The Party’s Over, Now What?

Calvin Mulligan, June 4, 2024 (c) All rights reserved

The Party’s Over, Now what?

Synchrony and me

I am intrigued with the phenomenon of synchrony. For example, a friend that you haven’t spoken to in months calls you at the very moment you’re pushing the “send” button on a long overdue email to him or her. Or, perhaps you encounter a old proverb three times in the span of 24 hours. Some folks may call these highly improbable, unexpected intersections of people, ideas and actions in time, coincidences. I no longer do. A friend tells me that synchrony is one way that God speaks to us. So, now I’m paying more attention to its occurrence in my life lately. It seems to me that if there ever was a time to attune my mind to a divine frequency, it’s now in the midst of our apocalypse.

I experienced a kind of rhetorical synchrony about three weeks ago. A friend invited me to attend a forum hosting an Alberta politician eager to tell his audience about his new and improved federal political party. My rhetorical response was, “Doesn’t Mr. New and Improved realize we’re in the midst of a war with the Powers-that-Be? Doesn’t he realize we’re intent on dissembling our country’s entire corrupt political apparatus, including the current system of political parties? Hasn’t he read that history can provide no example of a nation that voted it’s way out of tyranny?” I followed up with a more succinct summation of my assessment of politics-as-usual. “The party’s over”! (referring specifically to conventional party politics.)

About a week later, while I was eating lunch on the patio of a local grocery store, a jocular “street person” stopped in front of my table holding a can of beer in the air.  “I guess the party’s over” he declared. He gave the phrase some flair….. “I guess the partaay is over.” Seemingly, someone at the other end of the strip mall had determined this fellow wasn’t gong to be getting any more beer. The former me would have dismissed this echo of my take on the future of party politics. The “new” me didn’t. I began reflecting on the broader possible meaning of the phrase, the chaotic state of the world and the prospects of those running the Big Show. Based on what I’d been reading in alternative media in recent years, the cracks in the foundations of the global Establishment were widening. Could its party coming to an end?

War and counter revolution

The history books of 2030, if honestly written, will describe this period, 2020-2025 in particular, as “the war years.” Depending upon your frame of reference, one can see the outlines of a fifty or sixty year war, or even a “forever war” on humanity. A more nuanced look at the timeline however, suggests this Dark versus Light covert war broke into public view with the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy and has now reached a climax in 2024.

Our adversaries, reportedly the Khazarian-Rothschild-Zionist globalists, have used every conceivable dirty tactic and form of deception imaginable to achieve their ends — the complete enslavement of humanity. It includes: non-stop propaganda, psychological projection, lawfare, physical aggression and intimidation, digital and physical assassination, fake terrorism, psy ops, identity theft, extreme surveillance, censorship, wholesale smearing and demonization of critics, blackmail, sexual compromise operations, biological warfare, financial pressure and coercion, false flags and a long list of others. This all-encompassing approach is characteristic of what is described as “fifth generation” warfare.

Those who are attuned to alternative social media will be familiar with what I call the US patriot narrative which is disseminated to members of the freedom community. It contends that following the assassination of president JFK, a patriotic core of certain branches of the US military realized a slow motion coup was in play. This contingent of patriots joined forces with loyal factions of the militaries of other countries and positive off-planet beings to form a world-wide army committed to taking back the earth for humanity. Supposedly, this Alliance has been covertly waging an all-out counter revolution against the Dark Side for decades. One of the Alliance’s strategies is engaging patriotic citizens in the struggle for their freedom.

One of the tasks assigned to the civilian resistance army was/is “waking up” their fellow citizens to the critical threat facing their country and the importance of prevailing in this struggle of the ages. While the members of the Resistance weren’t particularly effective four or five years ago, it seems to me they have now learned a good deal about the enemy and how to wage information warfare. Their use of powerful memes ridiculing the absurdities of the latest propaganda campaign and ability to identify crisis actors in the false flag du mois are indicative of the growing capabilities of the resistance. So how goes the war? In his May newsletter, Dr. Jim Willie, a financial advisor, echoed the analysis of Ben Fulford, a journalist with a focus on covert geopolitics, reporting:

“The globalist cabal has been defeated, their surrender in progress, the culmination of months of the highest level negotiations. The Fraudulent Banksters have turned against the Satanic Globalists, in order to win a seat at the table. The Globalist organizations will be destroyed, while their members will scatter for safe havens.” (Your discernment is required.)

The Interregnum

While Fulford, Willie and others have told us the head of the satanic Cabal-snake has been removed, they uniformly add that the remnant of the Cabal and its minions aren’t going quietly into the night. Fulford describes the current period as the interregnum. It’s defined as “the time during which a throne is vacant between two successive reigns or regimes.” (Merriam Webster). Obviously, such times of transition, if that is indeed what we are experiencing, can be highly unstable and extremely dangerous. So one would expect constant crises, fear-mongering, false flags and unfortunately the possibility of mass casualty events in the months ahead. This makes continued resistance and vigilance the order of the day. Besides, we haven’t met the new boss, so despite the assurances, we really don’t know if we’ll like him any better than the old boss.

Clearly, the carefully-coordinated “lock step” Vaxx project was a central campaign in the larger, multi-faceted war on humanity. (The dark side includes dedicated eugenicists.) The toll in human, social and economic terms is incalculable and continues to mount. One doesn’t have to look far to see the damage to families, communities and nations. That said, it appears from this vantage point that the eventual outcome will favour the forces of light. The Cabal and its vaxx pushers and collaborators have lost for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is their blatant violation of the laws of nature and laws of God. Going to war with the Creator and targeting, among others, pregnant women and children was never a good idea.

Some of those who collaborated in this crime against humanity remain holed up inside the vaxx cult bubble and may not be aware their party is over. But the fear-inducing trance has lost its effect, and the world is waking up to what appears to be a genocide or a democide. The evidence of a global conspiracy with the backing of dark-side aligned military is mounting by the minute and the censorship dam erected by corporate media is rupturing. One indication of the latter is a front page story by the UK Telegraph. See: Breaking: UK’s Telegraph comes clean — Front page headline reads: “Covid jabs may be to blame for excess deaths.

Failing foundations

It seems like every domain of Western civilization without exception was infiltrated and corrupted over the centuries by the Cabal’s dark forces. And it appears that every positive impulse and inspired endeavour of humanity has been overtaken and its purpose perverted by parasitic forces. The good news is that this hasn’t gone completely unnoticed. (although much of the civilian population went to sleep.) And it’s likely that much more than the Big Pharma-medical-mass media-security complex is going to fall in the counter revolution. I’ve been documenting developments in the war for some time now and the entries in the “wins” column are increasing as a massive truth-avalanche builds and gains momentum. Leaving Canada’s fortunes aside for the moment, here’s a rough and somewhat random list of some other enterprises, institutions, and ideological constructs destined for radical reform, dissembling or destruction. Some of them, like the gyrating headless chicken; are already dead whether they know it or not. I leave it to you to decide how much wishful thinking has influenced my list of candidates.

  • Globalist institutions like the UN, World Bank, WEF, CDC, WHO
  • The NATO alliance (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization)
  • The Khazarian-Rothchild-Sabbatean-Frankist Jew political control matrix
  • The International Rothschild-Rockefeller central banking system
  • The “Holohoax Industry”
  • The four “swamps”: the Vatican, City of London, Washington DC and Tel Aviv
  • The child-human trafficking industrial complex
  • Ukraine as we know it, Zelensky and his Nazi regime
  • Zionist Israel
  • Jewish supremacy (“God’s chosen people”)
  • The weaponized “anti-semitism” club used to subjugate and manage the goyim
  • Benjamin “Nut ’n Yahoo” and his satanic administration
  • The US Corporation and its reserve currency hegemony
  • The gender-bending trans propagandists, practitioners and Big Pharma-medical profiteers
  • Credulous “see-no-evil”, humans eagerly awaiting their next vaxx booster. (the deadly level of denial in these cases is both sad and self-limiting)
  • Large segments of the Zombie bureaucracy working at cross purposes with the publics they are employed to serve
  • The woke (weaponized) language gestapo
  • Colleges and universities peddling “woke” cultural Marxist ideology
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) multiculturalism, and mass immigration
  • The hate -manufacturing industry including grifters like the Anti-Defamation League
  • The captive majority of Hollywood players collectively serving as the propaganda arm of the Deep State
  • The Satanic adrenochrome and human sacrifice network serving the elite
  • The CIA, FBI and traitors in the military serving the banksters
  • Ukraine’s baby farms and organ and human trafficking industries
  • The George Soros Open Society non-profit political influence machine
  • Left-learning liberal churches and pastors peddling progressive “wokism” as gospel
  • Conservative Christian denominations and churches serving up religious Zionism as gospel

Letting sunlight in

Some readers may still be unconvinced. So, I’ve listed below a small sample of the articles that have come across my radar just in the last week or so. (The exception is my essays on the American Empire written in 2018.) Each is a cleansing ray of sunlight exposing the machinations of the death cult seeking to enslave us.

  • The American Empire, (obviously so corrupt, compromised and controlled it can’t continue in its current state) See my articles: Exposing the Empire of Lies Part A and Part B
  • Zionist Israel and “Nut ’n Yahoo: (See: Zionist Israel is being dismantled step by step, as we know. The world has definitely had enough of their satanic genocide. It’s time for a global cleansing,” Mossad source quoted by Benjamin Fulford. Also see: Israel, meanwhile, is about to be taken over by Egypt and Turkey. Ben Fulford)
  • Fauci and friends: As Fauci entered the Capitol building to testify before Congress, he was greeted with: “Hey Tony, are you sad that you’re in the number three spot as it applies to murdering people throughout the entire world after Stalin and Hitler.” See, Is it all unravelling? Following his testimony, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene told the media Fauci should be charged with crimes against humanity for his Plandemic promotion, brutal lockdowns, mask policy etc.
  • Covaxx conspirators and collaborators: (See Closing in on the Covid conspirators, by Elizabeth Nixon)
  • Vaxx peddling churches, and nurses (See: Deathvax blowback: Pastors, nurses and other “vaccine” pushers receiving death threats)
  • International child-trafficking network: (See: Celebrities named in the sex trafficking lawsuit against Diddy, Ghislaine Maxwell’s list became unsealed yesterday — look at the Democrats and Republicans connected to Jeffrey Epstein)
  • Gender-bending BS and trans butchering industry: (See: Wokism is killing America, Learned their lesson? Companies to scale back LGBT campaigns for Pride after Bud Light Target boycotts last year ) At least two US states have legislation banning gender-altering surgery on children.)
  • Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (See: The turning of the DEI tide)

For more signs the darkness is being exposed, see the complete list of references cited in my End Notes at the end of this article. Again, this is only a tiny fraction of the amount of evidence indicting the players, ideologies and institutions on my starter list.

What’s next?

So if the music has stopped and the global Establishment’s party is over, what’s next? The case of the Covid vaxx assault on humanity may be moving front and centre and could predispose how the struggle against the dark side unfolds from here. Covid crimes, like the figurative nail that snares the wool sweater, could cause the Cabal’s entire suit to unravel, exposing both the naked emperors and their catalogue of crimes to the world.

Author and digital information warrior, Martin Geddes, describes the atmosphere in his native England of late.

A sense of the surreal infuses the urban landscape. It cannot stay like it is; there are inevitable shifts in play from what’s already happened. Genocide, treason, war crimes — they aren’t just “elite pastimes” as there are real consequences that cannot be evaded.

That veneer of normalcy will not withstand the force when a trickle of truth escaping MSM censorship turns into a flood. And the light of that truth will reveal the awful devastation. Individual pain, now contained somewhat by official, albeit eroding denial, will coalesce into collective anger and grief. Righteous outrage will fuel calls for justice — what Geddes calls “real consequences”. It now appears that Klaus Schwab (Rothschild) and his satanic allies may not get the Global Reset they were seeking. It’s looking more like a Great Reckoning is next. Stay tuned.

End Notes

CDC has quietly admitted to Covid policy failures

UN, WHO and WEF have just been declared terrorist organizations by a Republican county assembly in Florida

Tragic: An  Australian politician who pushed the Covid injection and the result

Big Pharma paid $690 million in royalties to Fauci’s agency during pandemic

Gaza: The end of the Jewish joy ride?

Israel is a “lunatic state.” Zionist nation is “certifiably crazy.”

Holohoax exposed again! Even Jewish scholars admit there’s no evidence of holocaust

Prominent pro-vaccoine doctor (Annette Bosworth) blows whistle: ‘Biggest crime in the history of medicine’

ADL brags about controlling all major tech platforms, determining what speech is allowed in America

Keep Smiling: the end of corruption in Britain (Martin Geddes)

Deep state capitulation continues

Donald Trump and Alex Soros fight to the death as US corporation and Israel implode

Top WHO official testifies vaccine passports were a scam to push fake Covid shots

Are the Powers that Be preparing to cut Israel loose?

Is it all unravelling?

Martin Geddes takes a careful look at the “Calculus of Consequences” for anti-human actions and its vital importance to our future

The end of ‘Israel’ and the death of Zionism

The turning of the DEI tide

Khazarian Mafia murder spree triggers bounties for top Satanists

American opinions on food and medical freedom

UK: The Cass review into children’s gender care should shame us all

Learned their lesson? Companies to scale back LGBT campaigns for Pride after Bud Light, Target boycotts last year”

Joachim Hagopian: Transgender Wokism is killing America

Top Japanese professor issues global warning: pandemic was a hoax to `drive vaccinations’

Ghislaine Maxwell’s list became unsealed yesterday — look at the Democrats and Republicans connected to Jeffrey Epstein

This is how the ADL hate group was originally created

Lawyers promise Nuremberg trials against all behind Covid Scam

A Covid vaccine reckoning is coming for the DOJ over federal mandates

Covid crimes and amnesty, accountability and justice

Prominent Swiss banker calls for arrest of entire World Economic Forum

Lawyers worldwide sue govts at International Criminal Court for COVID crimes

Closing in on the Covid conspirators, Elizabeth Nixon

Deathvax blowback: Pastors, nurses and other “vaccine” pushers receiving death threats

Celebrities named in the sex trafficking lawsuit against Diddy

Well whaddya know! The real White Hats (you, me and other angry patriots) are finally flexing their muscles

What was it really like before the crash?

Coleman June 1, 2020 Old Man in a Chair: The Startling Truth Behind the Planned World Takeover, The scripts of Vernon Coleman’s ‘Old Man in a Chair’ videos for YouTube together with articles from on  year 2020 Dokumen.Pub


Photo of Calvin Mulligan

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