Peak cognitive dissonance and the end of innocence Part 2

Calvin Mulligan, Futurescapes.caOctober 23, rev. Oct 28, 30, 2024 (c) All rights reserved

“…society can only absorb paradigm change at a certain rate without breaking down.” (Martin Geddes)

When the news comes out…you will feel untethered like there is no gravity any more and you’ve got nothing to hold on to any more and you’re just spinning in space.. That’s when you…pray.” (Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi)


There’s a famous saying attributed to Edmond Burke that’s being cited with some regularity these days. It’s: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing.” I wish an understanding of this wisdom had been impressed on my generation of Baby Boomers. If it had been, perhaps our country and the world at large wouldn’t find themselves in the precarious position they now find themselves. The more important question however, is “Why? Why do good men and women do nothing in the face of rampant evil?”

Part 1. of this article suggests that cognitive dissonance (CD) — the mental discomfort associated with confronting unpleasant or “painful” truths, is one reason why evil goes unchecked. I’ve attempted to illustrate the constraining influence of CD, likening its effect to an encounter with an electric fence. The fact that we tend to retreat from the shock of “the fence” to the familiarity of our worldview, gives the dark forces operating beyond its boundaries a tremendous advantage.

Essentially, our stay-at-home timidity and respect for fences allows evil-doers to do their dirty business unchallenged. My question: Isn’t it time that good men and women learned to manage their psychology and confront the greatest existential threat to humanity?

Part 2

My general response to the question posted in Part 1 is that good men and women are unprepared and ill-equipped, mentally emotionally and spiritually to address the great evils of our time. I’ve focused in particular on the inhibiting effect of the cognitive dissonance that results when we venture beyond our comfort zone. Consider how Mr. X., my mall acquaintance, struggled to accept the reality that the world-stopping pandemic was really a propagandemic (c).

So, how would he react to the possibility that many other features of the world he thought he inhabited were also fabrications? Would the truth trauma trigger a mental breakdown? And if this is a real possibility for people like Mr. X, how large a segment of our population is at risk given the possibility we’re about to be hit with a flood of dark truths? Finally, what can be done to mitigate the impact of this flood on ordinary people not wanting to be pulled into the vortex?

Weighty disclosures incoming

My read of what coming is an intense period of “heavy” disclosures. The promise of this era is that if we can weather this storm of revelations, we also get to create something far better. As my grandmother used to say, “Forewarned is forearmed” (prepared). The onus was on me, or course, to take the necessary precautions. Toward the goal of a more prepared public, I’m providing a starter list of establishment narratives, beliefs and paradigms that are unravelling or exhibiting clear signs of decay. Some are in earlier stages of decay and some are eroding more slowly than others. Five years from now, many will be recalled as “the way it used to be”. Our world — our reality is shifting beneath our feet.

I have a few disclaimers regarding the items on the list. While it came together in a few minutes, I’ve had an eye on some for decades. My feelings about any of these is a different matter and not the subject of this mental conditioning exercise. Those who habitually ignore developments in the margins and rely on mainstream media for their “news” may regard many of these developments as remote or unlikely. They may be triggered. And that’s precisely the issue at hand. The spell of narratives reinforced by officialdom since childhood can be very powerful, and that’s precisely what the dark magicians intended. So to these folks, I say today’s so-called conspiracy theories have a track record of becoming tomorrow’s conventional wisdom (the stuff “everyone knows.”)

The following prevailing narratives, paradigms and related systems are being increasingly exposed to the “sunlight” of new information and eroding, or in other cases approaching expiry.

  • The conventional wisdom regarding the identity of “the Jews” and their history, biblical “Israel” and “semites”;
  • The “anti-semite” trick;
  • The official Covid Pandemic narrative;
  • The era of Zionist-Jewish supremacy;
  • The Zionist-Nazi-Khazarian control of US Congress and management of the American Empire;
  • Zionist influence on Christian doctrine;
  • The governing influence of the Vatican on its constituent churches and the world;
  • The Rockefeller big pharma-medical complex and allopathic medical model;
  • The current version of the earth’s history;
  • The current version of World War II and the Hitler narrative;
  • The “wag the dog” control the State of Israel currently exercises over America and the American mind;
  • The NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) Alliance;
  • FEMA;
  • The heavily promoted “climate crisis” narrative (spoiler alert: there isn’t one);
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
  • The popular understanding of “climate” and “weather” (as climate geo-engineering and weather warfare become common knowledge);
  • The current Illuminati-run wealth extraction system that keeps both the “developed” and “developing” countries in a perpetual state of debt slavery (See Confessions of an Economic Hitman);
  • The official narrative concerning the role of intel agencies (as their complicity in drug, child trafficking and other dark enterprises become known);
  • The censorship industrial complex, including the means whereby big telecoms manipulate election outcomes;
  • The sex compromise control complex that governs the political and entertainment establishment;
  • the Russian “invasion” story as Nazi-controlled Ukraine’s role in world wide human trafficking, child farming, money laundering, organ trafficking and bioweapons development is revealed;
  • Our current understanding of the causes of conflict and war;
  • The “Holocaust Industry” (as Norm Finkelstein calls it) and the deceptions of the “Six Million Jews” Holocaust narrative;
  • The official silence regarding the history of government-alien interactions and influence of non-humans and hybrids in world affairs;
  • Corporate government and its “ownership” and monetization of human life; and
  • The current view of the bible as “intact” as documents from Vatican archives are unearthed revealing edits.

There are numerous other prevailing paradigms which could be added to the list of eroding Establishment “givens.” The shorthand summation is the matrix of lies that we’ve mistaken for reality is collapsing.

The most painful of revelations?

One of the biggest migraine-inducing revelations is developing just beyond the awareness of the mainstream. It’s the emerging reality of global child trafficking, satanic ritual child abuse and adrenochrome harvesting. A meme circulating in the freedom community reads, “When the truth about child sex trafficking and Satanic pedos reaches the masses, it’s over.”

Why haven’t these dark secrets already penetrated mainstream consciousness? Apart from the repelling effect of our CD, the the walls of censorship, corruption and public denial are thick. And, at least some members of the pretorian guard protecting the perpetrators remain on duty. That aside, the stories and gut-wrenching personal testimonies are now leaking into mainstream media (See End Notes. Comment).

First there was Jeffrey Epstein, then Harvey Weinstein and now P. Diddy Combs’ recent arrest. These industries are globally networked, so we’re just glimpsing the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Watch the dot-connection unfold as the ripples extend to the UK and beyond. It will become impossible to contain all the whistleblower testimony, victim statements and hard evidence. This Humpty Dumpty will have a great fall.

Beware falling icons

We’ve all been shaken at times by painful truths. Remember when you learned that the charming politician you repeatedly voted for had been found guilty of criminal activity? Or, perhaps you were among those who discovered a US megachurch pastor your spouse generously supported was a slobbering fan of the genocidal Benjamin Netanyahu (real story). Or your CD headache might have followed the discovery that your trusted family doctor was more committed to vaxx peddling for profit than you health. It hurt and you felt betrayed, right? Coming revelations will induce truth shocks several orders more powerful than the above. And given that many are likely to bombard us simultaneously, you could liken it to an avalanche. Trusted icons — people and organizations that you admired, loved, supported and celebrated will fall.

Epstein compromise operations exploiting honey pots and children have reduced many elected politicians to mindless puppets. While I have read that as many as 60% of US Congress members are compromised, it could be higher. The sexual compromise-blackmail control system explains a lot of mysteries. Have you ever wondered why Israel can do no wrong in the eyes of the US Congress — genocide included? Have you ever wondered why US Congressman, Lindsay Graham so predictably encourages the US war machine to bomb Russian, Iran or some other favourite enemy of Washington’s neocons?

There’s a reason big names in the entertainment industry, politics, the clergy, major league sports and the corporate world are nervous these days. Didn’t Edward Snowden tell us the NSA has a record of all our communication (every phone call, text message, email etc). And if it doesn’t, Wikileaks and disenchanted insiders can fill in the blanks. Now we know why powerful people are censoring us and manufacturing “shock and awe” level distractions. The truth will end careers, destroy reputations, deplete fortunes and unleash a sh*t storm of public outrage and law suits.

The accused in turn will deny, threaten, bargain, play the victim, plead and blame others. And finally, those that are able, will run to their private hidey holes prepared for such occasions. Ultimately, despite the corruption in the policing and justice systems, all the elite’s high-paid publicists, press agents, fixers and other professional deniers won’t be able to plug all the holes in the dam. A world of painful truth is coming. But no one is exempt from the material and emotional chaos that will follow.

Becoming “untethered”

How will ordinary people, so-called “normies”, react to the collapse of their worldview in the wake of coming revelations? Logically, those most deeply attached to our fake reality will be most traumatized by its collapse. And those who have become increasingly wary will be more resilient. That said, even those who have seen a truth train coming will be impacted. There’s likely to be a general sense of lostness compounded by inner emotional turmoil.

Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi (Australia) describes how many are likely to feel adrift in the wake of coming revelations.

When the news comes out…you will feel untethered like there is no gravity any more and you’ve got nothing to hold on to any more and you’re just spinning in space…”

English author and information war analyst, Martin Geddes warns there’s “heartbreak” ahead. Geddes says:

“My own sense is that the heartbreak ahead, as the truth of corruption is completely exposed, will test the spirit of everyone…”

Perhaps the most challenging thing we will face post-disclosures will be coming to terms with our complicity in the current degraded state of affairs we find ourselves in. How many times did we ridicule those who pointed to cracks in the matrix or suggested that the goods that the Establishment was selling us weren’t “as advertised”? How many time did we remain comatose on the couch when others tried to rouse us to action? And how many times did we pander and posture because we wanted to appear “tolerant” when we should defended a critical line in the sand?

Personal conditioning for chaotic times

I’ve made a list of some personal prescriptions I’ve applied over the years in order to come to terms with challenging truths and manage the CD headaches they can bring. It’s not too late to begin applying this conditioning process. It may help you develop greater clarity and resilience for a time when many will become “untethered.”

  1. Venture outside your comfort zone on a regular basis in an effort to develop a more expansive and flexible worldview.
  2. Take personal inventory and confirm that your moral and relational anchors are grounded in reality.
  3. Recognize the “zap” of cognitive dissonance as a sign your mind may need to breathe. It may be time to take a break or a walk outdoors, play with a pet, speak with a friend or play some relaxing background music to ease the headache.
  4. Critically reflect on those ideas and claims at the edgeon a regular basis absent any pressure to decide their merit or veracity in the moment.
  5. Practice default skepticism regarding the output of the propaganda machine. Disconnect from MSM and replace its with independent sources of information.
  6. Pray, seeking protection from evil and the courage to confront it.
  7. Accept your humanity and that of others as a fact of life and practice forgiveness for failures (yours and others).
  8. Adopt an overarching God-view of the world and humanity; it’s a means to becoming more compassionate.
  9. Practice self-care in an era of what English author, Martin Geddes calls “moral insanity” (This includes getting enough sleep and eating well).
  10. Hold the moral line as best you can discern it (the distinction between dark and light is becoming clearer).
In conclusion…

It should be clear by now that the “bliss” that comes with ignorance — self-imposed or otherwise — is temporary at best. Ultimately, a “see-no-evil”, “eyes-wide-shut” protective disposition regarding harsh realities fails to protect us as individuals or our fellow human beings. Paradoxically, it protects the very forces we fear from the sunlight of public exposure. And that darkness enables our adversaries to advance their evil agenda relatively unhindered. Thus, our delicacy — our fear of the dark has made us complicit in bringing about our own captivity.

Our liberation requires a mass awakening. Implicitly, to be awake is to know the darkness, not just the light. The veil is lifting. Ready or not, big disclosures are flooding our way. And for the first time in a long time, we must face deeply disturbing truths regarding how our world really works. If there ever was a time to shine a light in the darkness, this is it!

Inspiration: Go Light Your World (Kathy Trocolli, Youtube),vid:CVqR6kTu8lE,st:0

End notes

Google still stacking deck: buries right-leaning news on presidential coverage three weeks before election

Vaxxed versus unvaxed study done by pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas whose license was taken away after releasing this study

Turbo cancer to Covid vaccines DNA fragments; Australia local government voted jab’s suspension

New paper shows staff Covid vaccination was associated with increased mortality in nursing home residents!

Pfizer CEO facing life in prison for lying to billions about Covid vaccines

Slovak government report calls for ban of ‘dangerous mRNA vac

The Pfizer papers; Pfizer’s crimes against humanity

Slovak government report calls for ban of ‘dangerous mRNA vaccines

Canadian doctors reveal regret over euthanizing patients who were simply obese or poor

The true lesson of October 7 is that Israel cannot be reformed

More on Israel atrocities

How Israel killed hundreds of hits own people on Oct 7

Bibi starts Christian massacre in Lebanon after Muslim ones in Gaza

“Netanyahu, you’re a modern King David!” US Baptist preacher said

The missing “parasite” piece falls into place in the big picture puzzle

You cannot win a ministry of reconciliation

Confessions of an Economic Hitman (3rd ed)

P. Diddy and the Elite’s satanic ritual sex and pedophile ring

Survivor of occult ritual abuse accuses Hillary Clinton, alleges Tom Hanks is a pedophile

Diddygate explodes: FBI seizes snuff tape showing JZ and Beyonce ‘sacrificing children’

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs accused of raping 13 year old with two other celebrities at VMA’s after party: ‘Crazed look in his eyes’

A covert weather war explodes across America

The matrix is collapsing as pedophile blackmail and weather warfare become mainstream

Kanye West sued by former assistant, accused or drugging and raping her at a studio session with Sean “Diddy” combs

Abercrombie and Fitch Ex-CEO arrested in Florida on Sex Trafficking charges

Hollywood scandal: Three A-list celebrities allegedly featured in sex tapes with Diddy, claims attorney

Hollywood scandal: Three A-list celebrities allegedly featured in sex tapes with Diddy, claims attorney

Billionaire music manager finally jailed on sex trafficking and racketeering indictment

A covert weather war explodes across America

Manmade superstorm Helene: How UN Agendas 21 and 2030 facilitate disaster capitalism land grabs

More proof Milton geoengineered and weaponized

Getting Dybbuked can ruin your day

Kay Griggs (Wikispooks)

Moral insanity is exhausting

Live press conference Assistant Police Chief Shawn Taylor, YouTube, October 15, 2024–oct-15-2024-juan-o-savin-w-jmc-time-to-strap-in-and-expect-chaos.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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