The daunting challenge of dot-connecting in the Trump 2.0 Era — Penetrating the fog of war (Part 1)

The daunting challenge of dot-connecting in the Trump 2.0 Era: Penetrating the fog of war (Part 1)

Calvin Mulligan, February 24, 2025 (c) rev. Feb 25, Mar 1, 2025 All rights reserved

“‘Understanding Trump’ is an exercise in futility for those who still choose to see the world through a prism of what passes for normalcy. Who believes in norms defined by standard practice? There is nothing normal about Trump.”— Scott Ritter, military analyst

“There is a world-wide conflict being fought — a coalition of just about every nation on the planet has been actively involved in this.— Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi

Much of what’s going on on the’s like a game of chess….And remember, this isn’t a game of chess in 2D or even 3D or 4D. It’s in 5D. There are multiple boards in play.” –Juan O. Savin, February 16, 2025.

In search of the real Donald Trump

During his first term in office, Donald Trump left America, mainstream media and much of the world confused as to his true character and political motivations and even the meaning of his words. There were a few patterns. One was that Trump would provide his take on a recent development, mainstream media would snicker and dismiss his claims as a sign of his perceived insanity, and within a few days evidence supporting his claims would appear. Or in other cases, Trump would leave them guessing. Remember his “the calm before the storm” tease triggering a reporter’s question, “What storm, Mr. President?” The response: “You’ll find out.” It was as if Trump inhabited a different space protected by well-guarded secrets.

Suffice to say, characterizations of the new president ranged widely — from anointed servant of God Almighty to an anti-Christ. Obviously, he couldn’t be both. In November of 2018, I parsed the perceived Trumps and sketched five of the most common personas. The key word here is perceived. The essay wasn’t based on in-depth analysis of the man at a personal or professional level. Rather, it was a summary of five Trump characterizations coming from largely US citizens, inclusive of political partisans from both sides. The five are:

  • Trump, the bumbling and dangerous politician;
  • Trump, the Deep State trojan horse leading the world into the new world order — an antiChrist;
  • Trump, the well-intended, but now defeated captive of the Deep State Cabal;
  • Trump the despicable criminal, and disgusting human being; and
  • Trump, the courageous champion fighting to restore America

More than five years later, it seems most partisans and pundits alike are still happy to consign Trump to one of these familiar categories. Even those committed to objective analysis are often baffled by what they see as policy inconsistencies, sudden reversals, head-scratching Israel First appointments and seeming double talk. And just when they think they can predict his next move, Trump throws them a curve.

One observer who claims to view Trump objectivity comments, “Sometimes he is right and sometimes he is not. Listening to him…sometimes… is like listening to Saruman.” (the White Wizard from the J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings). Interestingly, Trump may possess an ability similar to one of Saruman’s powers described in the on-line Encyclopedia of ARDA.

Beyond his deep intelligence, he was able to draw on an array of magical abilities; for example, it was said that he could change his form – or, at least, others’ perceptions of his form.

Is Trump able to change perceptions of him and his conduct as President? Is Trump a master of deception? From my perspective, Trump’s personage, thinking, communication and actions remain somewhere between opaque at the extreme and translucent at best and are routinely misread.

Delusional dictator, bold revolutionary or?

Here’s two assessments of Trump’s foreign policy illustrative of the Trump 2.0 Enigma. Military analyst, Scott Ritter upon observing Trump’s response to resolving the Ukraine conflict and pursuit of peace directly with Putin (absent Europe and Zelensky).

“And he (Trump) is breaking with established norms at a pace that belies convention. There is no more room for established practice. It’s a revolution, baby. And if you do not understand that, then nothing makes sense.” — Scott Ritter

Contrast that with the analysis Canadian Professor Rodrigues Tremblay recently offered in an interview and a paper entitled: “The US government of Donald Trump is oligarchic, disruptive and dysfunctional and disruptive to the global economy.”

Rodrigues further writes: “Something is definitively wrong and worrying about US President Donald Trump. His mental state is questionable considering his behaviour and his erratic, reckless and delusional statements.

He has made gratuitous insults, threats and attacks against many countries, including close allies, and would seem to have no hesitation in provoking an international trade war. Moreover, his rhetoric seems to get more and more violent as time goes by.” (Rodrigues adds that he would give Trump an F+ for his economic policy.)

It’s hard to believe these observers are describing the same person. One sees a wily political strategist deftly pursuing America’s interests, while the other sees a dangerous, mentally- impaired (“delusional”) dictator. In any given news day, one is likely to encounter dozens of equally divergent takes on the Trump 2.0 regime. It’s enough to give the average person a massive cognitive dissonance headache.

Is either of the above close to having a read on the real Donald Trump and his plans? And is there more at play behind the proverbial curtain? Given the precarious state of world affairs and the powerful mandate given Tump, one can argue that it’s never been more important to get it right. It follows that it’s difficult to hold the president and leader of the so-called “free world” accountable if people fail to understand the man, his mission and the social, political and economic environment he’s navigating.

An ambitious thought exercise

The purpose of this essay isn’t to sell you one or another version of Trump 2.0. Rather it’s to provide the reader with a more comprehensive analytic lens. This in turn should enable the diligent observer to penetrate some of the fog cloaking both Trump 2.0 and his administration and key events unfolding around him on the world stage. Simply stated, the goal is improved analysis and reducing distraction and noise.

My second objective is providing readers with an opportunity to apply my alternative lens on a test basis to a Canadian question. This is the matter of the Trump “51st State” references. The test question is: “Does this alternative lens provide some insight into the Trump 51st state reference?” Beyond that, can it help nudge Canadians beyond a heated hockey politics-infused debate about Canadian sovereignty?” And could this more nuanced view, help us to envision the footings of a new, preferred Canadian future? (Assuming a reasonable level of emotional intelligence prevails.)

Some amount of cognitive dissonances should be expected. The explanations and scenarios offered here will challenge conventional paradigms. Some readers may default to the standard “conspiracy theory” deflect, a subject I addressed elsewhere on this platform. On the other hand, some of my readers have been conditioning their minds to stretch beyond their comfort zones. Such individuals will be more able to don these new “glasses” metaphorically speaking, and engage in this thought exercise. And if after a couple of months, this more comprehensive paradigm fails to help penetrate the Trump 2.0 Enigma, they can discard it like yesterday’s junk mail.

An invisible information war

Warning: We are now leaving the realm of conventional thought and the official narrative and venturing into the realm of the often undiscussed and the undiscussable, Readers may experience cognitive dissonance from time to time and are encouraged to proceed slowly pausing periodically for breaks and some deep breathing. For veterans in the Truther community, this is a review.

Let’s begin by laying down some premises of an alternative reality and proposed context for all things Trump 2.0 .

  • We have been living in a post-truth era governed by post-truth politics where deep deception is the order of day.
  • While we have been living in a dark matrix of deception, we’ve more recently entered an era of disclosure and are now being bombarded by major, once-hidden truths on a weekly basis suggestive of tectonic shifts in human consciousness, politics and governance.
  • The reality of CIA narrative-shaping influence infecting mainstream media was revealed to the public in the 1970’s courtesy of the Church Commission. (The consolidation of news organizations since that time has further served to facilitate CIA narrative control. The “trusted news source” slogan is a joke.)
  • As USAID revelations have shown, Deep State powers have used citizens’ tax dollars to propagandize both domestic and foreign audiences and influence election results.
  • While the propagandized masses are awakening to their captive state, many remain enthralled and at odds with the awakened segment of the population. The cognitive dissonance experienced by “normies” when confronted with hard truths makes their “awakening” a painful process (note liberal left reactions to USAID revelations)
  • The tools and technologies available today and being used to create deceptions are far more powerful tools than most people imagine. The PTB are capable of fabricating entire alternative “realities” not unlike the matrix holding Truman captive in the movie, The Truman Show, starring Jim Carrey.
  • The so-called “Fact checkers” are mostly propaganda constructs installed to protect the establishment’s official narratives (e.g. “Safe and Effective”). They are in effect paid to suppress the truth and keep inquirers captives of the Establishment’s official narrative.

Note: We’re now moving further beyond the mainstream paradigm and into the realm of The Patriot White Hat Narrative. So, hang on.

The Patriot White Hat Narrative

Against the above backdrop, here are the key tenets of The White Hat Narrative which have been shared widely and discussed and debated among members of the freedom community over the last five years in particular.

  • The public assassination of JFK was a visible sign that a coup against the United States had been carried out by the dark Cabal of unelected powers JFK had warned Americans about.
  • JFK’s assassination inspired a group of patriotic generals in the US military (White Hats) to come together in secret to plot how they might take back America.
  • The White Hats decided that the most effective strategy for retaking America would be to infiltrate every realm of modern society (military, judiciary, policing, government, education academia, etc) grow their numbers, and move at an opportune moment.
  • Patriotic White Hat generals invited Donald Trump to lead their forces as Commander-in-Chief in their campaign to retake America and restore the Republic. Trump accepted their invitation and won the presidency in 2016, 2020 (not yet acknowledged) and 2024.
  • An intense information war/hybrid has been raging beneath the surface for several years employing fourth/ fifth generation warfare. While it has kinetic elements, it differs from conventional warfare in terms of its appropriation and weaponization of the assets and institutions of civil society. Infiltration and propagandization are central to its success and used by both sides. Other standard tactics include false flags, theatre, disinformation, psychological operations, weather manipulation, and other forms of subterfuge. (See Covid-Vaxx campaign)
  • In terms of its scope, the current struggle pitting the White Hat Alliance against the diabolical Black Hat Cabal is world-wide and inter-dimensional in scope. Ultimately, it’s regarded as a spiritual war between good and evil that involves off-planet entities assisting in the fight for the soul of humanity.
  • The two possible outcomes for humanity are: a) a life of permanent slavery under continuous surveillance under the Cabal in AI-managed digital prisons or b) a life of harmony, freedom amid unrivalled prosperity.
  • In October of 2017, an anonymous 4 Chan user named “Q” began posting a series of cryptic coded messages referred to as “Q drops”. While their source and veracity and importance has been widely debated, serious truther analysis suggests they are codified military intel. See Martin Geddes: “Martin Geddes on Q” below.
  • Since that date, keyboard warriors called “Anons” have been interpreting thousands of “Q drops” for a wider audience of “truther” allies and their social media audiences. The content of the Q drops concerns the progress of the war, identity and fate of American’s foreign and domestic traitors and forecasts regarding future developments. If Geddes has it right, this method of coded military communication with the public has broken new ground.
  • Both White Hats and Black Hats are using AI to assist in military analysis and decision- making. One hears frequent reference to the complex nature of this war and war strategies in terms of “5D chess”. The White Hat Alliance under Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump is reportedly conducting operations “by the book”, or in this case, The Law of War manual.
  • A White Hat ally describes the army as “a coalition of just about every nation on the planet”. He states that the war has been won by the White Hats and current operations are directed at taking out the lower level soldiers serving the Black Hats (director level). (Note recent announcements re leadership of FBI and ATF).
  • More aspects of this once-invisible are now regularly breaking into public view. Consider the number of unnatural “natural” disasters and unseasonal weather (eg. Lahaina, LA fires and unusual hurricanes), unexplained plane crashes, high profile illnesses, deaths and disappearances and bombings and attacks on civilians.
  • It is the intention of the While Hat military, currently conducting raids and making arrests, to first liberate America and then other captive nations around the world including Canada and other allied nations including Australia and New Zealand.
  • Almost all Trump communication conveys messages to two different audiences — members of the public and White Hats and their allies (often linked to Q drops). Members of the general public hear the usual political sparring while Anons scrutinize every word, gesture, flag, face, article of clothing and symbol for “comms.” For example the illuminated Super Bowl display saying “Stage One” and Game Over” meant nothing to most people, but was received as an important “comm” by Anons and truthers.

Books will likely be written for many years to come examining Trump and the current war — what some have called The Second American Revolution. In the meantime, any observer failing to take them, including the possibilities of the Patriot Narrative into account, is likely to misread both Trump 2.0 and the times. Professor Tremblay and the legacy media, with their assumption of normalcy and political bias respectively, are some of the many casualties of the fog of war.


For a better understanding of the nature of information war and Q, check out the work of Martin Geddes below, including: “Open Your Mind to Change,” “Roles in the Cognitive War,” and “Martin Geddes on Q.”

— Calvin

Coming in Part 2: “The Greatest Show on Earth”


“Everything comes up against reflections of the truth sooner or late and falls short , but some are more truthful than others”:

Saruman: The Encyclopedia of ARDA:

Insights from a mass media corpus on “QAnon”:

Martin Geddes on Q:

For all the wrong reasons:

LTC Riccardo Bossi and Juan O Savin s/16/25:

Colonel Riccardo Bosi ‘the final phase. — Q Trust the plan:

The US government of Donald Trump is oligarchic, dysfunctional and disruptive of the local economy:

New White Hat and Musk Avatars continue revolution (Benjamin Fulford letter, Feb 17, 2025):

Captain Kyle and Kelly resume our biweekly Round Table w Australia Party’s leader LTC Bosi:

0Q Delta’s 2/14: A traitor’s justice. Panic in DC. No Mercy. PAIN Q February 15, 2024:

New White Hat and Musk Avatars continue revolution (Benjamin Fulford letter, Feb 17, 2025):

What the cognitive warrior sees,

The Five Donald Trumps — Which is the real one?

Fifth-Generation Warfare

Open Your Mind to Change,

Roles in the Cognitive War,

4Chan and 8Chan (Britannica):

There never was a “New Corona Virus”, there never was a pandemic:

The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People are dying all over the world. It’s a criminal undertaking. We call upon its immediate cancellation:


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