — Aeschylus (courtesy, Signs of the Times)

Sometimes those of us in the Resistance get a revealing look into how propaganda is used by those leading the current information war against us. One of our group members, along with my resister sister from Winnipeg, recently called my attention to the ugly “science” of Dr. David Fisman and graduate student Dr. Ashleigh Tuite, from the University of Toronto. Dr. Fisman, a former member of the ON Science Chair, is described as a “physician epidemiologist”.

His connections, even while serving on the ON Science Chair strongly suggest he plays for Team Covaxx. His recent modelling research purports to demonstrate that unvaccinated individuals present a risk to the vaccinated. The paper isn’t just badly flawed from a technical standpoint; you could say it’s weaponized to have an injurious impact on those favouring natural immunity. Nonetheless, it somehow managed to meet the editorial standards of the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The editorial failure aside, one would hope the fraudulent study would disappear from public view and die. But that’s not how the propaganda echo chamber works. Rather, the findings were distributed via mass and social media, thus enlarging its audience reach and amplifying its impact. For Resisters fighting the Deep State propaganda machine, the latter’s ability to leverage a lie in the face of demonstrated scientific truth echoes the disproportion of the biblical Goliath versus David contest.  

Articles on Fisman’s findings were carried by both CTV and CBC. The author of a tweet carried in the weekly Ben Fulford letter commented on the packaging of (selected?) news items for various news agencies. “It’s almost like there’s a single editor passing out the same assignment to every news agency”. As evidence, he attaches an image of articles on the Fisman study being distributed to 12 agencies (see image below my name). The amplification of Fisman et al’s toxic untruth didn’t end there however. Subsequently, the Liberal Parliamentary Secretary for Sport cited the study as justification for keeping the Canadian government’s Covid travel restrictions in place. How many will be impacted by the article’s publication in the CMA journal is unknown.

Thankfully, some virtuous “Davids” ensured the fabricated science bomb didn’t get a pass within the science community. Fisman’s study was roundly criticized by Dr. Mark Trozzi and shredded by Ontario vaccine researcher, Dr. Byram Bridle. Bridle described the paper as the worst research paper he has seen in his career, and “thinly-disguised hate speech” and calls upon its authors and the CMA journal to retract it. Bridle also suggests Fisman update his social media tweet referencing his tainted study, going so far as to propose appropriate wording for Fisman’s mea culpa. It reads:

After correcting just one of the several inappropriate immunological assumptions, our paper now supports the idea that the decision to get ‘vaccinated’ confers risk not only on the ‘vaccinated’ individual but (disproportionate to contact rates) on ‘unvaccinated’ individuals too; unlike our previous conclusion, the corrected model matches real world data. Thank-you to those who chose to remain ‘unvaccinated’ since you are now selflessly serving as a buffer to the vaccinated’. We are sorry to the field of public health modeling for disclosing how easy it is for the conclusions of our models to be manipulated by assumptions that we sometimes pull out of thin air. We also apologize to the ‘unvaccinated’ people (most of whom have received legitimate vaccines throughout their lifetimes) for misleading media organizations around the the world into promoting hatred against you. Now that our model has been shown to point to the ‘vaccinated’ as the main culprits of transmission of SARS CoV-2, we implore you not to promote hatred against us like we have done to you.  

At the moment, Goliath still stands and I doubt Fisman has the moral courage to issue the update. But who knows what the Bridle counterpunch may ignite. As Bridle has urged, the CMA journal could retract the study and review its peer review process. The College of Physicians and Surgeons could investigate Fisman and the harms caused by his paper, and the U of T could investigate the academic conduct of Drs. Fisman and Tuite. I’m not going to hold my breath awaiting any of these outcomes. But in the meantime, I’m delighted to know the Parliamentary Secretary for Sport is concerned about our health, because I’ve got some authentic studies for him. Unlike  Fisman’s study, these would actually help him make sense of what’s going on the real world regarding Covid-19 and the vaxx, and they would lend support to sound policies designed to protect Canadians. 



Fiction disguised as science to promote hatred (Dr. Byram Bridle):

Beauty and Truth — Essential “Dietary Ingredients” as We Stumble Toward the Kingdom of God

Beauty and Truth — Essential Dietary Ingredients as We Stumble Toward the Kingdom of God”

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C, Aug 16, 2022 (c) 

‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’ – John Keats

If the Great Covid Deception has taught me anything, it’s that there are depths of knowing and understanding that were never possible prior to this crucible moment. In retrospect, it’s clear many of the things I thought I knew — like the essential importance of beauty in our lives, I only grasped superficially. That’s not to say I haven’t long appreciated beauty in its many and varied forms. Growing up in a Christian context on a farm in rural Manitoba was a rich aesthetic experience. The tapestry of the farmscape was refreshed daily, monthly and seasonally. There were freshly-painted morning and evening skies; a succession of ripening fields of clover, alfalfa, wheat, and flax; stunning post card winter snowcapes  and occasional northern light shows just to cite a few. 

There was an abundance of music in our lives. The goosebumps associated with learning to play my part of a Moonlight Sonata duet  didn’t ever go away. My farm chores sometimes featured beauty of a different kind. On many occasions, I got to assist a cow bring her newborn into the world. Within minutes of its birth, I would witness her wobbly baby miraculously find its mother’s udder and nourishment. That kind of beauty wowed me every time. It was a rich diet of everyday miracles that intertwined truth and beauty. And I took it for granted. 

The transition from life on the farm to life at the University of Manitoba (Winnipeg) was relatively easy because campus life included so much of what I had known back home. There were herds of cattle, expansive green pastures, test plots of various grains and horticultural crops and the same seasonal agricultural rhythms I’d known all my life. To say the campus was beautiful was an understatement. And as challenging as the academic experience was, there were still opportunities for me to hang out with photographers and musicians and nurture my aesthetic sense. By third year, I was so attached to the place, I didn’t want to leave. 

The big shock came upon graduating with my ag degree and decision to accept a job offer from a livestock feed company. It’s office was located at the intersection of Portage and Main streets in Winnipeg. My new habitat was situated in a cluster of older grey brick buildings and office towers at what could have been more descriptively called the Intersection of Concrete and More Concrete. I felt an immediate sense of sensual deprivation and longing for the lush green settings of the University and the farm. I recall heading outside during coffee break one morning, determined to experience renewed contact with nature. God’s sense of humour was apparent. I had barely exited my office building, when I was shit-bombed by a pigeon. I had to laugh, but the touch of nature didn’t sustain me long. Within a couple months, I’d made my escape in search of a more inspiring setting. 

Decades later, I encountered a song with an haunting title and melody by Christian recording artist and song writer, Jim Groegaert. It was called: “Why do we hunger for beauty?” It’s a great question. Why do we? Some of the lyrics resonated with my childhood observations.

Frost on the window

Is never the same

So many patterns

Fit in the frame

Captured in motion

Frozen in flame

And in the patterns

Is there a name

Why do we hunger for beauty?

As a kid, I had noticed the same fragile, fractal beauty in the frost patterns that formed each winter on the glass of my bedroom window. And I had, like Croegaert, marvelled at the exquisite nature of the artwork that appeared unsolicited. 

Dr. Jordan Peterson brought me back to the question of our desire and need for beauty in an excerpt from a lecture entitled; “Why you should buy art.” He recalls his visit to a New York art gallery where people from all over the world inhaled the magnificence of a room of priceless paintings. What was it in the art that so entranced the visitors? Peterson explains that a (presumably beautiful) piece of art is a window into the transcendent. He elaborated…”And you need that in your life because you’re finite and limited and bounded by your ignorance and lack of knowing, and unless you can make a connection to the transcendent, then you don’t have the strength to prevail. And that’s part of the covenant …the covenant with God.””Beauty is one pathway towards God.” 

Peterson encourages the members of his audience to purchase art, acknowledging there’s an element of risk. Friends may notice and question or criticize. But the venturing remains important as in this process of developing our capacity for art, there’s an element of “stumbling toward the Kingdom of God.” Yes, genuine learning and discovery are always a matter of stumbling, aren’t they? That’s as it should be because it invites humility. 

While Peterson makes no mention of the Covid deception in the excerpt, the notion that beauty (or in this case, art) provides the “strength to prevail” is particularly relevant now. A year of two before the Covid deception was unleashed, I grappled with the question of how I could best survive the unfolding political oppression. My simple response was to prescribe, initially for myself, ten counter tactics. The list included things like continuing to set goals and maintaining daily routines. But the one that seems to have amplified in importance since the initial brainstorm is tactic number seven: Increase the amount of beauty in your life (music, art etc) Shortly thereafter, I took up nature photography as one means of increasing the focus on beauty in my life as a means of staying healthy and whole. Nature photography fuses truth and beauty in the same way my experience helping birth calves on the farm did. 

In retrospect, it’s pretty clear that those who orchestrated the Pandemic Deception and its dystopian 1984 control measures were seeking to defeat us spiritually. Social and spiritual — specifically aesthetic deprivation — were/are central features of their scheme. It’s dressed up of course as being in the public interest. Their goal was imposing a barren aesthetic landscape and a starvation diet as it relates to our experiencing beauty and truth. Why else would they deny access to every conceivable source of play, insight and pleasure from playgrounds, parks and beaches to live concerts, classrooms, theatres, churches, sports events and even gyms where aspirations of developing healthy beautiful bodies are nurtured?

The diabolic forces of darkness were intent on denying us any possibly opportunity to experience the transcendent, a touch of the divine or a taste of an out-of-this-world experience. The absolute thoroughness of the campaign is perverse proof of the demonic origins of the campaign. In total, the campaign proved to be far more anti-human than anything any normal human being could concoct. And then came the vaxx itself with the rumours that one of its potential effects is weakening our connection to our Creator. Based on a notion of God as our sustaining source of spiritual light, then severing that connection amounts to nudging humanity in the opposite direction of the Kingdom of God. 

As the struggle against the dark side continues, the prescriptive importance of keeping up the truth-beauty quotient in our lives remains… or grows actually. We need our daily dose to remain healthy. And just like exercising and managing our diet, we need to be intentional about it. We shall overcome because we refuse to accept a diet of thin transhumanist gruel deficient in the essential elements of truth and beauty. We will overcome as we persist in nourishing our souls.  

Beyond the matter of our personal “dietary” need for truth and beauty in various forms, is the matter of our “service” to others who may be suffering from acute deficiencies. Such deficiencies are exacerbated by daily exposure to the toxic output of the Propaganda Machine. A return to health begins with kicking the habit — the individual’s addiction to fear-laced propaganda. Replacement with something wholesome is required. I recommend sources of enduring truth and mega doses of beauty in various forms (natural, musical, artistic, spiritual…). It’s a matter of cracking open those windows to the transcendent and allowing for the healing touch of the divine. Many of us anticipate a painful period of collective grieving relative to vaxx-engineered injuries and deaths lies ahead. Understanding how truth and beauty can be essential antidotes to consuming despair will be important when we enter this period.

Not all our gestures, however well-intentioned, will be received as such. Some of our attempts at outreach may be awkward or inelegant. But that’s no reason to surrender to detachment and isolation. Let’s venture with renewed courage into the realm of bringing the light of truth and beauty to others — stumbling toward the Kingdom of God. It can be as simple as a full-faced smile, a “Good Morning”, a hug or non-judgemental listening. Who knows? If we dare lose ourselves in this journey, we may one day discover that the Ultimate Artist has fashioned something truly beautiful out of our lives. 




Why you should buy art:

Why do we hunger for beauty (Jim  Croegaert):

Something Beautiful (Gaither Trio):

Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata:

Ode to a Grecian Urn:

Mining the Great Deception: Extracting the Lessons Learned, Seizing the Teachable Moment and Equipping Kids for the Future

Mining the Great Deception — Extracting the lessons, seizing the teachable moment and equipping kids for the future

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C, July 17, 2022 (c)

There’s an old saying to the effect that those who fail to learn the lessons of history are destined to repeat them. Having experienced the horrors associated with the medical fascism of the past two and a half years, I shudder to think that future generations should have to repeat any moment of it. If there can be any good extracted from the Great Pandemic Deception, it will be lessons learned and internalized so deeply that humanity acquires life time immunity against political “infections” of this nature. If there is a legacy that we can leave to our successors, perhaps it can be lessons well learned. 

Part A — Looking back 

Some personal history 

I was forewarned and mentally prepared to some degree for this dark chapter of deception and revelation by a curious, establishment- wary father. This was a man with a partial grade eight education who dared to question and probe the shiny veneer of the status quo. He first called my attention to the governing Powers that Be and cautioned me regarding their deceptive ways and long term intentions for humanity in the late sixties. It was his influence that subsequently led me in mid-career to shift my career into the realm of strategic foresight. And as much as futurists like to envision the future, they also understand, to quote one sage, that the seeds of the future lie buried in the past. Herein lies the hope of serious educators and loving parents — that central to a healthy upbringing and provision of a robust education is planting seeds for a better future for generations to come. 

2020 brought a future we didn’t expect and certainly didn’t want — full blown (medicalized) corporate fascism. So it behooves us to ask what brought us here? Why didn’t we see the dark influences being cultivated and rip them out like intrusive weeds before they reached maturity and infested our entire society? Why were so many so easily deceived? One hopes these questions will ultimately be pondered by our nation and the world. But in the meantime, I’ve been reflecting on them at a personal level. How could I not? All three of my adult children drank deeply of the Deep State Kool Aid and submitted to the vax. If there’s one question that the parent in me asks, it’s: “What was it that I failed to teach my children that seemingly left them so vulnerable to the con of the century?” I realize that as adults, they are responsible for making their own choices of course. But I still wonder how they could not have heard the warnings or recognized the danger and said “no thanks.” It’s prompted me to quietly retrace my steps back to my days of parenting to discover what seeds planted in their young lives failed to germinate and which fell on stony ground or were choked out by weeds as in the biblical parable. 

Parenting revisited — a trip back in the time machine

I think that like a lot of Boomer parents in our circle, my wife and I believed that in order to raise healthy children, our job was attending to their spiritual, mental and physical growth and development. For us, that began with steeping them in the precepts of our Christian faith. It also implied we would make a strong commitment to their formal education and round it out with a smorgasbord of extra-curricular activities. As parents, our goal was to grow independent individuals, responsible citizens and resourceful adults capable of making a contribution to their community. Convinced of the importance of the school-teacher-parent partnership and our involvement, we were vigilant in monitoring our kids performance in school and attending school-parent meetings. I happily served on the parent advisory committee at one point during my son’s elementary school years. Their band concerts during their high school years were a highlight — never to be missed. Encouraged and celebrated our kids successes — big and small was easy and there were a lot of them. 

We assumed that what they didn’t learn in the classroom could be acquired their their participation in church youth group activities, summer camps and lessons in dance, band, choir, drama, martial arts and swimming. And depending upon their interests, there were opportunities for participating in baseball, soccer, skating, racket ball and hockey. This was never a chore. Being part of their progress in any realm — whether it was learning to ride a two wheeler, playing a musical instrument or acquiring a next badge in swimming was very rewarding, bringing me some of the happiest moments of my entire life. I can honestly say that the childish optimism of my kids inspired me. I recall my my son asking as we drove to hockey practice which professional hockey team I would like him to play for: the Calgary Flames or the Edmonton Oilers. “Oh, I’d be happy with either of those, son,” I replied. I was determined that our kids possess that extra something that would lead to productive lives and rewarding careers. It seemed to me that people who articulated clear goals were often more productive and accomplished. So, for a number of years, we paused shortly into the at new year for a family visioning and goal setting exercise. Each family member would identify a list of achievements or milestones he or she planned to focus attention on in the upcoming year. 

Our parental “education” program had its pragmatic side too. Since early work experiences were often cited by many who enjoyed successful careers, we nudged the kids into cutting grass, baby sitting and part time jobs like life guarding in order to begin moving them toward financial independence. I say “nudged” because kids aren’t necessarily as enthusiastic as parents about giving things a try. Yes, I know you don’t like those caps the staff at McDonalds wear, but you’ll be getting good work experience; I’ll take you to drop off your resume this afternoon.” I smile when I recall our son’s response to his weekly piano lesson as a six or seven year old. Hoping to inspire as I dropped him off at his teacher’s house one afternoon, I asked, “So who would you most like to play the piano like some day, Billy Joel, Burton Cummings or Barry Manilow?” “None of them!” he angrily replied as he stormed out the passenger side of the car and trudged up the sidewalk to Mrs. Schwartz’s house. Okay, I guess that’s settled…glad I’m not Mrs. Schwartz. 

In the late 90’s, following the wind-up of a agricultural lending program operated by the provincial government, I found myself unemployed. It wasn’t the first time. It seemed like an opportune window to pause and distill the learnings from a career with its share of ups and downs. Perhaps an analysis of my career experiences could in turn assist my kids ride the disruptive waves of change that would inevitably sweep through the workplace in the future. So, I wrote and self-published a workbook complete with written exercises on the subject outlining 12 strategies for thriving in a changing work place. I can’t say it was eagerly awaited and devoured by my kids.  Nonetheless, my wife and I continued our career coaching where we were allowed, directing ads the way of a job seeker whenever we we spotted a potential fit. It was a very happy day when my son called me from Ottawa and informed me he had landed his first job as a junior policy analyst. We considered financial literacy important too. So, along with way we discussed things like the importance of distinguishing between wants and needs and avoiding an accumulation of consumer debt. 

All three children attended university, and with the exception of one masters degree project, acquired multiple degrees. All three acquired sound jobs and financial independence (from us at least). By the time we retired, we were the proud parents of productive employees, responsible citizens and people you’d be happy to meet and get to know. It was time for us to sit back and relax. We had finally graduated…or had we? In retrospect, our celebration was premature. The big exam — a final “end times” exam was yet to come. Unannounced, the Great Covid Plandemic exam was administered in 2020-21. And my adult children and spouses, along with most of the population of Canada and the Western world failed the exam. 

Recent history — the Covid coup

I was skeptical from the outset of the so-called “Pandemic”. My wife and adult children weren’t. As the Deep State’s mighty whirling propaganda machine cranked up to speed, I felt a chill. The tip- off or “tell” for me was the over the top marketing hype — something that would trump all tenets of sound pandemic management. Yale University had been commissioned to evaluate a dozen or so key marketing messages for effectiveness in selling the vaxx. And an army of on-line influencers and volunteers were to be recruited for the Big Sell. The overkill was obvious leaving me just shy of nauseous in my stomach. We were witnessing the launch of a political steamroller. Forget the cautionary principle. Forget the Hippocratic oath. Forget the requirement that recipients of medical treatments exercise informed consent. This was Get vaxxed or do not pass go intimidation. By mid-summer, I heard some disc jockey — presumably with an IQ about double our warmest July temperature (C) babbling on the car radio about the importance of “getting needles into arms” as quickly as possible. Are you kidding me … for an infection with a 99.97% recovery rate for the majority of the population? It was confirmation that the throttle on the Deep State’s propaganda machine was running wide open. 

In about mid 2020, with a roll out date for the vaxx targeted for December, it occurred to me my adult kids, busy with their children and their work, may not have the time to do their due diligence on the vaxx. I was retired and free to dig deep on every aspect of the campaign and eagerly did so. I quickly began drafting two papers outlining the findings from my extensive investigation of the official narrative. The main draft paper laid out my findings regarding the various control measures including the vaxx. It described 11 concerns related to the manufacturers and their injections. The criminal history of Pfizer and some of its competitors didn’t go unnoticed. One author described them as “serial felons.” A second paper explained how the fraud was foisted on humanity and the powerful impact of the psy op. I published the two draft papers on my website in December 3020 and January 2021 respectively and anxiously shared them with my adult children.

Concerned that my warnings might be dismissed as casualty as my earlier cautions regarding face masks and the PCR test had been dismissed, I offered a $200 prize for a brief paper from any family member who refuted any of the findings. There were no takers. What I did encounter was push back and distancing — my cautions weren’t welcome. Occasionally, they elicited some inappropriate comparison likening wearing a face mask to wearing a seat belt. I encouraged one daughter completing her latest degree to apply her recent coursework to investigating the official Covid narrative. I exhorted her to exercise her grandfathers’ propensity for skepticism. The responses were chilly —  hostile in fact. Apparently, I was being arrogant. 

By the spring of 2021, at least two of my kids informed me that I needed to get mental health counselling. My wife exited our marriage that February declaring that my plan to share my research findings with others so they too could exercise their right to informed consent, the proverbial “last straw.” She recommended that I find a divorce lawyer and get some mental health counselling. Around the 21st of July of 2021, she informed me that three adult children and the two spouses were vaxxed up. I was stunned. How was this possible? Who was in a better position than my family members to asses the risks of an experimental injection? They might have been busy, but I’d given them a draft research paper with three to four times the number of references cited in the average paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine. What family doctor was doing that? Who was in a better position to be forewarned and thus forearmed than my kids? I was sad, disappointed and angry all at the same time. 

Reflections — the hangover

I was familiar with the proverb that “He who sires children gives hostages to fortune.” But now I could feel the weight of it throughout my entire being. My kids were hostages to Big Pharma and the diabolical plans of the UN and the WEF. Sadly, in at least one instance, there was even some pride in their compliance. They were captives trapped within the matrix of lies. It was surreal. I jokingly referenced an episode of the Simpson’s in which a giant glass dome descended the population of the town. I urged them to come to the wall of dome and try to read my lips through the glass. The dark humour aside, I was left with a single recurring thought. “You taught them how to cross the street safely (look twice both ways) how to ride a bike, how to drive a car, how to get a job and a good deal more. Why didn’t I teach them more about how to recognize the seductive power of propaganda?” 

I’m not interested in laying blame. Let’s face it, the world has been subjected to the most sophisticated psy op and most intense propaganda campaign in human history. But I am asking myself a lot of questions about why we/they and many others were so easily overwhelmed. Could we have prepared our families for days of bombardment by the MSM-fuelled propaganda machine? What aspects of their upbringing or formal education were deficient? What skills should have been honed in anticipation of the Big Deception? What habits of the heart and mind could have made the critical difference? What convictions were insufficiently rooted in their conscious minds? 

In response, I’ve identified what I’m calling “21 Antidotes” to the Great Deception.” Could some formulation of them constitute the “vaccine” whereby we inoculate a next generation against world-shaping deception?

Part B: Looking ahead 

21 Antidotes to the Great Deception (draft)

1. Almighty God is our Chief Benefactor, giver of life and bestower of our inalienable rights, including the right of bodily sovereignty. It’s inappropriate to beg on bended knee to government to give us back rights that remain ours and must be claimed. 

2. Satan’s best trick was convincing the world he doesn’t exist. Evil incarnate is the Supreme Predator with zero interest in peaceful co-existence with the forces of light and relentlessly seeks our enslavement. 

3. Confronting lies, darkness and injustice, including the injustices heaped upon the non-conforming population is a matter of Christian duty. Averting your eyes and going silent, or worse yet, turning on those who exercise their right to bodily sovereignty  is nothing less than complicity in what’s been described as crimes against humanity.

4. Learning to discern between dark and light, evil and goodness and lies and truth is fundamental to living a healthy, secure life. It’s a  a survival skill. Unless you become aware of the many tactics used daily to deceive, defeat and deny you the truth, you are easy pickings — canon fodder. The rhetorical tricks and tactics employed in the war of words range from Smearing and Shaming and Blaming to Imposing false dichotomies, Appealing to false authority, Demonizing and Claiming moral high ground. These tricks were used to invert the moral horizon. 

5. How much do you love the raw, unprocessed truth? Or is your interest in truth selective, a matter of personal preference or convenience? 

6. Practising default skepticism regarding mainstream media messages and official government control narratives is essential. Have you learned the related skills? “The skills of skepticism that I’m not sure the reading public, the watching public….possess, are crucial now because nothing can be believed. ..We must be skeptical of absolutely everything. – Aussie journalist, John PIlger

7. There’s no substitute for courage of conviction based on an understanding of which of the figurative “hills” one is prepared to die on in defence of sacred ground. If you haven’t thought this through, you’re not ready for engagement. 

8. Do you know where the boundaries of the sacred ground you purport to defend, lie. This concerns the proverbial lines in the sand. If you don’t know what or where they are, how will you ever decide when those lines have been crossed by aggressive “ideologically possessed” adversaries bent on conquest? 

9. Is your grasp of world history sufficient that you know that the promises of the political“isms” of the past (Marxism, communism, fascism) were false promises leading to death and enslavement. If so, the facile claims of cultural Marxism or technological totalitarianism will have precisely zero appeal. 

10. Are you aware that Presidents and PM’s don’t occupy the top rung of the power pyramid, but are merely servants of powerful Luciferian families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds assigned to run the big show on behalf of their overlords? if so, you will treat the  self-interested scripted directives of your puppet leaders accordingly. 

11. Have you learned to manage your fears and anxieties? Fear, as Henry Menchen describes it, is “the great mind-killer.” That is, fear shuts down your mental capacities and ability to reason. This in turn leaves one vulnerable to propagandistic manipulation by those who seek to control you. This is precisely why the Great Pandemic Deception led so many to get vaxxed. When minds are captured, bodies follow. 

12. Humans are an essential component of the biosphere occupying an essential place in creation. Those who understand this, reject  the Malthusian lie of overpopulation and the villianizing of human beings as superfluous,”useless eaters” and a threat to the future of the planet. (Have any of the believers ever seen the immensity of Saskatchewan?) Beyond the matter of available space, we haven’t yet begun to unleash the potential productivity and abundance of planet earth.  

13. Have you pondered what it means to stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before us? Have you plumbed the depths of the accumulated wisdom within your family line and its connections? When confronted with the Covid pitch, did you consider cross-checking the claims against the wisdom of your elders or the sages from an earlier generation? Or did you immediately turn to your peers. (Since my son tells me not one of his friends said “ no” to the vaxx, I wouldn’t be surprised if the major influence for a majority of Millennials regarding the vaxx was their peers.) Absent intergenerational memory and knowledge, younger generations are in effect, adrift and predisposed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Thus, they may be predisposed to latch on to the next new thing.

14. Were you curious enough to look to see what’s behind the figurative curtain relative to the so called Pandemic and other matters? When I peeked, I saw corrupt and conflict of interest-riddled vaxx manufacturers “pharming” the population. It was a version of the Truman Show, the 1998 move starring Jim Carrey. All the world’s a stage and many of those smiling, milling about and telling us what to do are merely actors playing a role. 

15. Do you have the capacity for elephant hunting (as in figurative “elephant in the room”)? Elephant hunters are bold and don’t practice avoidance. They can manage their cognitive dissonance, having developed the discipline and spiritual strength to think the unthinkable and see the unseen. Their vision isn’t tethered to a paycheque. Thus they see that they are paid not to see. (Upton Sinclair reference) They may be able to see in “the dark” or alternatively see the dark. 

16. Do you have a sense of where we are in time in terms of the trajectory of history and what part you are assigned to play? Context matters. The Post Truth era has exposed an age of deception, followed by a period of apocalyptic disclosure. Knowing what time it is historically is a key to understanding why you are here. Some have found their divine purpose amid this disturbing and tumultuous time. 

17. Have you cultivated a sufficiently flexible mind that you are able to hone in on a single issue, and then elevate your view to the 30,000 foot level where you can consider the shape of the big puzzle and the missing pieces? Have your practiced the skills of analysis and synthesis? 

18. Are you able to look beyond the issue du jour and take a long term view? Can you place events in a larger context or continuum or is your attention fixed on the all-important “here and now” with your headlights stuck on low beam? 

19. Are you sufficiently detached from the establishment and political partisans to be comfortable saying “no” or “wait a minute” in the face of fevered political group think? Does the hive mind intimidate you? Are you a fan of a particular party or politicians? Can you stand upright in the vortex? Are you naturally wary of consensus thinking? Were you prepared to call out the naked emperor being lauded for his new clothes?” See Hans Christian Andersen’s The Emperors New Clothes.

20. Do you have a sufficient knowledge of the law to know when your governments and their minions are acting unethically and unlawfully and encroaching on human rights and freedoms? Is your moral compass in good working order? 

21. Do you possess sufficient knowledge of biology and the workings of nature and natural systems to recognize that transhumanist claims of improving on nature are often simplistic, vain, ill-conceived and likely to hold grave risks for humanity? Are you ready to challenge their hyped proposals from both a long term technical and ethical points of view? (Presumably some of them see vax-altered GMO humans as an improvement on Humanity 1.0) 

Parting thoughts

The events of the past two and half years should prompt us to revisit our notion of what sets good teachers, good schools, good parents, good learners and a good education apart. I say this because if the dark plan launched against humanity had been fully implemented, it may have been terminal or, at best led to permanent enslavement. We know now, more clearly than ever before, that good teachers do not mindlessly repeat the admonitions of deep state-ruled politicians. They do not eagerly parrot the political ideology du jour. They don’t seek to shape uniformly compliant minds and unquestioning, obedient spirits. 

When it comes to my parenting and its failures and omission, I clearly can’t go back and redo it. I can’t undo what my adult children have authorized of their own free will regarding their submission to the vaxx. And at this point, I can’r even discuss or debate the matter further with them as it’s a sensitive subject. So I have been learning — struggling to “let go” as so many in the freedom movement tell me we must do where adults are concerned. It’s the toughest emotional assignment I have ever had. There’s some consolation in the fact that I proactively shared the best cautionary information I could unearth at the time in a spirit of love and concern for my family members (and shared it more widely after that). I can pray daily for their well-being and their awakening to our “valley of the shadow of death” reality. I can cherish our memories together and the moments we can yet share. And I can invest in the education of their children. 

If we step back a bit, we can, as observant teacher-parents, articulate the historic context and “crucible”-like significance of The Great Deception. We can mine this experience, extract its lessons and integrate them into today’s educational curriculum. Can you see the strategic and transformative potential in this mission? It can be fulfilled in growing a crop of the most spiritually alive, politically aware, insightful and wise-beyond-their-years students and future leaders. Parent-teacher-educators can make an enduring contribution to this revolution we call The Great Awakening. 

Fighting the Information War: Defeating the Power of Propaganda Means Disarming Weaponized Words

Fighting the Info War: Defeating the power of propaganda means disarming weaponized words( c)

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C, Aug 8, 2022 All rights reserved

Casualties of propaganda

It’s taken some people a long time to accept that the masses are managed and manipulated by string-pulling Powers-That-Be, and it’s been the case for centuries. I get it. We’d prefer to think of ourselves as independent thinkers and sovereign individuals — boldly charting our individual and collective futures. Going a step further and acknowledging that these same PTB are engaged in all out war against humanity and seeking our permanent enslavement is even harder. But denial isn’t a strategy. It really amounts to complicity. 

Becoming an effective truth warrior begins with a realistic assessment of one’s circumstances — warts and all. Realistically, we are a captured  people. How else does one explain why large swaths of our communities consumed the official fake pandemic narrative and lined up for the jab? How else can I explain the fact that prior to the big con, members of the compliant left eagerly absorbed and parroted the latest political pronouncement or class condemnation coming from the “woke” progressives intelligentsia. (I believe it was Matt Taibbi who descriptively labelled Robin D’Anglo’s white fragility babble as intellectual drool.) And how else could i explain the solemn pledge of a young white couple to raise their newborn son aware of his “white privilege”? These are images of brain-washed people, the casualties of a propaganda war, warranting our compassion.

There’s something liberating to be had in an honest look at one’s circumstances. My moment of clarity came in 2016. By then, it was no longer possible to deny the fact that the elite had launched an all out war against the West. It was also abundantly clear that it was a matter of either standing up and fighting for our future existence or saying goodbye forever to all those things Westerners cherished. From that point, I began to consider the real nature of the war and my role as a member of the resistance. My assessment of the situation in May of 2017 was sobering. In a May 1, 2017 essay entitled: “Ten Disciplines of a Freedom Fighter (Part A),” I contrasted the strengths and weaponry of our adversaries with that of our rag tag resistance movement. The importance of propaganda as the central means of human management was inescapable. 

The special power of the establishment Powers-that-Be is propaganda

Here’s my candid analysis from that essay. 

The PTB have more than simply the power and assets conferred by their incumbency. They also possess an impressive array of weapons. Additionally, their skills in waging information warfare have been honed over centuries. Chief among these is their mastery of propaganda or more generally the art and science of perception management.1 Today, the PTB largely have the tools and propagandizing ability to cause the masses to perceive black as white and up as down, 

The resistance movement on the other hand is fragmented, lacks a unified strategy and skills, and relies to a large degree on untrained volunteers. It also seriously underestimate both the deviousness and the strategic capabilities of its adversaries. In fact, when it comes to waging info warfare, it looks like a case of “no contest.” This means there’s a lot of work to do in equipping today’s freedom fighter for battle. It can begin with something as basic as understanding the means whereby they are being manipulated and controlled. 

The father of modern PR, Edward Bernays, described how the PTB control the masses in a modern democracy. The public mind is controlled by an invisible government that manipulates us at will by their string or “wire” pulling as Bernays put it.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”2  

It seemed at the time that given the PTB mastery of propaganda, it was a case of no contest.Propaganda provided our adversaries with the power tools they needed to invert our reality, And while those tools of persuasion are even more powerful than I realized at the time, I can also say that our prospects as a counter force look significantly brighter — for several good reasons. It’s no longer a case of “no contest.” 

Know thy adversary is the first rule of warfare, and that means knowing its tactics

It’s not simply that a much larger segment of the population has awakened to the current political and spiritual reality. Several other things are also clearer, now in 2022, including the identity of our adversary. Arthur Koestler’s “The Thirteenth Tribe” documents the history of the Khazarian Empire in considerable detail. 

The Khazarians didn’t go away when their kingdom fell. Their descendents dispersed across eastern Europe and migrated Westward  assuming influential roles in government and finance and banking around the world, They are derisively described today as the  “Khazarian Mafia”, (KM) a tribe who historically adopted Judaism as a matter of political convenience. The KM isn’t just fighting the Russians in the UA, they have been waging a culture war against the West for decades. And again, their weapon of choice remains propaganda.  

We’re being bombarded with propaganda in both the large and small developments of our lives continuously. It’s all about shaping the way we think — shaping the mass mind. John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute explains that the propagandist’s campaign to change how we think, begins with changing the words or the vocabulary we use. Propaganda shapes perception, not just of  of the war in the Ukraine but also how we think about sex, gender and other aspects of our humanity and our biology. Central to word wars is the use of inverted definitions and distorted word meanings. Thus actual racism directed at white people is presented as “anti-racism” and Fascistic-like Brown shirt-like street intimidation is presented as “AntiFascism” by Antifa. And legitimate criticism of Zionism is branded “anti-semitism.” 

Queering the language is an age old tactic; thankfully conservatives are learning to counter it

Linguist, Clif High, offers his perspective on the use of weaponized language. In High’s terms, the KM have been “queering” not just language but, science and history for ages. Queering the language has provided the KM with a means of obscuring true history to it’s advantage. Queering has the disorienting effect of plunging us all into a kind of semantic swamp where the ground beneath our feet is constantly shifting and uncertain. This is turn leaves us vulnerable to KM manipulation. In High’s analysis however, KM overreach in the realm of woke progressivism has exposed its abuses of language to heightened scrutiny. Until we awaken to the constant queering however, we are likely to remain perpetual victims of its destabilizing assaults.

On the other hand, the more aware we become regarding word war tactics, the less vulnerable we are to KM word spells and trickery. The members of the resistance have become increasingly adept at countering weaponized word attacks. Conservative resisters have become skillful meme-makers. And they have learned to turn the rhetorical assaults back on our adversaries. When American Conservatives adopted Hilary Clinton’s “Deplorables” insult as a badge of honour, it’s was rhetorical jiu jitsu at its best. Canadians dissidents seized the Trudeau “fringe” smear of the trucker convoy with similar zest.

Info war soldiers learn to disarm and redirect word “bombs

Some reading this article may aspire to become effective soldiers in the information war. They can learn a lot from recent history of the resistance and its leaders. Some have become skillful at developing powerful new memes like Covid-1984. “Munitions” specialists in the current information war become expert at detecting and defusing word bombs. They become proficient at disarming pejorative projectiles directed our way like “antivaxxers,” and “conspiracy theorists.” And they turn those projectiles back on our adversaries. It’s rhetorical jiu jitsu. Let’s consider an example of a word bomb — “vaxx hesitancy.” The implication is negative, right? Let’s defuse that improvised explosive device (IED) and re-arm it. How about: “Covid vaxx hesitancy saves lives.” Hmmm, the stats are bearing it out. Fire at will. 


The Thirteenth Tribe:

The manipulation of the American Mind: Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations:

 The Narradigm Investigations” (Narradigm = Narrative Paradigm):

The Dark Side Exposed: Understanding, Confronting and Countering Evil

The Dark Side Exposed — Understanding, Confronting and Countering Evil (c)

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C, All rights reserved, September 9, rev Sept 10, 2022

When I was a kid attending elementary school in rural Manitoba, students rose and stood beside their desks each morning before class to sing the national anthem and recite the Lord’s prayer. And the 23rd Psalm was included in our literature course. For those who may be unfamiliar with these, both are from the bible and touch on the subject of evil. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from Evil is the second last line of The Lord’s prayer. And midway through Psalm23, it reads: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me”.

It was far from a training course on the subject of evil per se, but it certainly treated it as a reality and legitimate concern. Taking both references at face value, the obvious conclusions are: evil is real and a threat; we may seek God’s protection from evil; and in God’s company, we need not fear evil. It’s my impression that as the decades went by, however, a majority of Westerners forgot these teachings with many concluding God was either dead or disinterested. And their understanding of the significance of evil, and concern with it declined accordingly. 

I recall hearing a radio interview with a woman (possibly a university professor) on the subject of evil in the early nineties. She claimed that we were really too well-educated to continue believing in such an outdated concept. It was time to jettison this kind of Dark Ages  superstition. There was an unmistakable ring of liberal left condescension toward those that held a different view. I recall thinking at the time, my goodness, has this woman read a newspaper lately. While its authorship may be hidden, expressions of evil abound if we dare look. Perhaps it was really as the saying goes: Satan’s greatest trick was convincing the world he didn’t exist.  

If I were to meet that lady today, I’d ask her if she’s changed her mind about the existence of evil. Developments over the last five years in particular have provided some of the most spectacular demonstrations of evil I could have imagined. And each day brings new revelations. Truthers have seemingly been attempting to plumb the depths of the depravity now playing out before our eyes and and repeatedly forced to recalibrate their estimates. The refrain is the same as that of the late night TV infomercial pitchman: “Wait, there’s more.” The spiritual darkness “index” has reached the point where some Westerners are exiting their native lands and moving to Russia other countries where evil appears to be less rampant or perhaps more constained. 

Here are a few blatant expressions of industrial grade evil associated with the “Plandemic-Vaxx” deception.

– The ghoulish Trudeau “Hey kids” TV pitch where Trudeau gleefully told young children at negligible risk of – – Covid and no need for an injection, least of all a dangerous one, that they would soon be able to get vaxxed 

– The carefully planned stacking of harmful components in the mRNA vaxx. Thus, in many cases, if one ingredient in the concoction didn’t injure or impair, another would, and if not in the short term, then in the longer term. (Didn’t Dr. Sherri Tenpenny MD. report she had identified up to 40 potential physiological mechanisms of bodily harm?)

– The heartless look-the-other-way response of vaxx manufacturers and collaborating MDs to the pleas for help coming from those injured by the vaxx. 

– The systematic use of coercive propaganda and terror tactics to scare people into getting vaxxed while ripping their jobs from those who favour natural immunity. 

– The explicitly psychopathic plotting of the Rockefeller Foundation to achieve the genocidal goal of “thinning the herd”.

– The heartless baby and child-killing via the injection of pregnant mothers and children.

One of the apparent ironies is those who presumably have most often prayed “deliver us from evil” in religious settings appear least able to recognize it. My former church, for example, opted to become a cog in the machinery of the fascist Covid regime. This extended to the point of offering their adherents rides to their nearest vaxx clinic and requiring participants in face-to-face church life be fully vaxxed. The vaxx manufacturers, described as serial felons by critics aware of their criminal records, couldn’t have ask for a better business partner. 

The problems with blindness to evil

This form of spiritual blindness presents problems at multiple levels. The first victims are the individual lacking moral discernment themselves. The individual is susceptible to the mind-warping effects of the control narrative pushed by mass media. It’s a bit like the case of the Stockholm Syndrome victim where a fear-based dependency predisposes the captive to trust his captors. Thus one would expect most of those lacking the ability to detect malevolence to comply with directives issues by public authorities to their own detriment. Many have already exited this life courtesy of the vaxx. I’m reminded of the porcelain ornament of three monkeys with their hands fixed over their eyes, ears and mouth, respectively. The banner beneath them reads: “See no evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil.” It almost sounds virtuous doesn’t it? 

But, the problem is bigger than the individual. Collectively, “see no evil” people are incapable of alerting fellow citizens to Satan’s encroachments. They can’t raise the alarm about what they can’t see. As Roberson Davies points out, the eye only sees what the mind is able to comprehend. And their minds can’t go there, either because they are too emotionally fragile or they lack the mental bandwidth. There’s a sense in which the see-no-evil folks contribute to an impression or appearance of normality that belies the machinations of Satanic forces churning beneath the surface. And silence is often interpreted as tacit agreement.

It can be rather disheartening for those who are more discerning to see how evil goes about its business largely unhindered and often in full view of the public. Media guru, Marshall McLuhan may have provided the explanation: “Only puny secrets need protection. Big secrets are protected by public incredulity.” Yes, too often, thanks to public incredulity, Satan and his minions are able to carry out their dirty work with little resistance. (more on this later.) This phenomenon may have led Einstein to remark that the world was a dangerous place, not because of people who were evil, but because of those who don’t do anything about it.  

Finally and most troubling, some see-no-evil people actively partner with the dark side. In the case of the Covid pandemic scam, these folks are complicit in epic crimes against humanity. Some administer the potentially toxic jab. Some become unofficial salespersons and shill for Satan…I mean Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZenica or J and J (some are wide awake paid “influencers” of course). Some serve in the volunteer police force. Members of this corps unleash their inner authoritarian and target dissenters for public ridicule and harassment often lobbying for harsh penalties for non-compliance and extended lockdowns. When all the dirt and corruption behind this crime are revealed, I suspect the collaborators will attribute the devastation to innocent mistakes and miscalculations, certainly not genocidal psychopathy. Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP of Science at Pfizer, sees the “inability to believe” as something that’s enabled tyrannies to rise to power throughout history.

Many have asked why people didn’t resist tyrants in the past. Partly it is fear. But it’s more than that. It’s that normal people, like you and me, simply cannot imagine being so evil. We trust in humanity. And so we should. Most people are good. Few are truly terrifyingly horrible. But some are. It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stopped people objecting when they should, when the evidence was unmistakable but had not yet quite reached their door, their family.

This is similar to the conclusion reached by former UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold who at one point bluntly told a friend. “lately I have come to understand that there are really evil persons — evil right through — only evil.” Given his role working with world leaders, he was certainly in a position to know. As if to underline his assessment, Secretary Hammarskjold was “assassinated” by plane crash three months later. 

I see a big lesson for us in Dr. Yeadon’s analysis. It’s that the fate and the future of Western civilization hinges upon the ability of citizens to a) recognize the encroachment of evil and b) their willingness to expose it and oppose it. And it that’s true, then cultivating this kind of intuition or capability across our society is an imperative. It’s not difficult to see how the West’s moral illiteracy led to its current decline and state of captivity. We vastly underestimated Evil in almost every respect. We became complicit in our own enslavement. The character in the old Pogo cartoon once observed in a moment of clarity: “We have met the enemy and he is us”. Check.

Detecting Evil  

Our journey to freedom begins with addressing the crisis of moral illiteracy. Can we enhance our spiritual sensory capabilities to the point where we can detect malevolence? The hair on the back of some dogs stands up in the presence of evil. Can we increase our ability to “read” motives or intent? One of the easiest way to spot evil is by recognizing it’s approach and methods. Here’s 10 observations I’ve made over the years regarding evil and its author. Some are old and some are newer, brought into clearer focus by developments in the realms of public education, health care (cynical laugh) and politics. Evil incarnate can be considered synonymous with Satan. 

Evil incarnate is at war with humanity

Evil wages information warfare war using deception, distraction and division, (“divide and conquer” strategy) The key strategy is perception management based on use of various forms of propaganda, weaponized language and rhetorical trickery.  

Evil isn’t seeking peaceful coexistence with goodness and light. It’s predatory by nature seeking total dominance and complete control. 

Evil is a master of disguise and the ultimate con artist. It can pose as an angel of light, bringer of peace, protector of the oppressed or other equally appealing figures in order to covertly advance its agenda. Thomas Paine explains: “The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes.” Get the sugar, Mary Poppins.

Evil is the master of the Big Lie. The too-big-to-not-believe-lie didn’t die with Hitler. It is propagated via mass media daily. (See “Safe and Effective”)

Evil patiently plays the long game. Satan’s incremental approach to the conquest of the West in now playing out. One assumes that it’s taken decades perhaps centuries to completely colonize our central institutions and put traitors in power across the board. 

Evil is unmoved by human suffering and pain — in fact, it is delighted by it.

Evil preys on the spiritually blind, the weak and the naive. Al Wilson’s song, “The Snake” tells the tale 

Evil doesn’t play by our rules; its mantra is “win at any cost.” (That said, there may be a cosmic rule requiring it to disclose it’s future plans to humanity be some means, thus making it all the more important that we pay attention and learn to read the signs and between the lines.) 

Evil creates confusion and chaos because disoriented humans become anxious and are easier to control. 

We don’t have to look far to see how evil manifests in our time. The globalists’ vision of the future is outlined in the Schwab-World Economic Forum Great Reset. There’s no hiding the underlying distain for humanity and “useless eaters.” Given the advanced stage of robotization, the Powers The Be have concluded that humans aren’t needed. Rather, we are a problem to be managed. Since this group of smug utopians and eugenicists believe that population reduction is critical, we can connect the dots. We have just witnessed a part of the plan play out in the form of the Plandemic-Vaxx project.

Coming to terms with the reality of evil and countering it

The lady in the radio interview may have gone to her grave believing that evil wasn’t real. But today, in light of the human and civilizational drama playing out, others are revising their opinions. Comedian, JP Sears is one of them with the courage and clarity to say so and explain why. Sears states; 

I used to think that evil was just some abstract concept…But I”ve changed my mind. Now I think evil is very real. I think the presence of Satan in our world acting through corrupt humans is clear as day. And I think that the past two years have made that incredibly clear. In fact with what’s going on in our world, I think it’s spiritual warfare. 

We’re on the same page. There are two types of people in the world: those that can see evil for what it is and those who are “blind” to it. And those in the latter category are inevitably more susceptible to being controlled by evil. Thankfully, the condition isn’t necessarily permanent, and the awakening of the latter is cause for celebration. 

Sears offers five counter strategies for freedom seekers and fellow warriors:

1. Know your principles and values and stand for them.

2. Honour your heart and gut feelings (Sears believes this is how God speaks to us)

3. Think for yourself. Don’t outsource your thinking.

4. See the evil 

5. Stay unapologetically aligned (words and actions aligned with heart and critical thinking)

The problem of our lagging moral literacy and the Western “see no evil” mindset is front and centre. It’s a case where our blindness is contributing to loss of God-given freedoms and lives — literally. Economist and blogger, Brandon Smith says we cannot defeat tyranny unless it is understood. Agreed. And to understand tyranny requires some understanding of the evil that infects and animates it. It seems logical that in our bid to enhance our spiritual intuition, we might consider how to better attune our hearts and minds to God’s or heaven’s frequency. While this piece on recognizing and countering evil just scratches the surface, there’s an abundance of resources for personal study with several listed below. 

We’re in this for the long run and the assault on the mind and spirit can be overwhelming. The military encouragement, “stay frosty” presumably reminds the soldier that a clear mind is essential at all times. The spiritual warrior has a similar need to remain calm while navigating dark terrain. There’s calming encouragement In the words of Psalm 23: Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. 


The Lord’s Prayer:

Psalm 23:

Evil is real: What do JP Sears and UN Secretary Dag Hammarskjold have in common:

Personal spiritual journal of UN Secretary Dag Hammarskjold (give time to load):

The Snake (Al Wilson):

I’ve changed my mind about Evil JP Sears

The science of evil: A personal review of political ponerology:

WEF futurist: ‘We just don’t need the vast majority of the population’:

Dr. Michael Yeadon: The most important message I have ever written:

We have met the enemy and he is us:

Conspiracy theories aside, there’s something fishy about the Great Reset:

What you need to know about the tans humanist agenda (Mercola):

Understanding the tyrannical mind and how it operates (Smith):

Gatekeeping and Holding the Line

Gatekeeping and Holding the Line

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C © All rights reservedFebruary 14, 2022 (c) All Rights Reserved

A quote within a quote that makes me think

One of my favorite quotes of all time comes from writer and director Oliver Stone, who once said that ‘Hell is the impossibility of reason.’ In other words, if truth and logic are eradicated within a society then any hope for redemption or peace is lost. The world becomes a perpetual nightmare.”

Reflections on gatekeeping and holding the line

After reading Brandon Smith’s “A study of cultism reveals why gatekeeping against leftists is a good thing”, I uncomfortably realized that I no doubt failed at gatekeeping many times in the past. Smith examines how the social justice movement is illustrative of cultism. It made inroads by inverting meanings and disguising base motivations as higher values. Thus, elitism is disguised as “equality” and the spiritual void is “filled with narcissism.” I’ll add my observation that the SJW version of social justice is mob justice in search of a righteous cause. Ultimately, Smith suggests that giving cults a pass typically leads to dark and destructive outcomes. Thus, gatekeeping is essential. 

Why may I have failed at gatekeeping on occasion? I probably excused my passivity as being “respectful” of differences, deferring to seeming consensus, (when it was just shouting) or being accommodating. It may have been my insecurity — my need as a Christian to be seen as “loving” or “a nice guy.” In surrendering, whether out of insecurity or cowardice, I conceded ground to lies and darkness. And that in turn forms the substrate for the “Hell” dreaded by Oliver Stone where reason is outlawed. (The same Hell those captive to the Covid delusion are experiencing while telling themselves that they are “following the science.”) 

I suspect that many in the ranks of the freedom movement who are repulsed by what they have endured and rigorously resist more of the same, have yet to examine their performance as gatekeepers. How many times have they been seduced by the inner urge to seek peaceful co-existence with the same Evil that now enslaves humanity? Until we commit to the absolute importance of maintaining borders, lines and gates, we’re likely vulnerable to the pitch of the (LGBTQIA+) cultists and the fake virtue seekers. 

Evil is never satisfied with “peaceful coexistence” — only conquest. And conceding to its brash claims to the moral high ground is surrender. When our notion of a “democratic system” ”or “fairness” requires our granting equal time to the Satanic, we are enablers. Indulging the idea that trannies are entitled to groom children via library story hour in the name of teaching “tolerance” merely demonstrates how easily confused and conned we are by virtue-signalling fakes. 

Being reliable, truth-worthy and trustworthy gatekeepers requires the same kind of moral acuity and strength required to “hold the line” described in the Martin Geddes article at the end of this flash scan. (See: “Surviving Splitzkrieg.”) Geddes examines the many cases of division and separation that have arisen in his life involving friends and family in the Covid era. He says, “In each case I have had to “locate the line” before I could hold it — where “the line” is the geometry of the spiritual and social split.” 

Here’s where Smith, Geddes (and me) find common ground. Geddes continues, “It is a temptation to see everything as either an offer of love or a call for love, even terrible behaviour and to try to cross the divide and to heal the split. If we are not careful that can make us complicit: real evil has to be extinguished, not negotiated with (my italic). For all lesser splits we must act in love — a unifying force as it is the only possible antidote to “splitzkrieg.” Insisting on accountability for instance, may superficially appear harsh, but “tough love” is far more loving than floppy accommodation of sloth.” 

Note to self: Being a diligent gatekeeper and courageously holding the line is a sacred assignment central to our on-going struggle against Evil. It begins with locating the line and the gate posts. Beyond that, it’s a case of no negotiation and no surrender. 


A study of cultism shows us why gatekeeping against leftists is a good thing:

Surviving “Splitzkrieg”: How lovingly ‘holding the line’ keeps us sane during insane time:

Elephant Blindness (EB), the Most Dangerous and Debilitating Malady of Our Time? (Satire)

Microsoft Word – Elephant blindness — FS July 27-22 .docx

Elephant Blindness — the Most Dangerous and Debilitating Malady of Our Time? (satire)
Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C (c) July 27, 2022, rev. Jan 9, 2022

Do you have eyes, but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember? (Mark 8:18)

What’s wrong with this picture?

It was probably late November to early December of 2020, and I was standing in one of those chilly waiting lines outside a local grocery store. The fellow who was voted in grade school most likely to become a real life hall monitor was controlling entry to the store in order to ensure the number of people inside remained within some magical ratio to floor space. After a couple minutes of something I considered suggestive of life in the former Soviet Union, I decided to invite some discussion in the line up: “Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture”?, I asked. Was anyone else thinking as I was that the two weeks to flatten the curve had long passed and this was really about something other than our health?

Apparently the tall well-dressed professional standing ahead of me in line (Mr. “X”), had a different perception of time. Intent on heading off an ugly insurrection perhaps, he quickly and confidently asserted that things were perfectly fine and the management of the pandemic was proceeding just as it should. Everyone else remained silent. The next in line shuffled forward into the store and I resigned myself to enduring the reign of madness until I could get my few grocery items and get home again. So much for my insurrection. Reflecting upon the encounter later, it occurred to me the well dressed defender of the Covid coup fit the stereotypical pharma rep profile to a “ T.” That said, he could also have been an MD or neither of the above. There was no way of knowing.

Mr “X” had a case of Elephant Blindness or “EB”

One thing was certain about Mr. “X”, and that was the fact he was suffering from a condition that I’ve dubbed “elephant blindness” (Elephanti caecitas in Latin). It derives from the concept of the figurative “elephant in the room”, a critter most folks encounter in organizational life. I’ve never looked into how the term was coined, but I imagine it went something like this. A group of junior managers were summoned to an unscheduled meeting by management, presumably to discuss some pressing issue facing their organization. When the meeting adjourned, they left the room in a state of disbelief. Contrary to their expectation that the meeting would focus on loss of customers to competition, plummeting sales, repeated production shortfalls, or something else equally pressing, the issue never made the agenda. In fact, it was as if management went out of its way to discuss everything but the gigantic elephant in the room. It was mind- boggling. Weren’t its massive size, the threat it posed to corporate operations, its drain on resources and its fatuous emissions clouding the air enough to make the elephant in the room worthy of attention?

My description of “Elephant Blindness” or “EB” is: “a debilitating infectious condition characterized by impaired vision and related cognitive functions that normally enables individuals and groups to confront pressing issues or crises. Individuals and groups infected with EB subconsciously resort to denial and retreat to psychologically safe turf in order to escape the apparent threat. This amounts to an escape from any responsibilities or unpleasant realities which may threaten the subject’s worldview or require changes in behaviour or lifestyle. Thus, affected individuals spontaneously go blind to the presence of “the elephant” and attempt to carry on under a pretence of normality. The invisible “elephant” which EB sufferers apparently cannot see is the monstrous lie of a raging viral pandemic requiring an injection.

There are historic precedents for EB and other forms of mass madness
EB may have an antecedent in the encounters British explorer, Captain James Cook had with native Hawaiians over the course of his three voyages between 1768 and 1779. It’s said that during his first two visits with Hawaiians, Cook and crew were welcomed as deities and treated accordingly. It’s suggested that their status as deities derived in part from the fact that the natives had never seen the kind of large masted ships Cook and crew arrived in. Perhaps they descended from the heavens. Their mortality was revealed to the natives however, according to one account, when one of Cook’s Crew members became sick and died. Another account suggests that their untouchable status as deities evaporated when an Hawaiian shaman, observing the waves lapping against the sides of Cook’s ships, concluded that Cook and crew were of this world. On this third encounter, Cook and crew were met with stones as they had lost their god-like status. Relationships deteriorated following a conflict that arose during the visit and Cook and several of this crew were killed in a spear attack. The native Hawaiians had overcome their variant of “elephant blindness” and presumably saw Cook as a human. (See also, A Brief History of Epic Mass Madness)

Others have likened the current mass psychosis to that which descended on communities that engaged in historic witch hunts.

The best allegorical parallel is the Hans Christian Anderson tale of The Emperor’s New Clothes. It’s a story of how cunning con artists convinced an emperor to purchase their expensive, imaginary, non-existent robes and show them off to his subjects in the public square. His hive-minded subjects oohed and awed about his finery until a young lad pointed out to his mother that the Emperor was naked.

Covid puts EB under the microscope

So again, while the such blindness isn’t unique to the current era, the Covid pandemic-vaxx campaign has magnified many aspects of EB shedding new light on both its causes and effects. A veritable pandemic of EB exploded worldwide in the spring of 2020 and continued its spread in 2021. It quickly infected every sector of our society including finance and banking, construction and trades, politics, education, communications and entertainment, the public service, policing, justice and science and technology.

It appears particularly prevalent within the health care sector where hundreds of thousands of professionals with Acute Onset EB. It’s rendered them incapable of recognizing the so-called Covid pandemic is a diabolical fabrication causing untold human and economic suffering and devastation. Thus they appear oblivious to the fact the Covid fabrication is potentially the biggest hoax, scam and crime in human history. Consequently these individuals go about their jobs insisting like Mr. X that nothing is wrong — its business as usual. In reality, nothing could be farther from the truth. And the figurative elephant, the Big Pandemic-Vaxx Lie, stands largely untouched apart from occasional beams of truth that penetrate the shadows in the room.

While many have by now recovered from the EB in 2022, (see Canadian Trucker Convoy), EB is endemic throughout the West. G7 countries were particularly hard hit. Now, while much of the rest of the world has confronted and contained the Big Lie, the citizens of G7 nations remain impaired and to some degree imprisoned by the Elephant. Public mask wearing, while not the norm is still upheld by some institutions and individuals, vaxx boosters recommended, and like Linus of the former newspaper comic Peanuts, many still cling mindlessly to their psychological safety blanket.

The fake Cov pandemic edition of EB is devastating

In general terms, EB is not a respecter of persons, income, education social status, race or lifestyle. That said, those committed to far left “woke” politics and highly educated professionals with a strong commitment to serving the technocracy appear particularly vulnerable to it debilitating effects and resistant to treatment. I’ve had personal encounters with many EB victims and attempted to treat them with mega doses of documented scientific counter evidence to no avail. My list includes family members, long time friends, a former pastor, a former boss, former colleagues, neighbours, a family doctor and a family dentist. Many continue to suffer from “Long EB” or mutated variants of EB. It’s a sobering testament to the illness’s debilitative effects and its resistance to hard truths — i.e. reality.

Outbreaks of Sudden Onset EB have had devastating effects on families and communities leaving broken marriages, family abuse, depression, suicide, social divisions, job losses, destroyed businesses and bankruptcies in their wake. At this point, no organization has undertaken a comprehensive assessment of the impacts of the worldwide EB pandemic. There is little doubt, however, that total economic losses resulting from the EB pandemic and associated control measures imposed by health authorities would put the costs in the hundreds of billions.


A superficial assessment suggests the most common symptom is impairment of vision. Affected individuals can’t see the elephant sitting squarely in front of them — The Big Pandemic-Vaxx Lie. Author, Robertson Davies points out an important and applicable biological reality noting: “The mind only sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” EB then, is an infection of the mind, impairing cognition. Some of the other most commonly observed symptoms are:

• On-going fear or anxiety (regarding, in this case, purported risks associated with exposure to the so-called pandemic)

• Loss of ability to reason or exercise logic (If the recovery rate is 99.97% for the majority of the population, why fret about something that appears to resemble the flu in severity? Why get boosters if the initial jab failed to live up to the marketing hype of “safe and effective”? Why lock down healthy members of the population? Why ignore natural immunity? Why suppress use of non-intrusive therapies known to bolster natural immunity? Answers to such basic questions elude EB sufferers.

• Inability to recognize evil and discern between malevolence and virtue (candidates for EB appears to live in a kind of sugar- coated Mary Poppins sureality where everyone is presumed to be acting in the best interests of humanity, including the serial felons in the Big Pharma fraternity and the compromised government corporatocracy)

• Excessive deference for authority — police, political
leaders, “health authorities” (EB victims tend toward “just tell us what to do”)

• A lack of default skepticism

• Extreme suggestibility — granting credence to the most dystopian of government directives disguised as public health measures

• Extremely pliable or compliant in response to
government sponsored forms of coercion. (If you want more freedom, you must comply (fill in the blank)

• Hostility toward those resistant to EB or failing to defer to the elephant (often dismissing resisters as “conspiracy theorists,” “antivaxxers,” or “anti-science” barbarians warranting discrimination, job termination or death as a natural consequence of their own stupidity for failure to obey the rules or submit to the vaxx. Similar hostility is directed at those who have suffered from vaxx injuries and seeking to share they cautionary tales with the public)

• Unwillingness to engage in respectful discussion or civil debate challenging the existence of the elephant to a point of almost treating the elephant as undiscussable (“I don’t want to discuss it.”)

• Dismissive of the many negative impacts of “the elephant” on people, families, communities and economies (minimizing the human health horrors and economic devastation as unfortunate but unavoidable collateral damage)

• Unaware or unable to recognize the many tactics and tools of deception being employed in order to persuade members of the public that the elephant is real and must be respected. (Such tactics range from outright lies to smearing dissenters, hygiene theatre, publication of fake statistics, claims to moral high ground and false claims of authority e.g. “fact checkers and experts say….”)

• Impervious to factual evidence presented in large or small quantities or the public statements and cautions offered by honest medical researchers and physicians (while paradoxically claiming to be “following “the science”)

• Blind to injustices enacted against EB resistant dissenters (discrimination, denial of services, public demonization and ridicule, job termination, incarceration, fines…)

• Predisposed to conflate politics and health care (often equating EB resistance with US MAGA politics or Trump)

• Appearing to regard vaxx compliance as virtuous often leading to public displays of medical virtue (“just vaxxed”) and exhibiting near-religious zeal in promoting Big Pharma’s vaxx campaign. This has led to many cases of vaxx martyrdom (death by vaxx injury).

• Given to militancy in demanding compliance with heath agency directives like mask wearing, social distancing, quarantining, travel restrictions, vaxx passes and other security state measures to the point of willingly acting as volunteer “police” on behalf of the state.

• Otherwise exhibiting denial regarding many features of their captive state under medical fascism and oblivious to what many resisters describe as a “medical fascism”, “war against humanity”, “biowarfare”, “depopulation” and “genocide.”

• Inability to end their intake of mainstream media and other daily sources of mainstream propaganda

Clear-thinking observers have likened the behaviour of those infected with EB to those suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. EB patients like SS sufferers may identify with their captors and join in defense of their cause. Physician, Dr. Peter McCullough (Texas) describes the (EB) delusion as “entrancement.” Thus, he says that many of his compliant fellow physicians are “entranced.” Others liken the effect of the elephantine pandemic construct to a form of “black magic”. Dr. Mattias Desmit of Belgium has described EB-like symptomology as indicative of Mass Formation Psychosis. (more on this below)

Likely causes of EB

While EB cannot be traced to a single cause, from my perspective, a number of causative factors appear to play a role. It’s not unusual for two or more of the following factors to contribute to a diagnosis
of Sudden Onset EB.

Cash: Upton Sinclair says: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding.” Man or woman, this statement explains why a large swath of the technocracy, including those in the medical-pharma complex, have developed cases of Sudden Onset EB. In short, they are being paid in one form or another to close their eyes to the Big Pandemic Lie. Those payments may come in the form of bribes, salary bonuses, earnings on vaxx injections, payments for imposing lockdowns, payments for promoting the pandemic-vaxx narrative, appointments to boards and research grants. Tax-payer funded Covid payments to US hospitals for the treatment cycle of a patient from testing, diagnosis and hospitalization through treatment with Remdesivir and placement on a ventilator until death “due to Covid” totals about $100,000.

Complicity and conflicts of interest: Many of those at the higher tiers of the medical-pharma establishment are complicit in orchestrating the Big Pandemic Lie. Many of these players participated in the fall 2019 Covid pandemic simulation. It’s axiomatic that these leading actors — orchestrators of the grand illusion — aren’t going to call out their own elephant. He’s their baby. Rather, they are going to continue inflating it. A world wide map of the as yet submerged relationships among players in big pharma, the medical profession, affiliated research institutions and non-profits, health regulators and government departments is likely to reveal a massive “rat’s nest” of conflicts of interest.

Credulousness: A percentage of the population vulnerable to EB is that which by virtue of the individual’s attitudes or upbringing are naive or lack curiosity. They don’t cultivate the skills of skepticism. Rather than “question everything”, their guiding principle is “trust authority figures.” The tendency is accept that which is presented to as“ reality” without question. These habits makes these individuals “canon fodder” in the current information war being waged by the Powers that Be and their propagandists.

Consensus thinking, hive mindedness: Humans naturally gravitate toward the security of the herd. Those guided by herd instinct or the gravitational pull of the hive mind are acting in accordance with the old axiom “there’s safety in numbers.” In the case of the Covid-vaxx psy op, this will prove to be a false sense of security given that herd behaviour was manipulated by military grade propagandists.

Cowardice: Fear is the number one tool or weapon used by the propagandists seeking to control us. This is simply because it works. Frank Herbert calls fear the “mind killer.” And with the mind paralyzed humans, are prone to submit to baser emotions and behaviours including cowardice. Cowards are prepared to give the elephant all the space it wants. So, the elephant eats at their expense, consumes most of the oxygen in the room, obstructs and intimidates with every stomp of its foot and swing of trunk. Cowards hope that by laying low during the heat of the battle, they will survive and, at some future point, be able to join in the victory parade if braver souls win the day. They are aspiring parasitic free- riders.

Coercion: The Covid-19 Project has employed a carrot and stick method to manipulate our behaviour in accordance with a PTB agenda at multiple junctures in the propaganda campaign. The
big “carrot” from the outset has been an unfulfilled promise of a return to normalcy and the freedoms and pleasures of daily life. The elite PTB have also used a lot of sticks. There’s been punishing lockdowns, threats of public shaming and ridicule, steep fines, police intimidation, job loss and abuse at the hands of social media mobs. Add the denial of access to loved ones, medical care, public facilities, restaurants, gymnasiums, and transportation. In short, people have been told if they want to have a life they must defer to the Big (Fake) Pandemic Elephant. Giving in to coercion amounts to choosing comfort and convenience over pain and hardship. For some, it’s not necessarily a difficult choice. Embrace the elephant and continue to have a life.

Cognitive dissonance: Humans find comfort in the particular world each fashions and use it make sense of emerging developments. Alternatively, they tend to retreat subconsciously from anything likely to threaten their worldview. This is what makes the elephant so intimidating as it raises the frightening prospect of a shattered worldview thrusting its “owner” into a world of chaos, and in this case, darkness. Who wishes to believe their government is corrupt, that Big Pharma is intent on injuring or killing them and the mainstream media lies to them through its teeth daily? As one former US president put it, “The truth can set you free, but first it gives you a big headache. Those afflicted with EB are likely intent on avoiding the cognitive dissonance headache.

Cost: Anyone who calls out the elepantine Big Lie, can face heavy- duty repercussions. The repercussions can include loss of one’s job, income, career, family, friends, social status, reputation and the respect of colleagues. It can lead to bullying of your children or other family members, public ridicule and physical threats. The demonizing of dissenters and orchestrated hate-mongering is diabolical and
likely enough to convince many to go “elephant blind.” In short, not everyone is prepared to face the cost or pay the price associated with becoming an elephant hunter.

Cult-like control: Cults are fake religions conferring virtue upon those observing the tenets of the faith. The Covid cult assigns virtue points to those who zealously promote the cause of vaxx injection. Once injected, cult members may earn additional virtue points by publicly celebrating their decision (“Just vaxxed”). There is a kind of holy communion in joining with fellow members to wage war against the heresy of antivaxxism. Cult members are united in their stand against the unwashed hordes — heathen resisters and science deniers who fail to revere the cult’s saints and hight priests. Any who stray from Covid cult orthodoxy may draw the ire of its leaders and find themselves summarily handed over to a social media mob. Just ask world figure saking champion Jamie Sale, about the hostility directed at those who spot the elephant. Who dares risk such a fate?


I know of no accepted or reliable treatment for Elephant Blindness or EB. Some observers suggest that the best way to awaken its sufferers is with “questions, stories, and metaphors.” Numerous cases of spontaneous remission have also been reported, which may be instructive. Those who have worked with former religious cult members may find some success with de-programming methodologies. Still others, consistent with the idea that there’s a kind of black magic or entrancement at play, may be inclined toward the applications of spiritual countermeasures.


Given the infectiousness and devastating nature of EB, a case can be made for an urgent investigation of the disease. What preventative measures can be recommended at the individual, family, community and national levels? How is EB spread? What mitigative strategies may limit spread and duration? What forms of treatment look most promising? What insights can be gained from studies of those who resisted the infection (“resisters”) regarding prevention and treatment? How can those criminally manufacturing and spreading the worldwide contagion be stopped?

Those wishing to take a more serious look at what I have satirically dubbed “EB”, may be interested in the work of clinical psychologist, Dr. Mattias Desmet (Belgium). Dr. Desmet believes a convergence of societal forces is producing what he calls Mass Formation Psychosis. He further describes this condition as a dangerous collective type of hypnosis. (The Psychology of Totalitarianism, 2022). Whatever this debilitating hypnotic condition is, one thing is clear: Elephant Blindness is the real pandemic threatening the health and well-being of humanity.


Captain Cook killed in Hawaii: hawaii

Breaking free from Mass Formation Psychosis: Formation-Psychosis-with-Mattias-Desmet

Mass Formation Psychosis: Formation-Psychosis

The Psychology of Totalitarianism: totalitarianism/

A brief history of epic mass madness: madness

10 Reasons to Say “No” to the Vaxx:

A Look at How the New World Order/Cabal/Illuminati pulled off the Covid Coup:

Goodreads, Robertson Davies:

Goodreads, Upton Sinclair:

The Emperor’s New Clothes:

An Investigation of the Covid-19 (SARS Cov 2) Narrative (referenced draft research paper):

On Lie Detection and Penetrating Official “No Go” Zones

On Lie Detection and Penetrating Official “No Go” Zones

Calvin Mulligan, Futuresccapes21C, April 30, 2022 All rights reserved

Unfortunately, while the need has never been greater, we will never have completely reliable, fail-proof lie detectors in this life. The need for heightened ability to discern between truth and lies and the ability to identify trustworthy sources of information is urgent. The Vaxxidemic, among other cabalistic programs, has made it clear, to the observant at least, that the ability to distinguish between the two can literally mean the difference between life and death. Put another way, lie detection capability is an essential life skill for those living in the post-truth era and governed, as we are, by a pathocracy.  

I recently learned that while a brother was awake to the Covid Scamdemic, he had absorbed the MSM Putin-Ukraine narrative completely. I talked him down from the “kill Putin” ledge and pondered how to better equip him to detect propaganda. My solution was to offer him a “tool kit” of potential indicators he could apply to all news stories he encountered. This was after encouraging him to shut off mainstream news sources. 

I jotted down a dozen or so tips and techniques for tackling the “truth or lies”? dilemma, some old and well-known, and some less common. The list includes:

– Follow the money”: Is someone likely on the take, an insider with a vested interest in selling a particular narrative? 

– Qui bono? (Who benefits) if the official storyline prevails? Often it’s Establishment interest keen to fend off challenges.

– Triangulate your sources where possible, doing your best to ensure the sources are independent of each other.

– Independent, citizen journalism versus corporate mainstream journalism: Who is putting more on the line or assuming greater risk in order to tell the story to the public? (I’ll take Canada’s Eva Bartlett over CBC any day of the week.)

– “Everyone knows”: The aim of propagandists is fostering herd consensus or a hive mind. When “everyone knows”, it’s time to question.

– “Star” treatment. Hollywood is propaganda central. Its actors and social media influencers are often paid shills. If it glitters, there’s a good chance it’s fake gold or disinformation. 

– Censorship and de-platforming of a source can be considered an indicator that the targeted info or individual is presenting inconvenient truths.

– Smears: Who is being smeared or ridiculed as a “conspiracy theorist,” for example? Attempting to destroy the reputation of the source is standard practice for propagandists. As the saying goes, it you’re taking flak, it probably means you’re over the target. 

– Public relations paint: One of the “tells” false flag spotters look for is an attempt to rally the public around emotive slogans following false flag shootings for example. Remarkably it’s as if the PR agency had the slogan ready to launch immediately following the incident in order to shape public perception. See “Boston Strong”. Repeat performances by B grade crisis actors reciting predictable lines regarding “gun violence”, for example is another defining feature of many false flags in recent decades.

Books could be written on the many other indicators of falsity, however, I should have included another in the list for my brother. It’s the creation and preservation of what I call “no go” zones. It’s absurd on the face of it. Why would democratic societies welcome inquiry and rigorous debate on every subject under the sun from the existence of God to the nature of matter while declaring some “special” subjects out of bounds?

Unfettered inquiry and open debate are hallmarks of a healthy democratic society and were instrumental in the rise of the West. And yet, the West has, for decades, demarcated official no-go zones deflecting and dismissing would-be inquirers with a “nothing to see here” stance. Probing such subjects has been treated as criminal in some cases and a near-unforgivable violation of a religious taboo in others. There’s no better example of a sanctioned no-go zone than “the Holocaust.” Even as I type, I’m reminded the official holocaust is far from being the world’s most devastating event of its kind.

For decades, those who dared question the holocaust narrative were promptly demonized, brutally beaten with the “anti-semite” club, ostracized and pushed to the periphery of society to live out their lives among other lesser humans. Even today, those who critically examine holocaust claims risk destruction of their careers, reputations and relationships — even imprisonment. Things are changing however, as Khazarian history and Khazarian influence into the present become known and better understood.

Courageous truthers are stepping up daring to risk the “anti-semite” smear for criticizing Israel’s policies or conduct or for challenging its narratives. The truth-seeker might well ask, “So who or what is the reflex condemnation intended to protect?” “Who gets to declare such subjects ‘undiscussable’”? What secrets are so important that investigators must be deterred, figuratively assassinated or incarcerated?” And, “What is the cost to our society of protecting such no-go zones?” While these questions are never discussed publicly, we’re getting insights into the mindset of high level Deceivers from their Vaxxidemic campaign  

You could say it’s the way the global Powers-that-Be are wired. They are predisposed to lie; it’s integral to their mission and suggestive of their allegiance with the spiritual dark side. The vaxxidemic lies that assail us daily in the MSM are blatant and shameless. No lie is too big, and no amount of lying is too much. And, as always, the end justifies the means. So if achieving widespread vax uptake requires social media shills to convince the unwary that toxic injections are “safe and effective”, that’s just fine. The human health consequences are immaterial. Clearly, from our perspective, the truth deficit and the human empathy deficit presented here are equally massive.  

The rude ”move along, nothing to see here” rebuffs and militant enforcement of historic no-go zones by officialdom should set every truther’s spidey sense tingling. It’s a near certain indicator of guarded lies and institutionalized deception. It’s an on-going battle. Even as truth seekers breach the walls of propaganda and censorship guarding one deception, the concrete is being poured to protect another. That need not deter us however. We know that ultimately the Truth is the key to our freedom.

It seems clear that we’ve entered a period of disclosure when some of the world’s oldest and darkest lies will be exposed and its best kept secrets revealed. Truth is on the march and the gates of hell will not withstand its assault.

It’s for the Kids

It’s For the Kids 

Calvin Mulligan, (c) Futurescapes21C, June 22/22, All rights reserved

When my wife and I retired from our careers in Regina, Saskatchewan, we moved to Ottawa in 2015 and 2016 respectively. The draw was the opportunity to live near two of our three adult children and help out raising grandchildren. And for several months following our move, we did enjoy a conventional retirement rich in memory-making grand parenting experiences. That said however, even before my departure for Ottawa, I’d seen troubling, too-big-to-ignore-signs that our democracy and Western society in general were under assault.

In 2017, in response to the traitorous pressures from globalist Powers-that-Be, I began writing essays on the political ills of our time including the quashing of democratic freedoms like free speech and the right to dissent. At least, I reasoned, I can be a truthful witness to the West’s decline in real time. In December of that year, for the first time in my life, I took my activism beyond polite letter writing to politicians and attended my first protest rally on Parliament Hill. 

When I arrived on the Hill, I first noticed a horde of Antifa protestors chanting “Nazi Scum” were being held at bay at one end of the grounds by security police. The psychological projection was irritating for a fourth generation, patriotic Canadian, but it also crystallized my resolve. I’d thought it through well before ever leaving home. I was there for my kids and grandkids. Why shouldn’t they enjoy the same freedoms I once did as a citizen of a Canada I once knew? 

I quickly discovered that many other attendees were from my demographic and shared my motivation. One contrasted this struggle with earlier world wars saying that in that case, parents sent their youth to fight on behalf of the nation. This time around, things were reversed. It was awakened parents and grandparents taking up the struggle on behalf of generations too pre-occuppied or entranced to grasp the seriousness of what was transpiring. 

I suspect that it would be a rare (fully human) activist who never harbours a doubt about his/her commitment to the cause. “Are you certain this is a life priority?” “Is this the proverbial hill you are prepared to die on?For whom and why are you doing this? Paul Craig Roberts is a steadfast digital warrior who understands the tradeoffs involved in a commitment to the cause of liberty. In one of his annual fundraising blogs, he reminded subscribers that he could be doing other things, like spending time in the company of a female companion. At 83 years of age, he nonetheless continues his daily output, something attributable to his conviction that we’re engaged in a pivotal struggle with nothing less that the liberty of humanity at stake. And nowhere is the genocidal assault on humanity more evident than in the relentless attacks on our children’s minds, bodies and spirits. 

The first line of attack is the pre-emptive systemic killing of the pre-born via state-funded abortion and the predation continues relentlessly from there. A week ago, I read of the arrest of several members of a US child sex trafficking ring, something that would be considered just the tip of the iceberg. (See,“The Pediacracy exposed- Maskell” below). It only takes a little dot-connecting to see the outline of the wider war on children. These story headlines from this issue of the Flash Scan fill in some of the dots:

  • America is now the only country in the world that authorizes Covid shots for infants
  • FDA panel recommends Moderna two dose covid vaccine for kids ages 6-17 despite serious safety concerns
  • Who are the rich, white men institutionalizing transgender ideology? (There’s profits to be had in creating customers for life)
  • Covid lockdowns have caused a ‘global mental health crisis in children’ due to ‘deep impact of school closures’, WHO admits

And those who survive these assaults on minds and bodies will be served some Critical Race Theory by the state funded education system in order to ensure its graduates learn to loathe themselves. But rest assured, our Canadian government is always thinking of our youth and their future well-being. It’s recently taken steps to ensure that should these individuals ever experience a mental breakdown and sink into depression, Big Brother is positioned to provide them with assistance ending their lives (satire).

So what can wise, awake Boomers and Gen Xers do for Gen Y’s and Z’s? There’s some generalizations involved of course, but here are 10 contributions we/they might make on behalf of our successors:

1. preserve societal memory and ensure the transmission of legacy Western values and their applications to the next generation. This includes such traditional Western values as “family”, “liberty”,”justice”, “truth”, “beauty”, “free(er) speech”, “industry”, “bodily sovereignty”, “the right of individual choice”, “civil political discourse”, “responsible citizenship”, “representative democracy” and “Godly/righteous living”. 

2. (based on our knowledge and experience regarding the above), expose the systemic deceptions that hold millions captive within the matrix of vampire Powers-that-be and demand justice on behalf of humanity. 

3. provide guidance to those too young to realize that efforts at reforming the existing system will be largely wasted. Whether it’s politics, education, health care, science or finance, who is in a better position to caution, “Sorry, but we’ve been there, done that.” 

4. become founders and early investors in the alternative services and alternative communities encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship and benefitting those seeking to live outside the stifling confines of the Great Reset matrix. 

5.  assist children and grandchildren (when they are ready) navigate the collapse of the existing order and support them as they grieve  the loss of their dreams of the future (associated with the current deteriorating system).

6. comfort and assist those grieving the loss of family, friends and neighbours to the Covaxx genocide.

7. assist those displaced in the economic collapse with the basics of life.

8. assist in recovering and applying practical household and “trade” skills required as our credit card society transforms into a “conserver” society in the wake of the financial collapse. These skills may range from growing a component of one’s food supply to auto repair and home building for example.

9. teach our successors to discern between light and dark, good and evil, truth and lies and model integrity in all realms of 3D reality. Paraphrasing a line from the Crosby Stills Nash and Young song, we can “Teach our children and grandchildren well.” 

10. model graceful detachment from the current slavish dependence upon material assets in anticipation of living on a higher spiritual  plane. 

The above can be considered a part of our collective generational mandate and contribution. Our individual roles will depend upon our personal sense of purpose and respective talents and abilities. All it all, it amounts to a pay-it-forward labour of love on behalf of our successors. As we have discovered, many of those we wish to help are somewhat impaired. The Blue Pill is a powerful tranquilizer. So they may not awaken to the larger historic shifts playing out and their implications. They may not “see” the devastating attacks on the foundations of Western civilization, the criminals in the political and corporate classes who betrayed them, or even the brutal assaults on their children. They are entranced. But for those with a sense of moral discernment and the eyes (and “minds”) to see and ears to hear, the reality of the clash and the collapse are undeniable. 

We can take heart in the fact that we are not alone as a number of the stories in this issue of the Flash Scan attest. Dr. Jordan Peterson calls out the transgender “butchers and liars.” RFK Jr. affirms his commitment to protect children. An excerpt from his June 8 issue of Children’s Health Defence reads: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is declaring war on our children, and it’s on each of us to be unrelenting as we defend the next generation from Big Pharma and its allies.

A Hollywood actor shares his approach to discerning what is suitable entertainment for his children.American innovator, Matthew Breaudeau describes his alternative model of education. And writer and political analyst, Henry Makow has been refuting the lies of feminism and exposing its miscreants for decades. Many, if not most of us can identify in spirit with Aussie ER Nurse, Mary Jane Stevens who comments on the reason for her activism:  “It’s the whole future of our kids and our grandkids that’s at stake. So it’s the whole of civilization really; it’s humanity.” (“Vaccine carnage in the ER: A nurse speaks out”)

Only God knows the possibilities within the souls of our kids and grandkids — those born and yet to come. And with him as my witness, this is one assignment that I couldn’t duck even if I wanted to. In reality, it’s a sacred privilege. Growing up in farming country, I find inspiration in the faith of the farmer who plants annually with no certainty as to the weather conditions the seed or the crop will encounter  from that moment forward. There’s inspiration in the sacrificial contribution of the aged tree planters cited in the Greek proverb: “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” 

To my fellow truth and freedom seekers, I say: Let’s get on with planting those figurative trees for “the kids.” It’s the least we can do.  

