Easter Reflections on the Inspiration of Boody Hills, Higher Love and the Contrarian Spirit of Defiant Truthers and Patriots

Easter Reflections on the Inspiration of Bloody Hills, Higher Love and the Contrarian Spirit of Defiant Truthers and Patriots

Calvin Mulligan (c), Futurescapes21C, March 30, 2024 rev April 4, 2024. All rights reserved

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. — Thomas Jefferson

At one point in a forty years career serving the agriculture industry, I took a brief side tour, joining the Strategy unit of a provincial department of Highways and Transportation. It was an interesting departure from the ag industry that offered an insider view of department policy and operations. Perhaps one of the most intriguing incidental learnings at the time concerned how highway intersections were prioritized for safety redesigns and upgrades given the constraints of limited department budgets. I recall a veteran employee telling me that the Department maintained a “Top Ten” list of problematic intersections based on the number (and perhaps severity) of the accidents that had occurred in a given period at particular locations.

My rough translation was simply the “bloodier” the accident record of a particular intersection, the higher it would be prioritized for an upgrade in the near future. It was, I suppose, a logical means of prioritizing needed design improvements in the interest of traffic safety. But it nonetheless struck me as representative of a different kind of “economy”. I began wondering about other instances where positive changes had to be purchased in the currency of human life. I subsequently returned to my natural home and employment in the ag industry, but I continued to ponder the significance of the “blood-for-change” economy operating in parallel with our material money-for-things” economy.

As a long-time Christian, I am familiar of course, with the transactional element of the Easter story being celebrated this weekend. Put simply, it’s that Christ’s sacrificial death was the one-time price required to free human souls from spiritual darkness. (No, nothing to do with chocolate eggs and bunnies). But I didn’t fully appreciate the extent to which transactions of this nature shaped history and contributed to our lives in the 21st century.

History is replete of course with stories of bloody revolutions fought in the name of freedom from from tyranny. In fact, Thomas Jefferson, in the opening quote, conveys the idea that blood-for-liberty exchanges are a “given” — a necessary price to pay. It’s often said that “freedom isn’t free.” No, it seems to me that in terms of the expenditure of human life, our freedoms are pretty high priced. And yet, so many of those same cherished freedoms have been squandered in recent years by traitorous politicians. The loss is incalculable.

Jefferson couldn’t have foreseen the specific nature of the current globalist war on humanity, but he would have recognized the life-for-liberty equation in it. Today, I have a much better grasp of the truth behind Jefferson’s sentiment as a result of my being enmeshed in this struggle. The last four years have been particularly instructive, giving me a deeper appreciation of the true value of liberty. They have  clarified the foundational nature of truth for a nation or a society. Once truth is extinguished, a plunge into darkness and captivity is inevitable.

The last four years have also helped me grasp the magnitude of what younger generations risk losing. Among the priceless things at stake is the freedom or space to think and express one’s thoughts freely in the exchange of ideas in the public square. In introducing the Online Harms Act bill in the House of Common in February, the current government has demonstrated its distain for this essential freedom. John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, describes Bill C-63 as “the worst assault on free speech in modern Canadian history.”

The fascist flavour of the current government administration aside, the willingness of individual’s to engage in the struggle and put life and liberty on the line tells us something. It may one of the best measures of human greatness, and implicitly, love for humanity. Christian scripture says: “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13). This theme echoes in the plot of Charles Dickens’, A Tale of Two Cities” (1859) set against the backdrop of the French revolution.

The most gripping thread in the story concerns the decision by a somewhat jaded lawyer, Sydney Carton, to trade places with his doppelganger and friend, Charles Darnay. Darnay was about to be executed by the French regime, so Carton’s ploy, while resulting in his execution, would enable his friend to live out a full life with his wife and child. At the end of the story, Carton has a prophetic vision in which he affirms: “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”

Simply reflecting on acts of selflessness, those of Christ or even that of the fictional Sydney Carton, can be spiritually up-lifting and re-energizing. It’s a vital therapy for people enduring suffocating tyranny as we are. I was inspired by this same kind of selflessness when I met other grandparents at my first freedom rally on Parliament Hill in 2017. Many Baby Boomers attending freedom rallies explain their presence by saying they are “here” for their kids, grandkids and their successors.

It was probably that same year that I watched an  interview with a senior Australian citizen who was to be arrested by the Australian Stazi. Before his arrest, “Mr. Aussie”, a Christian, had wondered how he should respond to the petty thugs that would be coming to arrest him for the fabricated crime of protesting grotesque government lockdown measures. He concluded that he would provide civil, straightforward answers to their questioners. His gentle demeanour aside, this patriot’s commitment to the cause of human freedoms was uncompromising. This was the proverbial “hill” Mr. Aussie was prepared to die on if it came to that. Immediately, I knew that I’d found found a kindred spirit in the man, a timely encouragement in a very dark chapter of our history.

Mr. Aussie is not alone. More than one courageous national leader paid the ultimate price for defending his people and revealing the Covid-vaxx truth (including at least three African presidents). Tens of thousands of honest doctors and scientists around the world have put objective scientific truth and medical integrity above status, high paying jobs and cash bonuses. Thousands of employees have said “no thanks” to the frequently injurious and in far too many cases debilitating jab. Mainstream media is suppressing the news, but millions of ordinary people have already confronted, and continue to confront national, provincial and municipal politicians and state-compliant employers with the message: “enough — we will not comply”! 

Our numbers have been growing even as the tyranny intensified. Millions of people world-wide refuse to bow to the Satanic Khazarian gods or defer to their minions at the WEF, the UN, the World Bank, the WHO, the CDC and other globalist-run institutions. The latest battlefront is agriculture and food. Thousands of farmers across Europe are in open revolt against their governments’ ag and food policies as I write. And this past week, a young employee in the US State Department, Annelle Sheline, determined that her “hill” was the US government’s continued enabling of war atrocities in Gaza and resigned from her job. She subsequently gave a CNN interview on her decision at the behest of her former colleagues feeling similar pangs of conscience, but wary of the risks asscoaited with speaking up.

Today, 165 years after the book’s publication, the opening lines of Dickens’, A Tale of Two Cities, are remarkably descriptive of the dissonant polarities of our time. Dickens wrote:

“It was the best of time, it was the worst of time, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair….”

I never would have thought it possible until now, but this era simultaneously embodies all of the above. Which of these duelling realities is our reality in 2024? To a large extent, it may be a matter of our own choosing. I’m inspireed by the example of a young Belgian politician named Dries Van Langenhove, a patriot who was recently sentenced to a year in jail. According to his Pharisaical  accusers, his crime was being a member of a group chat that indiulged in “racist” and “denialist” memes. And while Dries didn’t send them, he was judged to have not done enough to stop them. Yes, that’s about as Orwellian as it gets. But Van Langenhove is far from despairing. He may even see some type of victory in his situation.

American Renaissance reports concerning Van Langenhove: “Despite government persecution, financial penalties, threats from antifa, and furious media hatred, he gave a speech at the last American Renaissance conference called: ‘This is the Greatest Time to Be Alive.’ He said ‘Our ancestors are watching us, and I want to make my ancestors proud.’ ‘I want to continue their legacy. I am just like they were, prepared to give my life for our people and our future.’

Inevitably, some of our compatriots have become weary and disheartened as the Globalists’ intensifying war on humanity continues. I trust they will find fresh hope in Easter’s theme of spiritual liberation and new encouragement in the example of Mr. Aussie, Annelle Sheline and Dries Van Langenhove. Van Langenhove’s declaration bears repeating: This is The Greatest Time to be Alive. I agree. I can’t think of a better time to do, in Sydney Carton’s terms, that far far better thing than we have ever done. So help me God.

— Calvin

End notes

The Jefferson Monticello


A Tale of Two Cities


The worst assault on free speech in modern Canadian history, John Carpay, Western Standard, March 1, 2014


Belgium should be ashamed


Opinion: Why I’m resigning from the State Department (by Annelle Sheline)


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