The daunting challenge of sense-making in the Trump 2.0 Era — Penetrating the fog of war (Part 2)
Calvin Mulligan March 3, 2025, (c) All rights reserved
“Some people may think Trump’s crazy. If he is, he’s crazy like a fox.” — Wilmer J. Leon, III
“People do not understand. Trump now realizes he is here for a purpose and is going full steam ahead. He now knows the real Deep State as I do. He is hitting the Cntrl-Alt-Delete and is rebooting the USA…” — Martin Armstrong
“Every day, we hit them with three things. They’ll bite on one, and we’ll get all of our stuff done, bang, bang, bang. These guys will never — will never be able to recover. But we’ve got to start with muzzle velocity” (Steve Bannon’s description of the Trump 2.0 Strategy) for overcoming opposition resistance)
Part 1 review
In Part 1, I proposed that at a time when it’s critically important to understand the direction the US administration is pushing the world, much of the official political analysts is failing us. It’s not simply the result of political bias, although that’s pervasive. Even the assessments coming from somewhat objective mainstream observers appear narrow and superficial.
The failure can be attributed in part to lack of attention to the larger context of a world war. And while it may be an unconventional war, it’s war nonetheless. And wars, by their very nature and this one in particular are waged by deception or more accurately, a blizzard of deceptions. Thus head fakes, propaganda, theatre, and coded communications are the order of the day.
A second consideration is that the rules governing normal life are suspended during times of war, particularly when there has been an attack on the United States by an external enemy. Among the rule changes, the President as Commander-in-Chief is granted expanded authority and is obliged to conduct the fight under prescribed rules. These understandings are integral features of the White Hat Patriot narrative outlined in Part 1.
Many critics consider this narrative to be a devious psy op. Since I’m not in a position to conclusively refute or validate it, I’m taking a utilitarian approach. I’m sharing some evidence supportive of this theory and inviting readers to test it. The test is very simple. Does this analytic lens better explain what we’re seeing and hearing daily in “the news” from mainstream sources? Does it offer any isights that mainstream analysis doesn’t? If so, it’s worth further consideration; if not, it should be discarded like last week’s junk mail.
Part 2
In pursuit of a Great Awakening
Central to the White Hat military cause is a mission to awaken the public to the Cabal’s historic coup and control over their lives and ignite a unifying society-wide Great Awakening. The White Hats have adopted two key strategies supporting this mission and worthy of discussion. One, as described by digital soldier Martin Geddes was to create a back-channel for communicating with the public that bypassed legacy media censorship and distortion. This initiative was launched in October of 2017.
That month, a military source believed to be connected to the president, began releasing coded intel referred to as “Q drops” to anonymous image board websites (“the Chans”). The Anons that frequented the boards decoded the Q drops for a wider audience of patriot “truthers”, who in turn shared the information with their followers. The Anons-truther alliance has grown into an army of keyboard soldiers engaged in the day to day struggle to expose Cabal darkness, reveal truth and anticipate the next development in the war. This stealth form of military communication with the public has effectively served to inform, unite and motivate the patriot community. That said, not all patriots are attuned to Q and not all so-called truther sites are serving the same team making discernment an imperative.
The other major strategy that the White Hats are using to awaken Normies captive of the Cabal matrix is presenting the public with a scripted media portrayal of events. In Part 2, I suggests how this tactic has engaged the attention of sleeping Normies while also adding another layer of potential confusion. The irony here is inescapable; The White Hats are using a media production (a portrayal) of real world events in order to get the attention of people held captive within a matrix of deception. Suffice to say, the fog associated with this information war is very dense.
The Greatest Show on Earth
Patriots are often told that that they are in fact watching “a movie” and, on occasion, they should sit back and “enjoy the show.” But why have the White Hats chosen to present the public with a scripted portrayal of events exposing the Cabal and its dark intent? Why instead, don’t they simply inform the world regarding the dirty business that’s been going on behind the curtain and encourage folks to break free of Cabal control? Why not just tell people directly that if it were not for the Trump win in 2016, Hilary Clinton would have taken America to war with Russia and into the dystopia of the WEF’s Great Reset?
The short answer given patriots is it wouldn’t have worked with a large segment of the population. The White Hat message would have been met with laughter and the usual “conspiracy theory” deflection. In fact, it likely would have reinforced the current gaping social-political divide. While the White Hats are committed to exposing Cabal depravity and darkness, they understand the psychological barriers that must be overcome.
Earlier generations told their children, You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Mark Twain said, It’s easier to fool an individual than convince the person that he or she had been fooled.” Consequently, the skeptical masses would have to be shown rather than told what’s has been going on. And to be clear, a lot of the Cabal’s dark deeds were conducted in plain sight, but it was beyond our comprehension. As Marshall McLuhan explained:
“Only small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept safe by the public’s incredulity.” (via Martin Geddes)
There are other reasons for a carefully-managed release of dark truths once withheld from us by a dam of censorship and silence. Simply dumping a load of “heavy” disclosures regarding the the human sex-trafficking, baby farms and human experimentation worthy of the Nazi’s could put some people in the psyche ward. The gradual, controlled release via familiar news sources on the other hand, while shocking, stands a better chance of breaking through the trance. The scripted portrayals could also be used to embed coded messages to other members of the White Hat alliance and confuse their adversaries.
To clarify, the assumption here is that the term, “movie” does not imply the events being portrayed are purely fabrications. Presumably, the movie portrays particular situations and events that have occurred in the past or likely would befallen the nation in the future under the Cabal.
Believing is seeing (rather than “Seeing is believing”)
One can imagine that this is a massive production with a cast of thousands and worthy off the Greatest Show on Earth descriptor. This reality TV type of movie is playing to very different audiences of individuals at different stages in their awakening journey. The unaware perceive familiar faces on their screens, figures like Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Benjamin Netanyahu, King Charles, Kate Middleton, Vladimir Zelensky and others. And presumably, rapturous MAGA fans attending Trump’s pre-election rallies perceived their beloved Donald Trump. To this audience things have some semblance of familiarity and normalcy.
A much smaller audience consisting of Q-followers and patriots, however, observing the same footage perceives these same figures as avatars or stand-ins for the originals. The stand-ins may be body doubles/actors wearing high tech CIA-calibre masks, CGI-generated images or even clones playing their scripted roles. The Elon Musk character has, for example, been referred to by at least one truther as Elon Mask. (The original is said to have been removed by the White Hats because of his evil intentions.)
Patriot analysts have been distinguishing between the replacements and originals on the basis of differences in hairlines, ear attachment, height, eye colour, eyebrows, facial shape, teeth jaw lines and other physical features. On occasion, it appears that the cameras are helping them detect anomalies in the fakes by lingering on the exposed edge of a mask or an unnatural brow wrinkle in the surface of the Joe Biden mask for example. So, why can’t both audiences observe the same physical realities and agree on what’s “real”? It’s a good question. Robertson Davies answered it with a corollary of the Marshall McLuhan quote above: “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” Put another way, incredulous members of the public aren’t prepared to comprehend the White Hat Q narrative.
Winks to the Anons and clues for the sleeping
The Anons have been given other types of “winks” (beyond the exposed masks) on many occasions. Consider that on one occasion, a version of Hilary Clinton exited public view and returned about 30 minutes later looking significantly younger and in better health that the apparent original. More recently, a version of Joe Biden disappeared from public view and returned several days later standing about five or so inches taller than his predecessor. Some anomalies are more than little hints that we’re watching a movie; some are bold statements to those paying attention. For example, military observers informed truthers that Joe Biden’s 2020 inauguration ceremony was actually a funeral ceremony.
Seeming Freudian slips are another kind of “wink”. Do you think a suspected criminal member of Congress would actually hint at her own guilt as the Maxine Waters character did with this loaded statement: “The people of this country are being violated because all of our privacy is being taken by Elon Musk and Trump, and we don’t know what they have on us.”
The script writer was dropping a clue for dozy Dems with the “don’t know what they have on us”line.
“All the world’s a stage”
Consider just how confusing the picture has become for the observer trying to make sense of it all. There are/were reportedly four Biden characters operating out of a fake White House, and three or more Donald Trumps portraying the former candidate and the president. And to make things even more confusing, one alt media source has reported that the dark side operated it’s own version of Donald Trump in order to discredit the real one. I wonder if that’s the one that encouraged the satanic Netanyahu to “finish the job” in Gaza. Or, could it be the Trump that saluted the contribution of Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer to a chorus of boos?
It seems that the level of deception and complexity of the theatrics is greater than even some Q followers might suspect. A few months ago, White Hat ally, Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi of Australia, commented as follows:
“There is a world-wide conflict being fought — a coalition of just about every nation on the planet has been actively involved in this. The Black Hat leadership has been removed. Sometimes the Black Hats are being controlled by White Hats, believe it or not.”
If the latter statement is true, Shakespeare’s “All the world’s a stage” has never been more descriptive than it is now. It leads me to conclude that the most tyrannical extremes of some governments are a part of the movie script intended to show the world how bad things were about to become under globalist Cabal governance. I read of people being arrested in the UK for praying silently in proximity to abortion clinics for example. I’m now attributing such Orwellian measures to White Hat orchestration — an attempts to arouse and mobilize pussified and passive UK citizens.
A moving movie
As questionable as it may sound to skeptics, the movie method appears to be working, I regularly read first hand accounts of individuals jarred from their state of hypnosis by the abuses of their once-preferred political party. Some attribute their epiphanies to the attempted assassination of President Trump. I’m happy for them, even if it took a staged event to trigger their awakening. Will they be forgiving of the movie’s producers when they learn the truth? I don’t know.
I say this because the efforts made by the security staff to herd Trump off the stage a the Pennsylvania campaign rally were Keystone Cop grade. Clearly the emphasis was on capturing a dramatic moment. It generated a post-card perfect photo op. Somehow, Trump not only dodges the bullet, but he also manages to thrust his arm in the air triumphantly in defiance and shout “fight, “fight” Fight” with the US flag in the background. That said, I suspect the event was designed to represent a host of earlier attempts on Trump’s life. Again, it’s seemingly a case of the White Hats attempting to show, versus tell.
The continuing war is real however. Journalist, Robert Fulford has informed subscribers that, according to his sources, the recent helicopter crash was a Black Hat hit that took out a Trump double.)
And the Oscar goes to …
If I had to pick an obvious “movie” moment on Canadian turf, I’d nominate the standing ovation “Nazi” moment in Canadian parliament during a Zelensky visit. What Nazi-leaning government in the real world, including the Canadian Liberal government, would put its public image in such jeopardy? This was in my view a White Hat directed public humiliation ritual deigned to exposure the government’s true colours to sleeping Canadians.
It appears that a similar exercise, perhaps for the same purpose, was recently conducted in Denmark. See: “Danish politicians give standing ovation to member of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi unit” below. Really? What Danish politician would of his or her own free will would publicly applaud a Ukrainian Nazi soldier as Putin prepares to hold war crimes tribunals?
I suspect that the recent public row in the Oval Office between Trump and Vance with the harried Zelensky is a staged drama designed to further advance the plot. One reason for my suspicion is because a White Hat ally informed listeners that the original Zelensky was replaced with a mask-wearing actor. The second is that no politician with half a brain would expose him or herself to the public in such a negative light under normal circumstances. Thirdly, the set up was a classic bad-guy-good guys scenario. The public was presented with the “good guy” hosts looking dignified in suits and ties being harangued by a rude “bad guy” in his casual Friday khaki pants and sweater.
The scene is really a public statement to the effect: “The US is done with the war in Ukraine. and you, President Zelensky, so don’t let the door knob hit your butt on the way out. The scenesimultaneously elevates Tump and Vance to the lofty heights of humanitarian peace-seekers. Footnote: All three characters in this “skit” if is is that, were/are professional actors.
What about Canada’s glorious leader,, Justin Trudeau? Back in the days of the fake pandemic, Canadian patriots read in alt media sources that their PM — the original — had been fitted with an electronic ankle bracelet around the time he reportedly got Covid and replaced with a body double. One alt media journalist describes the current Trudeau considered to be the replacement as the “gap tooth” Trudeau.
It should be said in passing that the frequent references to public figures “testing positive for Covid” in the 2021-23 period was described to patriot audiences at the time as a coded message indicating that the individual in question had been arrested. In the case of the original “Trudeau the Terrible”, it appears that his political career may have ended between 2021 and 2022.
The last five years have taught us that the tools and technologies of deception are such that the Powers-the Be can not only manufacture news from nothing, but it can also control the level of truth content and the timing of its release. Thus, the general public often learns of significant events long after they have occurred. Why is the timing of information release controlled. There are multiple reasons. One reason may be to wait until the public would be more receptive to it (and not riot in the streets). Another reason for managing the timing of publication is to coordinate it it other developments central in a movie script intended to deceive either or both friends and enemies. For example, patriots have been informed that the original Pope and Prince Charles respectively, left this world some time ago and were replaced with actors. (The Charles replacement seriously falls short of a “look-alike”.)
This time lag between the hard “real” reality and the movie edition given to the public is a further source of confusion for observers. (more on that to follow).
If we are to believe the patriot narrative, we would have to agree it’s an epic world wide production encapsulating world-shaking and world-shaping events of enormous import. We may think it’s far-fetched. But the concept of using a show with actors to capture the attention of a subject isn’t new. Recall that Shakespeare’s Hamlet said:
“The play’s the thing wherein I’ll capture the conscience of the King.” A White Hat paraphrase would be; “The play’s the thing wherein weI’ll awaken the consciousness of the public.” In which case, if successful, it likely would be considered the Greatest Show on Earth.
Next: Through the fog: Canada in the next world order
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