10 Disciplines of a Freedom Fighter (Part B)



Ten disciplines of a freedom fighter —  Part B
Written May 5, 2017 
Posted February 20, 2018
© Futurescapes 21C 2018 All rights reserved
This chapter outlines five additional disciplines or practices for freedom fighters or members of the resistance in the war against truth. Forgive the repetition, but let me again say that the value of these practices is found in their doing. To restate the Bruce Lee dictum, “Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own.1
Disciplines 6-10
6.0 Turn off the propaganda coming from the Orwellian Ministry of Truth via mainstream media (MSM) and tune out the propagandists 
The American Empire’s Ministry of Truth broadcasts its propaganda non-stop worldwide, but citizens aren’t compelled to listen. And small acts of resistance are essential. One of them is turning off the mainstream media (MSM) version of “the news.” I also intentionally avoid day time talk show babble and CIA-propaganda movies like Zero Dark Thirty. The exceptions are those occasions when I wish to track the propaganda of the day.
I gave only occasional, glancing attention to MSM reporting during the course of the US presidential election campaign cycle relying instead on alternative sources. By largely ignoring the messaging from the MSM, I deduced that Trump had been selected by the Powers the Be (PTB) to assume the presidency. Those who relied on MSM as their primary news source were long assured that Hillary was going to be the next president; consequently her loss came as a shock.2 Hard core skeptics believe believe the Trump election was a charade scripted years ago. Thus, an old episode of the Simpsons had no difficulty “predicting” a Trump presidency.
During this writing, I deliberately monitored the analyses of the Syria conflict offered by our mainstream media. I discovered that for the most part our MSM functions as an echo chamber for the US State Department. Its collective faithfulness to the government’s talking points is remarkable. MSM analysts echo the political memes of the day (like “Russia did it,” “Assad must go” and “Iran” is an existential threat”) on cue. What can you say about the willingness of Canadian taxpayers to finance their own brainwashing via the CBC. The same can be said of course regarding our response to a complicit federal government. Filtering out Big Brother’s propaganda can be every bit as essential in that we are simultaneously bombarded with government propaganda from a battery of departments and agencies on a daily basis. Tune out Big Brother’s Ministry of Truth. 
7. Adopt an “open source” approach to gathering information and intelligence 
The MSM has been outed as the faithful servant of the Deep State.3 It’s essential, therefore, that resisters develop alternative news sources. I prefer a form of open-source intelligence gathering that draws on legacy, Internet/digital and trusted private/personal sources with preference given to academic and independent sources wherever they are available. Since the CIA has infiltrated social media and has created and funded fake independent news websites as part of its disinformation strategy, it can be difficult to know with certainty which sources are trustworthy. There’s also the matter of the punks who exploit the accessibility of social media by publishing fake news stories for fun and profit. For these reasons, I look for convergence or triangulation across multiple sources when seeking to establish the authenticity of a story or source. Clearly, no one can ever declare him or herself “fool proof”  as we’re living in a post-truth era.4

Some in the “truther” community contend that the majority of established high profile on-line sources in the “alternative media content” are engaged in disinformation. My son sent me a New Yorker cartoon last year that played on the fact that propaganda in a feature of everyone’s daily life in the West. As I recall the content, it was thanksgiving, and a man was seated in front of his computer in his living room. He is looking up at his wife and says something to the effect, I guess we can all be grateful that we live in a society where there’s no shortage of disinformation. Black humour is the preferred genre for truthers in the Age of Deception. 
8. Develop your circle of trusted allies and a following among truth seekers 
It’s easy to get tired and discouraged if you come to believe you’re alone in your struggle. Sometimes, you  wonder, Am I alone in my frustration with the lies coming from the Western governments? Am I alone in my frustration with the US stance as the world’s policeman? Am I the only one angry at the presence of the US in the Middle East and interfering in the affairs of Syria?”5 And, “Isn’t Saudi Arabia, assisted by Turkey and Israel from time to time, the biggest source of terrorism in the Middle East?”6 The answer of course, is “no,” you’re not alone, and “yes,” it’s true. and “yes” that’s the case.
To defeat the “loneliness” or isolation factor, it is helpful to cultivate a circle of trusted allies. One of my friends is part of a skeptics circle that has been meeting regularly for over twenty years to discern what really going on.  Your circle serves several purposes. Potential it can serve as: 

  • an intellectual and emotion refuge from the propaganda blitzkrieg;
  • a forum for discussing world events and debating and discerning the truth; and
  • a forum for testing theories and forging strategies if your group has an action orientation.  

If you’re a blogger or writer, your goals is developing  a following.  Your following can be:

  • a conduit for sharing and spreading your insights to a wider audience;
  • a critic keeping you “honest” by challenging analysis and objectivity; 
  • a potential market in the event you have commercial offerings (e.g. books, speaking) 
  • a source of intel; and
  • a potentially potent force for influencing change in the larger social-political context.  the 

An example from the world of food activism comes to mind regarding the last bullet. Vani Hari, an activist food blogger known as, “Food Babe”, started researching the ingredients in Subway’s bread in 2012, and became concerned about its use of a bleaching ingredient in its flower called azodiacarbonamide. When the company ignored her requests for its removal, Hari mobilized 57,000 petition signatures. In 2014, Subway agreed to remove the ingredient.7
Ultimately, however, defeating the Cabal or the PTB won’t be solely a matter of numbers. Every revolutionary or activist should find encouragement in the observation of anthropologist, Margaret Meade who famously declared: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”8
9. Speak up. Resist intimidation and encroachments upon your freedoms and refute the BS 
 In the two years of intense research leading up to this writing, I was struck by the fact that the attacks on our basic freedoms are a daily occurrence. The other surprise is the deafening silence, particularly on the part of political leaders presumably responsible for the protection of our freedoms. Citizens, for their part are slowly awakening, but the vast majority remains unaware, unconcerned or asleep.
Yes, we’re all busy with jobs, families and various community obligations. But, standing and loudly singing “O Canada” or “The Star Spangled Banner” at professional hockey games does nothing to advance the cause of freedom. And even as we sing, our freedoms are being stolen. Nor will recalling the horrors of previous wars every Remembrance Day or Patriots Day. Those wars were orchestrated by the PTB pursuing a larger agenda. The inconvenient truth Westerners must face today is that freedom’s ramparts are largely undefended.
There’s the problem of sleepy indifference, and there’s the challenge of subtle social conditioning. Many of us were raised to trust those in positions of authority. Unfortunately, our assumption regarding the trustworthiness of authorities isn’t helping our cause; it’s contributing to our enslavement. Now is the time to speak up. It’s time to stop being over-awed by state-anointed or self-proclaimed experts, and over respectful of our so-called leaders. Now is the time to suppress the knee jerk impulses to clap for vacuous political speeches, “salute the troops,” and defer to the pretenders squandering our hard won freedoms. It’s time to rebel against the invasive rule and daily intrusions of Big Brother into every facets of our lives. It’s time to expose the double-talk and the lies. It’s time to declare you won’t go without a fight.
The Empire tirelessly promotes the gospel of militarism. The apparent goal is the militarization of every facet of culture and society. It’s citizen-friendly PR gestures look innocent on the surface, but the goal should be clear. Yes, come on down, bring the whole family for an afternoon of hot dogs, face painting, balloons, a band and family fun playing with military hardware down at the mall. The kids will love it. The unspoken rationale is that the kids may be sufficiently fascinated to sign on after high school or join the cadets or JROTC in the mean time.
Professional sport is a favourite vehicle for advancing the cause of militarism. The public has demonstrated just how vulnerable it is to emotion-laden “support the troops” appeals to patriotism. Thankfully, my adult children don’t reflexively rise from their seats at football games to salute soldiers as jets zoom overhead. They care deeply about their country and equally so for soldiers brainwashed regarding the virtues of muscular militarism. But, that doesn’t translate into a compulsion to march to the drum beat of the military industrial complex into another war. We can speak up by remaining seated. If we can somehow collectively deny the Deep State warmongers WWIII, it will spare humanity more death and destruction than any of us can imagine.   
Resistance can take any number of forms. One freedom fighter described his technique for jamming the gears of the Cabal. His strategy is a kind of preventive defence wherein he plays the role of the magician’s heckler. He uses his insider intelligence to subtly alert the public to what could be the next false flag attack staged by the PTB. His logic is that if he, as the heckler in the crowd, publicly reveals the magician’s next trick before it is performed, the magician will likely forgo it.9
Challenging the deception of the day can be a creative undertaking. And, you are likely to win more people to the cause if your approach is humorous or creative. Satire is powerful. Consider for example, that the propagandists have sold the Western public on the supposedly virtuous role of the White Helmets in the Syria conflict. In reality, independent journalists on the ground in Syria have exposed the group as a US-UK funded propaganda asset working along side Al Qaeda in Syria. The West was quick to blame latest White Helmet false flag gas attack on Syria’s President, Bashsar Assad. When their deceit was exposed recently, I responded with a tweet:  
“And the Oscar nominees for best actor in a regime change propaganda drama are…” (with link to article citing the White Helmets complicity in the attack)
Again, your sense of humour is an important asset. Nurture yours daily.
10. Think and act strategically 
I have encountered two common deficiencies in the strategies that I have seen over the course of my consulting career. They are primarily: a) failure to adequately take less visible influences in the external environment, or “big picture”, into account, and b) a lack of upstream forward thinking or foresight. For these reasons, organizational strategies are often too shallow or too  short-sighted to achieve the desired result.
As Luke Miller, points out in an article in The Event Chronicle: “Sometimes it can be hard to see what is happening with the constant distractions from media, advertising and constant disinformation put out by the propaganda machine.” As a strategy consultant, I would say that too often we get fixated on the trees when we really need a look at the changing shape of the forest.
I routinely take clients “up” to a 30,000 foot “helicopter” view of the proverbial forest before they get drawn into the swirling vortex of details plaguing annual planning exercises. Miller says his work allows him to see the world from a different vantage point and he sees signs of a mass awakening on a local and global scale. He adds that there are small, mid scale and high scale rebellions underway.10
The high level, big picture view is likely to suggest how the resistance can be more strategic. In some cases, too much effort may be focused on exposing minor players rather than the puppet masters making them dance. At what point, for example does the resistance shift its focus from exposing compromised members of the US Congress, to exposing the higher level  puppet masters pulling their strings?  We sometimes forget that the controllers at the top of the pyramid of power control both sides of the dialectic. E.g. Democrats and Republicans; Conservatives and Liberals.
A look at the big picture may also reveal if and where the resistance has lapsed into fighting rear guard actions – essentially yesterday’s battles. Are there opportunities to figuratively move upstream and launch preemptive strikes from higher ground? Some resisters, for example, are attempting to forecast where and when the next major false flag potentially the scale of 9/11 is likely to be launched.
I recommend that freedom fighters take “strategic pauses” to reflect on progress, renew their vision and recalibrate their efforts accordingly. The strategic pause is also your opportunity to confirm your “why” or purpose. Frederick Nietzsche famously declared: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”11 This undoubtedly applies to those who are part of this movement. What is your calling? The exercise at the end of the chapter invites you to articulate your why. Perhaps it was the dream of a future where your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren could think and live freely on a more peaceful and greener planet.
Let’s review. Over the course of the last two chapters, I have outlined 10 disciplines or practices that can be considered a part of the training and development of a freedom fighter. Here’s the entire list.

  1. Know your adversary;
  2. Learn the methods and tactics of info warfare;
  3. Protect and renew the inner you; 
  4. Cultivate discernment (including a BS-nonsense detector);
  5. Develop your political literacy and political savvy;
  6. Turn off the propaganda and tune out the propagandists;
  7. Adopt an open source approach to information gathering;
  8. Develop your circle of trusted allies of and following;
  9. Speak up. Resist intimidation and encroachments; and 

   10. Think and act strategically.
Two perennial risks confront any resistance movement. One is the risk of underestimating one’s adversaries and the other is overestimating the capabilities of the resistance. Failure to take the incumbent’s advantage into account is a serious miscalculation. The incumbent has multiple advantages — the unquestioning loyalty of its minions, familiarity with the terrain, control of the machinery of governance, and ready access to the Empire’s resources. The battle to dislodge incumbents from power, in turn then, is inherently an unequal contest fought on an uphill plane.
Applying the ten disciplines of a freedom fighter can help put you on a more even footing with those seeking to control you. The ten can be applied immediately. The minute you shine the light of truth on a deception, you have taken action toward making a positive difference. When you point out the ventriloquists in the corporate media mouthing their scripted lines, you’re making a difference. When you expose the magician’s sleight of hand, you make a difference. When you call attention to the emperors prancing naked on the public stage, you make a difference.  
We can draw inspiration from a gallery of resisters that includes: Jesus, JFK, MLK, Gandhi, Bonheoffer and many others. You may even find inspiring examples of resisters and freedom fighters within your family tree. I will conclude this chapter with the bold call to arms issued by some courageous freedom fighters of Hitler’s day. The group of friends who formed the White Rose Society made it their mission to awaken the German people to the monstrous evil growing in their midst. I doubt that I could express the urgency of our cause in the 21st century any more passionately than they did theirs.
“But our present “state” is the dictatorship of evil. “Oh, we’ve known that for a long time,” I hear you object, “and it isn’t necessary to bring that to our attention again.” But, I ask you, if you know that, why do you not bestir yourselves, why do you allow these men who are in power to rob you step by step, openly and in secret, of one domain of your rights after another, until one day nothing, nothing at all will be left but a mechanized state system presided over by criminals and drunks? Is your spirit already so crushed by abuse that you forget it is your right – or rather, your moral duty – to eliminate this system? 

But if a man no longer can summon the strength to demand his right, then it is absolutely certain that he will perish. We would deserve to be dispersed through the earth like dust before the wind if we do not muster our powers at this late hour and finally find the courage that up to now we have lacked. Do not hide your cowardice behind a cloak of expediency, for with every new day that you hesitate, failing to oppose this offspring of Hell, your guilt, as in a parabolic curve, grows higher and higher.”12 
I can only hope the courage of the members of the White Rose Society is capable of infecting us two generations later.
Defining purpose and personal contribution to the freedom movement
“The reality is that when you finally find your life purpose and feed energy into that so as to develop the skills to carry it out – nothing else matters. When you have found your passion and what you do is filled with inspiration, all of your beingness is profoundly stimulated and satisfied simply be doing what you love to do.” (Justin Deschamps)
You will, by now have developed a better understanding of your adversary, its goals, strategy and methods, as well as the nature of the warfare continuing around us. You now have some basic tools for resisting the adversary’s onslaught. This places you in a better position to consider my call to arms. Take some time to work through the questions below in order to clarify your personal position and purpose. You may wish to do this in stages as you progress through the book.
1. Who am I? What defines my unique identity? What are the core beliefs and values that I cherish and that will sustain me in the future irrespective of what it may hold?
2. Why is the cause of freedom important to me? What is at stake? What compels me to challenge the Cabal’s rule? (Consider what is it about the Cabal’s rule that I find toxic, oppressive or debilitating?)
3. What is my vision or mental picture of the destination of the “truth” movement?
4. How would I describe my personal mission or contribution to the resistance or the freedom movement considering my particular talents and capabilities?
1 Bruce Lee, goodreads.com, http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/910217-absorb-what-is-useful-discard-what-is-useless-and-add
2 Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance of winning election over Donald Trump, Independent, November 5, 2016, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/sam-wang-princeton-election-consortium-poll-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-victory-a7399671.html
3 MOCKINGBIRD MIRROR: Declassified docs depict deeper link between the CIA and American media, 21st Century Wire, March 1, 2017, http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/03/01/mockingbird-mirror-declassified-docs-depict-deeper-link-between-the-cia-and-american-media/
4 The post-truth-era: Welcome to the Age of Dishonesty, Albert Mohler, July 9, 20015, http://www.albertmohler.com/2005/07/19/the-post-truth-era-welcome-to-the-age-of-dishonesty/
5 Rep Tulsi Gabbard: End illegal war against Syrian government of Assad, focus on ISIS, November 21, 2015, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=329TFfPxZBU
6 How Saudi Wahhabism is the fountainhead of Islamic terrorism, New Age Islam, January 21, 2015, http://www.newageislam.com/radical-islamism-and-jihad/how-saudi-wahhabism-is-the-fountainhead-of-islamist-terrorism/d/101139
7 Subway takes chemical out of sandwich bread after protest, ABC News, February 5, 2014, http://abcnews.go.com/Health/subway-takes-chemical-sandwich-bread-protest/story?id=22373414
8 Margaret Meade Quotes, Brainy Quote, https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/margaretme100502.html
9 The Magician and the heckler, Redefininggod.com, a resource for the awakening human, July, 2015,  http://redefininggod.com/2015/07/the-magician-and-the-heckler/
10 5 signs that we are going through a global mass awakening, The Event Chronicle, April 24, 2017,
11 Friedrich Nietzsche, goodreads.com, quotes, http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/137-he-who-has-a-why-to-live-for-can-bear
12 Third pamphlet of the White Rose Society, History is a weapon, http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/whiterose.html

Why Can’t Sam Learn? (Political allegory)



On the importance of allegory, parody and political satire
Throughout history, when those seeking change discover that straight talk and honest dialogue are suppressed or shouted down, writers, artists and playwrights have resorted to more subtle forms of expression and protest. They might have turned to parody, political allegory or satire. For various reasons, Jesus often spoke in parables laden with meaning and spiked with messages for his intended audience. This was also the tactic of the joker or court jester in medieval times. According to some, the court jester’s role was that of a professional provocateur. The jester subtly skewered the delusions and inanities of the King or the establishment.

​I’ve come to a deeper appreciation for the jesters and their satirical words and ways in the last decade or so. Perhaps it can be attributed in part to Comedy Central and Jon Stewart. The Jester’s gift is telling truth to power in a way that few others can. For a great example, search YouTube for Bob Dylan entertaining a fancy pants audience including some former US politicians seated near the front. To appreciate the deliciousness of the the situation, he’s singing “(You) Gotta serve somebody” (the Devil or the Lord) to at least one US president and alumni of Yale’s dark secret society, the Skull and Crossbones. The skilled jester can make his performance simultaneously palatable, entertaining and thought-provoking. Often, in the process, the best of jesters decodes the hidden messages behind the behaviours of the Powers that Be, revealing the truth to those among the masses with discerning eyes and ears. 

Perhaps the role of provocateur is one that futurists can play when necessary. I recall reading that our family served as bards to one of the kings of ancient Ireland. I wonder if any of them injected a touch of political satire into their verse. On that note, Why can’t Sam learn?, is another in the Red Pill Essays series (See blog). It is my political allegory of the US (“Sam”) and its foreign policy. It was written in early February of 2016, but remains timely. (The Editor, December 22, 2017)

Why Can’t Sam Learn? – A political allegory regarding the sheer madness of US  foreign policy and the collective mind behind it 
Feb 6, 2017, rev. Posted December 22, 2017© Futurescapes21C
For a part of my career I was an educator serving in the K-12 and college level systems. For the educator, the mission is unleashing human learning capabilities, so people can fulfill their life potential. In basic terms, learning is the ability of an organism to respond intelligently to stimuli in its environment. So, when people touch the proverbial hot stove, withdraw their hands and refrain from repeating the mistake, they have demonstrated an ability to learn. The desire and ability to learn is considered natural in healthy, well-adjusted human beings.
When a student develops bad grades, or engages in destructive behaviour, or is frequently caught fighting with others, the problem is sometimes traced to a learning disability. If the child’s condition can be diagnosed on a timely basis, corrective therapies or medical treatment can be undertaken. In some cases however, the roots of a behavioral problem may run deeper and can be attributed to some type of personality disorder or other form of mental illness.
But what if that schoolchild creating havoc on the figurative schoolyard or playground is really a nation, (the United States or “Sam” for our purposes)? And what if Sam’s gang (NATO) has taken control of most of the playground? Who, in this case will intervene, restore peace and seek to determine what ails Sam and his bullying buddies? It seems that it falls to independent analysts and journalists to sound the alarm and call attention to the misbehaviours. It’s clearly time to ask, Why can’t Sam learn?
It’s worth noting at the outset that Sam has many positive attributes. In the past he has demonstrated that he can be industrious, creative, generous and sometimes even a visionary leader. Sam is, in many ways, a gifted child. His unique combination of personality traits and abilities makes him very influential among his peers and greatly feared by others on the playground. For many years now, however, part of Sam has been at war with his better self, and the dark side of his personality has been winning.
This manifests itself in incoherent and destructive foreign policy ventures, few more destructive than his ill-conceived war on terror (WOT). A timely intervention is required before Sam does further injury to himself and/or those around him. Newly elected US president, Donald Trump himself has called for an end to the catastrophic foreign policy of the US. In the course of his election campaign, he declared the country is going to change course.
“We will pursue a new foreign policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past…We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments…. Our goal is stability not chaos, because we want to rebuild our country [the United States]… We will partner with any nation that is willing to join us in the effort to defeat ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism …In our dealings with other countries, we will seek shared interests wherever possible and pursue a new era of peace, understanding, and good will.”1
It’s a remarkable speech, if for no other reason than because it stands in such sharp contrast to today’s reality. If President Trump is serious about changing US thinking and behaviour, a logical place to start would be Sam’s case file. The foreign policy failures go back decades. I first began to seriously wonder about Sammy’s learning ability in the 1980’s following the War in Lebanon.
I clearly recall the leaden feeling in my gut when I read in October of 1984 that the barracks of US marines serving in Lebanon as part of a peace keeping mission had been blown up killing more than 200 US marines. The message was clear: Whether you are labeled ‘peace keepers’ or not, you’re not welcome in Lebanon. On Feb 26, 1984, the bulk of the US troops withdrew. I remember feeling relieved. I naively concluded this was a costly lesson and one that would no doubt lead to the end of American involvement in the Middle East.2
I couldn’t have been more wrong. Sam was undeterred. One summary lists 25 US interventions in the Middle East between 1984 and 2001.3  So looking back on the Beirut bombing, it appears no lessons sufficient to reshape US foreign policy in the Middle East were learned. If anything was learned, it was merely that the US needed to better fortify US troops barracks and embassies. The deadly outcomes of subsequent attacks around the world, however, left me wondering if even that was learned.
The George W. Bush era brought a new chapter in aggressive US foreign policy with the launch of the so-called WOT in the wake of the attacks on 9/11. Over the course of the subsequent 16 years, the US invaded, attacked and supported conflict in seven countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa. In his final year in office, Obama’s military dropped a record 26,121 bombs on seven countries.4 It’s worth noting that the US still maintains a military presence in Afghanistan after 15 years, is engaged in its third Iraq conflict, while silent regarding the mess NATO created in Libya in 2011.5 The US is also engaged in a proxy war in Syria and covertly supporting Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.
A growing segment of the US public, along with disaffected members of the US military are voicing their alarm regarding their nation’s dysfunctional behaviour. Former soldier Mike Prysner, for example, looking back on his military service, stated he tried to be proud of his service, but confessed, remorsefully that “the real terrorist was me”.6 Ex-Bush official, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, is quoted as saying that he is “tired of the corporate interests that we go abroad to slay monsters for” and labels his country the “death merchant of the world”.7 As for Sam’s gang, critics of its regime change wars label NATO the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization.8
Sam’s aggressive behaviour is routinely encouraged by the country’s policy think tanks. Michael Ledeen, holder of the Freedom Chair at the American Enterprise Institute offered US leadership a memorable nugget of advice. Ledeen suggested that, “Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.9 Brilliant! If only that were the extent of its bullying.

Again a closer look at Sam’s file provides a revealing picture of how his brain (Congress) and its decision process works. Investigative journalist, Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept describes how Congress reached a foreign policy decision with far reaching consequences and catastrophic repercussions for the world. In the wake of 9/11, President George Bush demanded Congress grant the president the authority to use military force against those responsible for the attack.
The resolution stated: “the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons.”
Greenwald reports that the House of Representatives approved the resolution on Sept 14 by a vote of 420-1 and the Senate the same day by a vote of 98-0. The single dissenting vote came from Democratic rep., Barbara Lee of California. Lee explained that her vote was based on a concern that passing the resolution would amount to giving “a blank check to the president to attack anyone involved in September 11 events –anywhere, in any country, without regard to our nation’s long-term foreign policy, economic and national security interests, and without time limit.” She added: “A rush to launch precipitous military counterattacks runs too great a risk that more innocent men, women, children will be killed.” 10
Lee’s response to the resolution was remarkably prescient, but it fell on deaf ears. Out of a total of 519 members of Congress, only one had the good judgment to made the case for restraint. Only one foresaw the longer-term risks and possible consequences likely to follow a decision reached three days after the 9/11 attacks. Common sense would suggest a cooling off period was in order. Equally revealing of Sam’s illness is the fact that Senator Lee was smeared and demonized by politicos for her courageous stand.
Sam’s history of promoting wars on the basis of lies didn’t begin with the first Iraq war, but it is, nonetheless, instructive. Ultimately, to sell the first Iraq war to a skeptical public, the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador was coached to offer a poignant (but false) testimony. Her story that Iraqi soldiers had invaded Kuwaiti hospitals and had tossed babies from their incubators unto the floor provided an emotional hook for a yet-skeptical public.11 The subsequent WOT was similarly sold to the public and sustained on the basis of lies.
The George W. Bush administration misled the public in wrongly blaming Saddam Hussein for the attack on the Twin Towers. It also advanced the lie that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, making him an imminent threat to the US.12 Today, the very pretext for the war on terror, the official 9/11 narrative wobbles on shaky footings. A 2013 survey found that most Americans are open to an alternative explanation.13
Sam maintains a pattern of lying and deceit to this day. If anything, he and his NATO gang have become increasingly devious in their attempts to hide their behind-the-scenes roles in regime change wars in the Middle East. In his Syrian regime change campaign, for example, Sam has employed a combination of NATO members, mercenaries, regional allies and support for terrorist groups to pursue his goal of regime change.14 This is why it is described as a proxy war. This proxy war has been sustained by a massive on-going campaign of denial and misdirection.15
In 2016, a propaganda campaign was launched to demonize Vladimir Putin and infect the Western publics with a case of Russia-phobia. Even as NATO troops and weaponry are arrayed on Russia’s border, and the Ukraine engages in periodic provocations, we are told that it’s the Russian bear that is the aggressor.16 Meanwhile, it’s Sam and his NATO buddies that continue lying about Russia and Crimea.17 And when the world’s attention is fixed on Russia and the Ukraine, Sam’s alter egos, the CIA and USAID are busily seeking to extend US hegemony elsewhere across the world.18
Sam has become a specialist in deception. During Obama’s last term, psy ops including false flags were frequently employed to ensure American citizens remained supportive of the WOT. This tactic is said to date back to Nero.19 Former Marine Corps intelligence officer, Robert Steele contends that most terrorist attacks are government-orchestrated false flags.20 Seemingly, they are successful, as citizens have yet to demand accountability from their government for the US role in the WOT. They also reveal of course, the pathological mindset of a tyrant.
The costs and consequences arising from Congress’ decision to grant the war-making authority to the president are immense and still mounting. The financial cost of the war on terror to American taxpayers alone is estimated at $5 trillion dollars and counting.21 It has been pointed out, this bill has been run up on the credit card of a country that is essentially bankrupt. Estimates of the number of lives lost as a result range from 1.3 million upward.22
This cost accounting vastly understates the reality. It doesn’t consider the damage to targeted nations in relation to their physical infrastructure, natural environment, human health and well-being, social stability and historic artifacts. It also fails to take the damage to the reputation of the United States into account.
Given the damage and losses inflicted on seven countries in seven years by Sam’s duplicitous WOT, one would imagine he might show some pang of conscience. I have not, however seen any signs of guilt or remorse to date. He also demonstrates no sense of responsibility or interest in making amends. It’s the absence of empathy that concerns me the most. Sam just doesn’t seem to care.
Whenever someone calls attention to his behaviour, Sam goes on the offence accusing others of the very things he is guilty of doing (projection was a Nazi tactic). He constantly attempts to diminish the seriousness of his crimes. The reaction is the same whether it’s the use of torture on political prisoners or the killing of innocent men, women and children in countries targeted for regime change. For Sam, it’s always a matter of the primacy of American interests over all else.
Sam continues to engage in rambling self-talk about American exceptionalism. In the 2016 US election, losing candidate, Hilary Clinton offered the delusional slogan, “We’re great, because we’re good.” Such notions reveal a massive disconnect with reality.
Looking ahead, I see no signs that the risk Sam represents to others will abate. There are signs that it will grow. The US’s military advanced research agency, DARPA, is continuing the development of robotic war machines and potentially something even more alarming, genetically modified, “Super Soldiers.” It is said that such soldiers will have advantages over human soldiers in several respects.
By eliminating empathy, the Department of Defense (DoD) hopes to “enhance” a soldier’s ability to “kill without care or remorse, shows no fear, can fight battle after battle without fatigue and generally behave more like a machine than a man.”23
It’s clear that such technological advances will do nothing to make the world any safer or more secure. Sam’s tendency to invent new enemies in order to justify his aggression make this a certainty.
In summary, a cursory look at Sam’s file reveals some disturbing patterns. They include the following:

  • Devious– repeated lying and deception
  • Inflated ego, delusions of grandeur
  • Impaired memory
  • Impulsive decisions
  • An obliviousness to danger and inability to weights risks
  • Lack of acceptance of responsibility
  • Failure to take consequences of actions into account
  • Lack of empathy and remorse
  • Strong tendency to be manipulative and coercive
  • Skilled at drawing others into conflict
  • Often relies on bullying versus negotiation to solve problems or secure agreement

While the record clearly reveals that Sam has a learning disability, it also points to a much more serious problem. A casual comparison of Sam’s behaviours with Dr. Hare’s psychopathy checklist reveals a remarkable correlation.24 In short, Sam checks many of the boxes right from superficial charm, grandiosity and pathological lying, to manipulativeness, impulsivity and failure to accept responsibility. In light of this, some recommendations are in order.
First, Sam’s condition demands an intervention and immediate attention. It’s important to determine specifically what is impairing Sam’s thinking and decision-making. Nothing can be ruled out at this point, including the possibility of a brain tumour resulting from exotic parasites. (Some have suggested it could be Neoconus fascisti.) This in turn could be causing pressure on the control or (moral) judgment centres of the brain. 
Second, the NATO gang should be immediately broken up and each of its members given a similar assessment. Their aggressive behaviours and their enabling of Sam’s intimidation and bullying suggest that some of them may also suffering from a similar condition. To some extent however, they are also Sam’s victims. (Canada, is no exception.)
Third, intensive monitoring and reporting by vigilant independent media and concerned citizens is essential. This is all the more important now as it’s clear that corporate media has been co-opted by the military-security complex (MSC).
President Trump implies that Sam can learn from his past foreign policy failures and change that nation’s behaviour. It’s an extremely optimistic position. While I hope he is right, I am a realist, and realistically the challenge is monumental. Historically, neither the US nor actual psychopaths have demonstrated much ability to learn from their past failures and reform on their own. Sadly, Sam may be beyond our help.
If Sam and his buddies pause long enough to digest the lessons from their past foreign policy failures and adopt a more benevolent posture, it will be nothing short of a miracle. It will, in fact, be a new day for humanity. We must continue to pray and work toward such a miracle; the alternative is simply too dark to contemplate.

​All rights reserved, Futurescapes21C 2017.
1 The trump speech that no one heard, Counterpunch, January 19, 2017.
2 Beirut Barracks blown up (History.com)
3 US interventions in the Middle East
4 America dropped 26, 171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama’s reign, The Guardian, January 9, 2017.
5NATO’s humanitarian intervention in Syria exacerbated “human suffering” (New Eastern Outlook, Oct 17-2015)
6 Michael Prysner: ‘The real terrorist was me…’, Oriental Review, December 16, 2012.
7 “We are the death merchant of the world”: Ex-Bush official Lawrence Wilkerson condemns military-industrial complex, Salon, March 29, 2016.
8 Stop the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization – NATO, Youtube, October 3, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4XLDt1qWYc
9 Controversial theories, Michael Ledeen, Wikipedia
10 Barbara Lee’s lone vote on September 14, 2001, was as prescient as it was  
 brave and heroic, The Intercept, September 11, 2016.
11 Nayirah testimony, Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah_(testimony)
12 George W Bush didn’t just lie about the Iraq war. What he did was much worse, The Week, May 20, 2015.
13 New poll finds most Americans open to alternative 9/11 theories, 9/11Truth.org, September 10, 2013.
14 NATO’s playbook of proxy wars in the Middle East (Blacklisted News, January 1, 2017.
15 US and NATO launch disinformation terror war, New Eastern Outlook, October 10, 2015.
16 Germany slams NATO ‘warmongering” on Russia, Yahoo, June 18, 2016.
17 Things will get worse until the US stops lying about Crimea, Strategic Culture, February 7, 2017.
18 A primer: USAID and US hegemony, New Eastern Outlook, July 8, 2016.
19 More Obama false flags on the horizon, Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show, August 31, 2013.
20 Intelligence officer: Every single terrorist attack in the US was a false flag – or egged on by the government, Infowars, Mach 15-15.

21 Post-9/11 wars have cost nearly $5 trillion and counting: Report, Common Dreams, September 13, 2016.
22 Body Count report reveals at least 1.3 million lives lost to the US-led war on terror, Common Dreams, March 26, 2015.

23 DARPA continues human experiments to create military super soldiers, Occupy Corporatism, April 10, 2013.
24 Encyclopedia of mental disorders forum, Hare psychopathy checklist,
(c) Futurescapes21C All rights reserved. 

Connecting the dots: Proxy Jihadi Wars, Mass Migration and Cultural Clashes in Europe



Home page post, October 2018
Futurescapes21C (c) All rights reserved

I suspect that a lot of folks are feeing rather disoriented these days. Major developments in the geopolitical, technological and cultural realms of late have been sending tremors through our world as it seemingly stumbles from one crisis to the next. It’s left the average person without sufficient breathing space to process the latest happenings and their implications. And collectively the picture is distorted and incoherent, so sense-making is exhausting. So, I can understand why many have given up on making sense of their world and adopted a “whatever” attitude. At times like this, when things are blurring past us,  it’s important to step back, confirm essential landmarks, and try to grasp how the pieces fit together. With a better understanding of what is really transpiring, we’re in a position to make sounder, longer term decisions including which policies we should support. This is urgently needed when it comes to the matters of proxy jihaidi armies, regime change wars in Middle East, mass migration to Europe and cultures clashes in the West. We need to figure out what’s really going on. 

People struggle to see the big picture
A capacity for big picture thinking doesn’t come naturally. It’s a bit like that image of the six blind men, each with their hand on a different part of an elephant’s anatomy from trunk to tail and each describing what they perceive an elephant looks like. None of them has the full picture. None could describe an elephant. And that’s often the way the mainstream media presents the news to us. We are bombarded with bits and pieces — the “issues” du jour, but few sources provide a meaningful analysis of how the pieces intersect and their overall significance. This is one reason so many of the proverbial “elephants in the room” or in our society are left undisturbed. It also explains why so many people and organizations are caught off-base, tilting at windmills (symptoms of a problem) and others, unawares and easily blindsided by new developments. Do we really want to be concerned with paving our driveway if an earthquake is building under our feet or our local Mount Vesuvius is about to erupt.  

Big picture blindness is often self-imposed
Why don’t we get better at grasping big picture stuff and anticipating what’s coming?  Often the constraints are self-imposed. For starters, it often involves the unfamiliar and that in itself can cause discomfort.  And then, those who pride themselves on being “practical,” often have a distaste for anything that seems like a distant abstraction.  A former colleague responded that big picture stuff was the responsibility of his managers — the folks being “paid the big bucks.” He was, in effect saying,”it’s none of my business.” The problem is that sometimes those very senior managers are insulated from the tremors which folks with their feet on the ground have already sensed. And, let’s be honest, there’s another category of people that simply don’t care and still another that wishes to preserve its innocence. So, the  cognitive dissonance associated with potentially unpleasant subjects quickly repels them. Who, for example, wants to believe that the reason some things don’t add up is because their government regularly lies to them? 

Crisis reactions inhibit clear thinking
Let’s take a real world example of some major activities recently dominating the news. I’m thinking of global terrorism, a succession of regime change wars in the Middle East, and disruptive mass migration into Europe. Those with a narrow “issues” mindset will likely see these as distinctly separate developments, producing different sets of problems and warranting particular responses or solutions. Thus when our national government presents us with a “refugee crisis,” we react to “the problem” as presented in the moment, rather than ask what’s behind the so called crisis or probe what the underlying problem is. Besides, many people  are eager to prove to their political masters that they are capable of rising to the challenge just handed to them by their government. (Isn’t that how Europeans reacted to the migrant wave and how Canadian’s responded to the Trudeau-McCallum challenge of accommodating 30,000 or so immigrants.). Thus the emotional urgency of “crises” presented by governments, can suppress critical thinking and reasoning. 

The puzzle pieces fit together 
Former US diplomat and author, Michael Springmann, peered behind the curtain. Springmann connected a lot of dots and assembled the pieces of a big puzzle in his two books, Visas for Al Qaeda (2014) and Goodbye Europe?, Hello Chaos,? Merkel’s Migrant Bomb (2017). The former diplomat demonstrates there are links between US-backed jihadi activity and proxy wars, destruction of Arab countries, displacement of native populations, the migration of millions to non-Arab countries, the covert role of migrant enablers, the disruptive impacts felt by  host countries, and the destructive influence on the cultures of both host countries and migrants. Springmann examines the divisive effect that mass immigration has on the population of the host country. This is pretty much a given considering that host western countries tend  to fracture y into two camps — those supporting large scale immigration and those concerned with  protecting the native culture. Springmann believes that those behind this kind of daisy chain of destruction and disruption are aware of the consequences. 

One conclusion then is that the “bomb” of mass immigration was deployed as a deliberate part of a larger plan. Another conclusion that’s even easier to reach is that “The best way to avoid a refugee crisis is to not create one in the first place. So, no more regime change wars.” It’s something I’ve been saying  for some time. Now, I’m wondering if anyone is listening or looking at the big picture. In retrospect, it all makes sense from a Machiavellian globalist perspective.

Those wanting to expand their capacity for big picture dot connection may wish to read Springmann’s interview or put his book on their suggested Christmas gift list. See: Weapon’s of mass migration: Interview with Michael Springmann on Europe’s migrant crisis (SOTT, Aug 13, 2017) in the Society and Demographics section below. 

​In peace,
— Rod (October, 2018) 

Prayers for Canada’s Pogo Moment in 2017



I wrote this essay on January 23, 2017 hoping that sometime during its 150th anniversary year Canada would have a moment of truth. Perhaps its leaders would acknowledge the falsity of war-making in general, and the war on terror in particular including Canada’s own criminal role in destabilizing Libya. Alas, Canada’s leadership has not yet been convinced that it’s time to admit its duplicity and criminality in participating in the farcical war on terror. Our opportunity to demonstrate genuine leadership has almost slipped away.  (the editor, December 15, 2017).

                Prayers for Canada’s “Pogo” Moment in 2017
Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes 21C (c) January, 23, 2017, All rights reserved
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” (Luke 8:17)

Canada’s moment of truth, or what I would call its “Pogo moment” is coming, and while it won’t be pleasant, it is necessary to our future well-being. Pogo, some may recall, was a central character is a 1960s to mid-seventies American comic strip with a gift for political and social satire. Its most enduring punch line is, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” The witticism is particularly applicable to the US’s so-called “war on terror” (WOT) and Canada’s role in it. 
The WOT was launched in the wake of the reported 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon. The Bush administration then declared a worldwide “war on terror.”  Among other things, the war on terror took the form of a combination of open and covert military operations, new security legislation and efforts to block the financing of terrorism.1 By any measure, the toll exacted through these measuress has been immense.
Over a span of six of the 15 plus years since 9/11, the United States and its allies have launched attacks in seven countries.2  The cost of the campaign to U.S. taxpayers alone is estimated to be nearly $5 trillion dollars and counting.3 And, an estimated 1.3 million lives have been lost as a result of this policy.4 Other sources meanwhile put the death toll as high as 4 or more million.5
Newly elected President Trump has signaled his intention to bring an end to US regime change wars. That said, there was certainly no sign of that in the final year of the Obama administration when it registered a new high in aggressive action. The number of bombs dropped on foreign countries in 2016 surpassed that of 2015 totaling 26,171. This amounts to three bombs per hour, 24 hours per day.6 One wonders whether, as observer-participants in the WOT, we have become numbed to the magnitude and global consequences of these numbers. Could our humanity itself have become a casualty of this brutal war?
A line in the Leonard Cohen’ song, Anthem reads, “There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”7 Perhaps, the light is slowly penetrating the cracks in the war on terror. From time to time, I read of individuals who have “awakened” to the inconvenient truth regarding the WOT. In the process, their understanding of its dark realities is abruptly turned on its head and the truth is clear. They discover that the situation wasn’t what they thought, nor was the enemy who they thought it was. It isn’t “them”; it’s “us.” It’s what I call their Pogo moment.
Guy Parmeter, a US soldier deployed in Iraq in 2004, experienced such a revelation in an interaction with an Iraqi farmer near Samarra in Salahuddin province. Then-Major Guy Parmeter recalled asking a farmer if he’d “seen any foreign fighters” lurking about. The farmer’s reply was direct and telling: “Yes, you.” 8
The Iraqi farmer’s, “Yes, you”, triggered an epiphany for Parmeter. He was seeking a window of intelligence into the identity and whereabouts of an elusive enemy. He was handed a mirror instead. And the image of the dark and dangerous invader he glimpsed in the mirror was his. In an instant, his white hat turned black.
More than a decade later, the Pogo moment of another former Iraqi soldier led him to the same conclusion regarding the identity of the real enemy. An extract of a speech by ex-US soldier Mike Prysner conveys his profound remorse tinged with anger at the deceptions pushed by his commanders. The tone of Prysner’s confession stands in sharp contrast with the hegemonic chant, “We’re number one!”
And I tried hard to be proud of my service. But all I could feel was shame. Racism could no longer mask the reality of the occupation. These were people, these were human beings …We were told we were fighting terrorists. The real terrorist was me, and the real terrorism is this occupation. 9
More recently, US Virginia State senator, Richard Black, curious about the deeper motives behind the US military campaign in the Middle East, went to Syria to see the situation firsthand. In a May 5, 2016 interview with Jeffrey Steinberg (Executive Intelligence Review Magazine) following his return, Senator Black’s observations reveal the extent of his mind shift.
But when you go there and you actually walk the grounds and you shake hands with the soldiers and meet with the refugees and people like that, it turns black and white into Technicolor. And I’m going to tell you: Syria is one of the most incredibly wonderful nations on Earth. And the fact that America set out to topple the government and destroy it, long before there was the faintest hint of civil unrest, it’s really one of the great stains on American honor.
The veil was lifted. Senator Black’s amazement at what he had witnessed in terms of Syrian unity and resilience doesn’t hide his outrage regarding the role of the US in the conflict. “We have never done anything more loathsome or despicable than what we are doing in Syria,” he concludes.10
Much of the WOT has been covert and conducted via regional allies, contractors and mercenaries. Thus, the conflict in Syria is widely described as a proxy war. In 2016, Wikileaks released a Hillary Clinton email that acknowledged that Qatar and Saudi Arabia were providing financial and logistical support to ISIS and other extremist Sunni groups. The email doesn’t mention the fact however, that both these terrorist-funding states were big league donors to the Clinton Foundation. The hypocrisy in the US decision to sell aircraft, munitions, spare parts training, maintenance and logistics to the Saudis is apparent.11
The analysis of American comic and political commentator, Jimmy Dore, is every bit as critical as that of Senator Black. It’s also irreverent, expletive-laden plain speak. Dore condemns the duplicity of US President Obama and Secretary of State, John Kerry for their false narrative regarding the role of the US in Syria. His commentary is delivered against the backdrop of a video of an Obama press conference. The US president portrays the US as a deeply concerned force for good attempting to bring about peace and relieve suffering in Syria. Dore doesn’t buy it. (Language caution).
We’re inflicting (not relieving) human suffering in Syria. …We should get the “F” out of there.
And somebody else is the bad guy…somebody else is the bad guy? We can’t bring clean water to Flint Michigan, to our own (expletive) people…but we’re going to straighten shit out in Syria? 12
Dore’s critique of UN Ambassador Samatha Powers is equally scathing. He focuses on her disingenuous condemnation of President Bashar Assad for killings allegedly carried out by the Syrian army during its liberation of the residents of East Aleppo. (Thus far no evidence of such an event has been provided.) Dore is clear that the real villains in Syria are US-supported terrorist proxies.
We’re doing it. That’s why Tulsi Gabbard had to put a… a bill in congress that says… the United States should stop funding terrorists today. So that’s what going on in Syria… just so you know what’s going on in Syria. We’re the bad guys… as usual. We need to get the (expletive) out of Syria… and stop the fighting in Syria13
These dissenters are far from alone in rejecting a misguided US foreign policy and exposing the deceptions of the WOT. Dozens of independent journalists and analysts have come to the same uncomfortable conclusions. A small sample of other dissenters includes: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (Former Assistant Secretary of State, Reagan administration); Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley, Phil Butler, Robert Parry (Consortium News); Patrick Henningsen (21st Century Wire); and F. William Engdahl (New Eastern Outlook). Ironically, their analysis has either been ignored or hypocritically dismissed to date by the mainstream corporate media as “fake news.”
It’s sobering to consider that it’s taken 80 years for a relatively small minority to voice the same conclusion regarding the WOT that US Marine Corps General Smedley Butler reached in 1935 regarding the wars of his day. Butler, in his 1935 book, War is a Racket declared, in effect, that he had seen the enemy and that enemy was “us” or, in that case, the United States.
I served in all commissioned ranks from a second Lieutenant to a Major General. And during that time, I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism.” 14

How is it that the hard-earned wisdom of such a man and the cautions of the dissenters since his day go unheeded by Western Nations? Must every generation start from zero and re-learn the lessons of the previous one? Where’s the celebrated ability of the leaders of advanced societies to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before? And, why have so few chosen to stand on the shoulders of Smedley Butler and enlightened successors who learned that war is a racket?
I have to attribute this failure in large part to what could be called the smog of war. This isn’t to be confused with the fog of war. Typically the latter term is used to describe the hazy, confused state of affairs that develops within the military in the heat of battle and the theatre of war. Thus, when a military death results from friendly fire for example, it is often attributed to the fog of war. The smog (fog plus pollutants) of war is different. It’s the manufactured distortions, misinformation and other forms of propaganda directed at an ususpecting citizenry in order to first gain, and then maintain public support for the cause.
The Deep State and (and the shadow government) directing the elected government) are the dark force behind the call for war. War-makers within the Deep State have mastered the art and science of manufacturing pro-war propaganda or “smog”. In the run- up to war and over the course of war, their smog-making public relations machines run full throttle. The goal is to envelop an unsuspecting populace within a thick blanket of informational smog cloaking the unpalatable realities of war from the eyes of the public.
War smog serves multiple purposes. It impairs logic and obscures our moral and ethical markers.  Effective campaigns embed a justification for war while camouflaging the identity of the real aggressors and their motives. Properly applied, it also effectively marginalizes dissenters by smearing them as unpatriotic or disloyal to a necessary or even noble cause. With mind-numbing daily repetition, the public acquiesces.
CJ Hopkins provides a further explanation as to why official propaganda continues to work despite is absurdity, including the current “Russian hacking” hysteria.15 Hopkins points to the work of Edward Bernays, the father of modern day public relations whose greatest contribution it was said, was convincing the American public to join the First World War. Bernays was remarkably candid about the goal of PR: the deliberate manipulation of the public mind.
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.16
Vijhay Prashad, Professor of International Affairs at Trinity College, Connecticut, explains how wars are dressed up in order to hide the facts. Note: subterfuge is essential.
No Great Power claims to exercise authority for its own interests or for the interests of those businesses that dominate its institutions. They like to speak about humanitarian obligations – whether to protect civilians from other humans or from natural disasters. They put on the cloak of protection to suggest that they are above crass monetary interests, whether theft of resources or control of markets.
… In our liberal age, it is hard to define wars in terms of self-interest. …We are told that they are the bitter medicine for the good of the planet, when in fact they are the use of force – by gun or by pen – for the betterment of very small numbers of people against the collective interest of the working-people of the planet. Our bewilderment comes from the thick cloak of ideology that covers over the real motivations of the powerful. 17
It seems little has changed over the years. War-makers, assisted by their faithful servants in the corporate media have repeatedly sold us regime-change wars over the last 15 years using well-honed, Bernays – inspired PR practicesJournalist, John Pilger describes the critical role played by corporate media and their persuasive star talent in engineering consent in support of war.
Propaganda is most effective when our consent is engineered by those with a fine education – Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Columbia – and with careers on the BBC, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post.
These organizations are known as the “liberal media.” They present themselves as enlightened, progressive tribunes of the moral zeitgeist. They are anti-racist, pro-feminist and pro-LGBT. And they love war. While they speak up for feminism, they support rapacious wars that deny the rights of countless women, including the right to life.18
The screw continues to turn as of the researching of this paper in January of 2017. The majority of the public has not yet come to a full understanding of the role of the US, NATO and non-NATO allies in regime-change wars in the Middle East. This is particularly true regarding the latest attempt at regime-change in Syria. Nonetheless, even as the Deep State’s campaign in Syria floundered in 2016, it was diligently fabricating and marketing a new boogeyman.
There’s an argument that this strategy was undertaken because the now 15-year-old terrorist threat was losing its potency. What if it was no longer capable of inducing sufficient fear to mobilize public support for increasing defense department budgets and military campaigns? Perhaps terrorism’s value as a psychological hot button had reached its best-before-date. If so, a dark new villain would be needed. Voila, a new enemy in the form of “resurgent Russia” under Putin was introduced. Accordingly, the dials on the propaganda machines in Washington, London and Brussels were turned up to “high” regarding the Russian threat.
But, there is a problem. The “Russia-phobia” campaign is so blatantly obvious and lacking in credibility that has become something of a joke within the independent alternative media. The Deep State-CIA appears undeterred, however. Joseph Goebbels taught that with sufficient repetition, the public can be persuaded to swallow the biggest of lies. So, give it time. And just in case Russiaphobia isn’t sufficient to grip the public psyche, new provocations are at the ready to be used to cultivate hostility with China and Iran.
Seemingly, an unsuspecting citizenry isn’t equipped to see through the theatre offered by the magicians of war. To understand some of the moves on the geopolitical chessboard, we return to the analysis of Professor Prashad. And, once again, some of Smedley Butler’s sentiments are reflected in his observations.
Those U.S. ships that sail in the South-China Sea are not there to protect Taiwan or South Korea. They are there to protect the Global Commodity Chain. With the emergence of Russia and China – in particular – as regional powers, the US has tried to hem them in.
The tension between the United States and Russia-China is not because the former is benevolent and the latter are malevolent, but because they are in the midst of a geo-strategic battle over whether the United States and its allies should be the only ones to control the supply lines and the commodity chain, as well as how money is moved around (the SWIFT network) and how money is valued (whether the Dollar remains the main currency).19
Pervasive deception is central to effective war-making. It finds expression in sophisticated media propaganda and false flags involving orchestrated theatre on the geopolitical chessboard. It’s sobering to consider, but when the Deep State goes to war, it declares an informational war against its civilian population in addition to any external enemy.
The equipping of citizens for the onslaught must begin long before the propaganda campaign is launched. It requires more than casually listening to “the news” from co-opted corporate media. It means consciously absorbing the instructive experiences of individuals like Major Parmeter’s in his moment of truth in Iraq in 2004. Parmeter recognized the warring predisposition of his country, and recommended that his fellow Americans take a collective look in the mirror.
We are the empire of US military interventions, alien disaster movies and Star Wars.
We Americans, proud denizens of the land of the gun and of the only superpower left standing, don’t, of course, want to think of ourselves as aliens. Who does? We go to movies like Independence Day or Star Wars to identify with the outgunned rebels. Evidence to the contrary, we still think of ourselves as the underdogs, the rebels, the liberators.
We need to take a long hard look at ourselves. Like Pogo, we need to be willing to see the evidence of our own invasive nature. Only then can we begin to become the kind of land we say we want to be. 20
On the occasion of our country’s 150th anniversary, Canadians would be well advised to do the same. Outside the bubble, Canada is described as a vassal of the United States? It is such a long way from a “True North” strong and free. How is such a role consistent in any way with our aspirations to become an island of hope and opportunity in a troubled and often chaotic world? The disconnect from reality is eye- watering.
The disconnects and delusions abound. I recall viewing in 2011, a Canadian TV news segment polishing the country’s military brass for an admirable NATO contribution in Libya. In a similar vein, Salman Rafi Sheikh reports that in 2013, he heard NATO declare that the mission in Libya had been one of the most successful in NATO’s history. Really? Perhaps it’s time we took a closer look and evaluated the fruits of our labours.
A report from the British foreign affairs committee challenges NATO’s positive assessment of its performance. The report acknowledges that the Western intervention in Libya in 2011 was “not only based on false intelligence (sound familiar) but also directly paved the way for an insurgence of Islamist terror groups in the country.” 21 It’s a remarkable indictment, given the humanitarian framing and rosy evaluation of the intervention.
Journalist, John Pilger adds some additional detail regarding the outcome of what he calls the “catastrophe in Libya.”
In 2011, Obama said Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was planning “genocide” against his own people. “We knew … that if we waited one more day, Benghazi, a city the size of Charlotte, could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world.”
This was the known lie of Islamist militias facing defeat by Libyan government forces. It became the media story; and NATO – led by Obama and Hillary Clinton – launched 9,700 “strike sorties” against Libya, of which more than a third were aimed at civilian targets. Uranium warheads were used; the cities of Misurata and Sirte were carpet-bombed. The Red Cross identified mass graves, and Unicef reported “most [of the children killed] were under the age of ten.” 22
So, scrape off the self-congratulatory veneer and lies and we’re left with the objective reality that Canada and fellow-NATO members murdered the leader of a non-aggressor nation, created acres of rubble, degraded a highly functioning country in political, social and economic terms and paved the way for encroachment by Islamist terrorists. And, in the process, we also contributed to the chaotic immigrant crisis of the last two to three years and committed war crimes.
The scale of the Libya fiasco can be put into clearer perspective with a capsule description of it before and after the NATO intervention.
In 1967 Colonel Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa; however, by the time he was assassinated, Gaddafi had turned Libya into Africa’s wealthiest nation. Libya had the highest GDP per capita and life expectancy on the continent. Less people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands.
After NATO’s intervention in 2011, Libya is now a failed state and its economy is in shambles. As the government’s control slips through their fingers and into to the militia fighters’ hands, oil production has all but stopped.23 You can top it off with Barack Obama’s description of post- Gaddafi Libya as a “shit show”, something he blamed on British PM, David Cameron.24 Libyans have seen the enemy and it is us.
Given the global power shifts underway, there’s no better time than now for a review of Canada’s recent foreign policy and specifically, our role in the WOT. Canada and its leaders really only have two choices and the sand is quickly running out of the glass on the first. Their first option is to step back and take a long, honest look in the mirror and evaluate our role in the WOT. It’s project management 101: Document the lessons learned.
This is likely to unearth some useful lessons and provide a basis for a timely re-think of our foreign policy including the matter of our responsibilities to allies. It could give new meaning to the current Responsibility to Protect (R2P) policy. A popular anti-drunk driving message is: Friends don’t let friends drive drunk. A corollary for a military ally might be, Friends don’t let friends needlessly destroy other countries and their populations while intoxicated with delusions of exceptionalism.
The second choice is an avoidance strategy. It’s one where Canada keeps its head down and tries to run out the clock on any WOT post mortem. It means continuing to seek cover in a frayed terrorism script while hoping the world is soon distracted by the next global threat. Oh yes, Canada would of course have to continue playing along with any the false flag psy ops designed keep the public cowed and compliant. Oh look…it’s a bird, it’s a drone…”it’s a terrorist attack…or is a Russian or a Chinese invasion…?
As tempting as an avoidance strategy might be, it would also be cowardly and shortsighted, limiting Canada’s prospects on several fronts. Here are five reasons why an honest look in the mirror is would be a better choice. 
1. It’s important for the nation’s mental health and spiritual well-being. It’s said the confession is good for the soul. As Canada’s complicity in the WOT is fully understood reported and the seriousness of our crimes sinks in, cognitive dissonance is likely. Some will likely have difficulty reconciling our White Hat self image with reality. Other Canadians may experience a form of Macbeth syndrome, a condition that is called Perpetration Induced Traumatic Stress (PITS). Coming clean could be a meaningful part in our collective national therapy. 
2. It can be a time of re-visioning a more independent Canada. I’ve noted earlier that Colonel Parmeter has described his country as “the Empire of US military interventions.” Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson has described his country as “Death Merchant of the World.” Canada’s association with and support for the wars led by a nation described by members of its military in these dark terms means they no doubt cloud our future. Can we envision a future free of these weights?
3. The review can inform a move on Canada’s part to repair damaged international relationships and reorienting Canadian foreign policy in a positive direction. Our allegiance to the US and its misguided WOT has skewed our foreign policy and international relationships. Disentangling ourselves would mean more than simply rejecting the premise and duplicity of the WOT and ending our military support for it. We would of necessity also need to bring our self-destructive economic, diplomatic and information wars with other nations to an end and pursue rapprochement.
The implications of the rise of Eurasia and corresponding shift to a multi-polar world invite a more thorough examination unobscured by the distortions of the WOT. This means taking into account the development of new security alliances, trade relationships, infrastructure development, financial institutions and monetary systems. See F. William Engdahl’s article on the rise of Eurasia.25
4. It would naturally segway into a review of our membership in NATO and a review of NATO itself. The following questions might be considered in our review of Canada’s participation in NATO.
In what ways has Canadian participation in foreign conflicts as a NATO member contributed to or exacerbated conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world?
In what ways has Canada as a NATO member with the backing of the military industrial complex, contributed to a more dangerous and less secure world?
Which of our current NATO obligations predispose our acting wither now or in the future in ways at odds with Canadian values and our vision for the future?
It what ways does our participation in NATO undercut our understanding of what is essential for the long-term global good and our desired contribution to it?
Many critics regard NATO as a cold war relic that has outlived its purpose. The criticisms aren’t solely coming from outside NATO membership. President Donald Trump has said it’s obsolete.26 Marine Le Pen has said that if she wins the French presidential election this year, she will take the country out of the EU and NATO. 27And the leader of Germany’s Left is calling for the dissolution and replacement of NATO.27 28
5. Ultimately, Canada’s complicity in the misguided WOT will be fully exposed. It is the Age of Disclosure, and a full airing of our support for and participation in the WOT is coming. Citizen journalism and rise an independent media-led truth movement ensure it.  
Consider that with each passing year, more and more Americans are concluding that the official 9/11 narrative isn’t credible. When the 9/11 narrative collapses, it will bring down the entire web of lies and deceptions used to sustain more than 15 years of brutal conflicts. In the process, the full cast of enablers and perpetrators will be exposed. Even now, new witnesses are emerging from the rubble of US-led regime change wars bearing testimony to what they have seen and experienced. The light seeps in and the truth seeps out.  
Like Pogo, Major Parmeter, Mike Prysner, Jim Dore, Eva Bartlett and Paul Craig Roberts, and others, I have met the enemy and struggled with its delusions. Our victims have, of course known the identity and dark motives of the real terrorists for some time. Unlike us, they need no awakening. It is we who need to take a critical look at the enemy in the mirror. The only question at that point will be whether we will allow it to continue holding us captive.
© Futurescapes21C, 2017 All rights reserved.

1 War on terrorism, Global Policy Forum, https://www.globalpolicy.org/war-on-terrorism.html#a2011
2 ‘Peace’ president? How Obama came to bomb seven countries in six years, Independent, September 24, 2014, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/peace-president-how-obama-came-to-bomb-seven-countries-in-six-years-9753131.html
3 Syrian wars have cost nearly $5 trillion (and counting): Report, Common Dreams, September 13, 2016. http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/09/13/post-911-wars-have-cost-nearly-5-trillion-and-counting-report
4 Body count report reveals at least 1.3 million lives lost to the US-led war on terror, Common Dreams, March 26, 2015.
5 Do the math: Global war on terror has killed 4 million Muslims or more, Mint Press News, August 3, 2015. http://www.mintpressnews.com/do-the-math-global-war-on-terror-has-killed-4-million-muslims-or-more/208225/
6 America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama’s reign, The Guardian, January 9, 2017.
7 Anthem, Leonard Cohen lyrics. http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/leonardcohen/anthem.html
8 We are the empire: Of US military interventions, aliens disaster movies and “Star Wars”, Veterans Truth Network, July 14, 2016. http://veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/2016/07/14/we-are-the-empire-of-us-military-interventions-alien-disaster-movies-and-star-wars/
9 Mike Prysner testimony: The real terrorist was the real terrorism and this occupation, November 2, 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uKt9orWlnQ
10 US Senator: “We have never done anything more loathsome that what we’re doing in Syria, Fort Russ, July 9, 2016.
11 “The terrorists R us”: Hillary Clinton admits Clinton Foundation Donors Fund ISIS-Daesh. Global Research, October 29, 2016. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-terrorists-r-us-hillary-admits-clinton-foundation-donors-fund-isis-daesh/5553722 
12 President Obama offers hilarious reasons for why we are Syria, Jimmy Dore Show, YouTube, December 22, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiqwqP_iXsc
13 You’re being lied to on Syria/United States the real terrorists, Jimmy Dore Show, YouTube, December 16, 2016.
14 Smedley Butler quotes, Brainy Quotes https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/s/smedley_butler.html
15 Why ridiculous official propaganda still works, Counterpunch, January 13, 2017.
16 The manipulation of the American mind – Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations, Phys.Org, July 9, 2015.
17 When will the US confront its role in fueling terror attack across the planet?, Alternet, January 4, 2017.
18 Inside the invisible government: War, propaganda, Clinton & Trump, John Pilger.com, October 27, 2016.
19 When will the US confront its role in fueling terror attack across the planet?, Alternet, January 4, 2017. http://www.alternet.org/world/when-will-us-confront-its-role-fueling-terror-attacks-across-planet 
20 We are the empire: Of US military interventions, aliens disaster movies and “Star Wars”, Veterans Truth Network, July 14, 2016. http://veteranstruthnetwork.com/index.php/2016/07/14/we-are-the-empire-of-us-military-interventions-alien-disaster-movies-and-star-wars/
21 Libya is a complete Western disaster finds a British parliamentary report, New Eastern Outlook, October 28, 2016.

22 The rise of a ‘democratic fascism, Consortiumnews.com, March 2, 2015.
23 Libya, from Africa’s richest state under Gaddafi, to failed state under NATO intervention, Global Research, September 14, 2016.
24 Barack Obama says David Cameron allowed Libya to become a ‘sh** show’, Independent, March 10, 2016.
25 The Eurasian Century is now unstoppable, New Eastern Outlook, October 4, 2016. http://journal-neo.org/2016/10/04/the-eurasian-century-is-now-unstoppable-2/
26 Donald Trump causing NATO ‘anxiety’ after saying alliance is ‘obsolete’. SkyNews, January 20,2017.http://news.sky.com/story/germany-donald-trump-causing-anxiety-in-nato-after-saying-alliance-obsolete-10730886    

27  Frexit: Le Pen promises to take France out of EU and NATO, RT, December 24, 2016. https://www.rt.com/news/371611-frexit-le-pen-promises-nato/    

28 Breaking: German opposition leader calls for collective security union with Russia, Dissolution of NATO. Global Research, January 20, 2017.

Oh Canada, Just Who is Standing on Guard for Thee?



Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C, All rights reserved, Posted July 25, 2018, rev. July 28, 2018

​Treason: The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies. (Free On-line dictionary)

It’s one of those things that makes you think you may be caught in a bad dream. I’m talking about the unabashed betrayal of our country’s interests in our government’s decision to provide a safe haven in Canada for a number of the Al Qaeda-linked “White Helmets.” 

On July 22, 2018, Israel’s foreign minister, Emmanuel Nahshon tweeted: “Upon request of the US, Canada and European states Israel has completed a humanitarian effort to rescue members of a Syrian civil organization (“ White Helmets”) and families. They were evacuated from the war zone in Southern Syria to a neighbouring country.”

That same day, Canada’s minister of foreign affairs, Chrystia Freeland tweeted: “The White Helmets are courageous volunteers and first responders who risk their lives to help their fellow Syrians. Our thanks to Israel, Jordan, US, UK, Germany and our other partners who have worked closely with Canada to make the evacuation of WH possible.”

The evidence suggests that this isn’t exactly the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Gordon Duff, writing in Veteran’s Today, ​says: “The White Helmets are a self-described rescue organization founded by former British Army officer James Le Mesurier in 2014, and officially tasked with saving civilian lives in militant-controlled areas of Syria. Damascus and Moscow accuse the group of being a propaganda arm for the Nusra Front terror group**, and have provided extensive evidence and witness testimony of the group’s propensity for staging fake attacks.” 

Independent journalist, Rick Sterling, writing in Consortium News back in October of 2016, had this to say about war propaganda. “The saturation of propaganda from massive investments by Western interests in NGOs like the ‘White Helmets’ has skewed the public’s understanding of foreign crises, such as Iraq in 2003 and Syria today.” Yes, war propaganda regarding the war in Syria has reached the saturation point. But the truth seeps out. 

Sterling’s assessment of the White Helmets was consistent with that of Gordon Duff.  “…(they) are not just some well-meaning Syrians who emerged to help all civilians suffering from the five years of war. Not only do they only operate in rebel-controlled areas, but they are a source of propaganda about the war, indeed their very existence is an element in the larger propaganda campaign to rally international support for a ‘regime change’ war in Syria. The White Helmets brand was conceived and directed by a New York-based marketing company named ‘The Syria Campaign’, which itself was “incubated” by a larger politically oriented marketing company called Purpose.” It’s not the first time we find a PR agency behind a regime-change campaign is it? Let’s not forget it was the PR agency, Hill and Knowlton, that coached a fake hospital volunteer to testify that Iraqi soldiers had taken Kuwaiti babies from their incubators leaving them to die on the cold floor of the hospital where she volunteered. It was just the kind of atrocity story the figurative doctor ordered in order to convince American citizens to support the first Iraq war. 

Even back in 2016, Sterling states that White Helmets’ claims about the Syrian military’s use of barrel bombs and chlorine gas attacks were suspect. In fact, he suggests it was likely that the WHs played a part in the staging of the chlorine gas attacks. Today, Syrian citizens are offering first hand testimony regarding false flag deceptions of this nature engineered by the White Helmets. (For a closer look at the shadowy forces behind the creation and operation of the WH’s, see Sterling’s “Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators.“) Sterling’s article cites other individuals who have exposed the fake civilian rescue agency. Max Blumenthal wrote a two part series in Alternet (Oct 2 and 3, 2016) entitled: ‘How the White Helmets became International Heroes while Pushing US Intervention and Regime Change in Syria‘ and Inside the Shadowy PR Firm that’s Lobbying for Regime Change in Syria.

UK journalist, Vanessa Beeley wrote about both the fake White Helmets civil defense agency  and the real Syrian Civil Defense Agency founded six decades ago. Beeley explains: “The real Syrian Civil Defense works on a shoestring budget with real volunteers without video teams accompanying and promoting them. Most in the West are unaware the real Syrian Civil Defense even exist. The situation is similar for the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, which is a genuinely neutral and independent relief organization…”  

Beeley’s May 21 2018 article in 21st Century Wire provides the assessments of some of those citizens who lived through the hell of the 6 year proxy war waged by Western regime changers and their Middle Eastern allies. Their opinions about the White Helmets are at complete odds with that of Canada’s Chrystia Freeland. Summing up her interviewees’ comments, Beeley writes:

“Some are shocking in their content, some are harrowing, all are condemnatory. If only a percentage of these testimonies were to be taken into account by the so-called International Community we should be seeing outrage and a demand for justice for civilians who were forced to witness and who were profoundly affected by the appalling atrocities they report as committed by the White Helmets in collaboration with the armed groups.” 

Beeley in turn cites the analysis of international criminal lawyer, Christopher Black regarding White Helmet criminality. Black  states: “the other actions of White Helmets –  (as testified to by Syrian civilians) –abuse, torture, kidnapping, murder of captured combatants and non-combatants are crimes under the ICC statute dealing with war-crimes and crimes against humanity, Articles 6 through 8.”

Independent Canadian journalist, Eva Bartlett also interviewed citizens in Eastern Ghouta following its nightmarish occupation by terrorist forces. She asked the locals if the White Helmets were helping them. One survivor, Toufik Zahra replied:

“The civil defence was only for the terrorist groups, only for them, for Jaysh al-Islam.” This was reiterated by Mahmoud Mahmoud al-Hammouri, working in a shop down the street, who said: “The White Helmets are called civil defence. They were supposedly for the civilians but they were the contrary, they were for Jaysh al-Islam.” 

Marwan Qreisheh described their brutal mode of operation.

“When the White Helmets wanted to go somewhere, terrorists used to go with them and open the roads for them. The moment they would arrive at a place where they wanted to fake an attack, they threw 10 smoke bombs, causing heavy smoke, you couldn’t see anything. They used to shoot people, and after the smoke cleared, they start filming. It was impossible to say a word because they would kill you, they would empty their gun on you immediately. 

If someone’s arm veins were cut, they would amputate immediately and stitch the wound, while filming. If someone’s leg was injured because of bullet, a piece of glass, or anything, their first treatment was amputation.”

Syria’s grand mufti has also expressed his opinion regarding the White Helmets and it couldn’t be farther from Minister Chrytia Freeland’s view. Grand Mufti Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun contends: “These people are not refugees. They are war criminals.” Hassoun went on to describe the WHs are “terrorists” and blamed them for the use of chemical weapons against civilians.

These aren’t the only observers who have exposed the West’s beloved Al Qaeda affiliates for what they are. The alternative media has been trying to alert the public to the truth for some time. Clearly our PM and Minister Freeland are fully aware that they are importing alleged war criminals into our country. In June of 2017, the PM stated that Canadians expected their government to protect their communities and protect their freedoms. When did Canadians ever say we expected our government to offer safe haven to the PR assets of those engaged in brutal, foreign regime change wars? Honest Canadians who are able to penetrate the many deceptions they have been subjected to will have a hard time describing the White Helmets manoeuvre, being passed off  as a “humanitarian gesture,” as anything less than treasonous. So I have to ask, “When we sing those words in our national anthem, ‘we stand on guard for thee,’ who is it exactly that is standing on guard for Canada”? It’s pretty clear it isn’t our government. 
IDF evacuates Syrian ‘White Helmets’ civil defence members fearing for their lives to Jordan (Jewish Press, July 22, 2018)

Trump bringing ISIS to America as “White Helmets” (Veteran’s Today, July 20, 2018)

The White Helmets controversy (Strategic Culture, October 25, 2018)

How PR sold the war in the Gulf (PR Watch, Excerpted from Toxic Sludge is Good for You, Chapter 10.)

Seven steps of highly effective manipulators (Dissident Voice, April 9, 2015)

The real Syria Civil Defence exposes NATO’s ‘White Helmets’ as terrorist linked imposters (Global Research, September 24, 2016)

Eastern Ghouta: Syrian voices raised in condemnation of White Helmets (The Wall Will Fall, June 3, 2018)
https://thewallwillfall.org/2018/06/03/eastern-ghouta-syrian-voices-raised-in-condemnation-of-white-helmets/Syria war diary: 

Eva Bartlett speaks with Ghouta civilians about life under terrorist rule (SOTT, RT, June 3, 2018)

White Helmets must be tracked down and brought to justice for ‘war crimes’ – Syria’s grand mufti (SOTT, RT, July 23, 2018)

NATO is Psycho — A Preliminary, Unofficial Diagnosis

Posted December 4, 2018, revised Dec 5, 17, 2018
Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C (c) 2018, All rights reserved

I see that NATO ministers of Foreign Affairs met in Brussels, Belgium from December 4-5, 2018. While NATO wasn’t the focus of the agenda, an earlier meeting in Brussels referenced NATO from a very different perspective. I’m referring to the 12th European-Russian Forum held in the European Parliament in Brussels on November 26, 2018. Gilbert Doctorow, a Brussels-based political analyst and author, reported on the forum. Doctorow says the forum, “brought sobering realism to bear on the questions of whether we are headed into war with Russia, whether it can be limited in destructiveness and regional in scope or will quickly escalate to the global level with nuclear exchanges, and appraising what kind of outcomes we may anticipate.”

​With the West’s relations with Russia at an historic low, and military tensions at a dangerous new high, it’s important to ask how we got here. What went wrong? Doctorow’s report was clear as to where forum speakers laid the blame.

“There was a near consensus of all speakers regarding who is to blame for the deterioration in Russia’s relations with the West ever since the halcyon days following signing of the Paris Charter in November 1990 that formally ended the Cold War. This deterioration has moved with particular speed over the past decade bringing us today to the lowest point in relations since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

We heard from speaker after speaker that the US was and is to blame, starting with NATO expansion to the East in the mid-1990s and running through the US-managed coup d’état in Kiev on 22 February 2014 that installed an aggressively anti-Russian government in Ukraine. That crossed all of Moscow’s red lines and precipitated the re-incorporation of Crimea into the Russian Federation the following month, leading in turn to the Western response we see to this day: sanctions, nonstop information war and exacerbation of conflicts in Europe and in the Middle East, where Russia and the West have been backing proxies that are in conflict.”(1) 

The record shows that NATO, the so-called “system of collective defence” (2), has been playing offence, violating the Gorbachev-Reagan agreement and poking the bear. But why? Patrick Armstrong, former analyst in the Canadian Department of National Defence specialising in the USSR/Russia, attempts to psychoanalyze NATO. He concludes the alliance “demonstrates a dangerous level of ‘confirmation bias.'”  

He points out the brazen pro NATO New York Times propaganda and nature of NATO news speak. 

Could there be a better illustration of the truth of Kennan’s percipience than this headline from the New York Times in July 2017: “Russia’s Military Drills Near NATO Border Raise Fears of Aggression“? The chutzpah of the headline is hard to swallow: Russia hasn’t moved anywhere. “The troops are conducting military maneuvers known as Zapad, Russian for ‘west,’ in Belarus, the Baltic Sea, western Russia and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.” Belarus is an ally of Russia, Russia has a Baltic coastline of more than 400 kilometres, Kaliningrad is part of Russia. So what exactly is the reason what Russia can’t do whatever military things it wants to at home? Imagine the reaction if Moscow dared question an American military exercise in the USA. But this reversal of truth is now the propagandistic norm.” (3)  
In a subsequent article, Armstrong takes his analysis a step further. After examining the scope of fanciful and conflicting pro NATO war rhetoric (propaganda) regarding Russia, he concludes members are suffering from something more serious than simply confirmation bias. He states:  “There is a striking schizophrenia among NATO’s members: Russia is, at one and the same time, so weak it’s “doomed” and so strong that it’s demolishing NATOLand.” (4)

Another Canadian, lawyer-author, Christopher Black, also examined NATO behaviour. In short order, Black calls out NATO “saviour of democracy” propaganda, its diabolically inverted mission and the psychopathy of the leaders of the nations behind it.
“The US and its NATO allies treat international law with contempt, use intense propaganda on their own peoples to brainwash them to support this criminality, and try to intimidate them with their ‘war on terror’ as they savaged civil liberties. Law means nothing to the psychopaths who rule these nations and whose slogan is ‘peace through strength’ or, to penetrate the euphemism, ‘peace through war.'”(5) 
I’ve also attempted to make sense of the inexplicable behaviour of the organization known to many of its critics as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. It’s clear that one NATO propaganda tactic is psychological projection. It resembles that employed by antifa activists who are fond of aggressively  threatening any who oppose them and then branding their opponents as “haters” and “Nazis” among other things. It’s a style not unlike that of the playground bully who approaches and then repeatedly pushes the skinny kid wearing glasses while shouting “don’t touch me.” The bully then promptly leverages his own aggression by accusing the skinny kid of “hiting” him, thus justifying a beat down.
In a satirical essay on US foreign policy called Why can’t Sam learn?, I argued:
“… the NATO gang should be immediately broken up and each of its members given a similar assessment. Their aggressive behaviours and their enabling of (Uncle) Sam’s intimidation and bullying suggest that some of them may also suffering from a similar condition (psychopathology). To some extent however, they are also Sam’s victims. (Canada, is no exception.) (6) 
It’s sometimes said in management circles that the pathologies of organizations are the pathologies of their leadership. So we shouldn’t be surprised that NATO is demonstrating psychopathic behaviour. Hare’s Psychopathy Checklist is a useful diagnostic tool. The checklist describes one of this condition’s essential characteristics as “selfish and unfeeling victimization of other people.” Substitute “foreign nations” for “other people” and it is descriptive of NATO. At a glance, 15 of the 20 traits on the checklist are further descriptive of NATO ethos and conduct. They are:

  • glib and superficial charm (we’re your humanitarian rescuers bringing democracy)
  • grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
  • need for stimulation
  • pathological lying
  • cunning and manipulativeness
  • lack of remorse or guilt
  • shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
  • callousness and lack of empathy
  • parasitic lifestyle
  • poor behavioral controls
  • lack of realistic long-term goals
  • impulsivity
  • irresponsibility
  • failure to accept responsibility for own actions
  • criminal versatility (7)  

And in an essay entitled: Prayers for Canada’s Pogo Moment in 2017, I  argued that it was time for Canada to review its membership in NATO, considering the following questions: 
Which of our current NATO obligations predispose our acting, now or in the future, in ways at odds with Canadian values and our vision for the future?

In what ways has Canadian participation in foreign conflicts as a NATO member contributed to or exacerbated conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world?
In what ways has Canada as a NATO member with the backing of the military industrial complex, contributed to a more dangerous and less secure world? 
It what ways does our participation in NATO undercut our understanding of what is essential for the long-term global good and our desired contribution to it? (8) 
Do we need another reason to rethink our NATO commitment beyond that of its criminal pathology?. How about its incompetent management? The seventh anniversary of Gaddafi’s murder and a NATO-assisted regime change was October 20. If NATO practiced the most basic form of project management, it would have evaluated the Libya “democracy” intervention. The actual  result was that a prosperous and stable state was reduced to a chaotic and divided country with a depressed standard of living. I could add that some analysts also attribute the uncontrolled flood of North African migrants to Europe to the collapse of a strong central Libyan government. So the damage from that military escapade is still mounting.

​I have to conclude there was no honest evaluation of the Libya project and its rippling consequences. If there had been, it’s unlikely an intelligently-managed organization, supposedly dedicated to the good of humanity, would have plunged ahead with another disastrous regime change project in Syria (9). Again, the damage estimate associated with NAT0’s involvements in the Syrian war is still being tallied. So, from the an organizational management standpoint, NATO is an abject failure. I might add that in another world, one where international justice prevailed and NATO was accountable for its performance, NATO countries would be paying war reparations to both Libya and Syria to name just two recent victims of the alliance’s war crimes.   

Canada has other good reasons to re-evaluate its contributions to military spending and NATO in particular. This country spent $32 billion on military spending in the last year (10). Mark Taliano contends that this was “largely to bolster US imperialism abroad, to the detriment of humanity.” And Canada did this while running a deficit and lacking sufficient funds for infrastructure renewal, health care and other social programs. So here’s a modest suggestion. Why don’t we limit our “defence” expenditures to those items which are genuinely matters of Canada’s defence, tell the armaments industry lobbyists to take a hike and redirect precious resources to more peaceful and productive purposes. I promise you, it would generate a much “healthier” return than our current investment in the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. 

Note: Add the name of one more of us (Jan Oberg) who thinks NATO has a serious psychological problem.
1. Experts and activists offer a sober evaluation of the risks of a major war between Russia and the West, Gilbert Doctorow, Anti-War Blog, Nov 30, 2018, https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2018/11/30/experts-and-activists-offer-a-sober-evaluation-of-the-risks-of-a-major-war-between-russia-and-the-west/

2. NATO, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO

3. Psychoanalyzing NATO, Patrick Armstrong, Strategic Culture, November 9, 2018, https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/07/03/psychoanalysing-nato-projection.html
4. Psychoanalyzing NATO: Schizophrenia, Patrick Armstrong, Strategic Culture, December 15, 2018.https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/12/15/psychoanalysing-nato-schizophrenia.html

5. On capitalism and eternal war: NATO as “world government,” Christopher Black, Global Research, October 3, 2018,

6. Why can’t Sam learn? Futurescapes21C, November 22, 2017, http://www.futurescapes21c.com/blog/why-cant-sam-learn

7. Encyclopedia of mental disorders forum, Hare’s psychopathy checklist, http://www.minddisorders.com/Flu-Inv/Hare-Psychopathy-Checklist.html

8. Prayers for Canada’s Pogo moment in 2017, Futurescapes21C, January 32, 2017, http://www.futurescapes21c.com/blog/prayers-for-canadas-pogo-moment-in-2017

9. Anniversary of Gaddaffi’s death and the current situation in Libya, Yuriy Zinin, New Eastern Outlook, October 18, 2018, 

10. NATO economic straightjackets: Military spending drains public coffers, triggers collapse of social programs, Mark Taliano, Global Research, November 26, 2018. https://www.globalresearch.ca/nato-economic-straightjackets-military-spending-drains-public-coffers-triggers-collapse-of-social-programs/5660995?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_medium=related_articles

Gaslighting — Psychological Manipulation that Breaks Your Will to Resist


Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C 2018, All rights reserved, Original written 9/28/2018, Posted October 1, 2018 rev. October 8, 2018

Overall, the main reason for gaslighting is to create a dynamic where the abuser has complete control over their victim so that they are so weak that they are very easy to manipulate.” — Alex Miles

Those who call evil good and good evil are as good as dead, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, who turn bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter.” (Isaiah, 20: v) 

Apathy in the face of evil
Perhaps you can be excused if you didn’t know that you have been the target of information warfare. And you might not have heard that a legislative amendment in 2013 which allowed the powers that be (PTB) to propagandize US citizens. And borders aren’t impervious to propaganda. But, you’ve been busy, right–  cultivating a career, growing a business, raising a family, serving your community and watching sports on TV and perhaps preoccupied on social media.

The problem is the powers that be, the elite, the high level movers and shakers, the puppet masters, the illuminati, whatever you wish to call them, have been exploiting your inattentiveness. They have successfully inverted the natural  order — reality as we knew it. We’re completely disoriented to the point that we’ve become partners in their pathological schemes, like conducting endless war. Inattention has now become complicity. But hope springs eternal, and there remains a chance that you haven’t become totally inured to the deceptions of Machiavelli’s disciples. 

Do you ever wonder how the the citizens of the American Empire and its trusty ally, Canada, are so easily persuaded, time and time again, to consent to the Empire’s foreign military aggressions? It’s no small matter. In fact, the numbers boggle the mind. One source estimates that the US is directly and indirectly responsible for more than 20 million to 30 million deaths “in 37 victim nations since WWII.” Let that number roll around  in your head for a moment. This astonishing number is attributed to two types of military action. The first is direct action and it accounts for “about 10 to 15 million deaths during the Korean and Vietnam Wars and the two Iraq Wars. The Korean War also includes Chinese deaths while the Vietnam War also includes fatalities in Cambodia and Laos.”

Add to this number the death count from the Empire’s “proxy” wars. (These are wars waged at arms length where the US equips, trains funds otherwise assists non-American forces (mercenaries, para militaries, jihadists) to carry out its dirty work.) These assaults account for “between nine and 14 million deaths in Afghanistan, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, East Timor, Guatemala, Indonesia, Pakistan and Sudan.” (1)

Conducting a proxy war
For the American Empire, the proxy war, a model employed for decades in South America and  currently employed in the Middle East and North Africa, has much to recommend it. Importantly, its arms length nature affords the US sufficient distance that the average citizen is unlikely to search out its connection to the conflict. Thus, the US can adopt the position of interested, or even concerned observer looking for ways to address the problematic situation and thus giving new meaning to the word, disingenuous. Second, it avoids the public discomfort and resistance which inevitably develops when the public wearies of seeing young American soldiers coming home in body bags. 

UK journalist, Vanessa Beeley explains the basic steps in the process of conducting a proxy war.  

“The ubiquitous dictator, the oligarch who threatens to destroy all that the US and her allies represent which of course is, freedom, equality & civil liberty all wrapped up in the Democracy shiny paper and tied with the exceptionalist ribbon.Next the false flag to engender fear, terror and to foment sectarian strife. The support of a “legitimate” organic, indigenous “revolution” conveniently emerging in tandem with US ambitions for imposing their model of governance upon a target nation. The arming of “freedom fighters”, the securing of mercenary additions to these manufactured proxy forces.  All this is sold in the name of freedom and democracy….” (2)

The author of the study on US-caused military deaths notes that “Virtually all parts of the world have been the target of U.S. intervention.” That’s apocalyptic. If the situation were attributable to a pandemic — resulting from the spread of an exotic virus, it would be a case of all hands on deck in the search to develop a treatment or means of control. In this case, however, the citizens of the US and the West remain remarkably silent and seemingly unmoved. It’s business as usual and our and silence is interpreted as consent by the predatory military industrial complex. 

We the sheeple?
To what should we attribute this strange ability to detach ourselves from uncomfortable realities unfolding elsewhere in the world, including those orchestrated by our own governments in our name? Political analyst, Paul Craig. Roberts attributes the apparent blindness of fellow Americans to the criminality of their government and its leaders as insouciance or indifference. Others explain our inability to confront the evil aggressions of the military industrial complex as attributable to the constant “bread and circuses” distractions manufactured under the rubric of entertainment. I wonder if we’re not  at the point now where, Kardashian is synonymous with mindless distraction? In fairness, the list is much longer including “the Royals” and innumerable other personalities populating the vast entertainment complex.

Journalist, Caitlin Johnstone believes that Christianity tends to cultivate passivity in the face of earthly evil. Johnstone contends that In the Christian worldview, justice is dispensed in the the next life, giving tyranny a pass in this one. She may have a point regarding Christian passivity. But discernment may also be an issue. When exactly should we be forgiving and turn the other cheek as Christ did? And when should we be unleashing the righteous indignation Christ did when he upset the operations of the temple money changers? Or is it a matter of a lack of street smarts and strategy; knowing how to combat the evils of our day, again considering military industrial complex example.

I could add that often, it seems, we’re excessively deferent, and on other occasions, wary of earthly nastiness. Sometimes, we’re just plain gullible. Conservative Christians readily fall for the latest Netanyahoo/Israeli ruse, whereas their progressive brethern eagerly lap up Neoliberal delusions like mother’s milk. As a Christian, I’d like to believe otherwise, but there’s too much evidence to the contrary for me to challenge the assessment of author, Michael Hoffman regarding the underwhelming resolve of the brethern/sistern to combating enemies.

“In a (sic) general, the supporters of the lies of the Overlords wage spiritual and psychological warfare with far more dedication, commitment and self-sacrifice than the purported allies of God’s truth. The Cryptocracy’s defenders are 24/7 militants resolved to contend with their perceived foes with every ounce of their being. Whereas on the side of Christian conservative renewal, with honorable exceptions, I find mainly armchair warriors and folks so enormously distracted by the choices offered by the Internet’s deluge of words and images, that they are nearly paralyzed by the spectacle.” (3)

In general, “we the people” not only fail to understand the nature of the big game and the rules by which it is played, but we also vastly underestimate our adversaries’ capabilities and our vulnerability to their manipulative schemes. My dad used to describe those afflicted with such debilitating naiveté as “babes in the woods.” Moreover, the opposition isn’t hampered by such concepts as fair play and honesty. Have you ever seen the merchants of death engaged in selling us war on a regular basis commit to fair play and transparency? As the expression went in our parents’ day, “All is fair in love and war.” When it comes to war, the corollary of war- makers is “The end justifies the means.” And for war-makers, winning is everything. 

As useful as these various explanations are in accounting for our collective passivity, there appears to be something more subtle and more malevolent at play. Recognizing it is complicated by the fact that most people find it difficult to acknowledge that they have been deceived. Some sage has wisely said that it’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince that person that the or she is being fooled. But what if, ultimately we are being subjected to a devious form of psychological abuse?

Psychological warfare — gaslighting
Caitlin Johnstone, explains our capitulation to the Empire’s bloody wars in part as the result of propagandizing by corporate mass media.  

“The mass media has given a few elites the ability to effectively turn a false story that they themselves invented into an established fact so broadly accepted that anyone who doubts it can be painted in the exact same light as someone who doubts the roundness of the Earth. The illusion of unanimous agreement is so complete that blatant establishment psyops are placed on the same level as settled scientific fact, even though it’s made of little else but highly paid pundits making authoritative assertions in confident tones of voice day after day.”

Johnstone describes this as a form of psychological abuse called “gaslighting.”(4) She directs readers to an essay by Vanessa Beeley on the origin of the term and its modern day application. Beeley contends that the populace is first “preconditioned” or “tenderized” as she puts it, through a lengthy  campaign of fear mongering. Then, the populace is subjected to  gaslighting. The victim of gas lighting is incapable of rational thought and reason. 

“The majority of Americans accept mass murder under the pretext of the right to protect, because their ability to form rational and reasoned opinions has been engineered out of them.  This is now the definition of US exceptionalism.  It is their ability to manipulate the world into accepting their lawlessness and global hegemony agenda.  In seeking to impose its own image upon our world the US has drifted so far from its founding principles, one wonders how they will ever return to them.  They have employed a recognised form of torture to ensure capitulation to their mission of world domination which entails the mental, physical and spiritual torture of target civilian populations.”

There are three stages in gaslighting. The the first stage hinges on the trust and reliance we have developed in our leaders/abusers. Trust is cultivated through (paternalistic) self promotion and what Beeley calls “ingratiating propaganda.” Once trust has been granted, the abuser subtly begins to undermine it. The result is the victim begins to doubt their own judgement and surrender to the reality of the abuser. By stage two, the victim is suffering from something akin to Stockholm Syndrome and identifying with their captor/abuser. The third stage is “depression.” At that point she says, “The process is complete and the victim has been reduced to a willing accomplice in the abuser’s creation of a very distorted reality.” (5) 

Note: The famous case of newspaper heiress-turned SLA terrorist, Patrician Hearst, is illustrative. (6)

I wonder what stage of gaslighting are the citizens of the US and its vassal states now in? Is it possible that the majority are in Stage Two and Three and at a point where they have become “willing accomplices of a very distorted reality” as Beeley puts it?  Can they be awakened and escape the matrix of lies? Or, are the rewards of serving Big Brother too addictive to overcome? Let’s hope not.

Fighting back
A significance percentage of the population likely retains some awareness of their situation. But what can people do in the face of such powerful oppression? In a 2015 TedTalk, Ms. Ariel Leve describes her gaslighting as a child by her narcissist mother. 

“When I would confront my mother with things that she had said, or things that she had done, she would say I was making it up, that it was a lie. When I confronted her with facts, they were batted away. So it wasn’t just that my reality was canceled, but that my perception of reality was overwritten.” 

Leve opens her presentation with an ominous assessment: “Right now, the world is experiencing what I experienced every day as a child. There is chaos, there is confusion; everything is upside down. Reality is being cancelled and nothing means anything.” 

She has four pieces of advice to those now experiencing gaslighting at a societal level.  
1. Remain defiant
2. Never expect accountability
3. Let go of the wish for things to be different
4. Develop healthy detachment. (7)

What other measures may be important in protecting your health and well-being in our dystopian world? Caitlin Johnstone recommends we exercise “extreme skepticism” regarding any establishment narrative and learn to truth our own judgement. She adds that you should “have full confidence that your conclusions, however imperfect, are always superior to those of known liars and manipulators. Don’t let them gaslight you.”

A family member works in the field of mental health, but somehow, I suspect her colleagues aren’t yet talking about the dangers of gaslighting. The cognitive dissonance associated with that possibility is a powerful natural deterrent. So for many, it would simply be too alarming to contemplate. But it’s time we did, and it’s time people took steps to safeguard their mental and emotional well-being from government and military-inspired psychological assaults. It’s time to resist our collective gaslighting. The creation and operation of this website dedicated to exposing the deceptions of propagandists is my personal act of defiance. What’s yours?

1. The US has killed 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WWII, James A. Lucas, Global, Research, November 27, 2015, https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-has-killed-more-than-20-million-people-in-37-victim-nations-since-world-war-ii/5492051

2. Gaslighting: State mind control and abusive narcissism, Venessa Beeley, 21st Century Wire, May 26, 2016, https://21stcenturywire.com/2016/05/26/gaslighting-state-mind-control-and-abusive-narcissism/

3. On the censorship of Michael Hoffman’s books by Amazon, Information Clearing House, September 14, 2018

4. How the establishment propaganda machine gaslights us into submission, Caitlin Johnstone, Medium, February 11, 2018

6. The heiress who turned terrorist, Fraser Coast Chronicle, February 26, 2018, https://www.frasercoastchronicle.com.au/news/patty-hearst-its-no-secret-that-i-was-abducted-rap/3345990/

​7. How to resist gas lighting, Ariel Leve, YouTube, May 15, 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4P2Qwh1QCU

Exposing the Empire of Lies (Part A)



Exposing the Empire of Lies (Part A)
Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C 2018 All rights reserved, written May 23, 2017 draft, rev May 29, January 16, 2018
“But the America we celebrate is an illusion. It does not exist.”  – Chris Hedges
In this essay, I will pull back the curtain on the American Empire. You will get a glimpse of the real America minus the Madison Avenue hype, Hollywood mythology, Vegas glitz and cultivated sentimentality. It won’t be a pretty picture. As you may have heard, the truth, as freeing as it is, brings its own misery.
Author Chris Hedges states that the America you thought you knew, no longer exists. For some who have long been faithful to cherished myths, like America the Beautiful, the weight of these revelations could be too much to process at one sitting. For this reason, I have broken my analysis into two parts. I’ve also done my best to forewarn and prepare you for what you are about to discover. It would be also helpful to intersperse the heavy reading with some long walks.
The good news is that escaping a delusion can be immensely freeing. It’s not unlike emerging from the blur of a dense fog or the choking smoke of a forest fire. For the first time in some time, perhaps ever, you will be able to see the world more clearly. Pursuing a more accurate understanding of the real America doesn’t make you disloyal. Nor does it mean the end of the world, just the end of a personal delusion. You may have already glimpsed cracks in the facade. You may have had doubts about the lavish claims made in the advertising. And if you suspected that you were being deceived, you’re right and likely to a far greater degree than you ever thought.

Bill Willers tells of an encounter with a Brussels protester at a 2007 demonstration in Brussels, who after 30 years of living in the US had returned to Europe. The protester said he had returned, because, after 30 years of living in the US, he didn’t like what he saw happening to is citizens.
They’ve been taken hostage for the past 20 years by a group of people who destroyed them physically, spiritually and intellectually, and now they’re trying to do the same thing in Europe.” Willers asks, How many lies over the years does it take before a society comes to its senses and realizes that its overriding worldview has been crafted largely by manipulative lies?1

Good question: “How many lies does it take?”

An imaginary democracy
American author, Chris Hedges declares that democracy in America is a “useful fiction.” A closer look reveals that what may have once resembled democracy has given way to an oligarchy or a corporatocracy with totalitarian features. I first awakened to this reality when I stumbled across a study by Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page. The two concluded that: “over the past few decades America’s political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where wealthy elites wield most power.” Drawing on data from over 1,800 policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, they concluded that: “…. rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of or even against the will of the majority of voters.”2
These findings resonate when one considers how unelected powerful influencers now shape the policies of the US government. We have learned, for example that Obama’s 2008 cabinet was for the most part picked by Citibank. Clearly, this in itself would predispose the legislative agenda and policy focus for Obama’s first term.3
The number of lobbyists in Washington at any given time could range from 15,000 to more than double that number because thousands aren’t registered. Registered and non-registered lobbying is estimated at $9 billion per year. Many lobbyists have previously served in the federal government and are highly skilled in the art and science of bending politicians’ ears and will.4 They bring a single-minded focus on their clients’ interests, with a number of them even happy to write the new legislation for the legislator.5
Author and political theorist, Sheldon Wolin, describes the American system as “inverted totalitarianism” or a “managed democracy” at best. Significantly, in Wolin’s conception of inverted totalitarianism, the economic order trumps the political order.
There is no national institution left that can accurately be described as democratic. Citizens, rather than participate in power, are allowed to have virtual opinions to preordained questions, a kind of participatory fascism as meaningless as voting on “American Idol.” Mass emotions are directed toward the raging culture wars. This allows us to take emotional stands on issues that are inconsequential to the power elite.6
Considering Wolin’s analysis, it’s not difficult to understand why middle class American citizens feel disconnected from their governments and their elected leaders. One the one hand, they see the trappings and participate in the rituals of a democracy, but on the other, decisions in Washington yield the same predictable results, irrespective of which party assumes power. Author and political analyst, Paul Craig Roberts paraphrases Vladimir Putin’s description of America’s imaginary democracy.
In the West, voters cannot change policies through elections, because the ruling elites control whoever is elected. Elections give the appearance of democracy, but voting does not change the policies that favor war and the elites. Therefore, the will of the people is impotent.
People are experiencing that they and their votes have no influence on the conduct of affairs of the country. This makes them afraid, frustrated, and angry, a combination of emotions that is dangerous to the ruling elite, who in response organize the powers of the state against the people, while urging them with propaganda to support more wars.
Roberts highlights the entrenchment of America’s status quo establishment, despite the many promises of change which bring successive administrations to power. Obama promised to get America out of Afghanistan and reverse the police state created by George W. Bush. Ultimately, he increased America’s military entanglements and expanded the police state. The title of an article by Roberts tidily sums up his assessment: “American democracy: A dead man walking.”7
An unelected, Deep State government 
The best explanation for the death of American democracy lies in the fact that the country is ultimately governed by the Deep State. Wikispooks defines the Deep State as:
…(loosely synonymous with the shadow government or permanent governmentis in contrast to the public structures which appear to be directing individual nation states. The deep state is an intensely secretive, informal, fluid network of deep politicians who conspire to amplify their influence over national governments through a variety of deep state milieux.8
Author and founder of the Rutherford Institute, John Whitehead describes the parallel covert operation and extensive reach of this hybrid, public-private entity. 
As Lofgren reveals, this state within a state, “concealed behind the one that is visible at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue,” is a “hybrid entity of public and private institutions ruling the country according to consistent patterns in season and out, connected to, but only intermittently controlled by, the visible state whose leaders we choose.
The Deep State not only holds the nation’s capital in thrall, but 
it also controls Wall Street (“which supplies the cash that keeps the political machine quiescent and operating as a diversionary marionette theater”) and Silicon Valley.9
It’s often been pointed out that both presidents. Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, warned Americans regarding the growing threat of the Deep State. Eisenhower specifically named the growing military industrial complex as a potential threat to America’s democracy. Kennedy’s November 12, 1961 speech to the American Newspaper Publisher’s Association, while more nuanced, warned of “a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence…”10 This could have been a subtle reference to the Deep State influences, which, according to some analyses, had him assassinated in November 1963.11
Until now, the Deep State has largely been submerged alligator-like below the water of the swamp. The US presidential election of 2016 and, seemingly a post election political struggle have riled the water and brought the alligator to the surface. Professor and attorney, Rahul Manchanda contends that we can now make out the identity of the players and the characteristics of Deep State actors that distinguish them from average American citizens.
The first of his seven defining characteristics is “an overwhelming desire to start WWIII”. The last is “a deep commitment to the Stasi-like police state with its attendant social engineering, manipulation of the judiciary and the courts, and complete and total control over the legislative (Congress and Senate), and if possible, domination and infiltration of the Executive Branch.”12 In a subsequent article, Manchanda elaborates on his point regarding Deep State control of the judiciary.
Many long-term surviving judges have reported that the Constitution intended that only elected lawmakers be permitted to create law, yet federal and state judges routinely and daily create their own law in the judicial system based on their own activism, personal opinions, corruption, bribery, and bias.
…The Deep State Plutocrat/Oligarch Elite control these financial purse-strings, and exercise this power on a daily basis, so that our body of law and jurisprudence is today, and at once, totally unrecognizable from the visions of the Founding Fathers and our first American courts.13
Seemingly, American assumptions regarding the integrity of their justice system are like that of the Empire itself, cherished illusions. It’s not too much of a stretch to say that that American Justice has become something of a marketplace where favourable verdicts may be bought or can be crafted to suit the occasion by artisan judges shaping verdicts as they are inclined.
Ironically, it is those who have been on the receiving end of the brute force of American imperialism who understand the Empire best. Syria’s President Assad describes the power of the Deep State and its control over US presidents in particular.
The American President has no policies. There are policies drawn by the American institutions which control the American regime which are the intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, the big arms and oil companies, and financial institutions, in addition to some other lobbies which influence American decision-making. The American President merely implements these policies, and the evidence is that when Trump tried to move on a different track, during and after his election campaign, he couldn’t. He came under a ferocious attack. As we have seen in the past few weeks, he changed his rhetoric completely and subjected himself to the terms of the deep American state, or the deep American regime.14
That pretty much sums it up doesn’t it.

Note: Some analysts differentiate between the Deep State and the more permanent and powerful structure of the Shadow Government.

Treasonous, (war) criminal presidents
Treason, simply defined, is the betrayal of one’s country. A closer look at official and hidden US history reveals that the country’s leaders have betrayed the country time and time again. It’s a pattern that continues to the present. Some expect that full disclosure of the events of 9/11 will reveal the US was betrayed by the country’s leaders. The 9/11 attack should be viewed as a pivotal point in US history for more than one reason.
Among other things, it provided a pretext for the so-called “war on terror” and an open-ended series of US-led regime changes abroad. It also provided the impetus for a shift of power from Congress and “the people” to the office of the president. The implications of that power shift continue to play out in both US domestic and foreign policy today.
George Bush’s Patriot Act (October 26, 2001) significantly expanded state and presidential powers. Among other things, the act provided the ability to detain immigrants indefinitely and to search homes and businesses without the owner or occupant’s knowledge or permission. And while Obama’s Freedom Act (2015) placed some constraints on NSA surveillance, the broad trajectory of national legislation has been toward a major expansion of government powers to spy on American citizens. These powers extend to the ability to monitor electronic communications with little oversight and to seize the business records of telecom companies.
Journalist, John Pilger contends that Obama’s most historic achievement was brining the war on democracy “home to America.” Pilger explains how anti-terrorism legislation puts American citizens, once considered innocent until proven guilty, at risk.
Obama’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) granted the Pentagon “the legal right to kidnap both foreigners and US citizens and indefinitely detain, interrogate and torture, or even kill them. They need only “associate” with those “belligerent” to the United States. There will be no protection of law, no trial, no legal representation. This is the first explicit legislation to abolish habeas corpus (the right to due process of law) and effectively repeal the Bill of Rights of 1789.”
Pilger points out that President Obama can start wars abroad “at will” and engage in virtually any other activity whatsoever without any permission from Congress. This power extends to “arranging the forced landing of a plane carrying a sovereign head of state over foreign territory.“15 It sounds almost god-like, doesn’t it?
Loyal citizens of the empire cling desperately to their collective delusions regarding America’s moral superiority. The pretense is unsustainable, however in the face of the apparent criminality of America and its leaders. Paul Craig Roberts indicts four successive American presidents:
Our country has had four war criminal presidents in succession. Clinton twice launched military attacks on Serbia, ordering NATO to bomb the former Yugoslavia twice, both in 1995 and in 1999, so that gives Bill two war crimes. George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and attacked provinces of Pakistan and Yemen from the air. That comes to four war crimes for Bush. Obama used NATO to destroy Libya and sent mercenaries to destroy Syria, thereby committing two war crimes. Trump attacked Syria with US forces, thereby becoming a war criminal early in his regime.16
A footnote on the subject of war crimes committed by US presidents is that on September 22, 2000, the district court in Belgrade handed down guilty verdicts against government leaders of NATO countries for war crimes. The defendants, including Tony Blair, Robin Cook, George Richardson, Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright and nine others, were each sentenced to 20 years in a Yugoslav prison.17
In his 2005 Nobel speech, Harold Pinter comments on the relative silence regarding America’s criminality. He attributes the silence to America’s bold deceptiveness. And he notes, it has also enabled by the unthinking passivity of American citizens. 
The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. … Language is actually employed to keep thought at bay. The words ‘the American people’ provide a truly voluptuous cushion of reassurance. You don’t need to think. Just lie back on the cushion. The cushion may be suffocating your intelligence and your critical faculties, but it’s very comfortable.18

The hypocrisy demonstrated by America’s political leaders is mind-warping. Even as their crimes are exposed to the world, they continue to point condemning, holier-than-thou fingers at the failings of foreign leaders who dare to object to America’s demands. Look more closely and you can detect the odour of the regime change propaganda is in the air. The nakedness of the emperors is increasingly apparent.
Compromised puppet politicians
You may have heard the cynical assessment to the effect that America has the best government that money can buy. You may have wondered how otherwise intelligent individuals can be turned into puppets. And, you might also have wondered if it’s a classic case of a few bad apples or something more systemic. Then there are the questions of who pulls the political strings and how? 
There are different kinds of strings and a variety of string pullers controlling Washington’s puppets. One string is Gulf Petro dollars. Investigative reporters with the New York Times and the Nation have reported, “the Saudis, UAE and Qatar have been flooding the nation’s capital with greenbacks.”19 In June of 2016, Prince Mohammed of Saudi Arabia was quoted as saying that his country had financed 20% of the cost of Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.20 These funds no doubt went some distance in buying US support in the country’s war with Yemen and silence regarding its war crimes.
Turkey also has its fingers on the strings. It’s been described as the poster child when it comes to creating foreign lobbying opportunities for former members of both political parties. In recent years, Turkey has hired and “army of lobbyists” including a former house speaker, a former director of the CIA, former house members and former representatives.21
And when it comes to puppet masters, there is perhaps none more effective than Israel’s lobby group, AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Phillip Geraldi describes AIPAC as a 1,600 pound gorilla.22 Could this be one of the reasons that Ariel Sharon, in 2001, was able to boast that, “We, the Jewish people, control America, and America knows it.”23 Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu also boasted about the pliability of America. He is quoted as stating: “I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.”24
The boast perhaps derives in part from the fact that AICPAC influence can end political careers, something that keeps a lot of members of congress attentive to Israel’s interests. But the controls are more elaborate than that. Former Georgia Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney was the first to publicly describe how the Israel lobby used one of its strings to control members of Congress.
According to McKinney, candidates in both the House and the Senate were asked to sign pledges of support for Israel. The pledge committed the signatory to vote to provide consistent levels of economic support to the Zionist state. The pledge also included a vow to support Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. And, there were consequences if a candidate didn’t sign. (She explained that the tactic changed after she made this one public.)
You make a commitment that you will vote to support the military superiority of Israel—the economic assistance that Israel wants, that you would vote to provide that…
Every candidate for Congress at that time had a pledge, they were given a pledge to sign…If you don’t sign the pledge, you don’t get money.25
Israel may have even more powerful tools of persuasion at its disposal. Former US army officer, Jaochim Hagopian explains in some detail how billionaire Jeffrey Epstein frequently flew high profile politicians and lawyers on his private Jet, the “Lolita Express” to his Caribbean resort, “Lolita Island.” Some of those high profile people who came to the island to fulfill their sexual fantasies may not have realized their activities were video recorded. The videos serve as leverage to blackmail and extort these now-compromised individuals. This is a long standing CIA-Mossad run system designed for controlling powerful politicians.26
Multiple alternative media sources have described a connection between pedophilia and the political impotence of Washington politicians. One report by an individual identified as an anonymous Department of Homeland Security employee suggested that one out of three electors are compromised. The leaker explained the perverse relationship between pedophilia and a politician’s career success, saying that, “Politicians who have pedophile tendencies are groomed for power, because they can be later extorted and controlled.”27 The “one out of three” is consistent with an estimate provided by an anonymous on-line FBI leaker. This leaker stated that 30% of Washington DC’s politicians is compromised because of their links to elite child pedophilia rings.28
If these reports are accurate, they would certainly explain a lot of things that defy logic like the pathological desire to put Israel’s interests before America’s interests on the part of some members of Congress. See John McCain and Lindsay Graham dance.
Note: This is a probably a good juncture for some deep relaxation breathing, a walk outdoors or some playtime with the family pet. 
A police state variety of policing 
Suppose for a moment, that you read that somewhere, citizens who dared to resist the police or question an order were “being subjected to all sorts of government-sanctioned abuse ranging from forced catheterization, forced blood draws, roadside strip searches and cavity searches, and other foul and debasing acts that degrade their bodily integrity and leave them bloodied and bruised.” And reading further you learned the children, “as young as 4 years old are being leg shackled, handcuffed, tasered and held at gun point for not being quiet, not being orderly and just being childlike—i.e., not being compliant enough.” You would probably conclude that these were reports of police abuses occurring in some third world dictatorship. And you’d be wrong. These are abuses reported to be occurring daily in America.2
Here’s how Norm Stamper, former Seattle police chief described the state of policing in America today.
Policing is broken… It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they’ve been sworn to protect and serve. When we have shooting after shooting after shooting that most people would define as at least questionable, it’s time to look, not just at a few bad apples, but the barrel. And I’m convinced that it is the barrel that is rotted.
There are several ominous signs and symptoms pointing to the emergence of an American police state. John W. Whitehead, author of Battlefield America: The war on the American people (2014) contends that policing in America has departed from the principles embodied in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. One ominous sign that something’s wrong with policing is simply it’s expanding size. The police force in America has grown into what reporter David Feige describes as “a vast army of 800,000 people with general arrest powers and increasingly armed with automatic weapons and automatic vehicles” to enforces its will.30
This isn’t the only number that should raise concerns. Here are a few other numbers supportive of Whitehead’s assertion that a police state has emerged.
50,000: the number of people admitted to emergency each year for treatment of injuries inflicted by the police.31
5,000: The number of Americans killed by cops since 9/11.32
963: The number of people killed by police in 2016.33
70: That’s how many times the US police-related deaths are higher than any of the other first world countries.34
There are several explanations for the current “broken” state of policing in America, including its increasingly brutal nature. The most plausible reason is police force mindset/culturetraining and weaponry. As to the first, a strict “law and order” mentality absent accountability has contributed to what has been described by some critics as a war against the people. Journalist, Daniel Biers believes that inevitably when cops are told over and over that they’re “in a war, under siege or under attack and the citizens are the enemy, it will give rise to an atmosphere of fear, tension, and hostility, it’s going to turn out badly for citizens.”3
Paul Craig Roberts offers another explanation. Roberts cites the training of US police by either Israelis or Americans trained by Israelis. He points out that the practices of Israeli soldiers come from occupying a hostile Palestinian population unwilling to accept the theft of their land and isolation in what Roberts calls “ghetto enclaves.” 36 Certainly, the intimidating practices of an occupying army are not consistent with the fifties motto of the LAPD police department: “To protect and serve.”
Whitehead flags the role the federal government in the militarization of policing, specifically as it relates to the use of military equipment. In Whitehead’s assessment, the federal government has turned the police into extensions of the military by distributing “billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment to local police agencies” enhanced by federal grants for militarized training and SWAT teams.
Radley Balko, writing in the Washington Post, goes farther and suggests what ultimately lies behind the brutality of police tactics.
We’ve reached the point where state actors can penetrate rectums and vaginas, where judges can order forced catheterizations, and where police and medical personnel can perform scans, enemas and colonoscopies without the suspect’s consent. … In most of these cases, they were suspected only of possession or ingestion. Many of them were innocent… But these tactics aren’t about getting drugs off the street… These tactics are instead about degrading and humiliating a class of people that politicians and law enforcement have deemed the enemy (author’s italic).3
Looking ahead, I see no sign that the relentless march toward a police state model of policing will be halted soon. To borrow a familiar phrase, it’s likely going to get worse before its gets better. For one, the mechanisms for bringing about increased accountability on the part of police forces are apparently out of order. Second, those in positions of power and able to demand change appear to be unconcerned, and in fact, see the situation in very different terms. It’s said that President Donald Trump’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions sees no problem with policing in America. And Trump, rather than being alarmed about the abuses, refers to a “dangerous anti-policing atmosphere” in America as wrong and has vowed to “end it.”
This analysis is at odds with the fact that statistically being a cop in America is safer than it has ever been. According to Newsweek, “it’s safer to be a cop than it is to simply live in many U.S. cities… It’s safer to be a cop than it is to be a fisher, logger, pilot, roofer, miner, trucker or taxi driver. It’s safer to be a cop today than it’s been in years, decades, or even a century, by some measures.”38
What’s going to hold back the tide of an advancing police state when the country’s leadership sees the expanding police force as a victim rather than the perpetrator of crimes against the American people?  It doesn’t sound like it will be the Trump administration.
Extreme surveillance 
In the dystopian world described by George Orwell in his classic book, 1984, the eyes of Big Brother see everywhere. There are helicopters hovering in the sky, “telescreens” in homes and offices listening to every conversation, and hordes of thought police reporting the slightest signs of resistance. The image of Big Brother on the back of a coin prompts some reflection on the part of Winston, the story’s main character, “Always the eyes watching you and the voice enveloping you…. Nothing was your own except a few cubic centimeters in your head.”39
It’s a haunting thought. As chilling as it is, I wonder if the citizen’s the Empire today are either surprised or troubled by this image of total state surveillance. If they aren’t, I suspect they are ignorant or cowed by the convenient dictum that those with nothing to hide have nothing to fear.
Big Brother America has been rapidly ramping up surveillance capabilities since 9/11, all in the name of preventing terrorism of course. I speak here of a terrorism that is mostly of the Empire’s invention. Some of the Empire’s “achievements” in the realm of surveillance include drones the size of bees, an immense database of citizen images useful for facial recognition purposes and the ability to track every keystroke of a an individual’s computer. Then there’s the much-heralded smart home. Someone has darkly joked that in the future, our refrigerators could provide critical evidence that could convict us of a crime. But, I’m not laughing. Add the fact that research work is underway to figure how to hack human consciousness, and you have the makings of a dystopian future even more oppressive than the harried existence of Watson portrayed in 1984.
Recently, sixteen year Congressman, Dennis Kucinich offered this analysis regarding the significance of the leak of the contents of Vault 7.
It is bad enough that the government spies on its own people. It is equally bad that the CIA, through its incompetence, has opened the cyberdoor to anyone with the technological skills and connections to spy on anyone else. The constant erosion of privacy at the hands of the government and corporations has annihilated the concept of a “right to privacy,” which is embedded in the rationale of the First, Third, Fourth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. It is becoming increasingly clear that we are sliding down the slippery slope toward totalitarianism, where private lives do not exist.40
The march toward total surveillance of citizens’ movements, communication, commercial and financial activity has been unrelenting, despite critics’ concerns. It’s noteworthy that the expansion of government access to private information continued right through Obama’s last days in office.41 The next assault on our privacy is on the horizon. It’s been reported that US border agents have demanded access to the computers and social media accounts of visitors affected by President Trump’s limited travel ban. And on a related note, the head of the Department of Homeland Security has proposed forcing all “non-U.S. citizens to surrender their web browsing history, devices, and social media passwords before entering the country.”42
Among its peers in the West, Britain leads the way in imposing the most intrusive of surveillance systems on it own citizens. Seemingly, the government has assumed it has the right to monitor and surveil the live communication of British citizens at will. Legislation was passed in April of 2017 that enables police to shut down mobile phone communications at will of anyone even suspected of being associated with a crime. Graham Vanbergen, contributing editor at TruePublica.Org (UK) contends civil liberties and human rights are being systematically dismantled in his country under the false pretext of improving security.43
Such intrusions have consequences. Kali Holloway, writing in AlterNet, describes the measurable effects of increased surveillance of Americans. She reports that a Washington Post researcher, Jonathon Penny found that traffic to Wikipedia pages dealing with terrorism declined markedly after the Snowden files revealed the extent of NSA spying on Americans. The researcher concluded that ordinary citizens are less likely to engage in perfectly legal activities for fear of drawing unwanted government attention. The same chilling effect can be seen in the practices of professionals. It appears that journalists and lawyers are increasingly adopting methods of communicating with their sources that are less likely to leave a digital trail.
All the indicators are pointing to declining freedom in America. Professor Elizabeth Stoycheff points out that America now ranks 49th globally in press freedom, according to Reporters Without Borders. Ponder the fact that Burkina Faso and Niger scored higher. Stoycheff’s research on the impact of government surveillance on citizens reveals that in general people holding minority opinions are less likely to speak out on-line if they held minority opinions.
Holloway’s troubling conclusion is that government surveillance tamps down personal expression, squelches dissent and promotes groupthink.44 It’s not exactly what the world needs now.
So there are concrete reasons then why democracy is dying. It’s not just that extreme surveillance that has hobbled our curiosity, suffocated political discourse and herded us into the corral of groupthink. There’s been a concerted effort by the PTB to constrain dissent. And, as you may recall, Robert Parry attributed the loss of professional objectivity and the decline of trust to careerism. Based on what I’ve seen so far, it’s a powerful and deadly combination.
Canada, the US, Britain, Australia and New Zealand are members of an international spies club, the Five Eyes Alliance (FVEY). Edward Snowden leaked documents in 2013 which revealed that the FVEY had been spying on one another’s citizens and sharing the information with each other. This was a way of getting around domestic regulations that limited an agency’s spying on its citizens.45
Canada’s spy agency, CSIS was rebuked by the federal court, in 2016, for illegally retaining since 2001, what is called “associated data.” This is data from people not linked to particular investigations. CSIS obscured details of its operations from the court on two previous occasions.46 Critics suggest that the ruling demonstrates that CSIS is largely unaccountable. On a somewhat related note, it was reported in November 2016  that police in the Province of Quebec had secretly tracked the phone calls of at least six reporters in 2013.47 Scratch beneath the surface and you are likely to find spy and policing cultures are equally susceptible to the seductive of the “end-justifies-the-means” thinking.
There’s a general pattern that seems to play out in the testy relationship between security agencies and their government overseers. The agencies breach their boundaries, are caught, appear penitent and commit to play within their sandbox. Some time elapses, the incident fades in the public memory and then the cycle repeats itself with the agency pushing the boundaries out farther each time.
We once had a dog that played a game like this like on the farm. When he was rarely allowed in the house, he was restricted to the kitchen. When the family went to the living room, he naturally wanted to follow. But he was smart enough to strategically position himself half way across the threshold of the door to the living room and ever so gradually inch his way forward when no one was looking. When he was spotted, he would inch back but never quite go back to his starting point. Two inches forward and one back. That’s the formula.
This pattern has been playing out for decades. In 1975, a committee chaired by US Senator Frank Church investigated intelligence abuses by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).48 Senator Church prophetically warned that at some future point, the security apparatus of the state could turn on the American people.
[The National Security Agency’s] capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is their capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide.49
To address the concerns surfaced by the committee, the US Congress enacted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in 1978. The Act was intended to provide oversight of covert intelligence activities while providing the secrecy necessary to protect national security.
Blogger, Scott Alfred describes the erosion of the protections provided to American citizens by FISA. Among other things, the NSA compromised Fourth Amendment protections in the name of combating terrorism. In recent years, the evidence has emerged that the NSA has engaged in “over collection” of domestic communications of Americans. While previous evidence suggested the surveillance was incidental, the NSA’s new wiretapping and spying was described by officials and briefed lawyers as “significant and systemic.”
An amendment to FISA in 2008 formally allowed the NSA to eavesdrop on phone calls and emails of ordinary Americans without properly justified warrants. And companies that co-operated with the government were absolved from liability. This meant that telecommunications companies could grant the government access to their private records of customer data with impunity.
In 2013, Americans learned that the NSA forced Verizon to release all phone records on an “ongoing, daily basis.” It was shortly after, news of the NSA’s PRISM, a program  designed to tap companies for extensive email and electronic communication records, became public.50
In retrospect, it’s clear that 9/11 was a gift to Big Brother, if not a false flag of its own orchestration. The presumed terrorist attack provided fresh justification for an expansion and intensification of domestic surveillance. The very concerns outlined by Senator Church have now been realized. The protections of the FISA have been stripped away, and America’s security apparatus has turned directly on the country’s citizens.
You might be wondering if there are honest men and women employed by these agencies. Undoubtedly, there are. The routine partitioning of assignments given to those working in the lower ranks of these services effectively means they are blind to the causes they are serving. Increasingly, those that are aware their efforts are being stalled and stymied by superiors, are leaking information to the independent media. They see where the figurative train is headed and they don’t like it. It may be that or in some cases, the individual has had a pang of conscience. These folks are the allies of truth seekers in the truth revolution. If America and the world is to enjoy a peaceful and secure future, the rogue elements of the security complex must be exposed and confronted. The evidence provided by the whistleblowers and leakers is indispensable in this mission.
Rigged elections
Ah, but you may be thinking, at least, US citizens can have some confidence in America’s electoral process. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, but the mythology persists.
When it comes to electoral integrity, the US was ranked dead last among developed nations in a report from the Electoral Integrity Project. The report compiles the assessments of experts called upon to evaluate “the perceived integrity of 180 national parliamentary and presidential contests held between July 1, 2012 and December 31, 2015 in 39 countries worldwide.” The United States scored 62 in comparison with Estonia (79) Rwanda (64) and the Republic of Korea (77)51
Political analyst and independent journalist, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts contends that rigged, and thus stolen, elections are in fact an American tradition. He adds that electronic balloting makes it easy. Roberts cites some examples.
Elections are stolen at every level—state, local, and federal. Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley’s theft of the Chicago and, thereby, Illinois vote for John F. Kennedy is legendary. The Republican US Supreme Court’s theft of the 2000 presidential election from Al Gore by preventing the Florida vote recount is another legendary example.52
Investigative reporter, Robert Parry, highlights some of the more flagrant political maneuvers and fraudulent election activities in US history starting with the enactment of the US constitution. 
1787: Enactment of US constitution: Slaves counted as three fifths of a person.
1800: Votes of Southern slave owners like Thomas Jefferson counted for more than the votes of Northern slave owners.
Post civil war: blacks given right to vote but whites in Confederate states concocted subterfuges to keep blacks away from poles, a factor until 1965.
1972: Richard Nixon’s Watergate break-in.
1960 election: challenger creates foreign crisis to create advantage over incumbent.
1968: Richard Nixon conspired to sabotage Johnson’s Viet Nam piece talks.
1980: Reagan covertly made deal with Iran to not release hostages during Carter’s bid for re-election.
2000: Citizen’s judgment overturned by judges to give a win to George Bush versus real winner, Al Gore.53
Parry concludes that contrary to popular belief, the US political process is “not democracy’s “gold standard.” He adds that the failure to honestly face up to its failures and to impose accountability on the cheaters ensures more of the same.
Finally, no account of the abuses of US electoral politics is complete without some reference to the impact of the 2010 Citizens United court decision on campaign funding. The US Supreme Court ruled that freedom of speech prohibited the government from restricting political expenditures by companies, labor unions and certain types of non-profit corporations. It appears that this decision opened up the financing of US elections, to a large degree, to US oligarchs. According to some observers, one of the most significant developments was a reported surge of “dark money” – secret cash funneled into US elections via politically active non-profit organizations.54  
Thus far, our analysis of the state of the Empire has revealed that beneath the surface of the Empire, there is evidence of advanced corruption and decay. Thus, the reference to an Empire of Lies.” To summarize, this investigations has revealed:

  • An imaginary democracy;
  • An unelected Deep State government;
  • Treasonous, war criminal presidents;
  • Compromised puppet politicians;
  • A police state variety of policing;
  • Extreme surveillance; and
  • Rigged elections.

It may not be apparent on the surface, but thus far the evidence reveals a “conquered” American Empire. A thinly-disguised totalitarian order masquerades as democracy. America has been sold out by compromised, treasonous leaders. Like a once healthy, but now sickly tree, it is severely infested by powerful parasitic interests and in an advanced state of rot. The invaders are slowly but surely killing the host. Paul Craig Roberts, who served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, punctures the “America” illusion. 
 “America is a lost country. The total corruption of every public and private institution is complete. Nothing remains but tyranny. And lies. Endless lies.”55

It’s time to take a long walk.

1 Fabricating the American worldview, May 15, 2017, Counterpunch, http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/05/15/fabricating-the-american-worldview
2 Princeton Study: U.S. no longer a democracy, TPM Livewire, April 18, 2014, http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/princeton-experts-say-us-no-longer-democracy  
3 Citibank chose Obama’s 2008 cabinet – Wikileaks, October 31, 2016, http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2016/10/31/1010556-citigroup-bank-chose-obamas-2008-cabinet-wikileaks/ 
4 Where have all the lobbyists gone, The Nation, February 19, 2014, https://www.thenation.com/article/shadow-lobbying-complex/  
5 Banks lobbyists help in drafting financial bills, Dealbook, May 23, 2013, https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2013/05/23/banks-lobbyists-help-in-drafting-financial-bills/?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20130524
6 Can Capitalism and Democracy co-exist, Interview with S. Wolin, The Real News, YouTube, October 21, 2014, http://press.princeton.edu/titles/9175.html   
7 American democracy: a dead man walking, Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for political economy, May 2, 2017, http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/05/02/american-democracy-dead-man-walking/
8 Aristocracy deceive public about Deep State, Strategic Culture, February 23, 2017, http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2017/02/23/aristocracy-deceives-public-about-deep-state.html
9  The path to total dictatorship: America’s shadow government and its silent coup, The Rutherford Institute, October 24, 2016, https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/the_path_to_total_dictatorship_americas_shadow_government_and_its_sile
10 JFK: The last president to tell the truth about Illuminati, YouTube, February 26-12, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JdrhJKfNq0
11 JFK was murdered by the Deep State, LewRockwell.com, October 3, 2014, https://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/10/no_author/jfk-was-murdered-by-the-deep-state/
12 Deep State members and their agents are slowly revealing themselves, Veterans News Now, April 1, 2017, http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2017/04/01/deep-state-members-and-their-agents-are-slowly-revealing-themselves/
13 Deep State control of American courts and judiciary, Veterans Today, January 2, 2017, http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2017/01/02/deep-state-control-of-the-american-courts-and-judiciary/ 
14 Syria’s Assad just explained how the U.S. really works,
Information Clearing House, May 27, 2017, http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/47138.htm
15 The world war on democracy – John Pilger, TruPublica, March 26-16, http://truepublica.org.uk/global/world-war-democracy-john-pilger/
16 A government of morons, Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for political economy, April 15, 2017, http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/04/15/a-government-of-morons/
17 Lawyers serve indictment on NATO leaders for war crimes, The Global Politics, May 13, 2017, http://global-politics.eu/2017/05/13/lawyers-serve-indictment-nato-leaders-war-crimes/ 
18 Fabricating the American worldview, Counterpunch, May 15, 2017, http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/05/15/fabricating-the-american-worldview/
19 Stop taking Saudi money, Washington, Observer, September 29, 2014, http://observer.com/2014/09/stop-taking-saudi-money-washington/
20 Saudi Arabia has funded 20% of Hillary’s presidential campaign, Saudi crown prince claims, Zerohedge, June 14, 2016, http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-06-13/saudi-arabia-has-funded-20-hillarys-presidential-campaign-saudi-crown-prince-claims
21 Want to be a ‘foreign agent’? Serve in Congress first, Politico, February 10, 2015, http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/congress-foreign-lobbying-228982  
22 AICPAC vetoes UN resolution on Israeli settlements, Veterans Today, February 23, 2011,  http://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2011/02/23/philip-giraldi-aipac-vetos-u-n-resolution-on-israeli-settlements-u-s-casts-the-actual-ballot/   
23 Israel control of USA (and Canadian) government, http://whale.to/c/israel_control_usa.html
24 Netanyahu in 2001: ‘America is a thing you can move very easily, Huffington Post, July 16, 2010, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/16/netanyahu-in-2001-america_n_649427.html
25 Cynthia McKinney drops bombshell: Candidates to sign pledges of support for “Israel”, ronaldwederfoort, November 19, 2012, https://ronaldwederfoort.wordpress.com/2017/02/07/cynthia-mckinney-drops-bombshell-candidates-to-sign-pledges-of-support-for-israel/
26 Power, pedophilia and the US government, Veteran’s Today, February 7, 2015, http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/02/07/power-pedophilia-and-the-us-government/
27 Huge interview with DHS insider, talks about #PedoGate and much more (with transcript),  The Event Chronicle, February 17, 2017, http://www.theeventchronicle.com/breaking-news/breaking-huge-exclusive-interview-dhs-insider-talks-pedogate-much-transcript/# 

28 27 FBI: 30% of Washington DC part of elite pedo ring, The Event Chronicle, February 6, 2017,  http://www.theeventchronicle.com/cabal-exposed/fbi-30-washington-dc-part-elite-pedo-ring/  

29 Run for your life: The American police state is coming to get you, Strategic Culture Foundation, April 22, 2017, http://m.strategic-culture.org/news/2017/04/22/run-your-life-american-police-state-coming-get-you.html
30 The iron jaws of the police state, Trump’s America is a constitution free zone, Newsbud, April 27, 2017, https://www.newsbud.com/2017/04/27/the-iron-jaws-of-the-police-state-trumps-america-is-a-constitution-free-zone/
31  US emergency department encounters for law enforcement-associated injury, 2006-2012, The Jama Network, April 19, 2017, http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/article-abstract/2619243
32 Ferguson: No justice in the American police State, Paul Craig Roberts, August 21, 2014, http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/08/21/ferguson-justice-american-police-state-paul-craig-roberts/
33 Fatal force, The Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings-2016/
34 American cops just killed more people in March than the UK did in the entire 20th Century, The Free Thought Project, April 6, 2015, http://thefreethoughtproject.com/american-cops-killed-people-month-march-uk-entire-20th-century/
35 The iron jaws of the police state: Trump’s America is a constitution-free zone, Newsbud, April 17, 2017, https://www.newsbud.com/2017/04/27/the-iron-jaws-of-the-police-state-trumps-america-is-a-constitution-free-zone/
36 Police murder because they are trained to murder, Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for a political economy, July 11, 2016, http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/07/11/police-murder-because-they-are-trained-to-murder-paul-craig-roberts/
37 If this is freedom and democracy, what is tyranny, Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for political economy, April 20, 2017, http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/04/20/freedom-democracy-tyranny/
38 The iron jaws of the police state: Trump’s America is a constitution-free zone, The Rutherford Institute, April 25, 2017, https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/the_iron_jaws_of_the_police_state_trumps_america_is_a_constitution_fre
39 1984, George Orwell, Penguin Books, 1949, P. 29.
40 16 year congressman: CIA leak shows we’re “sliding down the slippery slope toward Totalitarianism, where private lives do not exist, Blacklisted News, March 9, 2017, http://www.blacklistednews.com/16_Year_Congressman%3A_CIA_Leak_Shows_We%E2%80%99re_%E2%80%9CSliding_Down_the_Slippery_Slope_Toward_Totalitarianism%2C_Where_Private_Lives_Do_Not_Exist%E2%80%9D/57232/0/38/38/Y/M.html
41 Obama expands spy agencies’ access to private data – just in time for Trump, Common Dreams, January 13, 2017, https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/01/13/obama-expands-spy-agencies-access-private-data-just-time-trump  
42 Homeland security chief wants US visitors to surrender passwords, Vocativ, February 8, 2017, http://www.vocativ.com/400896/trump-homeland-security-passwords/
43 Britain’s intrusive surveillance system. Threat to civil liberties and human rights, Global Research, May 9, 2017, http://www.globalresearch.ca/britains-intrusive-surveillance-system-threat-to-civil-liberties-and-human-rights/5589275
44 The nefarious surveillance state dangerously inhibits self-expression and a healthy democracy, AlterNet, May 21, 2016, http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/nefarious-surveillance-state-dangerously-inhibits-self-expression-and-healthy       
45 Five Eyes, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes
46 In scathing ruling, Federal Court says CSIS bulk data collection illegal, The Globe and Mail, November 3, 2016, https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/in-scathing-ruling-federal-court-says-csis-bulk-data-collection-illegal/article32669448/
47 Six reporters spied on by Quebec provincial police, CBC News, November 2, 2016, http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-journalists-police-spying-1.3833507
48 Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, (the Church Committee), United States Senate, https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/investigations/ChurchCommittee.htm
49 Senator Church’s prophetic warning, Washington’s Blog, April 22, 2012, http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/04/influential-senator-warned-in-1975-the-national-security-agencys-capability-at-any-time-could-be-turned-around-on-the-american-people-and-no-american-would-have-any-privacy-left.html
50 NSA domestic spying: A history of abuse. FreedomWorks, October 7, 2013, http://www.freedomworks.org/content/nsa-domestic-spying-history-abuse
51 The electoral integrity report, New year in elections report, 2015, https://sites.google.com/site/electoralintegrityproject4/projects/expert-survey-2/the-year-in-elections-2015
52 Rigged elections are an American tradition, Paul Craig Roberts Institute for political economy, October 21-16, http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/10/21/rigged-elections-are-an-american-tradition-paul-craig-roberts/
53 The modern history of “rigged” US elections, Consortiumnews, October 27, 2016, https://consortiumnews.com/2016/10/27/the-modern-history-of-rigged-us-elections/
54 12 ways ‘Citizens United’ changed politics, Moyers and Company, January 22, 2015, http://billmoyers.com/2015/01/22/12-ways-citizens-united-changed-politics/
55 America destroyed, Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy, July 3, 2016, http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/07/03/america-destroyed-paul-craig-roberts/

Futurescapes21C, 2018 All Rights Reserve

Exposing the Empire of Lies (Part B)



Exposing the Empire of Lies (Part B)
Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes21C

original written June 3, 2017,  first posted January 23, 2018, All rights reserved
In the previous essay (Part A), I offered seven internal signs or symptoms of a decaying America. This essay, (Part B) provides further evidence of its deteriorating state. You may be thinking ahh, but you are missing so much good in America. Yes, of course, there is much good in America. But, unfortunately the good is captive of the dark forces. The point isn’t that there is yet some residue of decency and goodness remaining in America. It’s that the virtuous is being systematically destroyed by devious powers that be (PTB) holding the country captive.
There’s absolutely nothing to be gained then in continuing the pretense of “America the Beautiful,” or any variant of such veneer a minute longer. The illusion has already prevailed for far too long. And it has only served the purposes of the PTB. With each passing decade, the deceptions and atrocities have only become more outrageous. So let’s be clear. My intent is to expose the parasitic forces consuming America from the inside out. I suspect that when we turn the light of day on these entities, they will, like shadows projected on the wall of Plato’s cave, quickly shrivel and lose their power over us. 
Frankenstein security agencies
The United States has more than 17 security agencies. There are 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies working for the federal government on issues of domestic and international intelligence in 10,000 locations with over 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances.1 So, the average American could be forgiven for assuming that this vast complex would be sufficient to protect the country and fellow citizens from all varieties of foreign and domestic threats.
This vast intelligence apparatus is reason enough for any thinking individual to question the official 9/11 narrative. And if that in itself doesn’t invite a rethink of the narrative, then the failure of this vast network to bring the perpetrators to justice for the crime of the century should be more than enough. The failure of the PTB to provide America and the world with a truthful version of events and those behind it is the real conspiracy.2
The betrayal of US citizens at the hands of “their” own security agencies presumably guarding the nation challenges the imagination. I described earlier some of the predatory surveillance activities of the National Security Agency (NSA). In this essay, I will focus on the two best known of the “alphabet” security agencies, the CIA and the FBI. In short, these are deeply corrupted organizations. And while monetary corruption is a key feature of their operation, I’m really talking about corruption of their intended purpose, guiding principles and management. Both are characterized by divided loyalties and rife with competing interests.  Each operates  to a large degree, as a law unto itself.
The citizens of the Empire of Lies are also victims of their own naïveté. It’s as if they take the  vanilla textbook depictions or the “good guy” movie portrayals of their institutions at face value. Consider this rather benign Wikipedia description of the CIA.
The CIA is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the United States federal government, tasked with gathering, processing and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence (HUMINT). As one of the principal members of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC), the CIA reports to the Director of National Intelligence and is primarily focused on providing intelligence for the President and Cabinet.
It sounds nice in theory; but the reality is something far different. The central issues are transparency and accountability. So while the above description says the CIA reports to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), it simply means that the DHI is charged with oversight of the CIA. It doesn’t mean that the DHI controls the CIA. The Anonymous Patriots, writing in The Millennial Report, contend that the CIA has positioned itself to be a higher authority than Congress, the president or the citizens of the United States and act in secrecy in all its affairs.3
As to its nefarious roles, I have already described the long-standing role of the CIA in infiltrating corporate media (Project Mockingbird) and engaging in the propagandizing of American citizens. I have also alluded to its lengthy history in orchestrating conflict and regime change around the world.  And, we have referenced the CIA’s obsessive spying on ordinary citizens as revealed in The Vault 7 leak. While we have grown accustomed to seeing the CIA meddle in the affairs of other countries, the public is now seeing more clearly than ever before, signs of its meddling in the political process in America.
Patrick Lawrence, writing in The Nation in February of this year, wonders in an article of the same title: if America is witnessing a coup operation against the Trump Whitehouse? He is struck, in particular by the succession of treasonous activities that the Trump Whitehouse has been convicted of by CIA-controlled media including The Times. He cites the description of the agency given by Tom Wicker, a former Times reporter. In Wicker’s analysis it is a “Frankenstein monster no one can fully control.”4 In light of what is transpiring in America and abroad under its influence, it’s an apt description.
Gordon Duff, the controversial senior editor of Veterans Today, would likely agree with the “Frankenstein” label. He describes another realm of CIA activity that is less discussed than its propaganda and regime change activities; specifically, its dealings in drugs.
As CIA director, in 1977 George Walker Bush sent his son Jeb to Venezuela to take over banking relationships between that nation and Colombia. George H.W. and son Jeb were key players in the creation of the drug cartels in Colombia and played a critical role in establishing the CIA connection. The Colombia connection was all about controlling the world’s cocaine.
Simultaneously, the CIA under Bush established strong connections with the narco-tribes of Northern Afghanistan. The CIA built a narcotics empire there based on heroin. It took 9/11 to give George W. Bush a chance to exploit it. The CIA subsequently took over world heroin production as well.
Duff offers more nauseating details regarding the Bush connection to Afghanistan war and its opium production.
The family that brought crack cocaine to America’s school children now delivers Afghani heroin at even lower prices. When the farce of 9/11 led to two invasions, to Afghanistan to put the drug lords of the Northern Alliance in position to kick out the anti-opium Taliban and to loot Iraq’s oil resources, there was no independent CIA left.5
CIA history is replete with other examples of its anti-human behaviour. Middle East analyst, Vladimir Platov writes that we used to think that conducting cruel and inhuman experiments on human beings was something restricted to the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Increasingly, we’re learning that such experiments are conducted in by US intelligence agencies on what are often unsuspecting citizens. Platov chronicles some of the ill-conceived, reckless and illegal research activities carried out by the CIA during the 20th and the 21st century.

  • The study of syphilis in African Americans in Tuskegee Alabama (1932 to 1972). The availability of antibiotics was hid from patients.
  • Nuclear tests conducted at Bikini Atoll in 1954, exposed people of the Marshall Islands to radiation resulting in a doubling of their rates of miscarriages and stillbirths and increased cancer rates.
  • A variety of biological and chemical weapons experiments in the 50s and 60s were conducted using American citizens of guinea pigs.
  • Thousands of individuals were subjected to the abuses of the CIA’s secret MK Ultra mind control program experiments that led to serious mental disorders in some cases.
  • CIA Director, George Tenet, authorized employees to conduct illegal research on humans in prison from 1997-2004. 
  • The CIA conducted experiments on the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan 2004-2009.6
  • During the George W. Bush era “war on terror”, Iraqi prisoners were subjected to such enhanced-interrogation methods as “waterboarding, “rectal rehydration,” weeks or months of nakedness in total darkness and isolation, and other techniques.”7

The fact that no high level official has been held accountable for such abuses confirms that the rogue CIA has a host of enablers and collaborators within the Deep State justice system shielding it from public accountability.
The FBI it seems, has similarly found justification in the war on terror for shifting its focus and expanding its repertoire. Trevor Aaronson’s book, The Terror Factory (2013)8 exposes FBI involvement in manufacturing terrorism. His investigative work reveals that not only is the majority of terrorism, “false flag,” but that creating and curing the “disease of terrorism,” has become one of the biggest rackets in the world.
According to Aaronson, the FBI has recruited more than 45,000 counter-terrorist informants with most of them not “on the books,” and unaccountable. He reports that many are criminals, “cooperating with authorities to avoid prison or to be allowed to continue their criminal enterprises, some unfettered by law enforcement, many in full partnership.”
Aaronson describes the devious methodology used by the FBI to “prevent” terrorist attacks.
Informants report to their handlers on people who have, say, made statements sympathizing with terrorists. Those names are then cross-referenced with existing intelligence data, such as immigration and criminal records. FBI agents may then assign an undercover operative to approach the target by posing as a radical. Sometimes the operative will propose a plot, provide explosives, even lead the target in a fake oath to Al Qaeda. Once enough incriminating information has been gathered, there’s an arrest-and a press conference announcing another foiled plot.
Such sting operations have been employed in many cases that made headlines, including: the Washington Metro bomber, the New York subway plot, the plot to blow up the Sears Tower, the plot to bomb a Portland Christmas tree lighting. According to Aaronson, each of those plots, and dozens more, was managed by “an FBI asset.”
Many such terror strikes or supposedly disrupted attacks have something else in common. The individuals targeted are the “mentally ill, feeble minded, the homeless and easily influenced individuals.” (See the Nuttall case in British Columbia, Canada.)
Since 9/11, hundreds of arrests of terrorist suspects and 158 prosecutions were reported in the US. The punch line is that of all the reported “major terror plots,” only three could not be tied to terror suspects who were directly recruited, trained and supplied by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Gordon Duff adds that there are doubts about those three exceptions.
Aaronson offers his assessment of what’s been transpiring and the devious role of the FBI. He concludes were witnessing COINTELPRO operations, “the long discredited program that ran for nearly 50 years organizing church and synagogue burnings, lynchings, bombings and assassinations through infiltration of ‘radical groups,’ often anti-war or civil rights organizations, have not only continued but expanded to the point they are, in fact, the primary function of the FBI.”
Seemingly, there’s no business like the booming terror business. Apparently, the Department of Homeland Security has its own program. In one of them, Operation Fast and Furious, the DHS supplied “thousands of military weapons to criminal groups operating throughout Mexico and the US.”9 Aaronson’s TED talk on the subject of how the FBI is creating US-based terrorists can be found YouTube.10 So much for helping make America and its citizens more secure.
Aaronson isn’t alone in his finding that the vast majority of false flag terrorist strikes in the US were government orchestrated. Former Marine Corps intelligence officer, Robert David Steele contends that in the United States, “every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI.”11 He adds that situations have now arisen where citizens are taking out restraining orders against FBI informants trying to incite terrorism.
Steele may be one of those former employees of the security complex who has had enough and has turned to exposing its deceptions. Those who visit his website will find among other things, an article entitled: Draft List of 63 Orlando false flag anomalies.12
It’s important to keep in mind that this section on Frankensteinian security agencies offers a mere sample of the madness being orchestrated by America’s leading so-called “security” agencies. The sad irony is that they have become agencies of insecurity, deception and death. So, instead of helping bring peace and security to the citizens of the Empire, they bring confusion, chaos and suffering.
Let me state the obvious. Elements of America’s foremost security agencies have gone rogue. They are to some extent at war with American citizens. They have, as feared by JFK, turned on their host. The reality is that the foremost of America’s security agencies with a mandate for protecting the country are actually contributing to Americans’ insecurity. And the ultimate terrorists are those posing as our protectors. It doesn’t get much more diabolical than that.
It’s not surprising that we’re hearing critics call for a wholesale scaling back and in some instances, a disbanding respectively of the FBI and the CIA. The foremost of America’s security agencies are no longer accountable to the elected government. They are traitors. 
Government-orchestrated terrorism and fake terrorists
To understand the devious role of the FBI in the so-called “war on terror” it’s important to consider the role “the boogeyman.” A “boogeyman is simply defined in the on-line free dictionary as “a terrifying specter.” Honest politicians have long acknowledged the significance of the boogeyman in politics. You could say it’s the secret ingredient in their political sauce. And when politicians didn’t acknowledge it, honest journalists (rare these days) pointed it out.
In a 2006 article, Blake Fleetwood, a former reported for the New York Times provided this somewhat satirical analysis of the prospects of George Bush securing a second term.
For Republicans to have any chance at winning the mid-term elections, Bush needs a boogeyman with a “Big Bomb” to scare the bejesus out of the electorate.
The term that Fleetwood uses to describe the relationship between politicians and boogeymen is “symbiosis.” He concludes: “they need each other.”13 Today, the boogey man of choice is the terrorist. And historically, it has some well-known advocates as pointed out in a Washington Blog post.  
Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death”. – Adolph Hitler
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country. – Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.
“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamour for such laws if their personal security is threatened.” – Josef Stalin
Terrorism is commonly packaged and presented to the unsuspecting public in the form of false flag theatre. Despite the fact that the term is just entering the mainstream, the false flag has a lengthy history in the West. The Washington Blog article lists 42 admitted false flags carried out between 1931 and the present day.14
Wikipedia’s defines of false flag as follows:
False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy’s strategy of tension.15
It’s as Machiavellian as you can get, but Hitler, Goering and Stalin were right about the effectiveness of false flag terrorism. When it comes to government use of false flags, state-managed terrorism has the multi-purpose utility of a Swiss Army knife. Among other things, it keeps the members of the public confused and psychologically dependent. British author, George Orwell understood this tactic stating that the minds of confused people are malleable and thus inclined to submit to the will of Big Brother. Orwell states, “When a public is stressed and confused, a big lie told repeatedly and unchallenged can become accepted truth.”16
A false flag also provides a handy pretext for foreign intervention and a rationale for attacking “them” before they attack “us.” And, a terrorist threat provides the military industrial complex with a justification for demanding ever-larger budget allocations. A third motive can be to provide a pretext to “enact draconian laws in the name of national security” as pointed out the Washington Blog article.
Finally, one can make better political sense of state sponsored false flags when you put them in the context of the initial step in the cycle of actionreactionsolution approach of the PTB. When, there’s an attack, the public becomes scared and angry, and then the Deep State can introduce “the solution” that it had planned from the outset. This may be a military invasion, a bombing campaign or new laws restricting some aspect of human activity such as gun ownership. Suffice to say, the state finds fake terror to be a very useful political management tool.
Researcher, Dr. Richard Dolan, explains that false flags really came into common use after World War I to the point where today, staging them is a sophisticated science. He adds that if an Olympics of false flags were held, Britain would win bronze, Israel silver, and the USA would win gold. (Cue chant: “We’re number one, we’re number one!”) Dolan describes false flags as the “ultimate tool in the propaganda tool kit.”17
In 2013, Canada’s RCMP, in me-too fashion, attempted to imitate its American cousins in at least one well-known instance. Thankfully, however, a judge saw it for what it was and intervened. B.C. Supreme Court judge, Catherine Bruce concluded the Mounties entrapped two Surrey BC drug users (The Nuttals) into plotting a terrorist attack they were incapable of carrying out on their own. As a result, their convictions for conspiring to commit murder and possessing explosives were overturned in 2016.18
I cited earlier (Frankenstein Security Agencies) the insights of former Marine Corps Intelligence officer, Robert David Steele regarding the orchestration of terrorism. False flag analysts in the alternative media are getting quite good at discerning a false flag. Their list of suspected false flag attacks includes: the Orlando nightclub, Charlie Hebdo (France), Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, and the Boston Marathon bombing, the Paris attack, and it continues.
Within hours of its occurrence, false flag analyst, Dr. Kevin Barrett had exposed the suspicious aspects of the Manchester bombing (May 22, 2017), highlighting a number of the now standard features of false flag. Here are a few of them:

  • Illuminati style numerology (Man 22, kills 22 on May 22.);
  • The perpetrator’s ID conveniently located on the scene;
  • strategic timing politically (in this case favouring the election of Theresa May over Jeremy Corbyn);
  • suspension of security procedures — pat downs at entrance prior to the attack;
  • the convenient death of the perpetrator (not one to question);
  • a presumed terrorist said to be known to the authorities; and
  • the prior staging of a practice terror drill in the vicinity.

Barrett goes on to point out that false flag expert Ole Dammegard, predicted the Manchester bombing which just happened to fall “on the fourth anniversary of the fake beheading of Lee Rigby”.19
Let’s look more closely at the subject of fake or “manufactured” terrorists. In an RT interview, FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, describes how government propagandists, as a matter of effective marketing, periodically update their terrorist narrative in order to keep the public engaged.
“…the ISIS is what is the U.S. media and the propaganda creators behind the media decided to create. I mean, tomorrow or 3 months from now we will start hearing another name that we’ve never heard of, and within a month they can make that the world’s greatest or the most dangerous threat.
And, again, that is the main concept here, and I know the Western media… they have been playing it as such, but they did exactly the same thing with Al-Qaeda. I mean, Al-Qaeda was hundred people, or 100,000 people, or ten million people… Another interesting perspective in this is that I referred to the brand-change, and sometimes you have to switch the brand for the marketing purposes…”20
Edmonds analysis should resonate with anyone paying attention to the parade of super villains that have been featured in our news over the last 16 or so years. The Empire’s boogeyman hall of fame includes: the Taliban, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Assad, Al Nusra. Yes, the terrorism marketing division is alive and well. At Edmonds suggests, it’s not difficult to see the mindset of marketing specialists behind the parade and the tales of their villainy.
Periodically, however, someone spills the bean. Back in 2005, former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook revealed the Al Qaeda and ISIS fabrication. Cook was reported to have died at age 59 while hill climbing in Scotland the same year. Perhaps he was too honest for the system as he had the integrity to resign from Cabinet on the eve of the Iraq war. 
“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al-Qaeda, and any informed intelligence officer knows this. But, there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an intensified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the United States.”21 
More recently, Canadian economist, Dr. Michael Chossudovsky, offered this explanation for the rise of Islamic terrorism.
“We are dealing with a criminal undertaking at a global level . . . and there is an ongoing war, it is led by the United States, it may be carried out by a number of proxy countries, which are obeying orders from Washington . . . The global war on terrorism is a US undertaking, which is fake, it’s based on fake premises. It tells us that somehow America and the Western world are going after a fictitious enemy, the Islamic state, when in fact the Islamic state is fully supported and financed by the Western military alliance and America’s allies in the Persian Gulf.
. . . They say Muslims are terrorists, but it just so happens that terrorists are Made in America. They’re not the product of Muslim society, and that should be abundantly clear to everyone on this floor. . . . The global war on terrorism is a fabrication, a big lie and a crime against humanity.”21
It seems that plans for the introduction of fake enemies, or a succession of them, has been in place for some time. Aaron Russo, told of how he was invited by Nick Rockefeller to join the NWO. Russo declined, but learned from Rockefeller that the elite had planned false flag attacks, a terrorist boogeyman and a global war on terror long before 9/11 occurred. Dr. Carol Rosin, former Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries, (aerospace) tells of conversations with Nazi/NATO insider Werner von Braun. Braun told her that the long game plan included a series of fabricated threats to humanity — fake communism, fake terrorism, fake third world country “crazies,” fake asteroids and the last card to be played, an extraterrestrial invasion.22
You have been warned – when the enemy du jour, the human terrorist, is no longer spooky enough to give the citizenry goose bumps, brace for the next new one. It’s likely to could be from outer space.
Machiavellian foreign policy 
Mark Taliano describes the fakery in the US-NATO led invasions and wars justified as “humanitarian” interventions. Taliano explains that the latest example of a coercive strategy is that employed against the Syrian Arab Republic. The strategy features the following elements. 

  • Destroying hospitals and infrastructure
  • Starvation
  • Disinformation campaigns/erasing “history”
  • Balkanization/partitioning
  • Bombing civilian populations

He warns that the end game is “to de-populate and to destroy target countries and to subjugate the remaining population.” So, if we just take the time to scrape the veneer off the Empire’s cynical pretense of humanity, we discover colonial greed and selfish geopolitical ambitions.23
Novelist, philosopher and investigative journalist, Andre Vitchek explains how the Western powers crush nations under the cover of a fake morality and pretense of goodness.
All conquests, all genocides, all plunders have been eternally rationalized, painstakingly justified. Grand bogus concepts of charity, of ‘altruism’ have been erected. Subjugated nations have always been ruined in the name of some higher principles, in order to save them from themselves. For centuries, the West has portrayed itself as a sacrificial lamb, as a hand chosen by some divine power, as the greatest civilization that is continuously and altruistically liberating the world.24
Nowhere is that bogus concept of self-sacrificing altruism more apparent than in the justifications for NATO presence on foreign soil.  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was formed in 1949 as a system of mutual, collective defence against attacks by an external party (Wiki). With the collapse of the Soviet Union, came calls for its dissolution, since there was no major threat to defend its members from. Those calls were ignored, and NATO has grown into an ugly regime change monster dubbed the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization by its critics. Its intervention in Libya was justified on the basis of its so-called “responsibility to protect” (R2P).
R2P was intended to allow for international intervention in a foreign country where its own government was deemed incapable of protecting its citizens against, genocide, war crimes and human rights abuses. The United States and NATO perverted that moral justification to serve their own imperialistic goals. Today, Libya is a mess, thanks to the R2P intervention.25
Policy analyst, David Rieff comments:
“For those of us who feared that R2P was just a warrant for war, our fears have been vindicated,” said Rieff to the Economist at the time of the NATO intervention in Libya.”26
Western foreign policy, deceptively coated in the morality of humanitarian interventions, is highly selective. Obama threatened Syria’s Assad regularly for defending his country against US-backed foreign invaders while conveniently ignoring Saudi Arabia’s war crimes in its war with Yemen. Thus, US foreign policy conveniently packages the US’s enormous sins of both commission and omission into a single virtue. It could not secure the permission of the citizenry, of course, without the services of the MSM in manufacturing public consent.27  
CIA-corrupted media peddling propaganda
In George Orwell’s 1984 (1949) Big Brother government cultivates fear and war hysteria in the population of Oceana using manufactured boogey men and pervasive war propaganda. One day, the two central characters, Winston and Julia, get into an argument about which country theirs was at war with four years ago. Was it Eurasia or Eastasia? Finally, in exasperation, Julia responds: ‘Who cares?’ It’s always one bloody war after another, and one knows the news is all lies anyway.’ 28
Julia, a character created in 1949, could have just as easily been commenting on the real world situation in 2017. War is a constant enabled in large measure by the fabricated justifications served up by the MSM. We have grown up believing that a free and independent media, the fourth estate, is a vital pillar of a healthy democracy. As this pillar has crumbled, it’s left the entire democratic construct teetering on a failing foundation.
Six major corporations control about 90% of the media in America. This degree of consolidation confers unprecedented ability upon this oligarchy to shape the thinking, if not the reality, of the citizens of Empire. We have known about the warped role of corporate media for some time. Noam Chomsky and co-author, Edward Herman characterized the role of the mass media in their revealing book, Manufacturing Consent: The political economy of the mass media, in 1988.”2
Recently the release of 12 million declassified CIA documents has shed new light on what Shawn Helton describes as “the symbiotic relationship between the CIA and American media.” This relationship dates back more than half a century. Shelton notes that the CIA to ran a program in the fifties called Operation Mockingbird. The mission was to propagandize the American public through the news media and various student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.30
So, when it comes to the recent “fake news” uproar, it should be clear which side in the battle (the MSM versus independent media) that’s the more reliable source for those seeking the truth. The alternative media has also been infiltrated by those engaged in disinformation,  so discernment is always required. Author and attorney, John Whitehead, founder of the Rutherford Institute, states that one of the biggest propagators of fake news is the US government.

In the midst of the media’s sudden headline-blaring apoplexy over fake news, you won’t hear much about the government’s role in producing, planting and peddling propaganda-driven fake news–often with the help of the corporate news media—because that’s not how the game works.31
Jonathan Cook has analyzed how the US government, collaborated with the MSM to secure public support for the invasion of Iraq. It was achieved based on the lie advanced by an individual the CIA knick-named “Curveball.” Curveball provided the convenient lie that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, the justification for invasion.
Cook explains how the illusions of a naive public on the one hand, intersect with those perpetuated by transnational elites. These illusions are fused together into a narrative or worldview. Three illusions from Cook’s list of examples are:
“… we, in particular (consumers), and the global workforce in general are the chief beneficiaries of the corporations’ wealth creation.”
“… the corporations and the ideology that underpins them, global capitalism, are the only hope for freedom.”
“… there are groups, called terrorists, who want to destroy this benevolent system of wealth creation and personal improvement.”
The complicity of the media is defined is relation to the worldview knit from these illusions.
The job of sanctifying these assumptions — and ensuring they are not scrutinised — falls to our mainstream media. Western corporations own the media, and their advertising makes the industry profitable. In this sense, the media cannot fulfil the function of watchdog of power, because in fact it is power. It is the power of the globalised elite to control and limit the ideological and imaginative horizons of the media’s readers and viewers. It does so to ensure that imperial interests, which are synonymous with those of the corporations, are not threatened.32
This then is the role of the Empire’s media magicians — ensuring these assumptions are not scrutinized. And there’s no end of distractions at their disposal. Some Hollywood trivia can always be readily inflated or some identity politics conflict easily ignited. Should awakened individuals “go off the reservation,” the corporate media has techniques for neutralizing them. A favourite tactic is to discredit the source by smearing their reputation or otherwise undermining their credibility (digital assassination). And the MSM can always deploy counter narratives provided by reliable puppets like “war hero” John McCain. All one has to do is question the wisdom of some humanitarian intervention (regime change) and you are immediately smeared as a tool of the enemy du jour, a role assigned to Russia at the moment.
The hypocrisy of the MSM knows no bounds. Even as example after example of its fake news output was exposed in 2016, it distracted and deflected the puck. In late 2016, in a display of unmatched chutzpa, the MSM attempted a ju jitsu move against its alternative media opponents. It presented the members of the MSM as the faithful guardians of the truth and pointed an accusing finger at independent media as untrustworthy purveyors of fake news. Beyond this, it has blacklisted specific independent media sources and proposed various schemes to vet fake news stories on behalf of the public.  George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth is alive and well.
The trend toward censorship is unmistakable. Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter announced plans in December of 2016 to launch an Internet censorship database in 2017. The intent is to scrub anything labelled “extremist content.” This should set off alarms for free speech advocates. Governments have long censored political information that has nothing to do with extremist content. And it wasn’t that long ago that Japan, for example, banned news regarding its Fukushima earthquake. The EU and US governments have pushed for separate legislation to crack down on what the establishment calls “fake news.” The EU takes the suppression of political information farther threatening to take “non-legislative” action (punitive fines) if Facebook, Twitter and YouTube do not censor what it considers to be “illegal” online content within 24 hours.33
Awakened individuals in the US at least will have noticed that the level of propaganda has intensified significantly in recent years. There’s a reason why this is the case. The average citizen might have assumed that their government reserved propaganda campaigns for external military enemies. It’s not the case, however. On July 2, 2013, lawmakers amended the National Defense Authorization Act removing the protection that the Smith-Mundt Act provided American citizens from propagandization.34
The power of propaganda shouldn’t be underestimated. It has, and it continues to change the course of history. Usually, it’s not for the better. John Whitehead illustrates the danger in terms of how a false flag (with the aid of the media) was used to trigger the Viet Nam war.
… in August 1964, the nation’s leading newspapers—including the Washington Post and New York Times—echoed Lyndon Johnson’s claim that North Vietnam had launched a second round of attacks against American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. No such attacks had taken place, and yet the damage was done. As Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon report for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, “By reporting official claims as absolute truths, American journalism opened the floodgates for the bloody Vietnam War.”31
Increasingly with the assistance of public relations, advertising and political operatives and actors, theatre and fiction is overtaking reality. As Chris Hedges explains, pseudo-events and richly orchestrated productions have the capability to appear real even though we know they are staged. And fictional events can become accepted as truth. Ominously, Hedges observes, “Truth is irrelevant.”
Reporters, especially those on television, no longer ask whether the message is true but rather whether the pseudo-event worked or did not work as political theater. Pseudo-events are judged on how effectively we have been manipulated by illusion. Those events that appear real are relished and lauded. Those that fail to create a believable illusion are deemed failures (Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle, 2009.)35
And where is the resistance? Where is the outrage? There was a notable instance during Obama’s term in office when the MSM objected. Since then, it appears that the media has succumbed to fulfilling the role of echo chamber for the State Department.36
Author and political analyst, Paul Craig Roberts cites the May 2017 issues of Newsweek and Time as examples of “presstitutes” serving the National Security State with propaganda designed to fuel conflict. The front cover of Newsweek features a picture of Putin and the headline, The Plot Against America: Inside Putin’s Campaign to Destroy Democracy in the US.  Roberts responds by saying that US democracy was destroyed by special interest groups, and by a phony war on terror that destroyed the US Constitution. The image on the Time cover implies with a splash of red brush strokes that Trump is converting the White House into the base for the Kremlin and Saint Basil’s cathedral. Roberts laments that this “extraordinary propaganda” seems to be accepted by the majority of Westerners.3
There’s an old maxim that you (can expect to) reap what you sow. A recent statistics suggests that if you seed sufficient lies and deceptions, you will in time reap the distrust of those you propagandize. According to the findings of a May 2017 Harvard-Harris poll, two thirds of Americans believe that “there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media.” The breakdown on this statistic is 80 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of independents and 53 percent of Democrats. Eighty-four percent of voters said it is hard to know what news to believe online.
The troubling conclusion reached by Harvard-Harris co-director Mark Penn is that much of the media is now “…just another part of the partisan divide in the country…Every major institution from the presidency to the courts is now seen as operating in a partisan fashion in one direction or the other.”38
Clearly, the propagandizing of US citizens has earned the MSM the well-deserved distrust of is audiences. There’s a larger tragedy here too. It’s the tragedy of a once united nation fragmenting into the divided peoples of America. And If Hedges is correct in his assessment that falsity has triumphed over truth, then a corollary must also be considered. It’s the liklihood that the Magician has triumphed over the Truth Teller. 
Fake heroes
Not surprisingly, the Magicians of the Post-Truth era have given the citizens of the Empire fake heroes. The latest has arisen amidst the Syria conflict and the accompanying blitzkrieg of war propaganda served up to gullible citiizens. It’s the Nobel Prize nominees and Netflix movie heroes, the White Helmets. Awakened patriots might well ask how a UK and US-funded PR agency managed to turn associates of Al Qaeda in Syria into folk heroes.
The campaign will go down in history as a demonstration of the power of PR over factual reality. In 2016, I received an email from one of Canada’s opposition parties encouraging my support for the nomination of the White Helmets for a Nobel Prize. It was bad enough that the US and Canadian governments were resolutely insisting that Saudi Arabia, the global epicenter of jihadist ideology was a friend and an ally. But, now A Canadian opposition party was encouraging support for the associates of Al Qaeda. The circle of delusion in government was complete. I bit my lip and politely suggested to the latest groupies of the White Helmets that these pretend humanitarians weren’t worthy of the adoration.   
The White Helmets were trained by British ex-military officer, James Le Mesurier who would like us to believe that they are group of ordinary citizens – taxi drivers, bakers and teachers moved to serve their countrymen. The Ron Paul Institute describes these ordinary citizens differently.39
We have demonstrated that the White Helmets are an integral part of the propaganda vanguard that ensures obscurantism of fact and propagation of Human Rights fiction that elicits the well-intentioned and self righteous response from a very cleverly duped public. A priority for these NGOs is to keep pushing the No Fly Zone scenario which has already been seen to have disastrous implications for innocent civilians in Libya, for example. 39
Independent journalist, Vanessa Beeley, who has regularly reported from Syria throughout the conflict, describes them this way.
Like many other ‘NGOs’, the White Helmets have been deployed by the west to derail the Syrian state, first by undermining existing civic structures and by disseminating staged PR to facilitate regime change propaganda, through western and Gulf state media outlets. Despite the fact that they were started, and are still generously funded by NATO members states, particularly from the US and UK, the White Helmets’ official statement still claims categorically that they are somehow “fiercely independent” and “have accepted no money from governments, corporations or anyone directly involved in the Syrian conflict“. This is both farcical and deeply misleading.
So, the White Helmets, lauded by the West, are terrorist-promoting imposters. Beeley points out that the real Syria Civil Defence was founded in 1953, “some 63 years before the White Helmets were a glimmer in the eyes of CIA and MI6 operatives.” The real Syria Civil Defence is a group of 150 volunteers who live and serve under constant threat of being targeted by an assortment of up to 22 terrorist brigades. This threat includes the phoney White Helmets supported and celebrated by the West. A member of the real Syria Defence describes the White Helmets this way:
They are terrorists, not rescuers.  They stole our ambulances and three of our fire engines. They don’t do any rescue work.  They drive round with guns in the back of their car like any other terrorist.  Some are from East Aleppo, some are from Syria but not from Aleppo and some are even coming in from abroad.40
So which is it? Are our government leaders just extremely naïve, profoundly ignorant or deviously complicit in such deceptions? Think about it. National governments use tax payer funded offices and assets to propagandize the very citizens that they are supposed to serve. It’s every bit as devious and nausea-inducing as the daily goings on in the fictitious Oceana of George Orwell’s creation.  
Think tanks that can’t think
Washington’s policies, particularly its foreign policy, are often birthed and developed by the country’s so-called think tanks and universities. The problem is many can’t think straight to begin with, because they are beholden to their founders, donors and/or clients. In other words, while they may have the outward appearance of disinterested, independent third parties offering unbiased analysis and policy proposals, they are no such thing. They are often intended to serve a narrower set of private interests and must carefully colour between established lines. In short, they are compromised.
There’s nothing like hearing it straight from the figurative horses mouth. New Yorker correspondent Connie Bruck reported that Haim Saban, “a hawkish Israeli-American” billionaire speaking at a 2009 conference in Israel, described the “three ways to be influential in American politics” as donating to political parties, creating think tanks, and buying up influential media.41
Did you catch that? An Israel-focused American (by his own admission) informs us that one of the three best ways to influence American politics is by creating think tanks. It goes without saying that such think tanks are predisposed to advance a particular point of view. Their billionaire sponsors have such think tanks on a leash. Promote the right policy ideas or suddenly, your funds dry up. Think tanks know it’s unwise to bite the hand that feeds them. It’s hard to imagine for example, the Heartland Institute, a recipient of Koch Brothers money, recommending actions against climate change, something that could have economic consequences for their patrons.
It’s not just domestic interests that have created captive think tanks. Foreign players are getting into the think tank business. Writing in 2014 in the Observer, Nina Burleigh reports that some of the major think tanks are partially owned subsidiaries of the petro states. One think tank, The Center for Strategic Studies, accepted a million dollars to help build a new headquarters near the White House. And Brookings Institute was the recipient of a four year $14.8 million donation from Qatar.
Burleigh explains what happens when liberal institutions team up withwhat she calls “regressive rich petro states”. In short, something has to give. She reports that Saleem Ali, a former visiting fellow at Brookings, Doha, was informed during his job interview that he couldn’t take positions “critical of the Qatari government” in his papers. Ali commented that while a member of Congress using Brookings reports may not be getting a false story, but they will not be getting the full story.42
Put another way, this doesn’t sound like the a policy research group dedicated to go where the evidence takes them.  
Turkey, under an increasingly authoritarian Recep Erdogan, was awarded the title of  “the poster child when it comes to foreign lobbying opportunities for former members of both parties” by Politico in the fall of 2016. One of its many friends in Washington in the Atlantic Council, is a pro-NATO think tank. What lubricates that friendship? It’s reported that the Atlantic Council’s top financial supporters include “no fewer than five major Turkish government and business organizations, along with Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and other large military contractors”.43
Knowing that, it’s not hard to guess the flavour of the policy proposals likely to be advanced by the Atlantic Council is it? If you want to hear a case for bulking up on armaments to ward off imagined Russian aggression, you know where to go. When the New Republic examined the partnerships of the Atlantic Council, the two authors concluded that the Council, “…– like so many other Washington think tanks – has a definition of “intellectual independence” that differs from typical scholarly institutions.”44
I might add that some of those scholarly institutions, the universities have themselves been taken captive by the ideology du jour, including recently, cultural Marxism. Nor have they proven themselves particularly interested in the open, rigorous intellectual debate. Follow the money; they too have rich and powerful benefactors they don’t wish to alienate.
Compromised think tanks are part of the reason for the persistence of Washington group think. It’s group think that produces a chorus of voices calling for an arms build-up and more not less aggression. Washington think tanks are brains on a leash. A number have been born out of the same deceptive appearance and motives as “astro turf” non-profits with a political bent. Again they would like us to believe that they are independent thus conferring on them the authority of independent expertise. It’s one more reminder that a sign of a dying democracy is a campaign to reduce a nation’s capacity for divergent thinking in subordination to groupthink. Of course, politicians must excel in double speak in order to maintain the illusion that Big Brother encourages divergent thinking. 
Weaponized weather
You may not have realized it, but there are “military dolphins.” They are described as “oceanic dolphins trained to rescue lost naval swimmers or to locate underwater mines.”  Apparently a dolphin named K-Dog performed mine clearance work in the Persian Gulf during the Iraq War.45 When I first learned that the American military had militarized dolphins, it occurred to me that the Empire demands the militarization of everything. Nothing is sacred. Nature, too must submit to the indignities of war-making. And true to form, the Empire has also militarized the weather.
Climate scientists, geo-engineering specialist and Rutgers University professor, Alan Robock explains the potential consequences of weaponizing weather.
Some countries might try to create clouds and send them toward an enemy, for example. Or there may be disputes over the “right” temperature, setting off what’s been dubbed “the Thermostat Wars” — if Indonesia wants cooling to avoid sea level rise and Russia wants warming to increase agricultural production, for instance.
Robock points out that the US already has a history of using weather in hostile ways, citing the seeding of clouds over Ho Chi Minh trail during the Vietnam War “to make the major supply route for North Vietnamese foot soldiers too muddy to pass” as well as over Cuba “to make it rain and ruin the sugar harvest.”46
If past performance is the best predictor or future behaviour, we have every reason to suspect that weather warfare technology has advanced considerably beyond such small scale applications. The Air Force assessment of its potential is just too upbeat to think otherwise. The US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report reads in part, “Weather modification offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’ and, it says, they “extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes.”   
The forward looking language of the report leaves little doubt as to the importance weather modification will play in the future of military conflict.
Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather, … and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of technologies which can provide substantial increase in US, or degraded capability in an adversary, to achieve global awareness, reach, and power. (US Air Force)47
Western governments have been discussing the military applications of weather modification capabilities for some time. On 5 February 1998, the EU’s Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament held a hearing the subject, which included it’s the US’s HAARP operations in Fairbanks Alaska. The project and its military capabilities were described as follows:
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) is run jointly by the US Air Force and Navy, in conjunction with the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Similar experiments are also being conducted in Norway, probably in the Antarctic, as well as in the former Soviet Union.(22) HAARP is a research project using a ground-based apparatus, an array of antennae each powered by its own transmitter, to heat up portions of ionosphere with powerful radio beams. The energy generated heats up parts of the ionosphere; this results in holes in the ionosphere and produces artificial ‘lenses’.
The report had more to say about the military application of HAARP.
HAARP can be used for many purposes. Enormous quantities of energy can be controlled by manipulating the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere. If used as a military weapon this can have a devastating impact on an enemy. HAARP can deliver millions of times more energy to a given area than any other conventional transmitter. The energy can also be aimed at a moving target which should constitute a potential anti-missile system.48
As far back as 2010, some observers were citing evidence that the US has already used its HAARP microwave technology as an “earthquake weapon.” They cite two earthquakes in particular as the result of the military use of HAARP technology, the Fukushimo earthquake and tsunami and possibly the 2008 Chile earthquake (a 7.8). It’s also speculated that the Haiti Hurricane was the result of a test gone wrong with devastating consequences. The Chinese and Russians may also possess some capabilities in the realm of weather weapons.49
Geo-engineering researcher, Dane Wigington, speculated in his blog in December 2014, that “weather warfare assaults” might have been made on several countries that had incurred the wrath of the Empire. He cites a devastating ice storm in Slovenia (Feb, 2014); record flooding in Pakistan (2010); a devastating flood in Thailand (2011); an ice storm in Hungary (2014) and a record strength typhoon in the Philippines (2013). Japan’s Fukushimo tsunami (2011) and Haiti’s quake (2011) also made the list. It’s a fascinating analysis in that in each case, Wigington describes specific interests or tension between the target country and the US in play at the time.50

It isn’t just the military applications of weather modification that concern Wigington. He has stated that the number one threat facing humanity is “extreme weather modification to cool the planet.” The method being used is climate geo-engineering, and critics in the alternative media have long stated that the most obvious evidence of this is chemtrails in the sky. Another symptom of ill-advised geo-engineering is what Wigington calls “weather whiplash.” He cites an example when New York weather went from record-breaking high to snow in less than 24 hours.
So why aren’t national governments putting this subject on the table for discussion with their citizens? Why isn’t this subject being discussed in association with climate change discussions and national strategies? And why aren’t any existing international agreements among nations, being disclosed? It’s not as if we all don’t have a shared interest in the future of our atmosphere and its importance to the health of earth’s ecosystems. The agriculture and agrifood industry alone has a vital interest in the risks which weather modification in all its forms could present. It’s just one more case where the silence on the part of our leaders is deafening.
Let’s sum up what we’ve learned about the state of the Empire in Parts A and B of Exposing the Empire of Lies. This investigation has revealed the following:  
Part A

  • An imaginary democracy;
  • An unelected Deep State government;
  • Treasonous, war criminal presidents;
  • Compromised puppet politicians;
  • Police state variety policing;
  • Extreme surveillance; and
  • Rigged elections.

Part B

  • Frankenstein security agencies;
  • Government-orchestrated terrorism and fake terrorists;
  • Machiavellian foreign policy;
  • CIA- infiltrated media peddling propaganda;
  • Fake heroes;
  • Think tanks that can’t think; and
  • Weaponized weather.

I could go on. My files contain a great deal more evidence of even more fakery and fabrication. It’s not necessary, however, as I have shed light on the decaying state of the American Empire via 14 different evidential windows. Collectively they reveal an America that is compromisedcorruptcaptive and controlled. Beneath the many layers of veneer we have found corrupt institutions infested with treasonous leaders and parasitic domestic and foreign interests. Collectively, they are killing the host.  

The parasites have invaded the brain of their host and turned it into a dangerous, out-of-control monster that’s bringing death and destruction throughout the world in its wake. This  monster endangers us all.   

We also find enslaved and deluded citizens. The trusting and distracted citizens of the Empire have provided plausible explanations for the implausible, glossed over the anomalies and lies, ignored their gut and given the benefit of the doubt where it wasn’t warranted. Thus, they are complicit in constructing and maintaining the walls of their own prison.
But when will the tyranny end? It will end when an awakened populace rejects the Empire’s hypnotic illusions. It will end when we, like the young boy on the edge of crowd in the Hans Christian Anderson tale, dare to call out the claims of our delusional Emperors. When we dare to tell the truth, the teetering Empire of Lies, Humpty-Dumpty-like, will all come crashing down. 
Now, it’s time for another long walk.

1 Three factions of the CIA that control the world, Veterans Today, January 16, 2017, http://www.theeventchronicle.com/editors-pick/three-factions-cia-control-world-recommended/
2 Lt. Col. Bowman: “Who were the 9/11 Conspirators?”, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6Ls6sifFJo 
3 Exposed: CIA – The Swamp Monsters, The Millennial Report Exclusive, January 14, 2017, http://themillenniumreport.com/2017/01/exposed-cia-the-swamp-monsters/
4 Are we witnessing a coup operation against the Trump Whitehouse?, The Information Clearing House, February 24, 2017, http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/46532.htm
5 The nasty truth about the CIA, New Eastern Outlook, April 4, 2017, http://journal-neo.org/2017/04/04/the-nasty-truth-about-the-cia/  
6 The CIA and human experiments, July 7, 2015, http://journal-neo.org/2015/07/07/the-cia-and-human-experiments/
7 The CIA tortured humans and it experimented on them, Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy, May 17, 2017, http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/05/17/cia-tortured-humans-experimented/  

8 The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s manufactured war on terrorism, Trevor Aaronson, Ig Publishing, 2013, https://www.amazon.com/Terror-Factory-Inside-Manufactured-Terrorism/dp/1935439618
9 FBI terrorism and the false flag war, Veterans Today, February 19, 2013, http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/02/19/fbi-terrorism-and-the-false-flag-war/
10 Trevor Aaronson: How the FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists, TED Talks, YouTube, June 4, 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGG97dDfZ7E
11 EX-CIA agent: Every terrorist attack in US was a false flag attack, YourNewsWire, September 22, 2016, http://yournewswire.com/intelligence-officer-every-terrorist-attack-in-us-was-a-false-flag-attack/
12 Robert Steele, Draft list of 63 Orlando false flag anomalies, Public Intelligence Blog, http://phibetaiota.net/2016/06/robert-steele-draft-list-of-56-orlando-false-flag-anomalies/ 

13 Bush needs a Boogeyman with a big bomb, HUFFPOST, September 28, 2006, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/blake-fleetwood/bush-needs-a-boogeyman-wi_b_30456.html
14 42 admitted false flags, Washington  Blog.com. February 9, 2015, http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/02/41-admitted-false-flag-attacks.html
15 If we learn our history, we’re NOT doomed to repeat it, Washington Blog.com, September 6, 2012, http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/09/false-flag-2.html
16 The psychology of soft slavery, Philosopher’s Stone, January 14, 2017, http://www.philosophers-stone.co.uk/?p=17397
17 False flags, a history of deception, Richard Dolan, August 18, 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4Gy-Dr50j4&t=74s
18 Judge overturns convictions of John Nutalll and Amanda Korody in connection with plot to bomb B.C. legislature, The Georgia Straight, July 29, 2016, http://www.straight.com/news/746076/judge-overturns-convictions-john-nuttall-and-amanda-korody-connection-plot-bomb-bc
19 Manchester false flag: Man 22, kills 22 on May 22, Veterans Today, May 23, 2017, http://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/05/23/man22/
20 U.S. wants to revive terror scare in order to keep up the terror war industry – FBI whistleblower, RT, Daily Motion, October 14, 2014, http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x27vhjc_u-s-wants-to-revive-terror-scare-in-order-to-keep-up-the-terror-war-industry-fbi-whistleblower_news

21 British Labour Leader tells the world who’s really funding ISIS, Collective Evolution, February 2, 2016, http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/02/02/another-politician-speaks-out-british-labour-leader-tells-the-world-whos-really-funding-isis/ 

22 About Carol Rosin and the late Werner Von Braun, http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/02/02/another-politician-speaks-out-british-labour-leader-tells-the-world-whos-really-funding-isis/
23 US- NATO “Humanitarian Interventions” have resulted in “Crimes against Humanity”, Global Research, March 9, 2016, http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-nato-humanitarian-interventions-have-resulted-in-crimes-against-humanity/5524140
24 The entire world is “fake news”, New Eastern Outlook, January 6, 2017, http://journal-neo.org/2017/01/06/the-entire-world-is-fake-news/
25 The destruction of Libya: US-NATO Crime against humanity, March 18, 2015, 21st Century Wire, http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/03/18/the-destruction-of-libya-us-nato-crime-against-humanity/
26 Responsibility to protect justified imperialist goals in Libya, March 18, 2017, http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Responsibility-to-Protect-Justified-Imperialist-Goals-in-Libya-20170318-0015.html
27 Pentagon heads toward escalating genocide in Yemen Global Research, March 27, 2017, , http://www.economist.com/node/18709571
28 1984, George Orwell, Penguin Books, 1949, p. 161.
29 Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media, Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman, Pantheon Books, 1988, https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/manufacturing-consent-edward-s-herman/1100011970
30 Mockingbird Mirror: Declassified docs depict deeper link between the CIA and American media, March 1, 2017, 21st Century, http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/03/01/mockingbird-mirror-declassified-docs-depict-deeper-link-between-the-cia-and-american-media/
31 When it comes to fake news, the US government is the biggest culprit, Rutherford Institute, November 21, 2017, http://www.theeventchronicle.com/fake-news-agenda/comes-fake-news-u-s-government-biggest-culprit/ 
32 An Empire of Lies: The CIA and the Western media, Global Research, February 28, 2011, http://www.globalresearch.ca/an-empire-of-lies-the-cia-and-the-western-media/23432
33Internet censorship database announced by Google, Twitter, Facebook and Microsoft, HNN, December 6, 2016, http://alexanderhiggins.com/internet-censorship-database-announced-google-twitter-facebook-microsoft/
34 US government funded domestic propaganda has officially hit the airwaves, SF Gate, July 16, 2013, http://www.sfgate.com/technology/businessinsider/article/US-Government-Funded-Domestic-Propaganda-Has-4668001.php
35 The Praetorian’s Bodyguards, (Of the Empire’s Liars), PoxAmericana, May 13, 2017,
36 Censorship: 38 Journalism groups slam Obama’s ‘politically-driven suppression of news’ Patriot Rising, September 7, 2014, http://patriotrising.com/2014/07/09/censorship-38-journalism-groups-slam-obamas-politically-driven-suppression-news/
37 Truth has become Un-American, Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy, May 23, 2017, http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/05/23/truth-has-become-un-american/

38 Poll: Majority says mainstream media publishes fake news, The Hill, May 24, 2017, http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/334897-poll-majority-says-mainstream-media-publishes-fake-news
39 Syria: The propaganda ring, the Ron Paul Institute, August 27, 2015, http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2015/august/27/syria-the-propaganda-ring/  

40 Exclusive: The real Syria Civil Defence Exposes fake ‘White Helmets’ as Terrorist-linked imposters, 21st Century Wire, September 23, 2016, http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/09/23/exclusive-the-real-syria-civil-defence-expose-natos-white-helmets-as-terrorist-linked-imposters/
41 Israel lobby pays the political piper, Consortium News, May 21, 2017, https://consortiumnews.com/2017/05/21/israel-lobby-pays-the-political-piper/
42 Stop taking Saudi money, Washington, Observer, September 29, 2014, http://observer.com/2014/09/stop-taking-saudi-money-washington/
43 Roll call of contributions, Atlantic Council,  http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/support/supporters
44 Chuck Hagel’s think tank, its donors, and intellectual independence, New Republic, February 12, 2013, https://newrepublic.com/article/112398/chuck-hagels-atlantic-council-foreign-donors-and-independence
45 Military Dolphin, Fandom, http://military.wikia.com/wiki/Military_dolphin
46 Climate researcher claims CIA asked about weaponized weather: What could go wrong?, Computerworld, February 16, 2015, http://www.computerworld.com/article/2883763/climate-researcher-claims-cia-asked-about-weaponized-weather-what-could-go-wrong.html
47 Chemtrails – the secret war, The Event Chronicle, Dec 2014, http://www.theeventchronicle.com/study/italian-chemtrails-secret-war-free-film/
48 Report, January 14, 1999, European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security, and Defence Policy, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A4-1999-0005+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN
49 Are we in a HAARP “earthquake war”?, Before it’s news, May 5, 2010, http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2010/05/are-we-in-a-haarp-earthquake-war-20951.html
50 Are weather warfare assaults devastating noncompliant countries around the globe?, GeoEngineering Watch, December 9, 2014, http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/are-weather-warfare-assaults-devastating-noncompliant-countries-around-the-globe/
 (c) Futurescapes21C, 2018 All rights reserved

Truth-tellers, Court Jesters and an Emperor’s Wardrobe Malfunction (Part B)


Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes 21C, Posted June 11, 2018, rev. June 12, 2018. All rights reserved 

Feet of clay
It’s April 2018, and Canada’s once-adored Emperor is losing his magic.  He still proudly wears the George Soros brand of Neoliberal Identity Politics. But, things just aren’t the same. His devout fans remain enthralled or course, but the sheen is gone. A panel of political analysts probes the possible explanations for his decline in the polls. Why was the popularity of “Sunny Ways” Emperor Selfeous now lagging what it had once been?
The pundits saw several possibilities. There had been a trade trip to China that produced negligible returns.1 And there had been a bruising encounter with the small business sector over proposed tax changes?2 Had his violation of multiple sections of the Conflict of Interest Act concerning a family vacation at an island retreat belonging to the Aga Kahn contributed?3 And what part had his  finance minister’s failure to fully disclose his financial interests played?4
There were still other possible explanations. One panelist cited the Emperor’s endless haranguing Canadians regarding political correctness. More recently, a rather disorganized trade trip to India had been labeled a “disaster” by the media. Trade relations may have been the pretext, but analysts saw other more superficial motives on Selfeous’ part. 
Barbara Dutt of the Washington Post reported that an anonymous Indian government official said regarding Canada’s glorious Emperor, “He seems more much more convinced of his own rock-star status than we ever were.”
As for her part, Dutt commented:
I confess, from afar, I used to be a Trudeau fan-girl. But after this trip, I’ve changed my mind. Trudeau has come across as flighty and facetious. His orchestrated dance moves and multiple costume changes in heavily embroidered kurtas and sherwanis make him look more like an actor on a movie set or a guest at a wedding than a politician who is here to talk business. Suddenly, all that charisma and cuteness seem constructed, manufactured and, above all, not serious. 5
The consensus among observers, like Dutt, concluded the trip was designed to score points with Canada’s large Sikh community. It’s all about the optics with Emperor Selfeous. 
A dissenting voice in the crowd 
While the majority of Canadians remained forbearing, a contrarian voice in the crowd was making itself heard. It belonged to University of Toronto psychology professor, Jordan Peterson. When the Canadian government prepared to pass legislation requiring Canadians to use an expanding lexicon of activist-designated gender pronouns, Peterson objected. This was an Orwellian violation of the principle of freedom of speech with authoritarian overtones.6 Peterson, the refusenik, publicly stated he would not comply with the dictates of the government in the realm of prescribed speech. He went so far as saying he would go to jail in defense of his free speech. 7
Nor was Peterson impressed with the Emperor’s glib “It’s 2015” fuzzy math calculation for the 50:50 male-female composition of his cabinet. Pederson pointed out that achieving gender party would only have required Selfeous appoint the same percentage of males and females to cabinet as male and female MP’s elected to public office. 
Douglas Murray, writing in The Spectator, describes Peterson’s rise.
In 2016 he made a stand against the Canadian government’s introduction of a law that aimed to make it a crime not to address people by their preferred gender pronouns (regardless of chromosomes). The issue of ‘gender pronouns’ may sound a strange springboard to international attention. But Peterson did something a decreasing number of people in our societies are willing to do: he stuck his head above the parapet. He politely but firmly objected to officials telling him or anyone else what words to use or to define for him what the meanings of words should be. 
There was an outcry. His classes were disrupted by often riotous protests. There were serious efforts to force him out of his university position. For a moment, it looked as though the social justice mounties might get their man. But for once it didn’t work. In fact it badly backfired. Not only did a lot more people discover a counter-cultural (or counter-counter-cultural) hero who was willing to say what almost everybody else thought. They also discovered someone with not only humanity and humour, but serious depth and substance. 9
The silence heard around the (Western) world
In 2018, Professor Peterson went on tour in Europe to promote his new book, “12 rules for Life: An antidote for chaos.” While in England, he was invited to participate in an interview with Cathy Newman of Channel 4, a BBC subsidiary. If Peterson was expecting a friendly conversation about the contents of his book, he was mistaken. Newman, an ardent feminist, was determined to impale Peterson on every point of presumed feminist victimhood. Her style was combative replete with talking over her guest, virtue signaling, straw men premises and misleading accusatory thrusts, “so what you’re saying is that….”.
Peterson repeatedly parried with “no, I’m not saying that…” offering reasoned explanations that drew on the research literature, insights from his clinical practice, his work as an executive career coach and common sense. He remained pleasant throughout, patiently untangling the false premises and conflated issues Newman posited. The interview built to a climax as Newman shifted to frame the male-female pay gap as a patriarchal conspiracy against women. 
But you’re going to put all those hurdles in their way as has been in their way for centuries…and that’s fine” you’re saying that’s fine. The patriarchal system is just fine….”
Peterson: “No I’m not saying that …that’s just silly…”
Peterson responded that the pay gap is explained by a combination of factors including a greater readiness of a small percentage of very ambitious males to sacrifice everything for  career. It was a choice that rising, equally talented female executives declined in favour of a more balanced lifestyle.
Then Newman shifted the subject to transgender “rights.”
You cited freedom of speech in that; why should your right to freedom of speech trump a trans person’s right to not be offended? 
Peterson: Because in order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive. I mean look at the conversation we’re having right now. You’ know like you’re certainly willing to risk offending me in the pursuit of the truth. Why should you have the right to do that? It’s been rather uncomfortable. 
Newman: Well I’m very glad that I put you on the spot.
Peterson: But you get my point,…no, but you get my point, you get my point. It’s like you’re doing what you should to do…which is digging a bit to see what the hell is going on. And that is what you should do. But you’re exercising your freedom of speech to certainly risk offending me, And that’s fine. I think more power to you as far as I’m concerned.
Newman: Except you haven’t sat there and…(pause)
Newman: (as she sighs and looks upward into space )… I’m just trying….. I’m just trying to work that out…(more silence)…
Peterson: (jokingly) “Gotcha….”10
Newman continued with her questions 10 or 12 seconds later, but in a very real sense the interview was over. This was the silence heard around the world. The last time I checked, one You Tube video excerpt of the interview had well over 10,000,000 views.  Jordan Peterson had deftly shattered an imagined transgender “rights” construct of third wave feminism.  And, as in case of the fall of Humpty Dumpty, the crash was such that it was unlikely anyone could ever reassemble the pieces.
It bears repeating: “Because in order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive.”  (He could have added, “and in order to converse and interact as human beings, you have to risk being offensive.”) The delusion was so completely destroyed, it left the viewer wondering what other fragile feminist fabrications were about to fall.  
Assessing the damage 
The significance of the Newman-Peterson debate shouldn’t be underestimated. It was an unplanned, albeit landmark battle in the long running culture war, or more accurately, assault on conservative thought. There were two obvious outcomes. The first was the defeat of fallacious feminist arguments regarding transgender “rights” and enshrined victimhood. The second was it confirmed the striking contrast in tone and style between militant feminists and traditionalists like Peterson.   
It leads to the obvious conclusion that third wave feminism relies heavily on bullying and intimidation and evidence-free assertions. Its adherents aren’t genuinely interested in “a conversation” about issues of the day. Their use of use weaponized language with the implicit smear that if you disagree then you are morally repugnant (“misogynist,” “homophobe,” “hater,” “racist,” etc.) is a old tactic of authoritarians intent on silencing criticism.
Because the Newman stance represented neoliberalism and its abusive identitarian politics, the Peterson interview permanently damaged the entire brand and all its adherents. This includes one of its foremost champions, Emperor Selfeous. The divisive issue-creation, sanctimonious assertions of moral superiority and implicit smearing of critics will no longer go unchallenged in the war against conservatives. The protective neoliberal cloak failed spectacularly. Its cheap, synthetic fabric frays quickly in the sunlight of reason, biology, serious science, timeless truths and common sense. It was as if Professor Peterson had opened a window and let some sunlight and fresh air into the room. The neoliberal delusions that enthral the masses may be losing their hold. Some on the political Left are defecting, and resistance is growing.
Peterson’s courageous stand on free speech has captured the attention of many in Canada, the US, Europe, and beyond. His book, sold-out speaking engagements, media appearances and YouTube lectures have birthed a large and growing following. Pederson’s message has a particular appeal among young men who have showed up at his public lectures in droves.  Remarkably, some are crediting him with restoring family relationships and saving their lives.
The dangers inherent in neoliberal identity politics
The pathologies of the globalist brand of neoliberal identitarian politics should be evident to the discerning by now. It is destroying the footings from which people derive their identity (gender, faith, family, country). And, simultaneously, it is destroying the links that bind us together in common cause. Thus, it is foreclosing on the societal commons.  
Operationally, there are both winners and losers. The winners, in the short term at least, are the imperious powers that be and their minions keen to exploit the magical powers it confers  on those intent on controlling the unsuspecting masses. Then, there are its unconscious compliant victims, unaware of their cult-like reality. How can their mute submission be explained? It appears to be the result of a misguided quest for and claim to righteousness reminiscent of that of the Pharisees of Jesus’ day.
Journalist, Shadi Hamid, sees, in this vein, a desperate search for a religion in its absence. 
In the longer term, the effects of identity-driven discussions become even more pernicious. As I recently argued, basing our positions on who we are rather than what we believe is polarizing precisely because identities are more fixed than ideas.
This is why identity politics can sometimes seem like a new sort of political theology. Belief and conviction are good things, but only if there’s something to believe in. Identity politics and the virtue-outbidding it necessitates often signal the absence of religion in search of religion—with followers mimicking its constituent elements: ritual, purity, atonement, and excommunication.11
Herein lies the explanation for both the religious zealotry of social justice warriors and their willing compliance with the tenets of their cult. In virtue bidding/signaling, SJW’s publicly demonstrate righteousness and adherence to the “faith.” This ensures continued membership. On the other hand, those tempted toward independent thought risk discipline – potentially doxing and excommunication.  
Looking forward
A brave man within the ranks of the largely cowed and compliant Canadian populace has struck a blow for freedom. His disruptive influence is akin to that of the young boy who called out a naked emperor in the Hans Christian Anderson tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes. The now transparent political wardrobe of our dear Emperor leaves him similarly exposed. The torn and threadbare tenets of neoliberal identity politics are increasingly apparent to thoughtful observers in the crowd. Some Canadians have awakened from their trance. Some have even joined the ranks of the resistance. Are Canada’s leading proponents of imperial neoliberalism likely to pause and reflect on the dangers in their doctrine?
The realistic answer is, “No, it’s not in their nature.” I expect the Emperor to continue strutting about in his transparent political attire. As the resistance grows, he is likely to wrap himself even more tightly in his demonstrably frayed wardrobe. The power it yet confers over his yet unawakened subjects is too addictive. But as noted earlier, it is no longer sufficient to repulse the advance of the resistance to the reign of neoliberal dogma in Canada and elsewhere in the West. 

I anticipate the political establishment to reinforce a four-fold strategy of: “smogging,” “smearing,” “sidelining” and silencing.
Smogging: In the bigger picture, we can expect a continuation of the on-going information warfare being conducted in concert with Western allies and other members of the NATO alliance. It means facilitating and amplifying real and imaginary terrorist and military threats. In the political playbook, nothing is as useful as fear when it come to keeping the masses compliant and conforming to the will of the government.  
Smearing: This means continuing to smear Canada and Canadians by declaring them and their beliefs deficient in some respect. Thus, problem definition as pretext sets the scene so that the officialdom can intervene and impose its planned solutions to imagined problems when the opportunity presents itself. The current smear is Canada is “racist.” Studies are planned which will provide the necessary cover for some state- imposed solution to the presumed problem. (One can conclude that earlier in our history, the powers that be determined that Canadians were insufficiently feminist and insufficiently culturally diverse.)  Regular smearing by those presumed to know emboldens social justice warriors to attack dissenting individuals, branding them “haters,” “racists,” “bigots,” and “Nazis” and dox them as required.
Sidelining: This is a process of discrediting and discounting dissenting groups or political adversaries by campaigns that regularly demean their motives and devalue their views and beliefs. We have seen this approach to dealing with Evangelical Christians opposed to the Emperor’s pro-abortion and transgender agendas. (It’s the political expression of “my way or the highway.”) Over time, groups subject to this treatment by government are effectively ostracized and their influence neutralized.
Silencing: Ostracized groups may still be able to make their voices heard. For this reason, one can expect a strategy of further silencing or de-platforming these challengers. There are a variety of direct and indirect approaches. In post-truth, post-democratic England, silencing was accomplished in the case of conservative activist, Tommy Robinson, by denying him a lawyer and the media the right to report on his case and charging him and sending him directly to jail.
A variety of indirect means are also currently being used throughout the West by the powers that be. Conservative citizen journalists are being silenced daily by social media giants (Think Facebook, Google, YouTube). These corporate powers now brazenly employ such methods as censure (in the form of warnings to citizen journalists), direct banning of certain Website content, shadow banning, demonetization, censorship, and search suppression. It works to the extent that some independent on-line citizen journalists are already self-censoring. And with this approach, the Corporatocracy does Big Brother’s dirty work for him. The usual pretexts are the oft-stated need to eliminate or control the imagined scourge of “fake news” and the need to protect minorities against “hate speech.”
Not one of these four “S” Orwellian post –democracy strategies will come as a surprise to Canadian patriots or truly independent citizen journalists. These methods define the new Orwellian normal. I can only add, be prepared, there’s more to come.  
Summing up, an ideologically-driven Emperor has come to power and imposed a divisive George Soros brand of neoliberal identitarian politics on Canukaland. The deconstruction of Canadian society as we know it is now well underway. Most of the manufactured tensions that are tearing American society apart at the seams are now at work in Canada.
Modern day equivalents of the outspoken child who exposed a naked emperor in the  Hans Christian Andersen tale, have appeared. They are shredding the doctrine of third wave feminism and bringing some sunlight to bear on identitarian politics. Jordan Peterson’s stand is exemplar as it has fostered something of a political awakening and reinvigorated the resistance. It can’t stop here, however. To truth-tellers everywhere I say this is your call to arms. The lie of the Emperor’s “Sunny Ways” slogan notwithstanding, we shall, with God’s help, overcome.
1 Bonokoski: Trudeau’s trade deal with China turns into an embarrassment, Toronto Sun, December 5, 2017, http://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/trudeaus-trade-deal-with-china-turns-into-an-embarrassment
2 Small business tax backlash tops agenda for Liberal caucus retreat, CTV News, November 4, 2017, https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/small-business-tax-backlash-tops-agenda-for-liberal-caucus-retreat-1.3575126
3 Trudeau ‘sorry’ for violating conflict of interest laws with visit to Aga Khan’s island, CBC News, December 20, 2017,http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-ethics-aga-khan-1.4458220
4 Finance minister, Bill Morneau waited 2 years to disclose company that owns his French villa to ethics watchdog, CBC, October 13, 2017, http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/morneau-company-france-ethics-1.4351933
5 Trudeau has himself to blame for disastrous India trip, Hamilton Spectator, February 23, 2018, https://www.thespec.com/opinion-story/8149797-trudeau-has-himself-to-blame-for-disastrous-india-trip/
6 Toronto professor. Jordan Peterson takes on gender-neutral pronouns, BBC News, November 4, 2016, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37875695
7 Watch: Fire me, fine me, jail me. I won’t back down to speech police, says U of T professor, LifeSiteNews, October 28, 2016, https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/watch-fire-me-fine-me-jail-me.-i-wont-back-down-to-speech-police-says-u-of
8 Watch Jordan Peterson react to Justin Trudeau’s teliing a woman to say ‘Peoplekind,’ The Steam, February 7, 2018, https://stream.org/watch-jordan-peterson-react-justin-trudeaus-telling-woman-say-peoplekind/
9 The curious star appeal of Jordan Peterson, https://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/01/the-curious-star-appeal-of-jordan-peterson/
10 Watch: Cathy Newman’s catastrophic interview with Jordan Peterson, The Spectator, January 17, 2018, 
11 Barri Weiss and the Left-Wing infatuation with taking offence, The Atlantic, February 17, 2017, https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/02/bari-weiss-immigrants/553550/?utm_source=feed

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