Propaganda — Ultimate weapon of mass destruction?

Propaganda — ultimate weapon of mass destruction?

Calvin Mulligan Feb 11, Feb 13 2023 rev, Feb 25-23; (c) All rights reserved 

My formal introduction to propaganda came in the form of some night school marketing and advertising courses I took in the early eighties. Then, over the course of my career, I served in a variety of employment settings and specialized roles in the agriculture industry, including Communication and Public Relations. It was those night school courses that began awakening me to the power of propaganda. I seem to recall hearing in one class that an average person living in a cosmopolitan centre was exposed to some 1,300 messages a day. It was both impressive and alarming.

What, in particular, is it that makes certain forms of communication propaganda? Essentially, it’s a matter of intent. If the intent of its authors and their campaign is to deceive, disorient, disguise, divide divert, disable or discredit, it can be considered propaganda. Propaganda is trickery. So, it clearly includes painting “lipstick” on the proverbial “pig” in order to convince unsuspecting audiences that diabolical personas and their claims or certain behaviours, like lining up for a potentially toxic injection, are virtuous. Thus, the “Plandemic” has been a master class in the deadly persuasive powers of propaganda. Without PR or propaganda, the satanic would, in a great many cases, be seen for what it is and rejected out of hand. Many of the PR pros that I’ve dealt with are either naive as to the nature of the tools they wield, or alternatively suffering from a form of delusions of grandeur convinced their alchemy can turn dark into light and bullshit into gold. The latter’s practice thrives in truth vacuums.

What’s unfolded over the decades is a kind of one-sided arms race. The the public has remained largely apathetic regarding the propaganda threat. But its proponents have pursued ever more sophisticated ways of deploying it against us. The result is a widening gap between the average persons’ understanding concerning their exposure to propaganda on the one hand, and the unrelenting use of military grade propaganda on the domestic population on the other. And this form of asymmetrical warfare has led to our current captive state. 

If we truly aspire to think freely and to exercise some control over our future, we must figure out how to bolster our defences against the debilitating attacks of the propagandists and their propaganda. It is, in the truest sense of the term, a weapon of mass destruction. The axiom of my grandparent’s generation was: forewarned is forearmed. It may be late in the struggle, but consider yourself warned.

1. Propaganda is ubiquitous 

Today, citizens are inundated with propaganda from birth until death. It’s impossible to avoid ingesting it daily in large quantities. Propaganda has infected almost everything — all forms of communication media, entertainment and program content, every public policy discussion, every sector of society, every government program (including education and health care,) every corporation’s communication and every institution from your local  church to your favourite professional sports league. The official bullshit is so thick, it’s like smog blanketing Beijing on a bad day. It’s inescapable and so dense one finds themselves craving a daily detox. 

2. Propaganda is disorienting — potentially reality-inverting

Mainstream society tends to vastly underestimate the sheer power of propaganda. It’s commonly said in the world of PR that perception is reality. If so, the capability of professional propagandists, masters in perception management, is such that they have inverted our reality. You could say that family and friends who are devout Covidians inhabit a different perceptual reality. In a way, they are like a captive Truman in the 1998 movie, The Truman Show, before the man awakened to his situation. Just last week, a colleague succinctly summed it up. “Everything is upside down. Good is bad is good, bad is good…” He’s right. The awakened see the evil of a soulless Big Pharma industry maiming and killing, while Covidian friends see beneficence in the face of a dangerous pandemic. It’s a version of “Strangers in the night” worthy of a Neflix sci-fi movie.

3. Propaganda is costly in both human and economic terms

It’s almost impossible to overstate the damage caused to entire societies by the innumerable propaganda campaigns they they have been subjected to over the centuries. You could count up the numbers of wars and their dead and injured, and it would be a start. You could add the loss of private and public infrastructure and resources and the calculation would still fall short. Suffice to say wars are typically ignited using deception and fuelled by deceptions packaged as propaganda. The last five years are a case study. When the truth is revealed about the Ukraine-Russia conflict, millions of people fed a daily diet of Western war propaganda will be shocked by the darkness of the cause (and the war crimes) they blindly supported.

The Covid-Vaxx campaign is a different kind of war, but one nonetheless driven by propaganda. The number of deaths and injuries that have resulted because  unsuspecting citizens bought into the much-repeated “safe and effective” vaxx lie grows by the day. The toll has reached the millions now with some observers expecting total deaths long term to exceed a billion. It’s hard to imagine how so many vaxxed people could collapse in TV studios and in sports forums in front of unseeing public eyes. The proverbial elephant “in the room” is massive and stinks to the heavens yet the mesmerized cannot see or smell it. So the toll will continue to mount as long as the denial persists. 

The related mental health crisis and the suicides attributable to oppressive lockdowns and unrelenting propaganda is also part of the cost calculation as is the destruction of small businesses. And there also more subtle effects to consider, like the toxic “divide and conquer” division of societies, communities and families, and the daily dysfunction arising from propaganda-muddled minds.

4. Propaganda is the preferred management tool of the PTB and their minions

 It’s long been understood that the masses can be easily managed with propaganda. Edward Bernays, widely regarded as the father of Public Relations (formerly known as Propaganda), was rather matter-of-fact about this. 

    “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important elements in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ,,,We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”

Bernays wrote these words in 1928, and mainstream society hasn’t yet fully grasped what this master propagandist told the world and taken appropriate counter measures.  

5. Propaganda is manufactured in the biggest quantities by the Deep State, inclusive of the military security complex, Big Tech and the entertainment-media complex

There are literal armies of trained people manufacturing propaganda. The state of Israel and the intelligence community at large has assigned thousands of its military personnel to wage information warfare on any who they deems to be hostile to their narratives. Many former Mossad officers reportedly work behind the scenes for Google, Facebook and other Big Tech corporations censoring and shaping the official narrative of the day. 

As far back as the seventies, the US Church Committee revealed the fact that the CIA had installed its agents in pretty much all the major news agencies. The thing that has changed since then is that consolidation in corporate media has reduced the key players down to about six major news corporations, so the message control is simple and even tighter. And the last time I heard, the CIA had its fingers on more than 600 Hollywood movies. 

In true Orwellian style, we the people are alleged to be the threat because of our propensity for “misinformation” and “disinformation”. That assertion in itself is BS propaganda. The self-appointed guardians of the establishment matrix are engaged in psychological projection of course. They are the pathological liars. The strategies presented to panelists participating in the Covid Pandemic Event 201 in order to counter “disinformation” (public dissent) are telling.  

The strategies presented by panelists to combat “disinformation” included: having a “centralized” international response to the communications efforts, flooding social media platforms with the regime’s narrative, partnering with Big Tech companies on censoring and deamplifying “disinformation,”advancing technology for algorithms to censor information, planting “the right representatives” on traditional media platforms to “portray our side of the story,” as well as using trusted faith-based or community-based organizations to disseminate the regime narrative.

 An army of volunteers and paid social media influencers were recruited to convince unsuspecting citizens that a dangerous pandemic was raging and the only appropriate response was getting vaxxed with an ineffective experimental concoction described by many as a bioweapon. The shocking extent to which Big Tech including Twitter weighted the scale in favour of the Covid-vaxx agenda is still sinking in to the public conscious.  

6. Propaganda is subsidized, supported and sustained by its victims (the citizenry, including truth-seekers)

It would be one thing if the propagandists paid for their massive distortion machine and its operation with their own money. Consistent with their predatory nature, however, they prefer to use our tax dollars to support their campaigns wherever possible.  Ordinary citizens, often unwittingly, lend support to the spread of propaganda in multiple ways. It’s our tax revenues military intelligence agencies tap for salaries and campaigns (carried out in the name of “national security”). 

Remember that “loosewolves” propaganda exercise brought to the people of Nova Scotia, reportedly by “incompetents” in the Dumbsh*ts Unit (I mean “propaganda unit”) of the Canadian forces? When did the citizens of Nova Scotia invite the military to mess with their minds? Why does the military tend to view ordinary citizens as lab rats designated for their experiments? Yes, “military intelligence” is an oxymoron. 

With the CBC, it’s doubt hit. Taxpayers fund the manufacture of its daily deluge of propaganda. Beyond that, Trudeau announced a donation of $595 million to the media sector in 2018, purportedly to “protect the vital role that independent news media play in our democracy and in our communities”. Apparently blind to the irony, the gesture thus destroyed any remaining semblance of media independence.(Propagandists have a remarkable n affinity for Doublespeak).

Equally troubling is the volunteer support that citizens give to the spread of propaganda. Every time we repeat mainstream narratives or support their advertising sponsors, we contribute to our own propagandization. Anyone telling you that “I heard it on the news”or “I saw it on TV” is in most cases, signalling their complicity in propagating state propaganda, including war propaganda on a regular basis.

If you doubt the readiness of ordinary citizens to play this role, just consider how many yellow and blue flag wavers bought into Western propaganda regarding what was reported as Putin’s “unprovoked” war in Ukraine.

There is an exit from this loop of insanity and the matrix. You access the offramp when you decide to unplug mainstream news sources and seek out independent journalism.

7. Propaganda’s proponents seek ever more effective means of manipulating our minds

It’s painful to consider the billions of dollars being poured into research by Silicon Valley, Big Info Tech, DARPA, Intelligence agencies governments and the advertising and PR industries to find new ways to hack minds, shape human perception, neutralize critical thinking, and influence human behaviour. Their efforts are aided by a network of universities and foundations contracted to conduct research in these areas on behalf of their sponsors. Perhaps it wasn’t so alarming when such research was supporting fourth or fifth generation warfare against designated foreign “enemies.” Now that consumers and ordinary citizens are clearly often the target, we’re feeling the heat and seeing the harms.

Before my retirement, in 2015, I encountered research by a global US bank on the subject of sentiment analysis. The goal was to develop an A.I. software system that could analyze the mood of customers as they entered the bank, allowing staff to tailor their sales approach to the mood of the customer in near-real time. This sounds almost innocent in terms of AI applications when one considers the invasiveness being pursued by transhumanists today.

“Deep fakes” technology is just one more addition to the tech arsenal of propagandists and perception management extremists today. IT programming specialist, Martin Geddes, may have identified one of the latest methods for manufacturing what he calls (false) consensus via ChatGPT. Geddes says:

Actually, it does have biases, and those are coded in by its creators who are knowingly generating artificial certainty: it is a charming automated psychopath that analyses text for structure and meaning (but not evil intent) and repeats back a (perceived and possibly false) consensus as being a singular reality.

Those who have investigated the Covid-vaxx narrative in any depth are well aware that a large number of professionals in the fields of behaviour management, psychology, PR and strategic communication were employed to drive the “safe and effective-get vaxxed-or-else” message. It’s a case of weaponizing science to secure our compliance

8. Propaganda, in its many forms and applications, is defeating democracy and destroying Western civilization 

Not everyone is prepared to concede the point, but the citizens of the West are captive citizens of compromised governments and their globalist overlords. We didn’t get “here” by accident. It’s the outcome of gradual infiltration and endless propagandizing over decades —  a slow motion coup. But we’ve experienced countless attacks over time — the orchestrated school shootings, the public school gender indoctrination, the false flag “terrorist” attacks, the manufactured middle eastern wars, the mass migration, the Covid-vaxx psy op, and the gas lighting. And the accompanying lyrics in the wake of the attacks was the same, well-worn propaganda memes: “gun violence,” “white racism”, “Russia,” “Russia,” “Russia” — now about to become “China”, “China”, China.” It the goal was to keep the masses  misinformed, off-balance, scared, and angry with the wrong enemies, the propagandistic Cabal has done a first rate job. That said, many observers remind us of the fate of those who shout, “Wolf!” too often.

For the moment, however, as long the citizenry remains largely uninformed regarding the ways and means of propagandists and the nature of propaganda, they will remain the captives of a fabricated reality and its diabolical architects. 

 9. Propaganda largely goes unchecked because of human vanity  

It’s hard to admit, but unfortunately our vulnerability to propaganda and the enslavement that it fosters is largely a function of human pride. We are, in effect, our own captors. Mark Twain said that it’s easier to fool someone than convince him or her that they have been fooled. Every one of us who has been snubbed by family and friends for rejecting the vaxx narrative and tried to save them from it has can confirm the difficulty of trying to convince others that they have been fooled. Human pride is blinding …and stupefying.

I think back to past conversations with friends who were thoroughly convinced that advertising has no effect on them (“water off a duck’s back”). They would similarly contend that they would recognize propaganda if they saw it and would remain unaffected.

Our friends delude themselves. The widespread, enthusiastic embrace of the RussiaGate hoax, the Ukraine conflict and the Covid-vaxx narrative by billions world-wide confirms their delusion. The number of people still wearing face masks to safeguard against an imaginary pandemic is surreal. It’s the Emperor’s New Clothes redux. They might just as well be wearing signs that read: “I am living proof that propaganda works.”

The sooner we become literate regarding its prevalence and potency, the sooner we can learn to defend ourselves against the harms of PR, the practice and product formerly known as Propaganda.

10. Propaganda, with some diligence, can be parsed and defused

The good news is that we need not be passive victims of the destructive propaganda campaigns of the day. We need not become canon fodder in 21st Century information wars. Again, the first step is accepting the fact that propaganda is pervasive, we are vulnerable to its weaponized psychology and unrecognized, it constitutes a major threat to individuals and entire societies.

 Awareness is critical. Caitlin Johnstone asserts: It’s important to be aware of how advanced Western Propaganda has become because propaganda only works if you’re not aware it’s happening.” 

Based on that premise, we can begin to hone our propaganda detection skills (“BS Detector”) and bring the sunlight of truth to bear. That may be a stumbling point in itself. Johnstone has pointed out that humans don’t love the truth as much as we assume. We got to the current state of captivity in part because we developed an unbalanced liking for certain kinds of truth. We especially like the flavours of “convenient truth,” “pleasant truth”, and “popular truth” which gives our hive-inclined minds a rush.

But our liking for “uncomfortable truth” and “hard truth” is quite another matter. And it’s in this darker realm where our adversaries eluded us. I’m talking here about the kind of truths that keep us honest as individuals and also exposes the magicians and their deceptions. You see, once we learn the magicians’ tricks, the spell of their propaganda is broken. We can’t unsee the deceptions. It reminds me of the often-cited biblical axiom, the truth can set us free. May it be so in our time!     


Performers collapsing on camera or on stage in 2022-2023:

Funding the control grid Part 2; A psychological framework:

The War of Inversion: An all out assault against humanity:

Church Committee (US):

Almost everything you consume in terms of media, news, movies books and even Netflix is pure propaganda to keep you mentally enslaved:

Deep Fakes: Faces created by AI now look more real than genuine photos:

Truth or lies: Critical questions to ask yourself when consuming mainstream media:

The UK’s “Nudge Unit” pushes various on-line psyops when people shop to build net zero society:

Propaganda (The book):

Military exercise that caused panic about wolves on the loose “lacked oversight” – investigation finds:

How AI is engineering collective conscious (re ChapGPT):

We’ve been dominated by narrative control since the dawn of civilization:

Propaganda isn’t something that only happens to others. Notes from the edge of the narrative matrix :

Ex-FBI agent Nicole Parker: Agency ‘politically weaponized’ starting from from the top

Whistleblower documents show FBI working with radical leftist group SPLC to target pro-life Catholics:

New peer-reviewed study: more than 217,000 Americans killed by the Covid vaccines in just first year alone, over 10 million worldwide

US government is accused of using antiterrorism tech to target vaccine dissent

City of Toronto pulls controversial vaccine propaganda ads:

Shadowing vaccine engagement team responsible for vaccine propaganda ads at taxpayers’ expense:

How the powerful captured the public in a pandemic:

Censorship is death of science and leads to death of people:

Breaking the Grip of Mass Formation Psychosis and Defeating Technocratic Totalitarianism: A look at the “how” and a quick assessment

Breaking the grip of Mass Formation Psychosis and Defeating Technocratic Totalitarianism: A look at the “how” and a quick assessment

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C (c) Aug 29, 2022 

I’ve made the case in a tongue-in-satirical-cheek fashion that the most debilitating human malady on the planet at the moment is elephant blindness or EB This is the inability to recognize and confront massive issues impairing daily organizational operations and/or threatening one’s well-being. The Covid Plandemic-Vaxx scam has revealed the widespread and debilitating nature of Elephant Blindness. Millions of afflicted individuals suddenly became blind to the blatant political manipulation behind the Plandemic and the health threat posed by the toxic vaxx. This condition has been more formally described by professionals in the field of psychology as Mass Formation Psychosis (MFP), mass psychosis, and mass hypnosis with some references to similarities with Stockholm Syndrome. (In the case of the latter, victims identify with the their captors and their cause.) 

It’s not sufficient to describe and diagnose the problem. If it is as infectious, widespread and debilitating as it appears to be, finding preventative treatments and therapies is an urgent priority. This commentary, building on a presentation from the Academy of Ideas, will be far from the last word on the subject. It will, however, nudge the discussion in the direction of responses and remedies. Specifically it addresses how we might break the grip of this particular variant of mass hypnosis and thus accelerate the collapse of the technological totalitarianism that holds us captive.Here are five approaches.

1. Model an organized mind and life: Carl Jong says we must learn to live in such a way that we provide an inspiration for others to follow. It makes sense that in order to attract others to the cause of truth and freedom, we must present an attractive alternative to the lies and enslavement promulgated by the dark side. This begins with the man and woman in the mirror. It’s more than a matter of “order.” It extends to the organizations we create and how both our leaders and the rank and file members present their cause is a variety of settings. Are we authentic and trustworthy? How deep are our commitments to truth and freedom to and each other? Are we happy? Do we bring people together in service to a higher cause? 

2. Counter the propaganda by spreading truth as far and wide as possible. Truth is more powerful than fiction. Many are familiar with the saying that the truth will set us free. The prerequisite is that we must be prepared to face it now matter how unpleasant or unpopular. The current regime is doing it’s best to devalue, censor and banish it, because truth illuminates the darkness of their agenda. It’s not surprising so many feel disoriented. Our moral universe has been inverted. How we spread truth is an open question and our methods must clearly adapt to the political realities of our times. The work-arounds we develop and forms of samizdat we adopt to cicumvent censorship will vary with the circumstances. (Samizdat: see “Definitions, Sources” below).

Professor Mattias Desmet, the Belgian psychologist who popularized the term, Mass Formation Psychosis (MFP), describes the human, social and political prerequisites that gave rise to the mass hypnosis. The underlying problem is the infection of our society with technocratic transhumanism. Desmet is clear regarding the importance of “speaking out”. But we must overcome our fixation on rational understanding and reliance on reason. It doesn’t compute with the entranced. Three good reasons for speaking out are:

1. It’s our ethical duty; we must disturb “the voice” (official narrative) and create dissonance. This counters the grip of MFP and prevents it from advancing to the extreme where the masses may conclude dissidents are inhumane and must be destroyed. The subtext is avoid wasting precious energy on the hypnotized. 

2. We speak out in order to strengthen our character and capacity. Each time we do, we become stronger. 

3. We speak out for the sake of others, including both fellow freedom movement members and the “unconverted” who may one day seek out the freedoms and future we preserve. Note; The Resistance has a vital role alerting its members and the awakening public to the next head fake, psy op, false flag or trojan horse devised by the globalist PTB to ensnare them. Eg. Digital ID banking. (See mark your calendar above). This may be another:

3. Use humour and ridicule to delegitimize the elite. (Dr. Joost Meerloo). The question is which of the voices battling for the hearts and minds of citizens have greater credibility. By using humour including political satire, we can expose the criminality, the policy contradictions, the incoherence and often the incompetence of the Powers That Be. Exposing the foibles of the naked emperors and buffoons that purport to govern is a way of stripping them of their false authority and influence. Members of the public who once feared them now begin to laugh at them. It’s remarkable that so many of our naked emperors have not yet resigned in shame and embarrassment by now (a sign they have no shame?). UK author, Martin Geddes has explained in some detail how memes can be the equivalent of bullets and missiles in the context of information warfare. “Covid-1984” is a good example of a powerful meme. For a good satirical one-liner, it’s hard to beat: “Ask your doctor if a drug with 32 pages of side effects is right for you.”  You’ve seen this week’s LOL nomination for best musical satire: Wish we all could leave California.

4. Form parallel structures as a basis for future parallel societies (Vaclav Havel). Resisters are increasingly aware of the industries, institutions and public services failing before our eyes under the weight of their own deceits and corruption. (Policy incoherence, anyone?) Health care, public education and the airline industry immediately come to mind. Can we help dismantle them? The other side  of our mission is creating parallel structures, services and value chains. Ours will be based on human-centric vision and business models and a commitment to ensure technology serves rather than subordinates humanity (Fostering innovations in terms of alternative business models is worthy of serious discussion by itself.)

A good example of this was the formation of Freedom Travel Alliance, a company committed to creating (health) mandate-free travel opportunities for members of the freedom community. The company refers to “building a new ecosystem”. This is the stage the freedom movement has entered. Our members are in the process of developing new business and services — ultimately metaphoric ecosystems which will serve parallel freedom communities. American economist, Brandon Smith describe the emergence of a decentralized economy. 

“If a corrupt system does not or will not provide what the public needs or wants, then the public should provide those necessities for themselves. If they are successful then the system has two choices — it can fade away quietly as the decentralized economy takes over, or, it can try and STOP the public from building their own production using force. If the system uses force, then it exposes its true nature as authoritarian and it encourages rebellion.”  

Smith’s encouraging conclusion is that, “One way or another, the corrupt system will be eliminated.” 

On the subject of parallel structures and services, Smith contends that in order to take back our culture we need to build our own decentralized media army from the ground up. It’s not clear how we get there, but the goal is the development of a decentralized media ecosystem serving the freedom-minded. Smith is prepared to put his money where his mouth is and says he will soon be releasing his own comic book campaign. His logic is noteworthy and supported by historic examples where oppressed peoples sought out entertaining escapes from the political dreariness of their lives. 

“I want to continue with my with my economic and political analysis, but I also think it’s important to provide people with mental relief and a short escape from some of the harsher realities of our times.” 

5. Mobilize as many as possible in the drive to restore freedom and sanity

The question of how we recruit more people to the cause of freedom and sanity remains front and centre. We have witnessed a period of massive protests in the streets of major cities around the world. The inspiring impact of Canada’s January-February 2022 truckers convoy continues to reverberate around the world. The focus of the city street protests has shifted from truckers to farmers in Europe speaking out in defence of their futures and that of the agrifood system. While they appear to have significant public support, that may erode as energy and food costs spiral upward. 

 A key question may be where the brunt of public anger is directed as the wealth of the middle class drains and the banking-financial system seizes up. Perhaps the controlling machination of the PTB will accelerate our recruitment of new members into the Resistance movement more effectively than anything we might do or say. That said, presenting a people-centric alternative to the tyranny, chaos and division will be paramount. 

Destroying Mass Formation Psychosis 

What’s the life expectancy of Mass Formation Psychosis? It depends. Desmet notes that mass formation psychosis cannot be sustained for a long time unless reinforced by mass media. Thus, the more we can do to accelerate the bankruptcies and loss of funding for corporate media (the main cog in the propaganda machine), the shorter the life of the MFP and our captivity. We’ll know when our mission is complete. According to Desmet, it’s when the mass formation destroys itself until it becomes the monster that eats its own

In parallel with that, any signs of self-cannibalism on the part of the medical-pharma complex are welcome. The fact that Moderna has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer for patent infringement may fall into this category. 

Sum up, assessment 

I’ve outlined and augmented five approaches advanced by the Academy of Ideas regarding how to address what I call Elephant Blindness and the pros call Mass Formation Psychosis or mass hypnosis. While they don’t constitute a strategic plan, the five approaches do provide a basis for strategy development and periodic assessment of our strengths, weaknesses, wins and future prospects. Here’s my quick sketch assessment supplemented with that of futurist-linguist Clif High.

  • We get tired and tend to forget that this is the struggle for all the marbles. It’s “them or us” as Clif High puts it.
  • We tend to underestimate the capacity for evil, the persistence of the PTB and their minions and the potency of of their weaponry.
  • There’s lots of room for the Resistance to grow and develop its networks and their impact. That’s room for addition of new members and room for improved communications, strategic thinking, planning and shared action. The potential synergies that could be unleashed in pursuit of shared goals might surprise us. It’s time for the entrepreneurial and investor class to get engaged in the birthing of parallel structures and services and ultimately the growth of decentralized economies.  
  • There are signs we’ve made gains regarding some of the five approaches. The sophistication of patriot meming and satire is impressive. The decline in support for mass media also bodes well for us given it’s the main cog in the propaganda machine sustaining mass psychosis. The report from the Canadian Health Alliance that mainstream media outlets have been giving positive publicity to Resistance-sponsored candle light memorials in BC is also a good sign.
  • Corrupt and conflict-of-interest-riddled public services, and institutions are failing before our eyes. We can facilitate their collapse by exposing their deteriorated ethical footings and rotting facades. 
  • The continuing integration of cultural Marxist ideology into the policies and operation of every sector of public service and the corporate world implies continued erosion of services, standards, organizational performance and the economy (the partial societal collapse is well underway). 

Clif High’s observations:

  • The fact that the Resistance occupies the moral high ground is a big factor in our favour. 
  • Our adversaries, despite being highly trained in the art and sciences of manipulation, lack creativity and are “not that bright”, something High attributes to PTB/Cabal in-breeding.
  • The devastation caused by the PTB is increasingly visible to members of public and contributing to their red pilling.
  • The supply of money used to advance the Covid-vaxx agenda earlier is declining. That means it will be harder to maintain control  over complicit governments, politicians, senior technocrats and other “bought” players.
  • The awakening of “Normies” continues bringing new activists wanting to tell their story to the public to our side. 
  • While the struggle will continue for some time, “We’re winning.”

I leave it to you to consider how realistic this assessment is. Leverage it as a basis for strategy discussions as you see fit. In the meantime, continued preparation for what High calls a partial societal collapse is the order of day. It’s unfolding as I type, making it a good time to recall the military axiom to the effect that those who sweat during peace tend to bleed less during war. 

— Calvin (Peaceful Warrior)

Definitions, Sources: Samizdat: referred to a system in the former USSR and Eastern Europe by which books and magazines forbidden by the state were illegal printed b groups who opposed the state.

PTB: Powers-That-Be, Cabal, Illuminati, Khazarian Mafia, Deep State, Global Elite

Some Sources:

Finding meaning among mass formation with Mattias Desmet

The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Understanding the tyrannical mind and how it operates

Mass formation psychosis – Dr. Robert Malone

A killing of the mind — The mass Covid psychosis that has overtaken the world (Academy of Ideas)

The Power of the Powerless: Citizens against state in Central Eastern Europe (Vaclav Havel)

Moderna sues Pfizer and BioNTech over coronavirus vaccine patent

To take back our culture we need to build our own media army:

Collins (on-line) dictionary

We are the champions of the world (Clif High)

Which Long-Running Trends Are Likely to Reach Tipping Points in 2023?

Which long running trends are likely to reach a tipping point in 2023?

Calvin Mulligan, Jan 13, 2023

I did something that likely causes most forecasters some angst. I reviewed my prognostications from five years ago. I re-read my outlook for 2018, posted to my website in January 2 of that year. It was entitled: Deception, Disclosure and Disruption (see below). Looking back, the most surprising thing is the number of trends that have continued to grow and intensify beyond anything I would have imagined five years ago. So I remind myself that people who study “Change” say it’s impossible to know which snowflake or grain of sand added to the mass will finally set off the avalanche that brings it all down. 

As you will see, I never anticipated the Covid 19 “Plandemic” per se nor Putin’s military operation in Ukraine, but it’s clear the precursors were there in 2017, and long before that in several cases. Trends like the drive to continuous citizen surveillance and government theft of human freedoms are two examples in this category, along with a long-running predatory Amero-UK-Ziocon foreign policy. (The US- supported coup in Ukraine in 2014 set the stage for the current Russia-Ukraine conflict.). The backdrop for the trends and developments apparent at the end of 2017 was the steady decline of the American Empire. I described the latter at the time as Corrupt, Compromised, Captive and Controlled and its conduct reinforcedthe old axiom: “Whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.” We were forewarned of course that dying empires inevitably flail madly about before expiring. in short they become even more dangerous. And the flailing continues to this moment. 

My January 2018 article flags more than 20 social, environmental, political, economic and technological trends in the form of questions. They ranged from subjects like weaponized immigration and the ballooning delusions of cultural Marxists to the celebration of the Satanic and the problem of Corporate-Government corruption and collusion (I call it corporatocracy these days). I suggested that some folks will find encouragement in the coming displacement of old tyrannies, irrespective of what may follow. Others, deeply attached to those “tyrannies” would be dismayed. The Covid coup has reinforced my impression that even oppressive tyrannies acquire their fans. That aside, Deception, Disclosure and Disruption appeared to be the order of the day as I looked forward to 2018. And that at a minimum, implied a “whole lot of shaking” for Establishment institutions.   

Five years later, it appear the shaking is giving way to breaking. I’m reminded of the classic stolen car chase one sees on TV. A back tire has been shredded and the rim, riding on the concrete, is streaming sparks like a Roman Candle. But the desperate driver continues until he hits a barricade and is forced to a full stop. That’s the image that comes to mind when I consider the state of government education, industrial policy, health care and foreign policy (NATO included, Mr. “Doltenberg”) to cite a few examples. The finance and banking sectors appear to be in a similar state. 

The articles clustered at the front of this edition of the Flash Scan provide an array of forecasts to ponder. Which of the macro trends identified by the authors are likely to reach inflection points in 2023? Given that tripping points and subsequent transitions are bumpy by definition, “buckle up” sounds like good advice. Prepping is vital, but once we attend to that, let’s not become preoccupied with our personal security. This is no time to retreat. Historically, some of the greatest of innovations are born in such times. Besides, we’re living out a movie of epic proportions. Let’s ensure that it inspires those watching and reading about it for decades to come. 

— Peaceful Warrior

2018: Deception, Disclosure and Disruption 

Posted January 2, Revised January 4, 2018.

(C) Futurescapes21C, 2018 All rights reserved

A musician friend of mine laments that we Canadians and North Americans in general are not a reflective people. We seldom pause to consider the significance or lessons to be found in our latest experiences or developments in our society before hurrying on and reacting to the next. If there was ever a time to pause and reflect, it is now as we leave 2017 behind and stand on the threshold of 2018. 

My line of work, futurism or foresight, is humbling work. The future seldom turns out as we thought it might or should. There are so many influences and variables in play — so many that we can’t anticipate in the realm of known unknowns and unknown unknowns. So the first assumption of foresight should be only God knows for sure. With that in mind, I suggest that the prognostications of prescient futurists for 2018 will be made with some some fear and trembling. Uncertainty, surprise and disruption are the orders of the day. And we stand no chance of getting anything right about the future of course without discerning the current context. 

Candidly, our lives are dominated by a flailing American Empire and have long been covertly shaped by hidden Powers that Be (collectively referred to as the New World Order, Illuminati, or the Cabal). As to the state of the Empire, my research over the last three years has found that the Empire can be broadly described as: CorruptCompromised, Captive and Controlled (by powerful foreign and domestic entities and interests). Thus, we Canadians have in this analysis some basis for reflecting on the nature of our own situation. I can tell you with some certainty, that the much celebrated freedoms considered to be essential features of our democracy have declined  measurably in the last two or three years in particular. This has occurred even as our politicians, gifted in double speak, piously pose as champions of the very freedoms that they are simultaneously curtailing. 

Against this backdrop of declining Western freedoms where extreme surveillance and controlled speech are the orders of the day, a clear theme emerged in 2017. Looking ahead a year ago, I framed it Deception and Disclosure. The deceptions weren’t new. Many had been entrenched but beyond the view of the mainstream for decades like CIA Operation Mockingbird infiltration of the corporate media. In other case, it was hundreds of years, like the grip of Illuminati bloodline families over banking and financial systems (and thus the affairs of nations and the world). In 2017, if not the puppet masters themselves, then at least the strings whereby they controlled their slave puppets became more visible (including bribery, blackmail/honey pot seductions, coercion, and other tools of the trade for enforcing compliance). The tensions which arose over the course of the US election and in its wake certainly exposed more of methods of the Deep State.  

My guess however, is that most people, because of their reliance on mainstream media outlets, remain largely unaware of just how much was revealed in 2017. We also, for example, gained new insights into the Kennedy assassination, Hollywood sleaze, the fake War on Terror, the betrayal of the US republic to foreign interests/lobbies (e.g. Saudi Arabia and Israel), the West’s support for terrorism and  ISIS, the US’ proxy war on Syria and the Maidan Square-Ukraine coup. The fact that much of the public would still consider the above observations to be unbelievable is a tribute to the skills of the powers that be in the realm of perception management. Thus many continue to applaud the West’s naked emperors and their machinations. 

Nonetheless, I am expecting more such revelations in 2018. I expect more revelations about the oligarch puppeteers that control America and the EU, the dirty business operations of some multinationals and the bad behaviour of the “banksters.” The war between the so-called “Cabal” and the “Alliance” discussed daily within the alternative media community will either be exposed as a masterful (problem-reaction-solution) psy op or an historic real world struggle with enormous implications. In either case, we can expect some insights into why so many members of the US Congress (more than 30) have “decided” not to run again and why the CEO’s of so many major corporations stepped down in 2017. It’s a stretch to attribute it all to “coincidence.” Is there some link to the Trump Executive Order issued December 21, 2017 entitled: Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuses or Corruption? 2018 is likely to answer these questions for us. The big question of course is what is driving the purge or exodus at this time? 

There are other questions overhanging 2018. Will the tyranny of globalist oligarchs like George Soros be curtailed? Will the Neocons pressure Trump into new conflicts or a war with Iran, Russia or China? Will America abandon its central policy of war-making and conquest in favour of a policy of societal, political and economic renewal and international collaboration? What further big chessboard moves will New World Order Globalists make in order to keep their plans for one world government on track? Will Brexit materialize? Will more EU member countries affirm their sovereignty by seizing control of their immigration policy or continue to submit to EU dictates and its weaponized immigration? Will NATO acknowledge  the consequences of its own destructiveness as in Libya and elsewhere? Will the celebration of all things satanic and the desecration or all things Christian (and demonization of Christians) taper or intensify? 

There are many more questions that 2018 could shed new light on. Will the CIA and FBI’s reign of terror and their false flags be curbed, the corruption of the justice system exposed, and some measure of criminal justice be restored? Will the corporate media, long in service of the Deep State, be overtaken by a new open-source system of news aggregation and communication? Will the global trade in humans/children, organs, weapons, and drugs be disrupted and crippled or continue to flourish? Will the reverence for post modernist technological determinism abate? And will a more thoughtful understanding of the place of technology in our society emerge? How many from the ranks of the unthinking masses are prepared to abandon their humanity, be chipped and worship in the church of Artificial Intelligence?

What discoveries in the skies, within the earth, beneath the seas or in the Antarctic will be uncovered? What natural and not-so-natural disasters lie ahead? What breakthroughs in terms of new forms of energy production, transportation and health/medical treatments will be unveiled? What changes in the banking and international financial systems and in currencies will rise to prominence in 2018 as the centre of gravity of global economic activity shifts eastward?

I wonder if the tyrannical delusions of the social justice movement, gender fascism and warmed-up cultural Marxism will be seen for they are. Will the masses continue to be enamoured with spineless, photo-op-seeking politicians eager to exploit identity politics? Will the reign of the naked emperors continue or will their public delusions be reduced to grist in the mill of political satire? Who will emerge as bona fide whistleblowers with the courage to expose more of the vast reaches of corporate and government corruption and collusion? Will conservatives, betrayed by disingenuous leaders and overwhelmed with weaponized speech and the fake gospel of political correctness, learn to defend the things they hold precious? Where in the world will genuine leadership arise? Who will challenge the tyranny of the powers that be? 

For my part, a second year of unfolding Deception and Disclosure is sure to generate lots of grist for the mill in terms of research and writing in a Red Pill vein. The coming disclosures imply that there will be a whole lot of shakin’ going on in establishment circles. 2018 has explosive potential. Why? An Alcuin Bramerton article entitled, The Opening of Pandora’s Suitcase which appeared in the January 1 issue of The Event Chronicle suggests one reason.

During 2018 more young people and old people will speak the truth with greater energy, greater clarity and less fear than ever before in human history. And their words will be heard, preserved and multiplied beyond the reach of establishment suppression.” 

I pray this will be the case. Truth is a disruptor. As Bramerton implies, truth will be the key to opening Pandora’s box or suitcase and exposing its contents. An additional theme can be framed as Beyond the bounds. Many of the developments emerging in the social and political realms and in science and tech will take us beyond safe, familiar and in some cases, historically-enforced boundaries. This is both exhilarating and sobering.

A segment of the public will be encouraged by the displacement of old tyrannies irrespective of what may lie ahead. Others who are attached to them will be deeply dismayed. So as some celebrate, others will declare it the end of the world. Some of us will find our mission and renewed purpose in this process — in examining disclosures, decoding the machinations of the Deep State and its puppets and discerning the implications of living and doing business in an upside-down world. It can be spiritually demanding work. For many working in the alternative media this work has become a labour of love. Courage is essential. Beyond this, it is work that I believe is best energized and guided by a higher love. 

I wish you Happy New Year and some of that higher love.

– Calvin (Rod) (editor), January 2, 2018

Worlds are turning and we’re just hanging on

Facing our fear and standing out there alone

A yearning, and it’s real to me

There must be someone who’s feeling for me

Things look so bad everywhere

In this whole world, what is fair?

We walk blind and we try to see

Falling behind in what could be

Bring me a higher love

Bring me a higher love

Bring me a higher love

Where’s that higher love I keep thinking of?

– from Bring me a Higher Love,

Written by Steve Winwood, Will Jennings • Copyright © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc, Universal Music Publishing Group, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Bridging the Politically-Manufactured Covid Divide with Differing Family Members and Friends at Christmas

Bridging the Politically-Manufactured Covid Divide with Differing Family Members and Friends at Christmas

Calvin Mulligan, Jan 13, 2023

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C December 30-22 © All rights reserved

Like so many of you, I’m a member of a “Covid-divided” family. My wife and adult children embraced the official Pharma Covaxx narrative and seemingly assigned me to the category of the mentally- confused. Like so many of you, I’ve struggled in my attempts to bridge that divide and get it right. Getting it right means figuring out how to reconcile some powerful competing pulls. On the one hand, I’m a retired futurist with a deep-seated inclination to forewarn others regarding imminent threats. I’m also a father and grandfather with an equally deep-seated protective instinct. And on the other hand, I respect the right of every adult to make his or her own medical decisions. This has double-pronged implications of course in the case of my two adult offspring who, as parents, also make decisions for four young grandchildren.

Knowing my kids or grandkids could be damaged for life or worse by the vaxx, it’s been difficult to exercise polite restraint. I told my Covid- convinced son that it’s the equivalent of expecting him to exercise restrain if his three year old daughter casually walked into a busy street to play. I’m not aware of any handbook that instructs us on how to graciously straddle this chasm. How do you simultaneously operate in a “hard” reality with real world consequences and a fuzzy fabricated illusion to the satisfaction of the latter’s captives?

In the absence of such a handbook, I’ve been improvising as I go. For the most part, my tone has been relatively calm — even matter-of- fact while my adult kids play a medical version of Russian Roulette. The two of my three children who are parents are well-educated sharing about five degrees between them. So, I initially thought they would be moved by hard evidence regarding the Scamdemic. Accordingly, in early 2021, I shared with them two heavily-referenced research papers that I had drafted on the Covid-vaxx campaign.

As the months turned into years, I concluded their was no point in hiding my outrage regarding the soulless criminality of the Scamdemic. I told the parents that my grandkids aren’t Pfizer’s guinea pigs. And to reinforce the point, I added that if either of the parents authorized any additional vaxx injections for their kids, the parents would get no consideration in my will. (I decided that when God renders his judgment on my conduct, I would rather be found as having been overly-protective versus unduly detached.) Beyond this, I said my home would be open to family displaced from theirs and repeatedly assured my kids of my love and prayers.

So far, my approach has elicited chilly, angry reactions, emotional distancing and threats to completely sever communication with
me. While things may be occurring beneath the surface, there are no visible signs of a crack in my offspring’s defenses. I’m not tormented by it; I can sleep at night. But to some degree, I still ponder my moral dilemma. The recurring question is, how do I fulfill my obligations to loved ones while respecting the right of adults to make their own decisions, particularly as it relates to our grandchildren.

Martin Geddes, a young author, former IT programmer and blogger, writes with real empathy for those caught up in the moral maelstrom. He is one of “us” having experienced Covid-related alienation and hostility from family, friends and former colleagues. And because he has a public profile as an author, his buffeting has been even more intense. Geddes has discovered the intellectual approach is ineffective when it comes to reaching those on the other side of a debate. He puts it succinctly in the title of a recent blog: “Intellectual answers don’t fix spiritual problems: Throwing facts and logic at people working from a limiting paradigm just divides us.” (I’ll return to the concept of a “limiting paradigm” later.) Geddes quotes Jacques Ellul regarding the relationship between education and propaganda and receptivity to propaganda.

Central in Ellul’s thesis, is that modern propaganda cannot work without “education”; he thus reverses the widespread notion that education is the best prophylactic against propaganda. On the contrary he says, education, or what usually goes by that word in the modern world, is the absolute prerequisite for propaganda. In fact, education is largely identical with what Ellul calls “pre-propaganda”— the conditioning of minds with vast amounts of incoherent information, already dispensed for ulterior purposes and posing as “facts” and as “education.”

Well, so much for what’s often thought of as a “good education.” It’s an issue for another day, but in my view, a good education would have majored in how to think, how to investigate reality, how to weigh critical questions and how to discern between truth and lies. It would have produced relentless seekers of enduring knowledge and wisdom. I’m not laying the entire burden at the feet of formal educational systems as I may have come up short as a parent. Ellul’s critique of education and Geddes’s insights provide additional perspective on the persuasion challenge.

Geddes concludes:
If we seek to persuade others that they may have bought into popular lies, then it has to come from a humble spiritual place, and not an intellectually overpowering one.

So what might it mean to “come from a humble spiritual place”? The following self-prescriptions come to mind.

Engage at a human level, and let the facts follow: During my career days, I sometimes facilitated group seminars. That’s when I encountered the axiom that, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. It’s a good reminder thatour “mandate” as truth tellers isn’t about impressing with our knowledge. So why are we sharing our understanding of Covid-vaxx realities with others? The only good reason is that we care about them at a personal level.

Admit you’ve been fooled in the past. Places could have been reversed and I could have been standing in the shoes of the person oppositeMy grandmother used to say, “But for the grace of God, there go I.” The Golden Rule applies. Before I finished high school, I’d already consumed the JFK “lone shooter” government story line and the official 1969 US moon landing narrative. In the case of the latter, I had also dismissed the sole dissenting voice in my circle. When my best friend, “Hank” told me that his uncle, a retired Navy man, told him the moon landing had been filmed in a studio, I didn’t pause. My smug conclusion as a teenager regarding Hank’s uncle was basically, “I guess the poor guy just can’t keep up with the rapid pace of technological progress.” Oops!

A month or so ago, I read an account of a “deathbed confession” of sorts by the father of a member of the US military. According to the son, his dad was a member of the military security staff at the airport where the moon landing was staged… in New Mexico if I recall correctly. His dad described a scene of trucks hauling tons of sand into a hanger to be used in creating an artificial moonscape. (I have a lot more respect for dissenting opinions today.)

Consider that each of us has a “limiting paradigm” or worldview that is blind to some aspects of the larger reality. We truly don’t know what we don’t know. German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer once said: “Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.” Candidly, I fall into this trap on a regular basisThus, we often find ourselves “blind-sided” by unanticipated developments taking shape beyond our line of sight.

Acknowledge that none of us “owns” the truth. All genuine and thus enduring truth is God’s truth. If this is the case, we night view our job as that of responsible stewards or conveyers of particular knowledge or truth at particular times as a sacred trust.

Remember that all human understanding is flawed. Thus, the unspoken disclaimer is: “This information is subject to change.” As
we have seen, this also applies to some aspects of our understanding of the Scamdemic deception. So, it means dealing graciously with each other as we work through the haze.

Recognize that Covid Scamdemic truth isn’t your ordinary
garden variety stuff. 
It’s explosive and for most people potentially worldview-shattering. If the persons opposite accept my version of Covid reality, they will never view complicit politicians, government authorities, the medical–pharma industry, corporate media and many of their favourite politicians business leaders and cultural influences the same again.

There will be no going back. Their world will have changed forever. Even more unnerving is the question of what moral decisions this knowledge will require of them. They may have to resign their jobs and risk loss of financial independence, valued relationships and cherished lifestyles. Given that, it’s not surprising that many individuals avert their eyes and cover their ears when told the vaxx is injuring and killing millions of people. The truth is a massive disruptor.

Accept that whether someone changes their personal conviction on a matter like the Covid-Vaxx phenomenon is ultimately a spiritual matter. There’s always some mystery as to how things work in the spiritual realm. I was reminded of this by a story of how a Christmas carolling campaign at abortion facilities in the US had changed some mothers’ minds about aborting their babies. The members ofthe carolling project tell of how particular women have responded to their presence and singing by turning around and walking out of an abortion clinic. It’s described as a “change of heart” because it involves communication and connection on a spiritual frequency.

The Christmas Truce tells the story of another Christmas carol breakthrough and the bridging of differences at Christmas in WWI in 1914.

The Germans began by placing candles on their trenches and on Christmas trees, then continued the celebration by singing Christmas carols. The British responded by singing carols of their own. The two sides continued by shouting Christmas greetings to each other. Soon thereafter, there were excursions across No Man’s Land, where small gifts were exchanged, such as food, tobacco and alcohol, and souvenirs such as buttons and hats. The artillery in the region fell silent. The truce also allowed a breathing spell where recently killed soldiers could be brought back behind their lines by burial parties. Joint [religious] services were held.

I’m not one to suggest one sugar coat or compromise the truth to make it more palatable to resistant minds. And I may never fully resolve my moral dilemma regarding my competing obligations to family. But, a hard “just-the-facts” intellectual approach

to persuasion regarding Covid and the vaxx, or concerning any number of other big subjects, will likely be unproductive. Geddes’ recommendation that we come from “a humble spiritual place” is an important prerequisite. To me, that means acting on the highest of motives (love for others) and acknowledging our own humanity — to ourselves at least — before beginning the conversation. It can also mean accepting the idea that convincing others is beyond us and ultimately lies in God’s domain. That takes a load off.

At a most difficult time in our history, I pray that the members of the freedom movement will be a powerful uplifting and unifying force in a fractured world. Christmas time is as good a time as any to rise above differences and reach across divides (Covid or otherwise) in the spirit of the season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. —Peaceful Warrior


Intellectual answers don’t fix spiritual problems: Throwing facts and logic at people working from a limiting paradigm just divides us: spiritual?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Saving babies through song: Christmas carols at abortion mills are changing mothers’ hearts abortion-mills-are-changing-mothers-hearts/

Goodreads -Arthur Schopenhauer takes-the-limits-of-his-own-field-of

The Christmas Truce: of-wwi-and-the-christmas-truce-of-1914/

The Covaxx Test — The Gift That Keeps on Giving?

The Covaxx “test” — the gift that keeps on giving?

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C (c) December 8, 2022. All rights reserved

“The last two years have not been a medical emergency, but a test of critical thinking skills and the ability to discern between liars, thieves, money whores, and the forces of evil versus truth tellers and those committed to freedom, liberty, and the forces of good.”  — Jim Quinn

Jim Quinn (cited above) sees the last two (plus) years as a test of our ability to think and discern. I think of the tumultuous experience as providing us with a novel kind of litmus test — one that indicates to all the world who is complicit in globalists’ dark plans for humanity and who, in contrast, stands for truth and freedom. Ultimately, it’s probably a human challenge, a character shaper, a useful revelatory “tool” for those with the eyes to see and more. 

Readers will recall that in the July, I took them on an imaginary visit to the annual weekend conference of the fictitious World Liars Association. The conference culminated in an evening banquet where the coveted Liar of the Year award was bestowed on a deserving recipient. The award went to Justin Trudeau. His fallacious testimony at the Emergencies Act Inquiry has since confirmed his status as a smear artist and gas lighter of the most malicious kind. His deputy PM, Chrystia Freeland has demonstrated a similar talent. Their joint  “sh*t-smear of the trucker convoy as a security threat is right out of the Cabal-Deep State handbook. Mercifully, the Great Covaxx litmus test has exposed them for what they are. 

In contrast, courageous truthers shine

The Covaxx test appears to be be equally effective in revealing truth, truth tellers and authentic leadership. It appears to signal who among us possess a functional moral compass and genuine compassion for humanity. Some of those who surfaced on my radar this week aren’t well-known, and that in itself should encourage us. We can repel the darkness every time we act honourably and choose integrity, truth and transparency over criminality, lies and secrecy. And in the process we will shed some light — light that will inevitably draw those who were once entranced by the propaganda machine and have become disillusioned. Here are some folks who have been providing some of that good light. (I don’t know them personally and am relying on the accuracy of the alt media reports on their activities.)  

Nathan M. Wiley: (a former Phd. student at Western University at the Centre for study of theory and criticism.) 

I use the adjective “former” because Mr. Wiley was so outraged at the criminal conduct of the institution that he withdrew. His December 1, 2022 letter of withdrawal begins: 

“A pedagogy of shadows for muzzled students will only produce masters and doctors of superstition” 

Wiley’s letter further reads…

 “Never before have I witnessed such proud unthinking and cultlike compliance with irrational and demonstrably pseudoscientific diktats as at the Theory Centre. Without exception, every faculty member at the Theory Centre with whom I interacted during my tenure as a graduate student has expressed irrational bigotry toward those who have wisely refused mRNA injections. Without exception, they have declined to examine arguments that undermine their psychological and scholarly investments in the myth of a “deadly pandemic,” final salvation from which, they piously if not zealously believe, can only be accomplished through the continuous and indiscriminate – and if need be, coercive – injection of much of the human population…”  

….Without exception, Theory Centre faculty have refused to engage in critical questioning, analysis, and discussion concerning Western University’s segregationist policies and murderous mRNA injection mandates…”

Wiley concludes:

“There is nothing further for me to learn from such a faculty. I have spent much of my time as a Western student informing my peer and professors of the realities behind these institutionalized superstitions. I have done so to the utmost of my ability, as my conscience has required.

I have entered a request for voluntary withdrawal from the university via the student online portal. As of today, I no longer regard myself as having any affiliation with Western University other than as an outspoke witness, from September 2021 to the present, of its Crimes against Humanity.” 

I’m giving Mr. Wiley an A+ for his stand because:

  • he has applied his ability to reason and his research and analytic skills to assess the official Covid narrative and found it deficient. 
  • he has acted on his values and conscience and presumably, out of concern for their health and safety, informed his colleagues and professors of his findings, despite what is likely enormous pressure. 
  • he’s subordinated the “sunk costs” associated with his educational investment, the value of his Phd scholarship and any other penalties Western or other Universities may attach to his decision to act on principle. His withdrawal letter uncompromisingly tells truth to power and confirms his role as a witness to Western University’s crimes against humanity. 

In the heat of the Covid test, Mr. Wiley has revealed who he really is. 

A Mom-Son interview:

Jennifer Sey: (former Chief Marketing Officer and brand president, Levi Strauss and Co.): 

Jennifer Sey and her husband did their homework and knew that the 2020 Covid data coming out of Italy was skewed as the median age of death was over 80 years. They also knew that school lockdowns were damaging for children. So Ms. Sey pushed back against the public school closures. In September of 2020, she was warned her resistance would be considered “speaking on behalf of the company,” implying she was potentially risking reputational harm to Levi’s. (Does one’s personal life end at some point when they work for a large corporation?) 

Remarkably, it turned out that colleagues that were being critical of Sey had taken their children out of public school and enrolled them in private in-person schools. (Smelled like hypocrisy.) Yet, around the new year in 2022, Sey was told there was no longer a place for her in the executive suite. She resigned in February of 2020 after almost 23 years of service with Levis.

Sey subsequently turned down the $1million severance package offered to her. She rejected the offer because it contained a non-disclosure agreement preventing her from discussing the terms of her departure, something she found unacceptable. Sey isn’t just courageous, she’s an articulate critic of “woke” culture.

“This pose of wokeness, it’s a cloak they wrap themselves in to signal virtue … to hide greed, corruption, keeping all the good stuff for themselves,” she said.  

Well said, Ms. Sey!

Some others also shone in the relative darkness of the Covaxx era.

Naomi Wolf (author, entrepreneur)Wolf recently took a stand on behalf of Yale University students. In defence of their right to non-coercive vaxx -free education, she declares: “I cannot believe I’m standing outside these walls saying, ‘Don’t coerce minors and young adults into damaging their lives and submitting to an illegal injection that violates the Geneva Conventions, that violates the Nuremberg Code, that violates the Hippocratic oath, that violates basic human rights — so these kids can pick up their education.’ Don’t do it.”

Gerard Rennick (Senator for Qeensland, Australia) In a 10 minute speech, Senator Rennick confronts cynical fellow Queensland senators with the number of excess deaths, and vaxx injuries, the “safe and effective” lie, the human costs and the repugnant nature of vaxx coercion.

In conclusion

Nathan Wiley, Jennifer Sey, Naomi Wolf and Gerard Rennick are a few among a growing number of bold truthers who recently caught my attention. We might never have known of these folks or been inspired by them were it not the Covaxx conspiracy saga. They caught my attention not because of their name, education, physical appearance or politics, but because of their commitment to restore the truth in the midst of a desert of lies. And they have earned our attention because of their willingness to pay the price for their dissent. It’s true. The last two plus years haven’t been about a medical emergency at all. 

Beyond the incalculable pain they have inflicted, the criminal engineers behind the Covid conspiracy have unknowingly gifted us with something very powerful. The experience has tested our critical thinking, discernment skills and character in what can best be described as a crucible moment. Over time, more people have developed the eyes to see the actors and minds to grasp the big picture contest. Each week it seems that more naked emperors are exposed while hidden truths are revealed. No man-made lie detector or other tech gadgetry could ever approach such effectiveness or output. As Christmas approaches, I wonder if the figurative “Covaxx test” will prove to be the proverbial gift that keeps on giving. 

Bless You Scamdemic: Considering the Spiritual Alchemy that Transmutes Pain into Wisdom

Bless you Scamdemic — considering the spiritual alchemy that transmutes pain into wisdom

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C (c) October 23, 2022 All rights reserved

Transmute: to change something completely, especially into different and better. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4) 

The suffering-learning paradox

My boss and I were on a work-related field trip north of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan circa spring 1984 when he abruptly steered our half ton truck to the side of the road. Dr. “J”, a 55 or so year old native of Sask and specialist in livestock predation had spotted something and it wasn’t a predator. He got out of the truck and retrieved what turned out to be a 24 or so inch length of two by four lying on the edge of the ditch.

I was a relatively recent Manitoba import to Saskatchewan in the process of learning how deeply the Great Depression, the “dirty thirties”, had impacted our neighbours to the West. It wasn’t limited to infecting Dr. J  with a “waste not, want not” conservation ethic. I realized the Depression’s hardships had silently shaped the politics of my adopted province and the psyche of a generation.

An earlier illustration of the instructive and potentially life-changing influence of suffering is that of Alexandre Solzhenitsyn, the Soviet dissident and author of The Gulag Archipelago (written between 1958 and 1968). In Solzhenitsyn’s case, imprisonment in the gulag was transformational. He wrote: 

“Bless you prison, bless you for being in my life. He explained, For there, lying upon the rotting prison straw, I came to realize that the object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe, but the maturity of the human soul. 

Solzhenitsyn wasn’t alone in concluding pain could be a pathway to maturity. His experience echoes the opening quote from the book of James in scripture. And Greek playwright, director and composer, Aeschylus (525-456 BC) also saw suffering as a prerequisite to learning and acquisition of wisdom. 

“He who learns must suffer, and even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.” 

Solzhenitsyn gained his freedom — from prison and subsequently the bonds of his earthly life. It’s the citizens of the West who are now captive. Ironically, some individuals have even fled to Russia seeking to escape the West’s immersion in corporate fascism. And while Solzhenitsyn’s personal journey was on an upward trajectory, our society has been moving in the opposite direction. Some observers like political philosopher, Allan Bloom, issued warnings of a coming crisis back in the 80’s. (See: Closing of the American Mind: How higher education has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of today’s students, 1987). Did anyone listen?

Reaping what we have sown 

An intergenerational cause-effect explanation for cyclic societal decline was provided several hundred years ago by Arab scholar, Ibn Khaldoun, (1332–1406). It’s both good and bad news.On the one hand he asserts: Hard times make strong men. Strong men make good times. Less appealing and more descriptive of our current state is his corollary, Good times make weak men. Weak men make hard times. It’s an uncomfortable thought for Westerns who have a near sacred commitment to pursuing material prosperity. Yet, here’s Khaldoun suggesting that it’s not sustainable, inevitably giving way to moral decrepitness and decline. It seems we are reaping what we planted a generation or two earlier. 

Didn’t our Boomer generation, like the generation before, decree that our children should never have to experience the imagined hardships that ours did? (Yes, I had to endure wearing some used clothes and outdoor toilets in early youth, but beyond that I’m hard-pressed to think of what they were.) Didn’t we conclude children were too fragile to be allowed to fail a grade or lose a race and that competition was harmful? Did we really expect that a generation of over-protective helicopter parenting and indulgent coddling would have no negative side effects? Even before the Covid coup, a public school teacher expressed her concern to me that grade school kids generally lacked resiliency, something that presumably neither parents nor educators were adequately cultivating. 

Rising rates of depression and suicide among our youth suggest many are infected with a debilitating fragility. It doesn’t end with graduation from high school. Consider the infantilism of “snowflake” university students who seek security in designated “safe” spaces stocked with crayons and colouring books. Escapism appears to be a theme. Does the embrace of gender fluidity or “furries“, for example, provide relief from fears and insecurities? 

My tentative conclusion then is that our societal decline to the current state is in part the consequence of our own beliefs and doing. Our aversion to pain and hardship as adults led us to over-protect our offspring, denying them critical learning experiences. This has delayed the maturity of a generation. If Solzhenitsyn and Aesthylus are right, there are no short-cuts to wisdom or spiritual maturity for any of us. And the repository of divine wisdom isn’t hackable. Some learning, like the waste-not want-not conservation ethic of the Great Depression, despite the discomfort, must be etched on individual and collective memories. This is the hardship-to-wisdom alchemy our society has yet to embrace. But now that we’re here, what can we do? 

Turning painfully learned lessons into wisdom (and action)

I have three modest general suggestions for those who give credence to the hardship-to-wisdom alchemy of the Great Scamdemic. The first is to accept that suffering is an integral part of human existence. Dr. Jordan Peterson has been bringing this fact of life home to us for some time. 

This in turn, means we must be prepared to honestly ask ourselves what the purpose of our pain and suffering is…and face the answers. This includes the possibility that we are misguided or heading down the wrong path. Simply framing life lessons objectively in itself may require a shift in mental posture from angry resistance to reflection. The members of Vaccine Choice Canada did just this and identified 40 lessons members had learned. Paraphrased, the first five appearing on the list are:

Governments are untrustworthy; they lie. The truth (e.g. “Safe and effective”) is typically the opposite of what they are telling us.

– A healthy society is based on a strong spiritual foundation

– The mainstream media should never be trusted

A society of fearful people is vulnerable to corruption and manipulation.

Too many people lack the initiative to think for themselves and investigate the facts for themselves.

Other VCC members cited: the corruption of political leaders, the prevalence of evil and its lies, the betrayal of our country by its citizens, the apostasy of the church, the importance of vigilance, the centrality of our birthright of free choice, the infantilization of society and the personal growth that’s resulted despite he hardships of the last two years. 

I encourage every individual and freedom group to engage in such an exercise. Once we are clear as to the lessons and their implications, we can consider which warrant strategic responses and what those responses might be. This could mean developing counters to pervasive propaganda, the spiritual deficit, corrupt politics, controlled media, deceived and disengaged youth, Big Pharma-colonized public health system and so forth.

Some actions will be defensive and others offensive in nature. The focus of the latter will be on creating alternatives to existing in institutional structures, business models, services and communities. Establishing home school education groups capable of graduating a generation of well-trained and equipped truth warriors, for example, would fall into this category. (And it would buttress our society against a repeat of the recent mass deception.) There’s a great deal more to be said about strategic actions in this and other categories. Suffice to say, there’s never been a more appropriate time to grow strong men and women. 

The chemists of old sought an alchemy that would turn lead into gold. Ours is a nobler and more achievable cause. We will commit to the proven alchemy of turning adversity into spiritual maturity, wisdom and judicious action. Many, (myself included) have suffered and lost a great deal over the last two years in particular. So for some it may be difficult to muster the conviction of Solzhenitsyn. But with God’s grace, we might all one day say: Bless you, Scandemic; through you I’ve gained remarkable insights into myself and my world that otherwise would have eluded me. 


Alexander Solzhennitsyn and the meaning of life:

Seven Stages to Spiritual Alchemy:

Aeschylus, Find a Grave:

Wrong side of history:

Closing of the American mind: How higher education has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of today’s students

Deviance and the furry community;

Life is suffering – Dr. Jordan Peterson:

Savouring Those Uplifting Breaths of Fresh Air

Microsoft Word – FS Oct 6-22 Savouring breaths of fresh air.docx

Savouring those uplifting breaths of fresh air

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C October 6, 2022 (c) All rights reserved

God knows harried resistors like you and I get weary. We have been subjected to what’s likely the most intense and lengthiest propaganda campaign and psy op in human history. A friend with a deep grasp of global politics has reminded me that we’re playing against “the pros” not the farm team. He’s right of course. The propagandists waging the information war truly are professionals with specializations in PR and perception management, behavioural psychology, linguistic programming and esoteric features of fourth generation warfare. And their infusion of the diabolical, the Luciferian twist, adds a powerful “X“ factor to their brew.

The inversion of truth and reality has immersed us in an upside down world —an Orwellian-Huxleyian surreality, and navigating its many deceptions is exhausting. The terrorizing, hypnotizing and gaslighting by the Powers-That-Be has taken a toll on all of us to some degree and likely the unsuspecting in particular. Like someone crossing a parched and sweltering desert, I welcome a watering at any oasis and a breath of fresh air. Unexpected encounters with like-minded compatriots in this desert can be just that, providing an uplift of one’s spirit like nothing else can. I’ve recently enjoyed several of these to the point that I’m almost feeling guilty.

A couple weeks ago, I had tea with a young woman who was working toward her certification as a paralegal in a TO law firm. (I will refer to her as “K”.) I carefully ventured into the realm of how the Covid campaign had divided families and communities, including mine. K identified immediately and was unapologetic regarding her rejection of the official narrative. I inquired as to where she acquired her habit of questioning. She told me her mom was insistent throughout her upbringing that her four daughters think for themselves and question everything. And that included the the Covid-vaxx pitch. Robust family debate and banter were a norm in her home life and family interactions. (another point of identification for me.)

In 2021, despite the fact that a relative, a high ranking MD in the US medical establishment called and urged her family members to hurry and get vaxxed, K’s mom had demurred. Her response was something to the effect: “Let’s just slow it down. We’re going to think this through and check it out, before making our decision”. The origin of K’s independent streak ran deeper. It seems that her mom’s learning toward free thought came in turn from her parents. At this point in our conversation, I’m sure that my “God- bless-the-rebels” grin was apparent.

My more recent breath of fresh air came in the form of an extended weekend trip to a small village in rural Ontario where free spirits were rallying together to nurture the growth of an “intentional community.” The host, along with some of her neighbourhood guests, was a committed freedom seeker. Other invited guests were exploringthe possibilities. Some guests had been callously displaced by the state-sponsored purge of employees who opt for natural immunity. Ready or not, these folks were forced to reach down deep, say goodbye to well-paying jobs and comfy urban lifestyles and venture into the unknown. A musician joined us outdoors Sunday afternoon in the sunshine. It was moving to watch a tranquil spirit of unity encompass the gathering as he played his soulful selections including Ben E. King’s Stand By Me.

My travel companion and I took up a lady who I will call “J” on her offer to put us up at her home overnight on Monday. “J” retired from her career in the health sector under vax coercion and pursued a freer, more independent lifestyle in the country. Yes, there was a matter of making do with less, and there had been frustrations with features of her home that needed attention. But she was improvising and quickly learning new skills. She had surrendered her urban life and in return, acquired her own piece of the Canadian Shield with an abundance of lakes, trees, and wildlife out her backdoor. She had become a part of this Great Outdoors and it a part of her. And her friendships and her community were more meaningful than ever before.

On the morning of our departure, I stood outside J’s home intoxicated by the fresh morning air, the sunshine and the landscape. How could I take it all in? How could I take with me the stunning panorama of red, yellow and orange-leafed deciduous trees and towering spruce and pines backdropping her home? I tried to inhale as much of the scene as I could. It was a heaven-sent moment of awe — a breath of fresh air that I couldn’t afford to squander.

The “Why” and “How” of Engaging Our Children and Youth in the Current Struggle

The Why and How of engaging our children and youth in the current struggle

Calvin MulliganFuturescapes21C All rights reserved (c) 2022 (Nov 5-22)

One of the many advantages that I enjoyed growing up on a family farm was the experience of working side by side with my parents — my dad in particular. Granted, it was often in an apprenticing role or as lead “gopher” (“go-fer a …”) and there were times when the work seemed endless. But on other occasions, like when we were building corals, repairing fences, or hauling livestock, the father-son conversations were often engaging and in some cases, life-changing. In many respects, these conversations laid the foundation for my standing skepticism regarding the motives of the establishment. And they also shaped the lens through which I came to view the official Covid narrative 50 years later. (Thank-you, Dad)  

Very few kids growing up today have such an opportunity to work directly with their parents. And many lack the opportunity or motivation to discuss and debate the lessons of parents’ and grandparents’ life experiences. A once common means of transferring the insights or wisdom of one generation to the next may have now become a relative rarity. So, how well are day care providers, public schools, university educators and social media influencers doing the job? There’s a growing sense among Boomers that educational institutions and other key social influences have to varying degrees betrayed us, our children and our grandchildren. Rather than faithfully transfer the legacy values of Western culture to our children, these institutions have abandoned them. The idea that the current generation can reach new heights by figuratively standing on the shoulders of the previous generation is delusional.

The intergenerational disconnect 

The disconnect shows in the dismal drift of Gen Y’s and Z’s to woke politics and cultural Marxism. Many, perhaps a majority of those enthralled by leftist politics became true Covid believers and zealous promoters of lockdowns, regid compliance with unlawful government dictates and mandated toxic injections. And today many remain our critics and political oppressors. It’s ironic isn’t it? Parents and grandparents are engaged in a life and death struggle to recover cherished freedoms on behalf of a generation with an anemic commitment to them. 

Perhaps, as I suggested in last week’s commentary, well-intentioned Boomers and Gen X parents overprotected their children from unpleasant but essential truths. One of them is that democracy isn’t a spectator sport; eternal vigilance is required. Thus we’re facing the unintended consequences of our neglect. Woke universities turn out fragile, angst-ridden graduates convinced they must be protected from ideas that make them uncomfortable. Today, the intolerance of cancel culture and the insecurities of the hive mind prevail. And when the corporatocracy’s pandemic boogey man was inflated with MSM propaganda, the woke obediently lined up for their treatment. “Rugged individualism”, to the extent it ever defined Canadian ideals, has been replaced with dependent fragility and deference to (fake) authority figures.

The other facts of life 

Effective parenting requires that we wean our kids off socially-approved myths in timely fashion. There’s Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fair and the stork that deliver babies. To end the process there however, is to leave ever more debilitating myths intact. The list includes benevolent government and oligarchies, “free markets”, “ free speech”, independent mass media and, in our case, Canadian national sovereignty. Candidly, Canada is a captive nation. Postponing exposure to such hards truths (reality) isn’t an act of kindness as it actually delays spiritual, intellectual and emotional development and the acquisition of political smarts. There is a valuable offset to the loss of youthful innocence; it comes in the form of a growing understanding of the inner workings of the larger material and spiritual worlds. 

Parents tend to think of the “facts of life” in terms of sex and biology. But there’s another set of “facts of life”. This one is integral to their moral and political education and even more essential to the future health and well-being of our offspring. Yes, (son or daughter), there is Good and Evil in this world and its important to learn to discern between the two. Dark spiritual forces, masters of deception, assisted by their earthly servants seek to enslave us and destroy all that is good. Other, benevolent spiritual forces are also at work, collaborating with humans intent on bringing divine love and light to the world. Those in this camp aspire to live on a higher plane. The Creator gives us a choice. As Bob Dylan lyrically put it, “You’re gonna have to serve somebody. It might be the devil or it might be the Lord. But you’re gonna have to serve somebody.”

Why educate/engage kids and youth re the current struggle

Sure, we will want to avoid overwhelming our children with adult problems and the world’s deepest darkness and perversions. That said, the Covid Vaxx con has clearly demonstrated that perpetuating socially-approved myths and living in denial is dangerous. In fact, it can be deadly. So, let’s take a closer look at the “why” and “how” of constructively and instructively engaging our children and grandchildren in today’s struggle. I can think of six reasons for doing so.

To warn of possible dangers 

Today, it’s not just sexual “stranger danger” predators we must warn our children of an early age (luring with puppies and candy). The Covaxx Deception taught us we must also teach kids to avoid “health agency” perverts in white coats bent on injecting them with DNA-altering concoctions with promises of ice cream or trinkets.

To cultivate moral discernment 

Many in the freedom camp regard moral and spiritual discernment as the foundational element of a child’s education and development. Cultivating our children’s capacity in this regard is the equivalent of gifting the individual with a compass for navigating their life journey. Whether one falls for deceptions like the Great Scamdemic or not, can to a large degree be a matter of how well their moral compass works. The best of those compasses can turn the upside down world we now inhabit right side up.

To equip kid’s for their self-defense

Children of non-conforming parents would have quickly realized they are different because they were treated differently by those around them. To the shame of the public school system, many of these kids were blamed, ostracized, ridiculed, isolated, coerced and fed fashionable superstition and lies. This would have been painful, and depending upon their age and maturity, difficult to process. (Many adults have buckled under such pressure.) In light of this, caring parents, will be equipping their children with truthful explanations and factual information, thus shredding the official “Scare-demic”. This in turn will enable kids to process the truth, take ownership of their situation and when ready, engage in defence of their stand. They will inevitably surprise us. I’ve seen videos of nine or ten year old students challenging school boards as clearly and convincingly as any adult regarding the formers’ mask fetish. 

To counter psychological distress. Psychologists have told us that the best counter to prolonged psychological distress and its maladies is action. Again, this isn’t a spectator sport. Adults struggling to deal with Covid psy op anxiety are often best advised to roll up their sleeves and get involved in the cause of freedom. We immediately feel better about ourselves and more confidence when we begin to exercise agency over our lives. I’m sure the same is also true for our children and youth.

To counter efforts by our adversaries to recruit our children to their cause 

We should never underestimate the determination of our opponents. Covid profiteers have adopted a win-at-all-costs attitude, thus justifying their use of propaganda to win the hearts and minds of our kids and recruit them to the dark side. They have already exploited the popularity of Santa Claus, the Elmo Doll, Sesame Street characters and popular heroes in their campaign. Last week I reported on a collaboration between Marvel Comics and Pfizer designed to convince impressionable minds that the good guys are compliant vaxx recipients and promoters. 

To develop their talents and abilities and grow resilient truth warriors

The Covaxx con and globalist attempt to herd the masses into the Great Reset corral is history-making and world-changing. We can either drift passively amid these currents of change or exploit their energies to grow a generation of resilient truth warriors. 

Forward-looking educators will see grist for the education mill in the many related developments bombarding us today. Let’s use the heat of this crucible experience to draw out the interests and mould the talents of our children toward careers in re-inventing education, medicine, law, communication, governance and a plethora of other professions and institutions. 

The “how” of engagement  

While I haven’t researched it any formal sense, I sense that parents and perhaps home school educators are uncertain as to how and how much of today’s reality they dare introduce into kid’s lives. Thus they sometimes speak in whispers in the presence of their kids. While there’s clearly a need to consider a child’s stage of development and emotional and intellectual capacity, partitioning our reality at some point become counterproductive for the reasons discussed above. And when it comes to the How, creativity counts. 

1. Parental modelling. Kids instinctively imitate adults and learn by “diffusion.” Parents can silently model what being a responsible truth warrior and vigilant and caring community member means. Whether you are actively discussing such things aloud with them or not, rest assured they are observing and absorbing. Importantly, parents can be a calming force amid the craziness in this children’s lives.

2. Open family discussion and friendly debate. My parents never bought into the notion that kids in adult company should be “seen and not heard.” Consequently, some of my most important learnings occurred at the kitchen or dining table. Encourage your children to do their own research into the facts and invite their analysis. The news of the day provides lots of raw material for exploration. The development of life-long analytic and debating skills can begin at home. 

3. Participation in family activities. While there are no doubt some age considerations here, experiential learning is powerful and enduring. Confucius observed the power of participation: Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand.” 

Kids who join their parents in freedom rallies and other pro-freedom activities are learning, through participation, things that will otherwise never be fully grasped. Children contributed in a meaningful and poignant way to the “quality” and family tone of the 

Canadian truckers protest. Many of them experienced in a tangible way the encroachment on democratic freedoms and the struggle of courageous parents intent on upholding them. 

 Somewhere in my social media travels, I encountered the following example of a spontaneous family “protest” (judgment reserved). 

“We tried to take the kids to the beach in Michigan early in lockdown and they had a chain across the entrance with a sign, closed by order of the Department of Homeland Security, so we got a nice picture of the kids pissing on the sign…” 

 It may not be your style, but as the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words regarding the evils of the Department of Homeland Security. Incidentally, I recently read that responsibility for the US vaxx plan was transferred at some point to DHS. 

Not all family educational activities are protest-oriented; some are focused on replacing the old with the new and better. Our food supply comes to mind. Engaging kids in growing and preserving garden produce in the family garden presents a lot of opportunities for channeling youthful energies while growing their knowledge and skills.

4. Formal education processes (k-12, college, university)

The opportunity for youth learning and engagement will vary depending upon the educational environment. Public schools and many post- secondary institutions have been colonized by cultural Marxists (making them indoctrination centres). 

Private schools and home schooling models on the other hand, can offer myriad opportunities for learning and engagement in the truth-freedom-justice struggle. As a former educator I can imagine, in the right educational settings, the learning possibilities associated with coursework and assignments in many pertinent subject areas. I’m thinking of: Media, PR and propaganda, Citizen journalism, Democracy and dissentCorporatocacy, Transhumanism, Awake versus woke politics, Technocracy and tyranny in the Brave New WorldPromise and perils of A.I-driven Globalism, History’s top10 world-changing false flags, The injustice of social justice, and Utopian illusions.

5.  Edutainment: The worlds of youth-oriented TV, movies, magazine and book publications and electronic games are too vast to overlook. In a politicized world, much of the content falls into the “edutainment” category, a hybrid of entertainment and education. Our adversaries in the current information war are systematically exploiting this realm with their predictive programming and various other forms of “soft”  propaganda. The dark side is prepared to weaponize almost everything and anything in support of its cause.

We will either learn to exploit forms of edutainment to draw youth into our struggle or leave the field to the regime. The goal is is to inform and inspire a next generation regarding the good versus evil drama we’re living. Are we ready to seriously invest in it’s cartoonists, authors, artists, screen play writers and documentary film producers within the ranks of the freedom movement. 

The children’s book, How the Prime Minister stole freedom is illustrative of one sub category of edutainment. I’ve been inspired for a life time by the young hero featured in The Emperor’s New Clothes. Alt economist, Brandon Smith, is launching a comic book (see his ad for an artist here: Comedians, satirists, playwrights and musicians has been given a big canvas in the post-truth era. Many of the Baby Boomers’ favourite musicians like Bob Dylan and bands like Buffalo Springfield, and Credence Clearwater Revival rose to prominence in the anti-war protest movement of the sixties. Van Morrison and Eric Clapton kicked off musical freedom protest in the current era with their collaborations, Stand and Deliver and Where have all the rebels gone? Indeed, where are they? 

Final thoughts 

I wonder how many tragedies have arisen from unnecessary and self-imposed ignorance in the last three years. How many young children have been forced to endure the indignities of “pandemania” and yet remain ignorant of the reasons for their parents’ stand and incapable of explaining it even to themselves. How many teens, shielded from the critical truths regarding the Great Vaxx deception by well-meaning parents, have succumbed to the propaganda campaign and became enthusiastic spreaders of its lies. 

There are no guarantees as to the outcome of course, even if you do openly discuss the central issues of this era with your children. But an important audience for freedom-minded educators and parents may be right in front of them. It’s a longer term strategy, but engaging children and youth in our, and ultimately their struggle, could yield a crop of passionate defenders of our freedoms in the future. Perhaps it’s time to initiate the conversation about the other facts of life with the kid sitting across the kitchen table from you. Or, perhaps it’s time you finally wrote that kids’ book.


Gotta serve somebody:

How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom:

Help wanted: Looking for comic book artist:

Goodreads: (Confucius quotes):

Stand and deliver (Eric Clapton):

Where have all the rebels gone? (Eric Clapton, Van Morrison):

The Journey to Freedom Begins with Destroying the Globalists’ War Narratives — Past and Present

The journey to freedom begins with destroying the globalist’s war narratives — past and present

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C November 22, 2022 All rights reserved (c)

If you can control the stories humans are telling themselves about the world, you control the humans, and you control the world.” — Caitlin Johnstone

History repeats itself because no one bothers to learn its lessons” — Henry Makow

Our problematic remembrances of world wars

I’ve become increasingly ill at ease with our historic accounts of major wars and our official remembrances of them. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not opposed to honouring those who unselfishly sacrificed their lives for others. It’s perhaps the highest of human motivations. The spiritual significance of self-sacrifice (“No one has greater love than a person who lays down his life for his friends”) has been etched in my mind since the day I saw a movie version of Charles Dicken’s Tale of Two Cities in grade school. 

The first cause of my discomfort with our official war remembrance ceremonies is that they provide a platform for hypocritical politicians, allowing them to bask in the reflected honour the public confers upon veterans. Consider that many of these same politicos in today’s context are the ones who betrayed our country (and thus our vets) to globalist powers like the UN, WEF, WHO and the CDC. The sight of Canada’s leading traitors posing before our war memorials and presumably pledging “never again” even as they betray us and fuel new and widening wars, is nauseating. It’s duplicity in plain sight. 

And then there’s the problem of our collective conceit that we have honoured vets by remembering the harsh lessons of war. When did we ever remember the bloody lessons of war? Certainly not in the 20th century. You’d think the hard truths about war might have had some staying power coming, as they did from someone in the know. Marine Major General Smedley Butler, author of “War is a Racket” wrote in1935:

“I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. And during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business for Wall Street, and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. I suspect I was just part of the racket all the time. Now I am sure of it.” 

The world had 4-5 years to ponder Butler’s candid confession and then, perversely, WWII commenced in September 1939. World War II battle deaths are estimated at 15,000,000 and civilian deaths at 45,000,000. And yet, I count 26 blood-letting conflicts around the world since WWII and up to the current Russia-UA conflict. In light of that kind of devastation, how does one account for the fact that in 2022, millions of Westerners enthusiastically waved the “Stand with Ukraine” flag and supported weapons shipments and/or NATO intervention. It’s a stunning indictment of both our defective intergenerational memory as a society and an equally alarming tribute to the power of war propaganda. 

Ah yes, propaganda is a persistent problem. Our world war narratives are infused with it. I seriously doubt the officially-approved mythology makes a suitable footing for world wide pursuit of peace. Does the majority of people grasp the insidious nature of propaganda? It could be the cause of our collective amnesia. Aussie journalist, Caitlin Johnstone, warns us that the global Powers-That-Be (PTB) use narratives or official stories to control the minds of the masses. Johnstone says: “If you can control the stories humans are telling themselves about the world, you control the humans, and you control the world.” And the beauty of it is, we humans think the views implanted in our heads are our own, not those seeded by our controllers. It’s clever, isn’t it?

We were taught official versions of world war stories in grade school, and they were/are regularly retold and reinforced through books, movies, mass media and community remembrances throughout adulthood. (It’s been reported that the CIA has put its stamp on more than 600 Hollywood movies) It’s strange isn’t it, how we absorb and repeat those same stories about the causes, supposed objectives, operations and outcomes of world wars to the next generation, often without questioning. And yet our dutiful repetition of official war narratives has apparently done little to stop the conflicts and staunch the bleeding. What if we stopped re-telling those second hand, implanted war stories Johnstone says are intended to control us? What if we made unearthing the truth a top priority?

Our fabricated war history is meeting the wrecking ball

Isn’t it time to stop maintaining the narrative matrix erected by the Illuminati/Cabal/PTB? How much longer do we wish to serve as our own jailers? What if we started telling ourselves the truth? Dissident journalists and writers have been hammering at the official accounts of world war history for decades. Canadian author and social critic, Henry Makow, can be counted among the dissidents. Here are a few Makow’s “missiles”: 

The bankers orchestrated World War II to destroy the great nations states of Europe and wipe out the cream of the new generation. For example, the Soviets slaughtered 15,000 Polish officers in the Katyn forest even though the Poles could have helped resist the Nazis onslaught. 

I don’t see the Second World War as “the good war.” It was fabricated to concentrate wealth and power and to degrade and demoralize humanity. Both sides were guilty of unspeakable atrocities. 

The two great wars and the potential third are designed to bring about Illuminati one-world dictatorship and mind control. Hitler was an illuminati agent mandated to lead Germany into a catastrophic defeat in order to snuff out German nationalism once and for all, and make the Rothschild NWO. World War Two was the egregious hoax in history, follow by COVID. 

“…the smoking gun that proves the Second World War was a charade (was John Ainsworth-Davis’ book, “Operation JB”, 1996)  While most Nazis were sincere, the movement was sponsored and controlled at the top by the Masonic Jewish central bank cartel in order to kill “goyim” on both sides, increase banker wealth and power, destroy Germany, and advance world government. Assimilated Jews were also sacrificed to disguise the Gentile holocaust and to create the Jewish state last HQ of the NWO.

World War Two was a monstrous Rothschild fraud on Germans, Jews and the human race. The plunder ended up in Illuminati hands.” 

More on war in general and two current wars

The above is likely enough to cause those who blithely accepted government-approved war history as factual a big headache. And it’s just a small sample. The challenges to our war mythology could fill many volumes. Disclosures past and yet to come will likely soon obliterate the establishment’s world wars narrative. In the meantime, some additional observations will contribute to a better understanding of war in general and both the Russia-UA conflict and the current citizens’ struggle against global fascism.

Wars are not always publicly declared nor fought in the way they were in the 20th century. Many of the operations are conducted covertly, beyond the view of the public. Forth and Fifth generation warfare rely more heavily on information, information tech, cyberspace, perception- management tactics, non-state actors and mercenaries. They also expand the number of fronts on which they are fought to include finance, politics, culture and so forth and blur the distinctions between wartime and peacetime and the military and citizenry.  

Associated with the above, conflicts are often ignited, fanned into full-blown war and sustained by contracted professional liars (PR firms) paid hundreds of millions of dollars for their propaganda “services.” These agencies typically massage lies and deception into news, seed disinformation and stage false flags to advance their campaigns for their benefactors.

Establishment politicians are typically puppet-servants of the Globalist Powers-That-Be (PTB) and thus complicit in promoting and propagating war. I haven’t heard the head of any political party in Canada propose we even consider withdrawal from NATO, an alliance that’s been provoking Putin and training Ukraine Nazis for years. (History appears to have come full circle in that Ukraine is the home of the original Khazarian empire founded in the sixth century AD.) Unsurprisingly, Canada’s chief globalist, Chrystia Freehand, a politician with a bona fide Nazi in her family pedigree, is a hard core “Stand by Ukraine” promoter and rumoured to be a candidate to head NATO). 

Canada’s “white knight” self-image is an embarrassing delusion. Reality check: Our country has long been regarded as the willing accomplice, happy to hold the jacket of the world’s figurative school yard bully (the American Empire) while it beats up weaker nations. Honesty is the first step toward healing and wholeness, eh Canada? As my mother used to say, confession is good for the soul. 

From a spiritual perspective, our earthly wars may be seen as manifestations or echoes of larger historic wars fought in the spiritual realm between the forces of light and darkness (God and Lucifer). Some consider the human death toll from our wars to be a form of blood sacrifice to Lucifer.   

The on-going globalist Great Reset war on humanity is possibly the biggest in scope of all world wars and could produce the most casualties. Our globalist adversaries are intent on destroying our identities, our families our health, our communities, our local economies, our culture and our national loyalties. After that, it would be relatively easy to herd us like compliant sheep into their Great Reset, AI-managed future if we were to remain ignorant and passive.

Exiting the narrative matrix to fight the good fight

The last three years offers some painful insights into what captivity at the hands of global fascists looks and feels like. While their Great Reset grand plan hasn’t yet reached completion, its outline is clear to those who have awakened. For resisters, our path to freedom begins with a better understanding of who we’re fighting and the methods they use to capture and control us. Henry Makow has offered some insights regarding the former. As to the latter, one of the PTB’s more subtle methods is implanting fabricated versions of past events into the culture to ensure those stories are repeated and reinforced to the point we accept them as our own. Knowing that, let’s decide to get off the PTB’s ghoulish merry-go-round of lies as it inevitably leads to division, bloody wars and devastation. 

What about you? I’m serving notice that I no longer accept the PTB’s version of history including wars past, present and projected yet to come. I refuse to recite their narratives and cheer their fake heroes. As a resister, I’m intent on exposing their propaganda regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict and their Covaxx depopulation war on humanity which continues to this day. And truth, as best I can discern it, is my preferred weapon of choice. 

This is a call to “arms” in the figurative sense. There’s no disservice to our predecessors and war veterans in our rejecting the false war narratives that hold us captive. There’s no honour in looking the other way amid a genocide. More than 100 years ago, Canadian Lieutenant Colonel and physician, John McCrea, called out to his successors, If ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders fields. Rest in peace, sir. With God’s help and better discernment, the Resistance will keep the faith and continue the struggle until truth prevails and our liberation is a reality. 

-The Peaceful Warrior. 


A Tale of Two Cities:

Remembrance Day:

Pre-emptive nuclear war”: The historic battle for peace and democracy. A third world war threatens the future of humanity:

Pre-emptive nuclear strike:

Are world wars orchestrated?:

Hitler and Bormann were traitors — the smoking gun:

The final world war: The Khazarians versus Rus’ people (Never underestimate the pure unadulterated evil of the Khazarian tribe):

UN Special Envoy admits fabricating claim of Viagra-fuelled rape as ‘Russian military strategy’;

“All wars are bankers’ wars” – Michael Rivero:

War is a racket:

World war II timeline:

Timeline of 20th and 21st century wars:

Fourth- and fifth-Generation warfare: Technology and Perceptions:

We’re being pushed toward nuclear war on a fiction: Notes from the edge of the narrative matrix:

When the dominos start to fall Russia will target the UK:

21st Century Good versus evil will likely be a photo finish:

In Flanders Fields:

Developing Decentralized Value Chains — the Re-invention Doesn’t Have to Start from Zero

Developing decentralized value chains — the re-invention doesn’t have to start from zero

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C Sept 2022 (c) 

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” — “Socrates”, from Way of the Peaceful Warrior

In an earlier commentary, I referenced the writing of Vaclav Havel and the notion that the way to defeat the current tyranny is by creating parallel structures. The advice echoes a quote from Socrates emphasizing a focus on “building the new” versus expending all our energy on defeating the old (above). It can be an overwhelming thought, however. Many in the ranks are tired from battling the campaign of lies, coercion and intimidation that the fascist technocracy unleashed two and a half years ago.

Surveying the devastation and knowing the extent of the collapse yet to come, one is struck by the enormity of what “building the new” might mean. Where does one begin? What new business models can be envisioned in education, health care and agriculture and food production for example, that won’t simply produce more of the same a decade from now. 

The encouraging answer is we don’t necessarily have to start from scratch. The seeds of the new have already sprouted and are taking hold in more than one sector. Parent-managed home schooling arrangements of various types are operating as we speak. A member of a freedom group that I’m part of reported that a highly respected MD has shifted his practice from that of administering treatments for illness to that of a “health coach” dedicated to maintaining health. And the interview with Texas Slim (link below) reveals the progress of The Beef Initiative.

The participants have developed a decentralized beef producer-to-consumer model that addresses many of the quality concerns attached to international value chains. The role of the “micro-processor” is integral to the system. Many of us have likely observed the disappearance of small, local beef processors with some dismay, wondering where they can find replacements. I can’t tell you at this point if the Beef Initiative model (based on the US) is being replicated as such in Canada. But Canadian beef producers are very aware of what their American brethren are up to and vice versa, so they talk and swap ideas. And the need is likely going to grow as bugs and artificial meat aren’t for everyone. Also, not everyone buys into the villianizing of the beef industry as the climate change scapegoat.

In fact, I can make the case that the optimum model of beef production requires an integration of plant and animal agriculture. This was achieved on a small scale in “mixed” farms of the fifties before “sustainable ag” was part of the lexicon. (In the interests of full disclosure, I am an animal science major, but that has never prevented me from critiquing industry practices that aren’t in the best interests of consumers, cattle or the industry itself in the long term.)

This time round, the restoration of services and replacement of broken value chains demands re-invention versus repair. My career observation however, is that despite high flown management rhetoric regarding its commitment to “organization change,” given the opportunity to do something truly new and different, most tend to opt for more of the same. The reflexive habit of seeking more of the same, presumably because its familiar, is self-defeating.

Those who suggest the priority for our medical system is more money for example, haven’t been paying attention. The footings are rotten, foundational ethics have been abandoned, and the business model makes perpetual illness profitable. Realistically, it will remain predisposed to managing (or fabricating and fostering) illness as long as it is profitable. Yes, I said “fabricating and fostering” illness — just look at the Covid pandemic-vaxx fakery. It’s bullsh*t voodoo medicine worthy of B grade sci-fi horror movie treatment. How does, “Long Night of the Zombie Doctors,” sound? But I digress.

Returning to the matter of creating robust decentralized beef value chains, what can we do? It seems it’s time to turn up the Freedom Movement dialogue with independent agri-food producers. It’s time to put our money where our mouth is. Local independent producers don’t necessarily know the consumer demand we represent. Ultimately, we are allies in the war against Big Global and its bully regime. Consumers can be co-inventors with producers and the models we might borrow from or replicate are, to some degree, “out there” or emerging. Perhaps while you’re preparing dinner today, you could listen to the Mark Moss interview with Texas Slim. (link below). Beyond that, what about intentionally connecting and integrating like-minded sustainable beef producers into our communication networks? When like- minded producers and consumers talk, good things can happen. 


Mark Moss (interview with Texas Slim):

Organic and sustainable farms network: